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Question about $n$ random points in a regular polygon, and a limiting probability

Suppose we choose $n$ uniformly random points in a disk, then draw the smallest circle that encloses all of those points. There is evidence suggesting that the probability that the enclosing circle is ...
Dan's user avatar
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Lengths and additive invariants which preserve positivity

The length of a module is well-known to be an additive invariant of finite-length modules. That is, if $R$ is a ring and $Art(R)$ its category of finite-length modules, then $length : Ob (Art(R)) \to \...
Tim Campion's user avatar
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Universal cover of the configuration space of points on surface

Let $S$ be a closed oriented surface and $C(S, n)$ be the configuration space of $n$ points on $S$, i.e., the space of $n$-tuples of distinct points of $S$ with the topology induced from $S^n$. Let $V ...
Roman's user avatar
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When can an affine functional on the dual be represented as an element of a Banach space?

In Measures Which Agree on Balls by Hoffmann-Jørgenson, we are given a functional $\varphi: T(x_0)\to (-\infty, \infty]$, which is a lower semicontinuous, affine, Baire function on a subspace $T(x_0)$ ...
i like math's user avatar
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An open problem about simple Noetherian rings

The following is a well-known open problem in ring theory (see, for instance, Goodearl, Warfield, 'An introduction to noncommutative Noetherian rings, Appendix, Problem 19) Question: Let $R$ be a left ...
jg1896's user avatar
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Expositions of the classical approach to local class field theory (Brauer group and Hasse invariant)

I've posted this question already on MSE and didn't get much out of it, so I hope it's OK to repost here. I'm an undergraduate trying to learn local class field theory from the corresponding chapter ...
St. Barth's user avatar
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Does there exist a faithful exact embedding of $D^b(\dim(N)) \to D^b(\dim(N-1))$

$\DeclareMathOperator\Hom{Hom}$I am trying to show that if $X,Y$ are nice schemes with $\dim(X) > \dim(Y)$ there is no faithful FM transform $\Phi_{K}: D^b(X) \to D^b(Y)$. Does someone have a proof ...
user135743's user avatar
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Abscissa of convergence of the $\tau$ Dirichlet series

Define the $\tau$ Dirichlet series $L$ by $$L(s)=\sum_{n=1}^\infty \frac{\tau (n)}{n^s}$$ where $\tau$ is defined by $$q\prod_{n=1}^\infty (1-q^n)^{24}=\sum_{n=1}^\infty \tau (n)q^n$$ where $|q|\lt 1$....
Nomas2's user avatar
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Matrices and vectors of intervals

I'm working on a project and think that matrices and vectors of intervals will be useful. I'm aware about interval arithmetic, but there is little information on the internet, regarding matrices and ...
Paul R's user avatar
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Does this pseudo-holomorphic triangle contribute to the product $\mu_2$ in Lagrangian Floer cohomology?

I'm computing the product map $$\mu_2 : CF(L_0,V)\otimes CF(V,L_1)\to CF(L_0,L_1)$$ in Seidel's exact triangle for this specific case: This is a genus 2 surface, and I color-coded the three (...
Riccardo's user avatar
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In a weak factorization system, the left class is left cancellative iff the right class is what?

Let $\mathcal K$ be a locally presentable category, and let $(\mathcal L, \mathcal R)$ be a cofibrantly-generated weak factorization system thereon. We say that $\mathcal L$ is left cancellative if $...
Tim Campion's user avatar
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Prime divisors of $p^n-1$, primitive prime divisors

Let $p,q,t_1,t_2$ be distinct prime numbers and let $$k=\frac{p^{qt_1t_2}-1}{p^q-1}.$$ Suppose that $\gcd(k,qt_1t_2)=1$. Is there any reason that $k$ is divisible by at least $7$ distinct prime ...
Pablo Spiga's user avatar
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Optimal perfect matchings in magic squares

Question: what is known about minimum/maximum weight perfect matchings in magic squares with or without special properties like e.g. being pandiagonal? I am especially interested minimal/maximal ...
Manfred Weis's user avatar
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On 'special' points on uniform planar convex regions defined in terms of moment of inertia

The following can be easily proved using perpendicular axes theorem and intermediate value theorem: Lemma: Given any uniform planar convex region $C$ and any point on it, $P$, there will be at least ...
Nandakumar R's user avatar
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conjecture for general form of minimax estimator

I had previously posed an overly ambitious version of this conjecture here, Form of minimax estimator, which was quickly shot down by Václav Voráček (on twitter) and Iosif Pinelis (MO answer in the ...
Aryeh Kontorovich's user avatar
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Does every proximal dynamical system have zero topological entropy?

A dynamical system is proximal if $$\:\forall (x,y) \in X \times X, \: \liminf_{n \rightarrow \infty} d(f^{n}(x),f^{n}(y)) = 0 $$ (where $X$ is a compact metric space with metric $d$). Is it true that ...
Matej Moravik's user avatar
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Uniqueness of the $J$ invariant

It seems that The $J$ invariant is the unique modular function of weight zero for $\operatorname{SL}(2,\mathbb{Z})$ which is holomorphic away from a simple pole at the cusp such that $$J(e^{2\pi i/3})...
Nomas2's user avatar
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Are there $2^{\aleph_0}$ pairwise non-isomorphic countable groups containing every finite group?

Let us call a group $(G,\cdot)$ finitarily complete if $G$ is countable, and every finite group is isomorphic to a subgroup of $(G,\cdot)$. Is there a collection of $2^{\aleph_0}$ pairwise non-...
Dominic van der Zypen's user avatar
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Regularity of solution of $(-\Delta + w)f = 0$

I am studying the following Schrödinger equation: $$(-\Delta + w)f = 0$$ which represents a quantum state with zero energy. Here $w$ and $f$ are defined on $\mathbb{R}^{3}$. For simplicity, let us ...
MathMath's user avatar
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Two dimensional perfect sets

Consider the following family of sets $$ \begin{align*} \mathcal{F} = \{X\subseteq [0,1]\times [0,1] \mid \ &X \text{ is closed and }\\& \forall x \in \pi_0 (X) (\{y \in [0,1] \mid (x,y) \in ...
Lorenzo's user avatar
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The $n$-th reproducing kernel of orthogonal polynomial

Let $N$ be a non negative integer. Define the sequence of monic orthogonal polynomials $\{P_n(x)\}_{n}$ with respect to the inner product $$ \langle f , g\rangle =\sum^{N}_{k=0}{f(k)g(k)\rho(k)} $$ ...
Karim's user avatar
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Transitivity axiom for a Grothendieck Topology

I am currently trying to define a Grothendieck Topology on the category Prob which consists of finite probability spaces with measure preserving maps between them. I declared the covering sieves of an ...
Maat's user avatar
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Injection of Catalan objects into 3-connected planar graphs

Let $C_n = \frac{1}{n+1}\binom{2n}{n}$ be the $n$-th Catalan number, counting, for example, the number of (rooted) triangulations of the $(n+2)$-gon. Let $P_n$ be the number of three-connected planar ...
Martin Rubey's user avatar
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Inflation-restrction sequence for maximal $S$-ramified extension

Let $K$ be a number field. Let $G_K$ be an absolute Galois group of $K$. Let $M$ be a $G_K$-module and $L/K$ be a finite extension. There is a inflation-restriction exact sequence, $0\to H^1(Gak(L/K), ...
Duality's user avatar
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Contracting a family of rational curves in a Calabi Yau threefold

Suppose we have a Calabi-Yau 3-fold $X$ (not necessarily compact, over $\mathbb{C}$) that contains a ruled surface over a smooth curve $C$ of genus $g$. I am using a strong definition of a ruled ...
Sungwoo's user avatar
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Examples of hyperbolic manifolds of dimension $\geq$ 3 with disjoint totally geodesic hypersurfaces

I am hoping to find examples of compact hyperbolic manifolds with at least 2 disjoint totally geodesic hypersurfaces. Ideally, I would like examples in dimension at least 4, though 3-dimensional ...
ಠ_ಠ's user avatar
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Solvable groups that are linear over $\mathbb{C}$ but not over $\mathbb{Q}$?

Let $\Gamma$ be a finitely generated finitely presented virtually solvable group. Assume that there exists an injective representation $\Gamma \to \operatorname{GL}_n(\mathbb{C})$. Is it true that ...
 V. Rogov's user avatar
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Using the von Neumann crossed product to introduce a measure on the orbit space?

Suppose we're given an action (possibly: ergodic) of a group G (say, $\mathbb{R}$) on a measure space $(X, \mu)$ (possibly: a standard probability space). Question: is there a natural way of using the ...
Stepan Plyushkin's user avatar
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Generalization of category algebra

Let $R$ be a commutative ring. Let $\mathcal C$ be a category that has finitely many objects. The category algebra $R[\mathcal C]$ of $\mathcal C$ consists of finite sums $\sum a_i f_i$, where $f_i$ ...
Hang's user avatar
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Why should we study the total complex?

Recall that for every double complex $C_{\bullet,\bullet}$, there is a canonical construction called the total complex $\operatorname{Tot}(C_{\bullet,\bullet})$ associated to it. This complex can be ...
mrtaurho's user avatar
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Are there natural isomorphisms $S^{(2,1)}(k^{m+1})\cong k^2\otimes W$?

In this popular 2019 MO question, user მამუკა ჯიბლაძე asked: The spaces $\operatorname{S}^2(k^n)$ and $\Lambda^2(k^{n+1})$ from the title have equal dimensions. Is there a natural isomorphism between ...
Alvaro Martinez's user avatar
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Squares in division ring extensions $\ell/k$ with $[\ell:k] = 2$

Let $k$ and $\ell$ be division rings such that $\ell$ contains $k$, and $[\ell : k] = 2$. When do I know that there is an element $a \in k$ such that $x^2 = a$ has solutions in $\ell$, but not in $k$?
THC's user avatar
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If a graph embedded on a surface is divided by a curve into a right and left that do not intersect can it be embedded on a surface of smaller genus?

Suppose we have a graph $G$ embedded on a (smooth, orientable etc) surface $Q$. Suppose there is a cycle $C$ of $G$ such that $C$ does not separate our surface $Q$ into two connected regions and ...
Hao S's user avatar
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What happens if I take a doubly-free simplicial abelian group?

Suppose that I have a simplicial set $X_\bullet$. I can take the free abelian group generated by $X_\bullet$, $\mathbb{Z}X_\bullet$. But then I can forget that this has an abelian group structure, ...
Inna's user avatar
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When are two elliptic curves with zero j invariant isogenous?

Consider elliptic curves of the form $E_B\colon y^2=x^3+B$ for $B\in\mathbb Q$. These are exactly the elliptic curves with zero $j$-invariant. I would like to know when are two elliptic curves $E_B$ ...
わくわく's user avatar
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Families of Galois representations over disks

Edit on Nov. 20, 2023. This question is answered below in the case that $0<r_i<1$. And indeed it is shown in the answers to not be an interesting question in that case. So please take all $r_i=1$...
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Density of subsequences in Bolzano-Weierstrass

Let $(M, d)$ be a metric space and $K$ compact. It is known that $K$ is sequentially compact, so we can "run" Bolzano-Weierstrass on it. I want to identify the set $\mathcal{F}$ of all ...
Daniel Goc's user avatar
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Irreducibility of an explicit complex projective variety

Let $Y\subset \mathbb P^n_\mathbb C$ be a subvariety defined by a series of homogeneous polynomials $f_1, \ldots, f_t$. Is there an effective way to determine the irreducibility of $Y$ as an algebraic ...
Pène Papin's user avatar
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Ratio of the constants of the Marcinkiewicz–Zygmund inequality for p=1

The Marcinkiewicz–Zygmund inequality states that $$ {\displaystyle A_{p}E\left(\left(\sum _{i=1}^{n}\left\vert X_{i}\right\vert ^{2}\right)_{}^{p/2}\right)\leq E\left(\left\vert \sum _{i=1}^{n}X_{i}\...
allsisyphus's user avatar
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Connections in non-commutative geometry

Let $K$ be a field, $A$ a unital associative $K$-algebra and $M$ a left $A$-module. A connection on $M$ is a $K$-linear map $\nabla:M\to \Omega^1A\otimes_AM$ which satisfies the Leibniz rule. ...
Qwert Otto's user avatar
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Can 2 coverages generate the same Grothendieck Topology if the category is large?

I am currently analyzing a category which is not small, but locally small. I have seen that any coverage on any small category $\mathcal{C}$ generates a unique Grothendieck Topology on $\mathcal{C}$ ...
Maat's user avatar
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Commutant of irrep of $S_n$ (over local field)

Let $k$ be a field of characteristic zero and let $(V, \rho)$ be a finite-dimensional representation over $k$ of the symmetric group $S_n$. I would like to understand the commutant $\operatorname{End}...
bsbb4's user avatar
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Critical points up to smooth homotopy

Let $M$ and $N $ be closed connected smooth manifolds of dimension $n$. Let $f: M\rightarrow N$ be a smooth function and not null-homotopic. Is there a smooth homotopy $H: [0,1]\times M\rightarrow N$ ...
GSM's user avatar
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How many non-orthogonal vectors fit into a complex vector space?

I am sitting on a problem, where I have a complex vector space of dimension $D$ and a set of normalized vectors $\{v_k\}$, $k\in\{1,2,\dots,N\}$ that are supposed to satisfy $$\lvert\langle v_j\vert ...
Philipp Strasberg's user avatar
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Can orientation preserving diffeomorphism in $\mathbb{R}^d$ be presented by flowmap of dynamical systems?

Because flowmaps are homeomorphic maps, I was wondering if there is any literature that proves that diffeomorphism $\Phi(x)$ can be expressed as a flowmap of a certain dynamical system? that is, does ...
li ang Duan's user avatar
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Is any globally-hyperbolic manifold conformally equivalent to one with complete slices?

Let $(M,g)$ be a globally-hyperbolic Lorentzian manifold. By the seminal work of Geroch and Bernal-Sánchez, we know that $$M=\mathbb{R}\times\Sigma,\,\,\,\quad g=-\beta^{2}dt^{2}+h_{t}$$ where $\Sigma$...
G. Blaickner's user avatar
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Hattori-Stallings trace

Let $R$ be a (possibly non-commutative) unital ring and $M$ be a left $R$-module. If $M$ is finitely generated and projective, the natural map $$\iota:\mathrm{Hom}_R(M,R)\otimes_R M\to \mathrm{Hom}_R(...
Qwert Otto's user avatar
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How can I evaluate the following sum?

While studying sequences and series, I came across summations of geometric series. I am able to derive the sum of a geometric progression and that of arithmetico–geometric sequence. But taking a step ...
RajaKrishnappa's user avatar
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Double q-analog of Pochhammer

Has the function $$(z;q_1,q_2)_\infty := \prod_{n_1,n_2=0}^\infty (1-z \, q_1^{n_1} q_2^{n_2}), \quad |q_1|,|q_2|<1$$ been studied in the math literature? For example, does it obey any difference ...
jj_p's user avatar
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The supermoduli space of supertori with odd spin structure and metaplectic group actions

I'm trying to understand the description of the supermoduli space of supertori with odd spin structure as a quotient of the super complex upper half plane $\mathbb{H}^{1|1}$. Such a description ...
domenico fiorenza's user avatar

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