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215 questions from the last 7 days
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Consistency of Sigma-V-2 uniformization with AD

Is ZF + AD consistent with: For every real $r$, every true $Σ^V_2(r)$ statement has a $Δ^V_2(r)$ example? DC is provable in ZF + every true $Σ^V_2$ statement has a $Δ^V_2$ example (i.e. witness). ...
Dmytro Taranovsky's user avatar
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Relationships between two stochastic matrices

Consider two $n \times n$ stochastic matrices $A$ and $B$. If for any two probability vectors $x$, $y$ in $R^n$, we have $xA=yA$ implies $xB=yB$, what can we say about the relationship of $A$ and $B$?
andy's user avatar
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Solving special multivariable limits by Euclidean geometry

General Problem: Inspect function $L(a)$ for $a\in \mathbb{R}^{n}$, given that: $$L(a)=\lim_{x\to 0_{+}}\frac{x^{a}}{F(x)}$$ Notation legends: $x=(x_1,\ldots,x_n),\ a=(a_1,...,a_n),\ x^a=x_{1}^{a_1}\...
Quý Nhân's user avatar
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Minimum number of sets for a union-closed sets conjecture counterexample

Let $\mathcal{F}$ be a family of $n$ finite sets. In this case, the family can be regarded as a multiset, since it is allowed to contain multiple instances of the same set. Let $U(\mathcal{F})$ be the ...
Fabius Wiesner's user avatar
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An algebraic group $G$ over $L^+$ such that $G_{\mathbb{R}}$ is compact for almost all embeddings

Does there exist a reductive group $G$ of type $E_7$ over a given totally real field $L^+$ such that for every embedding $\tau:L^+\to \mathbb{R}$ except one , $G_{\tau,\mathbb{R}}(\mathbb{R})$ is ...
ALi1373's user avatar
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Proving bound on expectation of likelihood ratio involving mixtures

Let $p$ be a Lebesgue density function with infinite support (i.e. $p(x)>0 \forall x\in \mathbb{R}$ and $\int p(x) dx = 1$). Moreover, assume that $p$ is even (i.e. $p(x) = p(-x)$) and unimodal: $p(...
ILoveMath's user avatar
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Fractal dimension using wavelets [closed]

I'm trying to estimate the fractal dimension of a function. I created the log(energies) Vs log(scales) plot and I'm computing the Fractal Dimension (D) from the slope using the relation $$ \alpha = -...
user38747's user avatar
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Zariski Connectedness Theorem: From Analytic & Topological Viewpoint

Let $p:Y \to X$ be a proper, flat (see later why) surjective map between smooth connected complex varieties $Y,X$, esp. $X$ unibranch. Assume that there exist a Zariski open (esp. dense) $U \subset X$ ...
user267839's user avatar
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Linear and non-linear intersection to solve ODE

Consider a linear operator $$L(u(t)) = \dfrac{d}{dt}u(t)+p(t)u(t)$$ for known function $p(t)$. It is well known the homogeneous equation $$L(u) = 0 ~~\text{or}~~\dfrac{d}{dt}u(t)+p(t)u(t)= 0$$ has ...
John Wayne's user avatar
-3 votes
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Exercise generalizing (related to) Hölder's inequality

I came across this exercise and feel absolutely stuck: Let $p, q, r \in (1, \infty]$ be such that $1/p + 1/q = 1 + 1/r$. Suppose that $F : \mathbb{R}^n \times \mathbb{R}^n \to \mathbb{R}$ satisfies ...
HZA's user avatar
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Quantitative multivariate CLT from quantitative CLT of linear combinations

Suppose $Z_1, \ldots, Z_k$ are random variables with mean $0$ and variance $1$ that are "approximately jointly Gaussian" in the sense that for any scalars $c_1, \ldots, c_k$, we have that $\...
Besfort's user avatar
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Could this closed-form expression for the integral of the Riemann $\xi$-function along the critical line provide new insights?

The Riemann $\xi$ and $\Xi$-functions are respectively defined as: \begin{align} \xi(s) &= \frac{s\,(s-1)}{2}\, \pi^{-s/2} \,\Gamma\left(\frac{s}{2}\,\right) \zeta(s) \qquad s \in \mathbb{C} \\ \...
Rudolph's user avatar
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Generic reducedness of geometric generic fibre

Let $f:X\to Y$ be a surjective morphism between two projective schemes over a field of characteristic $p>0$. Also assume that $X$ is smooth,$Y$ smooth & irreducible and $f_*\mathcal{O}_X=\...
user267839's user avatar
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Maximize mixing in a 12 person dinner party [closed]

Is this question well posed? If not, can you improve it? If so, what is the solution? I am holding a dinner party for 12 people. Their names are A, B,...L. The seats are numbered: 1, 2, ... 12. The ...
user128807's user avatar
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Is there a symbolic computation program that can deal with differential forms, Stokes theorems, the Hodge * operator, etc

I am looking at a messy series of computations of integrals of differential forms on manifolds with boundary, involving repeated application of Stokes' theorem, and also involving the Hodge * operator....
Jonathan's user avatar
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$L_1$ norm of $f\in L^1(\mathbb{R}^n)$ compactly supported and its change of variable

Let $M\in\mathbb{R}^{n\times n}$ be an invertible matrix, denote its induced linear map on $\mathbb{R}^n$ also by $M$, and let $f\in L^1(\mathbb{R}^n)$ be compactly supported. I am wondering if we can ...
Jens Fischer's user avatar
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Maximum number of connected components of surfaces in three dimensions, what is known?

Part of Hilbert's 16th problem is: It seems to me that a thorough investigation of the relative positions of the upper bound for separate branches is of great interest, and similarly the ...
user548513's user avatar
-5 votes
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New Framework for Handling Undefined Mathematical Operations: Seeking Comments and Suggestions [closed]

The framework addresses undefined mathematical operations like zero raised to the first power (0^1) and division by zero (1/0) by introducing definitions that include infinity as the inverse of zero. ...
Ketil A's user avatar
-1 votes
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Tightest decreasing majorant

I had asked this question here but received no answer. Let $O$ be an operator that maps sequences to sequences such that the elements of the sequence $O(a)$ are given by $$\bigl(O(a)\bigr)_n ~{}={}~ \...
blk's user avatar
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Proving a proposition about the provability logic GL without using its completeness theorem

Let $GL$ be the provability logic containing the axioms $K := \Box (\varphi\to \psi)\to (\Box \varphi\to \Box \psi)$ and $L := \Box(\Box \varphi \to \varphi)\to \Box \varphi$, along with the ...
Leonardo Pacheco's user avatar
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Markov chain on the real line: Numerical methods for evaluating the stationary distribution

Consider a Markov chain on the real line with transition probabilities $$ p(x_0,x)=\mathbf 1_{\{x\geq x_0+\alpha\,\cup\,x\leq x_0-\beta\}}\phi(x)+\delta(x-x_0)\left(\Phi(x_0+\alpha)-\Phi(x_0-\beta)\...
Aaron Hendrickson's user avatar
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Copy and repeat or copy and sum integer coefficients

Let $$ \ell(n) = \left\lfloor\log_2 n\right\rfloor. $$ Let $T(n,k)$ be an integer coefficients with row length $f(n)$ (number of zeros in the binary expansion of $n$ plus $2$ for $n>0$ with $f(0)=1$...
Notamathematician's user avatar
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Given a metric space $X$, is there a natural way to view the quasi-isometry group $QI(X)$ as a topological group?

Given a metric space $(X,d)$, we define $QI(X)$ as the set of quasi-isometries $f : X \to X$, modulo the equivalence relation $$ f \sim g \ \ \ \ \text{ if and only if } \ \ \ \sup_{x \in X} \ d(f(x)...
jpmacmanus's user avatar
-3 votes
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Bayesian Inference for Parameters Estimation in ARMA Model [closed]

In the usual sense, Maximum Likelihood Estimation is the common method for Parameter estimation in ARMA(p,q) model. If I am looking to estimate parameters for ARMA(p,q) with Bayesian Inference, how ...
Zohn's user avatar
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Special determinant formula

Consider two column vectors $\textbf{a}$ and $\textbf{b}$ of length $k$ and $m$ respectively, $km$ variables denoted $y_{i,j}$ (i=1 to k, j=1 to m), and a quadratic form $\textbf{y}^{T}\mathbb{M}\...
Honza's user avatar
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Integral hull of a polyhedron Q is polyhedron

Let $Q \subseteq R^n$ be a rational polyhedron and let $Q_I=Convexhull(Q \cap Z^n)$. By finite basis theorem, we have $Q=P+C$ for some rational polytope $P$ and finitely generated cone $C$ where $C=R_+...
Sowbarnika R's user avatar
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Reference request - Fourier multiplier of vector valued function

I would like to understand the concept of multiplier for vector valued functions and find appropriate references for the multiplier theorems out there. For instance say that we would like to express $\...
Rundasice's user avatar
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Translation Invariants of Polynomials

The function $f(k)$ is a (numerical) polynomial in $\mathbb{Q}[k]$, and the set $ S_f = \{ f_d : d \in \mathbb{N} \} $ is a set associated with $ f $, where $f_d(k)=f(k+d)$. I am interested in finding ...
zhjzwlys's user avatar
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Obstruction theory for specializing perfect complexes?

I'm considering a problem around the moduli of perfect complexes. Let's consider a $X$ smooth proper over Spec($R$), $R$ is a DVR, $char=0$, equipped with a perfect complex $\mathcal F$ on $X_{K(R)}$. ...
fe mu's user avatar
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Homomorphism from field of hyperreals to field of reals?

I am curious if it is possible to construct a homomorphism from a field of hyperreal numbers to the field of real numbers? (Similarly, a homomorphism from the surreals to the reals?) Assuming that ...
euclidub's user avatar
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When does a lax monad morphism induce a functor between categories of algebras that preserves reflexive coequalisers?

Let $S$ be a monad on a category $\mathbf C$. If $\mathbf C$ is cocomplete, and the category of algebras $\mathbf C^S$ admits reflexive coequalisers, then $\mathbf C^S$ is cocomplete. Thus, it is ...
varkor's user avatar
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Vertex coloring of the Rado graph

Is there a reference for the following fact about the Rado graph (the random countable graph) which came up in an answer to this question? If the vertices of the Rado graph $G=(V,E)$ are colored with ...
bof's user avatar
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Is it possible to backtrack an optimization solver? [closed]

I have an optimization problem and was using a linear programming optimizer to find solutions. However, I find that past a certain size, the problem becomes "infeasible" and has no solutions....
Bamboozle's user avatar
-4 votes
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Instrumental Variable model prove inequality holds [closed]

very stuck on this proof for my homework, professor didn't really teach this concept as it was supposed to be "self-learning", so I'm not really sure where to start. homework problem
Avalancheforecaster's user avatar
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On $N$-partition of some common subsets $\Omega\subset\mathbb R^d$

Let $\Omega\subset\mathbb R^d$ be compact and convex, and denote by $\ell$ the normalised Lebesgue measure such that $\ell(\Omega)=1$. Let $N$ be an arbitrary but fixed integer. In this post we set $d=...
Fawen90's user avatar
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A question on Ibragimov's theorem on strong unimodality

I am not a mathematics student and unfortunately have some confusion about a (well-known) theorem about strong unimodality of distributions. First of all let me clarify some terminologies and then ask ...
Ervand's user avatar
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A question of irreducibility of certain affine algebraic sets

Let $K$ denote an algebraically closed field of characteristic zero, and let $p_1(T), \dots, p_m(T)$ denote $m$ irreducible polynomials in $K[x_1, \dots, x_n][T]$ of degree at least $1$. Set $$ S= \{ (...
Keivan Karai's user avatar
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On the solution sets to the ODE $(a^2-1)Q''(a) + \left(3a-\frac{d-1}{a} \right)Q'(a) + \frac{3}{4}Q(a)=0$

Looking for self-similar, radial solutions to a certain nonlinear wave equation in $\mathbb{R}^{d+1}$ leads to studying the following linear ODE in the self-similar variable $a\in[0,1)$: $$(a^2-1)Q''(...
Dispersion's user avatar
-2 votes
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Convergence of $ \vec{x_{n+1}} = A^{-1} f(\vec{x_{n}},\vec{y_{n}}), \:\:\: \vec{y_{n+1}} = A^{-1} g(\vec{x_{n}},\vec{y_{n}}) $

I have two systems $$ A \vec{x} = f(\vec{x}, \vec{y}), \:\:\: A \vec{y} = g(\vec{x}, \vec{y}) $$ Both have the same constant, square, invertible matrix $A$. I implemented an iterative algorithm with ...
Redsbefall's user avatar
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Primary invariants on MAGMA for a graded ring

I have asked this question on mathstacks, but a collegue of mine recommended me to post it here. I am trying to find an optimal system of parameters for a graded ring using Magma. Specifically, I want ...
Rustam T's user avatar
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Action of point stabilizers in finite doubly transitive groups

Suppose that $(H,X)$ is a finite faithful doubly transitive permutation group (where $H$ acts on the set $X$). Moreover, suppose that $H$ also acts doubly transitively (and faithfully) on a set $Y$, ...
THC's user avatar
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Estimate the value of the PDF $P(f)$ at the minimal $f_0$ of the random-variable function $f(\mathbf{x})$

Let $f(\mathbf{x})=f(x_1,x_2,\dotsc,x_N)$ with $N>2$ be a real and continuous function and $f(\mathbf{x})\ge f_0$ for any $\mathbf{x}\in\mathbb{R}^N$. Now let $x_1,x_2,\dotsc,x_N$ be the i.i.d. ...
Guoqing's user avatar
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What is the expected value of the set when N elements are chosen from the same probability distribution?

Suppose we have a parameter that follows some probability distribution $f(x)$. When simulating an $N$-body with that parameter as an attribute, how should values of the parameter be chosen? Let each ...
ksrk's user avatar
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Examples of subharmonic functions

Let $A$ be a constant symmetric matrix with $\lambda < A < \Lambda$ and $0<\lambda < \Lambda$ are fixed constants. Let $u$ be a solution of $\text{div}A \nabla u = 0$. Is it true that $\...
Adi's user avatar
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Convergence of finite-difference method for Cauchy-Riemann equations

Let $I\subseteq \mathbb{R}$ an open interval. Let $f:I\rightarrow \mathbb{C}$ real analytic. Suppose we want to numerically compute an analytic extension of $f$. We will assume the following: we are ...
Plemath's user avatar
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Ranges of operators acting on Fréchet Spaces

My question is in the spirit of Reference request: Baire's theorem for operator ranges. It mentioned that : Finite intersections and sums of operator ranges are operator ranges. Images and pre-...
Djalal Ounadjela's user avatar
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Square-integral involving Brownian bridge

Let $B(t)$ be a standard Brownian bridge on $[0,1]$. Let $x>0$ be a (small) parameter. What is the distribution of $$ \int_0^{1-x} \left( B(t + x) - B(t) \right)^2 dt? $$ As noted I am interested ...
Kurisuto Asutora's user avatar
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Does there exist a multi-valued "monotone" and "compact" map from a Boolean algebra to the "free" part of $\mathcal{P}(\kappa)$?

This is a follow-up to my previous question, which has a negative answer. Here is the most general version that I'm interested: Does there exist a Boolean algebra $A$, an infinite cardinal $\kappa$, ...
David Gao's user avatar
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Can conditional distributions with respect to a sufficient sub-$\sigma$-algebra be represented by a single Markov kernel?

Let $(\Omega, \mathcal{F})$ be a measurable space, and let $\mathcal{P}$ be a collection of probability measures on this space. A sub-$\sigma$-algebra $\mathcal{G} \subset \mathcal{F}$ is said to be ...
MrTheOwl's user avatar
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Request for resources on directional derivative of the Riemannian distance function, and Berger's lemma about geodesics realizing the diameter

I've been recently interested in directional derivatives of the Riemannian distance function, and I came across this question, and its answer by Sergei Ivanov, where he stated an important result: (I ...
Learning math's user avatar

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