The function $f(k)$ is a (numerical) polynomial in $\mathbb{Q}[k]$, and the set $ S_f = \{ f_d : d \in \mathbb{N} \} $ is a set associated with $ f $, where $f_d(k)=f(k+d)$.
I am interested in finding invariants related to $S_f$, that is, I want to find a map from $\{ S_f \}$ to some set, such as $\deg(f)$ and the leading coefficient of $ f $. Note that it is not necessarily a map from $\{ S_f \}$ to $\mathbb{Q}$; it would be great if each given $S_f$ could correspond to an algebraic or geometric structure.
By comparing coefficients, one can directly obtain some invariants modulo the coefficients of higher-order terms, but I am looking for more "interesting" conclusions.