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Questions tagged [conformal-maps]

For conformal mappings of Riemann surfaces (for example, domains in the complex plane).

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Uniformization and constructive analytic continuation of Taylor-Maclaurin series

Context. In their paper, "Uniformization and Constructive Analytic Continuation of Taylor Series", Costin and Dunne present a constructive method to greatly increase the accuracy of a ...
butsurigakusha's user avatar
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A non-standard inequality for univalent functions

Related to my other question, here is an inequality from Rakhmanov's paper upon which the proof hinges. Let $F(z) = z + a_0 + \mathcal O(z^{-1})$ be analytic and univalent on $|z|>1$, continuous up ...
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Green's function of the conformal Laplacian

I am reading T. Parker, S. Rosenberg, "Invariants of conformal Laplacians", J. Differential Geom. 25(2): 199-222 (1987). I would like to understand how Green function changes if the metric ...
Azam's user avatar
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A sequence of conformal metrics with bounded negative curvatures on the disc

Let $\mathbb{D}$ denote the unit disk, and let $h_{-1}$ be the unique hyperbolic metric on $\mathbb{D}$ which is conformal to $dz^{2}$. Take a sequence of smooth complete metrics $h_{n} = e^{\rho_{n}} ...
AMHG's user avatar
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Regular maps on hyperbolic plane for large number of vertices

I want to generate large regular maps of a tiling on hyperbolic space. How I can start doing that?
Zahid Malik's user avatar
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Reflecting Brownian motion in disk

What is the transition density function of a reflecting Brownian motion in $\mathbb D \overset{\mathrm{def}}= \{z \in \mathbb C : \lvert z\rvert < 1\}$ and how to compute it? The transition density ...
Focus's user avatar
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Conformal welding and Jordan loop consequences?

In the similar context as Conformal welding of rectifiable curves In classical conformal welding theory, we start with a homeomorphism $h$ of the unit circle and try to find a Jordan domain $D$ ...
Thomas Kojar's user avatar
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Conformal maps between two given domains

Consider two domains $$ \begin{aligned} D_1&=\{x=(x_1,x_2,...,x_n)\in\mathbb{R}^n:x_n\leq 0\},\\ D_2&=\{x=(x_1,x_2,...,x_n)\in\mathbb{R}^n:x_n\leq \psi(x_1,x_2,...,x_{n-1})\}, \end{aligned} $$ ...
Luis Yanka Annalisc's user avatar
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Splitting of the conformal group into $PSL(2,\mathbb{R})$ and other factorizations

In 1+1 dimensions of Minkowski spacetime, the conformal group can be split into two copies of $PSL(2,\mathbb{R})$ acting on null lines. I'm curious to know if a similar split exists for the conformal ...
Gabriel Palau's user avatar
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Conformal map between flat and hyperbolic torus with a boundary

I am confused because I can define two very different complex structures on the torus with a puncture/boundary. For my first construction, I can imagine removing a disk from a flat torus, inheriting ...
Holomaniac's user avatar
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Do we have uniformization theorems for fractional dimensional spaces?

The Riemann mapping theorem in $\mathbb{R}^2$ is known not to generalize well in higher dimensions and is basically trivial in lower dimensions. I’m interested in how it generalizes for fractional ...
Sidharth Ghoshal's user avatar
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Riemann mapping theorem with smooth boundary

This is closely related to the question here. The setup is that $U\subset\mathbb{C}$ is an open bounded simply connected domain with $C^\infty$ boundary. If $\phi:U\rightarrow\mathbb{D}$ is a ...
J_P's user avatar
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Conformal diffeomorphism of $\mathbb R^k$

Let $f$ be a conformal diffeomorphism between $\mathbb{R}^k$, where $k\geq 2$, and its Euclidean metric. It follows from complex analysis and Liouville's theorem that $f$ can only be affine. Now, ...
Mjr's user avatar
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Numerically compute the Schwarz-Christoffel mapping to the square

I want to map the upper-half plane $$\mathbb H:=\{z\in\mathbb C:\Im(z)>0\}$$ to $[0,1)^2$ by a conformal map. If I got this right, then such a mapping is given by the Schwarz-Christoffel mapping to ...
0xbadf00d's user avatar
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How do we solve this rather simple ODE (Loewner equation with driving function $\sqrt t$)?

Remember the following result for the Loewner equation: If $\lambda:[0,\infty)\to\mathbb R$ is continuous, then for all $z\in\mathbb C\setminus\{\lambda(0)\}$ there is a uniqe $\zeta(z)\in(0,\infty]$ ...
0xbadf00d's user avatar
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Boundary behavior of conformal map on domain satisfying an exterior sphere condition

I'm in the middle of a project concerning a Bernoulli-type free boundary problem in $\mathbb{R}^2$ and, as part of this project, I would like to understand the boundary behavior of conformal maps on ...
Gary Moon's user avatar
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Explicit triples of isomorphic Riemann surfaces

Inspired by a discussion with Neil Strickland I am very interested to hear of explicit examples (one per answer, please), as follows. A compact Riemann surface can be presented in many different ways....
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Explicit universal covering map for higher genus algebraic curves

Suppose I have a projective plane curve $C = V(F)$ defined over $\mathbb{C}$, where $F$ is some homogeneous polynomial in three variables. For the sake of simplicity, let's assume that $C$ is ...
Danny Stoll's user avatar
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Triangulations with discrete metrics and conformal equivalence

A discrete metric for a triangulation of a 2-dimensional manifold is a map associating $\mathbb{R}_+$-valued lengths to all edges, such that the triangle inequality holds on every triangle. In many ...
Andi Bauer's user avatar
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What are the generators and relations of the conformal cobordism category?

According to a definition by Segal, a $2$-dimensional CFT is a symmetric monoidal functor from the category of oriented conformal cobordisms to the cateogry of projective complex vectorspaces. Coming ...
Andi Bauer's user avatar
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Is there a non-trivial, exact analytic (symbolic) conformal map from some polygon to some rectangle?

I'm looking for any example of a conformal map $m: P \to Q$ where $P$ is some polygon of at least $4$ sides, $Q$ is a rectangle, and and $m$ is not linear (so $P$ and $Q$ are not merely scaled, ...
J. M.'s user avatar
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On Sobolev's inequality for weakly conformal maps

Suppose $u\in W^{2,p}(B^2,\mathbb{R}^n)$, $1<p<2$, is weakly conformal, that is $$|u_x|=|u_y|,\quad u_x\cdot u_y=0$$ for almost every $(x,y)\in B^2$. Here $B^2$ is the unit open ball in $\mathbb{...
MathPhys's user avatar
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What is a simplified intuitive explanation of conformal invariance? [closed]

Can the concept of conformal map and conformal Invariance be explained in very general terms, preferably in high school/undergrad-level Mathematics? Abstracting away from the applications in physics (...
Sohail Si's user avatar
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Distance Metric on a Polytope

Primary Question: Is it possible to define a distance metric on a polytope (or permutohedron in particular)? I am aware that neither is a smooth, Riemannian manifold; however, computer scientists have ...
Talmsmen's user avatar
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Existence of an inverse to the Schwarz-Christoffel mapping [closed]

As an elementary result in complex analysis, one can use the argument principle to show that the Schwarz-Christoffel transform is injective on the interior of the polygon to which it maps. Could this ...
Talmsmen's user avatar
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Gehring Lemma in dimension 2

In Iwaniec's paper presenting the Gehring Lemma, the embedding used is $W^{1,p}\hookrightarrow L^2$ with $p=\frac{2d}{d+2}$. Question. What about dimension 2: can we actually go down to $p=1$?
username's user avatar
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Finding $\Omega$ such that the 1-form $\Omega^2 \omega$ is $L^2$ orthogonal to conformal killing vector fields on $S^2$

Consider the space $\mathcal{A}$ of functions $\Omega$ such that $\Omega^2 \gamma_0$ is isometric to the round sphere, where $\gamma_0$ is the round sphere. (so $\Omega^2 \gamma_0$ is of constant ...
Laithy's user avatar
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Reference on boundary behavior of conformal maps

I am looking for some results on the boundary behavior of conformal maps between simply connected domains. In particular I am interested in conformal maps between $\mathbb{C}-\Delta$, where $\Delta$ ...
Luis Giraldo Gonzalez's user avatar
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How to interpret Gauss's late fragments on conformal mapping of the interior of an ellipse (to the unit disk) in modern mathematical terms?

My question refers to some not very well known (and unpublished) fragments of Gauss that treat the problem of finding a conformal mapping (angle-preserving mapping) in the complex plane from the ...
user2554's user avatar
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How to find a conformal map of the unit disk on a given simply-connected domain

By the classical Riemann Theorem, each bounded simply-connected domain in the complex plane is the image of the unit disk under a conformal transformation, which can be illustrated drawing images of ...
Taras Banakh's user avatar
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Factorization of conformal maps between annuli

Consider two doubly-connected open subsets $A$ and $A'$ of the Riemann sphere. We assume these two domains to be of same modulus (the moduli space being one real parameter), i.e. we assume that there ...
Stéphane Benoist's user avatar
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Non-bijective conformal maps between annuli

I need to answer the following question, hopefully in the negative. Question: Does there exist a conformal map $f$ of degree $1$ from the annulus $\{1<|z|<R\}$ to the punctured disk $\{0<|...
Xin Nie's user avatar
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Riemann mapping

Let in the complex plane be a bounded Jordan region T (that is a bounded and simply connected set with the boundary a Jordan curve), containing the origin, with its Riemann mapping onto the open unit ...
George's user avatar
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Is there a manifold structure on a space of conformal maps?

I would be very grateful for any information or pointers for the following: 1) Fix an open subset $U$ of $\mathbb{CP}^1$. a) Does the set of all holomorphic maps from $U$ to $\mathbb{C}$ (with the ...
Thomas K's user avatar
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Conformal maps of doubly connected regions to annuli.

In another question here on MO, Anweshi asks if any doubly connected region in the complex plane can be conformally mapped to some annulus. The answer to this is yes. But the fact is that two annuli ...
GMRA's user avatar
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Riemann mapping for doubly connected regions

Remove the closure of simply connected region from the interior of a simply connected region. Is it true that the resulting domain can be mapped conformally to some annulus?
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