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Questions tagged [minimal-model-program]

minimal model program is part of the birational classification of algebraic varieties.

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Generic reducedness of geometric generic fibre

Let $f:X\to Y$ be a surjective morphism between two projective schemes over a field of characteristic $p>0$. Also assume that $X$ is smooth,$Y$ smooth & irreducible and $f_*\mathcal{O}_X=\...
user267839's user avatar
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Sequence of MMP with scaling cannot be isomorphism

Let $(X,B)$ be a projective klt pair, H is an $\mathbb{R}$-divisor s.t. $K_X+B+H$ is nef. Suppose that we can run $(K_X+B)$-MMP with scaling $H$(that is, the flip exists) and denote $\alpha_i:X \...
Chi-siu's user avatar
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Discrepancy of general element of linear system

Let $X$ be a normal scheme and $|D|$ a linear system on $X$. In "Singularity of Minimal Model Program" by Janos kollar p249, it says, If $X$ is a variety over $\mathbb{C}$, and $E_j$ ...
George's user avatar
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Contraction of extremal ray on a smooth projective threefold

I have some issues about understanding the contraction of extremal ray in a concrete situation: Let $\mathcal{E}=\mathcal{O}_{\mathbb{P}^1\times \mathbb{P}^1} \oplus \mathcal{O}_{\mathbb{P}^1\times \...
James Tan's user avatar
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Blow up of terminal singularity and canonical singularity

A normal singularity $(X,x)$ over a field $k$ is terminal (resp. canonical) if $(i)$ it it is $\mathbb{Q}$-Gorenstein. and $(ii)$For any resolution of singularity $F:Y\rightarrow X$, $K_Y-f^*K_X>...
George's user avatar
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Log resolution and a divisor of pullback of function

Let $(X,x)$ be a three fold singularity $m_{X,x}$ a ideal sheaf correspoinding to $x$. $\sigma:Y_1\rightarrow X$ blow up at by $m_{X,x}$ $\phi:Y\rightarrow Y_1$ resolution of $Y_1$ Set $f:=\phi*\sigma$...
George's user avatar
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Flops connect minimal models of algebraic spaces?

According to a Kawamata's result, two projective minimal models of the same variety are connected through a sequence of flops. In particular, a birational map $f\colon X\to X'$ between Calabi-Yau ...
fgh's user avatar
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About the definition of cDV singularity

M. Reid defines cDV singularity as follow in his paper "CANONICAL 3-FOLDS" A point $p\in X$ of a 3-fold is called a compound Du Val point if for some section H throgh $P$, $P\in H$ is a Du ...
George's user avatar
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Finiteness of rational double point

Let $(R,\mathfrak{m })$ be a three dimensional complete local ring over a field $k$ of arbitrary characteristic and let $f\in R$ and $R/f$ is a rational double point. My question is as follows. Are ...
George's user avatar
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About the contractability

Let $X\subset \mathbb{P}^3$ be the surface defined by the equation $xy-zw=0$, and consider the curve $E \subset X$ defined by the equation $x=z=0$. Question. Can $E$ be contracted to a point?
George's user avatar
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Canonical model and the existence of general hyperplane

A variety is a separated reduced scheme of finite type over an algebraically closed field $k$ not necessarily affine. Let $X$ be a normal variety and $X$ has only one isolated singularity at $x\in X$ ...
George's user avatar
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A property of canonical singularity

Let $X$ be a normal variety with only one singularity at $x$ and $(X,x)$ is a canonical singularity i.e. $(X.x)$ satisfies $(i)$ and $(ii)$. $(i)$ $(X,x)$ is a $\mathbb{Q}$ Goreinstein singularity. $(...
George's user avatar
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Reference request The support of $f$-nef divisor

I'm seaching for a proof of the theorem below. Do you know any reference? Consider $f:X\rightarrow Y$ projective birational map between normal varieties and $\mathbb{R}$ cartier divisor $D$ whose ...
George's user avatar
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Two different resolutions of a three fold

Let $X\subset \mathbb{A}^4_\mathbb{C}$ be a three fold defined by the equation $xy-zw=0$ This variety has a singularity at origin of $\mathbb{A}^4_\mathbb{C}$ If we blow up this three fold in two ways ...
George's user avatar
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On the definition of the relative canonical divisor

Fix a field $k$. Let $X,Y$ be normal integral $k$-schemes of finite type and $h: Y \to X$ a proper birational $k$-morphism. Moreover, assume that $X$ is Gorenstein, i.e. it admits a canonical divisor $...
Don's user avatar
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Nice, concrete example of pl-flipping contraction

In a course I'm giving on the MMP, I am discussing the importance of Shokurov's notion of a pl-flipping contraction for showing that flips exist for arbitrary flipping contractions. Does someone have ...
HNuer's user avatar
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Application of MMP in other branches of algebraic geometry

I'm learning minimal model program (MMP) recently. For a projective variety $X$, following MMP, we can do a sequence of birational transformations making $K_X$ nef or to a Mori fiber space. My ...
Hydrogen's user avatar
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Existence of a rational curve in the center of a birational contraction for symplectic singularities

Let $M$ be a holomorphically symplectic complex manifold, and $f: M \to X$ a holomorphic, birational contraction to a Stein variety $X$, contracting a subvariety $E$ to a point, and bijective outside ...
Misha Verbitsky's user avatar
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Finitely generated section ring of Mori dream spaces

Set-up: We work over $\mathbb{C}$. Let $X$ be a Mori dream space. Define, following Hu-Keel, the Cox ring of $X$ as the multisection ring $$\text{Cox}(X)=\bigoplus_{(m_1\ldots,m_k)\in \mathbb{N}^k} \...
OrdinaryAttention's user avatar
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Minimal model program for toroidal pairs

Suppose $(X, \Delta)$ be a toroidal pair over $Z$ where $f:(X, \Delta) \rightarrow (Z, \Delta_Z)$ is a toroidal morphism (see sections 1.2, 1.3 for the ...
anonymous's user avatar
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Modifying the base of a rational map

Let $f : X \dashrightarrow S$ be a rational map of smooth projective varieties. Is it true that, after a birational modification of $S$, every fiber intersects the domain of definition? Explicitly, is ...
Ben C's user avatar
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Mori cones and projective morphisms

Let $f:X\rightarrow Y$ be a morphism of smooth projective varieties, and $NE(X),NE(Y)$ the Mori cones of curves of $X$ and $Y$. Assume that $NE(X)$ is finitely generated. Then is $NE(Y)$ finitely ...
Puzzled's user avatar
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Singularities of toric pairs

Suppose $(X,B)$ is a log canonical pair and $f: X \rightarrow Y$ an equidimensional toroidal contraction such that every component of $B$ is $f$ -horizontal. Let $\Gamma$ denote the reduced ...
anonymous's user avatar
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Two morphisms possess the same Viehweg's variation

Recall the definition of Viehweg's variation intimated from Weak Positivity and the Additivity of the Kodaira Dimension for Certain Fibre Spaces, E. Viehweg Let $f: V\rightarrow W$ be a fiber space (...
Invariance's user avatar
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Numerical reduction map for line bundles?

For a nef line bundle $L$ on a normal projective variety $X$, we have three invariants- the nef dimension $n(L)$, the numerical dimension $\nu(L)$ and the Iitaka dimension $\kappa(L)$. $n(L)$ is ...
anonymous's user avatar
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Isomorphism outside of negative curves against the canonical

Let $X$ be a smooth projective complex variety and let us suppose that the closure of the union of curves $C$ on $X$ that are non-positive against the canonical divisor is a closed subset $F\subsetneq ...
Jérémy Blanc's user avatar
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Singularities of contractions of extremal faces

Let $(X, \Delta)$ be a (projective) klt pair (say over $\mathbb{C}$, but I am also interested in fields of positive characteristic) and $f: X \to Z$ the contraction associated to a $(K_X + \Delta)$-...
naf's user avatar
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Is there a classification of minimal algebraic threefolds?

The minimal model program aims to find a minimal representative in the birational class of a given variety with reasonable singularities. Assuming this has been done, it seems natural to ask what ...
Kim's user avatar
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Where does the word "log" in log pair come from?

The minimal model program works with pairs $(X,B)$ where $X$ is a variety and $B$ is a certain kind of divisor on it. I've seen these described as "logarithmic pairs". There are also "...
Kim's user avatar
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Positivity of the global log canonical threshold of a pair

Let $(X,L)$ be a polarized smooth projective variety. Let $D$ be a smooth irreducible divisor in $X$. Let $0<c<1$ be a real number. We denote $cD$ as $\Delta$. We can define the $\alpha$ ...
Chenxi Yin's user avatar
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Existence of terminal $3$-fold flips

Does there exist a terminal $3$-fold $X$ with a curve $C\subset X$ such that $K_X\cdot C < 0$ admitting a Mori flip $X\dashrightarrow Y$, flipping $C$ to a curve $C'\subset Y$, where the singular ...
Puzzled's user avatar
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Parameter spaces for conic bundles

A conic bundle over $\mathbb{P}^n$ is a morphism $\pi:X\rightarrow\mathbb{P}^n$ with fibers isomorphic to plane conics. A conic bundle $\pi:X\rightarrow\mathbb{P}^n$ is minimal if it has relative ...
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Mori cone of Picard rank two varieties

Let $X$ be a smooth projective variety of Picard rank two. Assume that there exists a surface $S\subset X$ such that $$i^{*}:\text{Pic}(X)\rightarrow\text{Pic}(S)$$ is an isomorphism, where $i:S\...
Puzzled's user avatar
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On the b-nefness of the moduli part of canonical bundle formula

I have recently been wondering about the existence of a canonical bundle formula in the following situation and am not sure how to proceed. Suppose $(X,B) \xrightarrow{f} Y$ is a fibration where $ (X,...
anonymous's user avatar
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Canonical covering stack of a flop

In section 6 of Kawamata's paper, he defines the canonical covering stack. In the proof of theorem 6.5, he considered a flop $$X\xrightarrow{\phi}W\xleftarrow{\psi}Y$...
Peter Liu's user avatar
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Restriction of small transformations

Let $\phi:X\dashrightarrow Y$ be an elementary small transformation (isomorphism in codimension $1$) between normal and $\mathbb{Q}$-factorial projective varieties. Then there are small contractions $...
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descent of nef divisors

Let $f:X \rightarrow Y$ be a flat surjective morphism of complex projective varieties with connected fibers, $X$ normal, $Y$ smooth and $dim (Y) < dim(X)$. Suppose $L \in Pic (X)$ such that $L|_{X_{...
anonymous's user avatar
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Cone and contraction theorems for certain sub-klt pairs

Suppose $(Y,B_Y)$ is a sub-klt pair which is a birational model of a klt pair $(X,B)$: there exists a birational morphism $\pi:(Y,B_Y) \rightarrow (X,B)$ such that $\pi^{*}(K_X+B)=K_Y+B_Y$. We know ...
anonymous's user avatar
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Termination of a minimal model program

I am reading "The dual complex of singularities" by de Fernex, Kollár and Xu and in the proof of Corollary 24 I have encountered a bit of reasoning that confuses me. Let $(X, \Delta)$ be a $\...
Dima Sustretov's user avatar
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Log resolution of a variety of log general type

Work over the complex numbers. Let $(B, \Delta)$ be a normal irreducible variety of log general type, i.e., $K_B + \Delta$ is ample. Let $f : (\widetilde{B}, \widetilde{\Delta}) \to (B, \Delta)$ be a ...
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Minimal model vs canonical model of a surface

When I have a projective surface $X$, for simplicity smooth, I can find a simpler smooth surface on its binational class. In this way we find in a finite number of steps the simplest surface $Y$, i.e. ...
Federico Fallucca's user avatar
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Steps of the MMP "in family"

Let $\pi\colon X\to Y$ be a morphism between irreducible varieties with terminal singularities (let us say smooth if you want). I suppose that I have an open subset $U$ of $Y$ over which the fibres ...
Jérémy Blanc's user avatar
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Prescribing the discriminant locus of fiber spaces

Let $X$ be a projective manifold with $\dim_{\mathbb{C}} X \geq 3$. Assume $X$ is the total space of a fiber space, i.e., there is a proper surjective holomorphic map $f : X \to Y$ with connected ...
AmorFati's user avatar
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How to show a contraction of singular moduli space is projective?

Let $\mathcal{H}$ be a certain kind of Hilbert scheme of curves on some smooth projective variety $X$ and $\mathcal{H}$ is projective and irreducible of dimension $3$. There is a divisor $\mathcal{D}\...
user41650's user avatar
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Does nefness carry over through flips?

Suppose $\pi: X \dashrightarrow Y$ is a birational map which is an isomorphism in codimension 1 (such as a flip). Also suppose both $X$ and $Y$ have reasonable (say log terminal) singularities. We ...
anonymous's user avatar
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Terminal $\mathbb{Q}$-factorial divisorial contractions

Let $X$ be a $3$-fold, and $f:Y\rightarrow X$ a birational $\mathbb{Q}$-factorial divisorial terminal contraction (of relative Picard number one) contracting a divisor $E\subset Y$ to a point $p\in X$....
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On the birational equivalent class of algebraic surfaces with Picard number $1$

An open subset $U$ of a projective surface $Z$ is big if $\mathrm{codim}_Z(Z\setminus U)\geq2$. Let $X$ and $Y$ be smooth complex projective surface. If there exists a birational map $f:X\...
Armando j18eos's user avatar
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Derived category of singular varieties

Let $X$ be a projective variety with only normal crossing singularity. Is there a description of the derived category or the category of perfect complexes? What about the existence of semiorthogonal ...
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Relative logarithmic cotangent bundle

Let $\mathcal X \rightarrow S$ be a flat family of projective varieties over a discrete valuation ring $S$ such that the generic fibre $\mathcal X_{\eta}$ (say) is smooth projective variety and the ...
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Are terminal singularities $ \mathbb{Q}$-factorial?

The proof of Lemma 5-1-5 in this 1987 paper by Kawamata, Matsuda and Matsuki (link on Projecteuclid) seems to say that a variety with terminal singularities is $\mathbb{Q}$-factorial ( I only need ...
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