I would like to understand the concept of multiplier for vector valued functions and find appropriate references for the multiplier theorems out there.
For instance say that we would like to express $\nabla \times \cdot$ as a Fourier multiplier. Does this make sense ? What I have in mind is that \begin{equation}\mathcal{F}\left[\nabla \times f\right](\xi) = -2\pi i\xi \times \mathcal{F}\left[f\right].\end{equation} Therefore I could make sense of the multiplier of the rotational as some matrix that acts on $\mathcal{F}[f] = (\mathcal{F}[f]_1, \mathcal{F}[f]_2, \mathcal{F}[f]_3)$ with entries \begin{equation}-2\pi i\begin{pmatrix} 0 & -\xi_3 & \xi_2 \\ \xi_3 & 0 & -\xi_1 \\ -\xi_2 & \xi_1 & 0 \end{pmatrix}.\end{equation} Is this how it works ? What about for the multipliers theorem as Hörmander-Mikhlin theorem?