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Questions tagged [physics]

For questions about mathematical problems arising from physics, the natural science studying general properties of matter, radiation and energy.

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Approximation of the effective resistance on Cayley graph

Let $\Gamma$ be a finitely generated group, and denote by $G$ the Cayley graph of $\Gamma$. Denote by $d_R$ the resistance distance metric on this graph. The resistance distance metric between the ...
Tomek Odrzygozdz's user avatar
9 votes
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Which of the physics dualities are closest in essence to the Spanier-Whitehead duality (with a subquestion)?

First of all, what I want to ask is slightly more elaborate than what stands in the title (hence the subquestion). I am telling this since as it is, the title contains a meaningful question, but it ...
მამუკა ჯიბლაძე's user avatar
8 votes
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Is there any physics theory which is similar to these analogies?

Since I am doing this little "research" project on my spare time and in my physical neighborhood there are not many people to discuss these ideas, I wanted to share with you a small point of ...
mathoverflowUser's user avatar
7 votes
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Charge distribution of closed surfaces

Consider a closed surface $\Sigma$ which bounds a solid $\Omega$ in ${\mathbb R}^3$. Assume some electric charges, say totally $Q$, is distributed on $\Sigma$ and reaches an "equilibrium" state. In ...
Bill O's user avatar
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Particles sent into the same direction with uniformly distributed speed

Fix a positive integer $n$. Every second, a particle is sent along a straight line from a fixed position in a fixed direction, at a random integer speed chosen uniformly in $\{1,\ldots, n\}$ meters ...
Dominic van der Zypen's user avatar
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Does Dijkgraaf-Witten theory have a time-reversal symmetry?

By having a time-reversal symmetry I mean that there is a local anti-unitary symmetry (representing the non-trivial element of $Z_2$) of the state-sum construction (or, if you want, of the associated ...
Andi Bauer's user avatar
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$S$-matrix in QED in 2d space-time

I am not completely sure that this question is appropriate for this site, but I have asked a similar question here ...
asv's user avatar
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4 votes
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Superspace derivation of supersymmetric non-linear sigma model in Supersolutions by Deligne and Freed

I am having a little trouble understanding passage from the linear to the non-linear sigma model in Section 4.1 of Supersolutions by Deligne and Freed. Most of my confusion comes down to the ...
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List of Replica Symmetry results for different models?

Does anyone know of a good source that might have a list of problems or models along with what kind of replica symmetry they are conjectured to have? I am aware of some of the more famous results, e....
DJA's user avatar
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Why do we care about simplicity of the spectrum in Oseledets' theorem?

Oseledets' theorem is a fundamental result in Ergodic theory (see for example here, or Chapter 4 of Lectures on Lyapunov Exponents by Marcelo Viana). The simplicity of the spectrum has been studied ...
user39115's user avatar
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Unusual generalization of the law of large numbers

I have seen in physical literature an example of application of a very unusual form of the law of large numbers. I would like to understand how legitimate is the use of it, whether there are ...
asv's user avatar
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Bosonic String Theory

I would like clarification of 26 dimensional Bosonic String Theory. A definition would be, that this is free bosons compactified on a torus and orbifolded by a 2-point reflection group (or ...
Paul Hjelmstad's user avatar
3 votes
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How to calculate the integral of a product of a spherical Hankel function with associated Legendre polynomials

From numerical experiments in Mathematica, I have found the following expression for the integral: $$ \int_{-1}^{1}h_{n}^{(1)}\left(\sqrt{a^{2}+b^{2}+2ab\tau}\right)P_{n}^{m}\left(\frac{a\tau+b}{\sqrt{...
Chris's user avatar
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Are square configurations the only critical points of the energy on the circle?

$\newcommand{\S}{\mathbb{S}^1}$ $\newcommand{\la}{\lambda}$Let$$M=\{(x_1,x_2,x_3,x_4) \in (\S)^4\,\, |\,\, \text{ all the } x_i \, \text{ are distinct}\} $$ Define $E:M \to \mathbb{R}$ by $$E(x_1,x_2,...
Asaf Shachar's user avatar
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geometrical or physical interpretation of second Chern classes of Calabi-Yau threefold

It's my first post. Consider Calabi-Yau threefold $M$ and its tangent bundle $TM$. I know $c_1(TM)=0$ means metric on $M$ is a solution of vacuum Einstein equation. Then my question is "are there any ...
anonymous's user avatar
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Does there exist a compactly supported integrable function with infinite Coulomb energy?

The title of the question pretty much says it all. I am looking for a function $f\in L^1(\Omega)$, where $\Omega \subset \mathbb{R}^3$ is a bounded domain, such that $$ E[f] = \iint\limits_{\Omega\...
Ben Ciotti's user avatar
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Partial Liouville equation

In my master's thesis, I worked on mathematical multi-scale models for muscle tissue. Now after finishing it, I would like to find out if one direction could be a research topic for my PhD. At one ...
Steffen Plunder's user avatar
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Multiplicativity of $\zeta$-function regularized determinant

Let $A$ be a selfadjoint elliptic differential operator on a compact manifold. In mathematical physics and differential topology one often defines its determinant using the $\zeta$-function ...
asv's user avatar
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Is there any connection between Lagrange points and the icosahedron?

Given the Newtonian two-body problem, one can ask if there are any orbits that allow a test particle to maintain a fixed configuration relative to the two bodies. In other words, in a frame that ...
Oliver Nash's user avatar
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What is the relationship between complex time singularities and UV fixed points?

In this paper it is described how the turbulent kinetic energy spectrum and the flatness (a measure for intermittency) are governed by the position of the (dominant) singularities of the solutions of ...
Dilaton's user avatar
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Children's drawings and Seiberg-Witten curves

This physics (bear with me for a while) paper seems to say something about Gal \bar Q/Q: Children's Drawings From Seiberg-Witten Curves, hep-th/061108. Let's ...
Ilya Nikokoshev's user avatar
2 votes
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Approximate solutions to $x''(t)=-cx + f(t)x$

I recently studied a problem which involved two particles joined by a harmonic spring moving in a potential and through some manipulation, I obtained the equation $x''(t) = -\omega^2x + f(t)x$, where $...
FusRoDah's user avatar
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Is there an example Hamiltonian that is uncomputable?

In a paper from 2015 Toby S. Cubitt et al showed that the problem of determining the existence of a band gap in the excitation spectrum of a quantum many-body system, was undecidable. This result ...
user400188's user avatar
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What is the relationship between Riemannian and sympletic musical isomorphisms on the cotangent bundle?

Let $M$ be a smooth manifold. Its cotangent bundle naturally has a symplectic structure, and this gives rise to musical isomorphisms. These musical isomorphisms are the ones from physics that relate ...
Tim Phalange's user avatar
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Difference Between Total Least Squares Plane and Plane Orthogonal to Principal Axis of Inertia Tensor

Given a finite set $P$ of points in $\mathbb{E}^3$ , one can calculate an approximating plane either as the solution of a Total Least Squares problem or by interpreting the problem physically, ...
Manfred Weis's user avatar
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Questions about using mathematical methods to prove the Caratheodory's Concept of Temperature

Caratheodory's Concept of Temperature is not Carathéodory's theorem. I have tried,but I found nothing about this question by searching online. This is what I have seen in a thermodynamics textbook; ...
地山谦's user avatar
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1D Schrödinger Equation with Measure-Valued Coefficients

I've been looking at one of the simplest systems I can think of: a one-dimensional infinite square well on $[0,1]$ with Hamiltonian given by the following: $$\hat{H}=-\frac{\hbar^2}{2m}\frac{d^2}{dx^2}...
S. Thornton's user avatar
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Is this correct: Inflection points of Euler number graph in Island-Mainland transition correspond to spanning cluster site percolation threshold?

I'm writing with respect to the paper Khatun, Dutta, and Tarafdar - "Islands in Sea" and "Lakes in Mainland" phases and related transitions simulated on a square lattice. Here's a link to a PDF ...
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Diffusion equation on mixing of diffusing particles

I am trying to study mixing of diffusing particles like it was done by E. Ben-Naim On the Mixing of Diffusing Particles. The picture below shows the idea how permutations and inversion numbers reflect ...
Mikhail Gaichenkov's user avatar
2 votes
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The condition of maximality in branching rules of $SO$ group representations

Let the highest weight of a $SO(2n+1)$ representation be given as $(m_1,m_2,...,m_n)$ ($m_1\geq m_2 \geq .. \geq m_n \geq 0$) and the highest weight of a $SO(2n)$ representation be $(s_1,s_2,...,s_n)$ ...
user6818's user avatar
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Some details about relationship between central charges and second cohomology group of the Lie algebra

S. Weinberg in his book "The quantum theory of fields" talks about central charge that appear in Lie algebra of a given Lie group. To be more precise, on page 83 in the book, he computes the ...
Mahtab's user avatar
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Are causally isomorphic spacetimes Wick-related?

Take the time-orientable spacetimes $(M_1,g_1)$ and $(M_2,g_2)$ that are locally(to be clarified below) Wick-related and both are globally Wick-rotatable(to be clarified below) to the same Riemannian ...
Bastam Tajik's user avatar
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Is the topological dimension of spacetime fixed for causally isomorphic spacetimes?

Suppose time-oriented spacetimes $(M_1 , g_1)$ and $(M_2, g_2)$ are not homeomorphic under their manifold topologies $\mathcal{M}_1$ and $\mathcal{M}_2$ respectively. The Lorentzian metrics $g_1$ and $...
Bastam Tajik's user avatar
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Order isomorphism + manifold homeomorphism => path topology homeomorphism?

Suppose time-oriented spacetimes $(M_1 , g_1)$ and $(M_2, g_2)$ are homeomorphic under their manifold topologies $\mathcal{M}_1$ and $\mathcal{M}_2$ respectively. Let's call this map $\phi: (M_1, \...
Bastam Tajik's user avatar
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Biot-Savart-like integral for a toroidal helix

The following problem originates from Physics, so I apologize if I will not use a rigorous mathematical jargon. Let us consider a toroidal helix parametrized as follows: $$ x=(R+r\cos(n\phi))\cos(\phi)...
AndreaPaco's user avatar
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How to smoothly interpolate gravitational field between trajectories in high dimension?

I'm looking for the adequate numerical interpolation technique to solve the following problem. This is probably trivial for physicists who study gravitational fields, but I didn't find clear answers ...
Youcef's user avatar
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A question about Roger Penrose's spin networks and mathematical formalization?

Let $a,b,c$ be "units" in the spin network. Then there are there are the following three requirements to fulfill (according to the relevant Wikipedia entry): $a,b,c \in \mathbb{N}$ Triangle ...
mathoverflowUser's user avatar
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polynomial approximation of hypergeometric function 2F1

I have the following function $T(k_1,k_2)$ resulting from multiphoton transition matrix elements calculations: $T(k_1,k_2)=\gamma^{-k_2}\sum_{j=0}^{k_1}(j+2)_{l+1}\binom{k_1}{j}(k_1+1)_3(\gamma-1)^{j}{...
Omer Amit's user avatar
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Is there an analytic formula (or even a name...) for a plane curve with curvature inversely proportional to x?

I'm interested in plane curves with curvature inversely proportional to distance from the axis: $$\kappa(t) = \left(\frac{x'(t) y''(t) - y'(t)x''(t)}{(x'(t)^2 + y'(t)^2)^{3/2}} \right) = \frac{1}{a x(...
Jacob Schwartz's user avatar
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Diffraction across an absorbing wall

I need help finding the procedure for the solution of the following differential equation. This is equation is: Find $u:\mathbb{R}^2 \to \mathbb{C}$ such that for $C>0$ $ \begin{cases} u_{xx}+ ...
Sebastian Naranjo Alvarez's user avatar
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Distribution of random vectors

Two positive numbers $\alpha$ and $\beta$ are given. We are going to describe a process of choosing a random vector on the unit sphere $S$ in $\mathbb R^3$ (given by $x^2+y^2+z^2=1$). A vector $u\in ...
puzzly's user avatar
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I'm looking for the NLab page on particle species

This is just a reference request. I came across an NLab page on particle species described as certain vector bundles. But I can't seem to find it again when I searched recently. If someone can point ...
Mozibur Ullah's user avatar
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The specific connection between the Hecke operator and the t'Hooft Operator

As I was reading some articles concern about the Selberg trace formula and its general form, I have noticed that the Selberg trace formula and its general form can be understand as the energy spectrum ...
loveimissyou123's user avatar
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Cardinal Invariants and Physics

There are many applications of topology to physics, but I wonder if there is a known application of cardinal invariants to physics.
Gerardo Arizmendi's user avatar
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Energy-minimizing set of discrete points in a bounded domain

Let $\Omega \subset \mathbb{R}^3$ be a smooth, bounded domain. Let $x_1,\ldots,x_n \in \overline{\Omega}$ be chosen so as to minimize $$ \sum_{1\leq i<j\leq n} \frac{1}{|y_i - y_j|} $$ over all ...
Ben Ciotti's user avatar
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Movement of a random walk in the limit (a particle in diffusion)

I asked this question in Math Exchange and obtained no answer. Let $X(t)$ be a stochastic process in time such that $X(0)=0$ and, at each increment of time $\Delta t$, it can move $h$ units in space ...
user39756's user avatar
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What is a self-consistent equation in percolation theory

I was reading papers about percolation theory in which I was confused by the expression "self-consistent equation", for example in Temporal percolation in activity-driven networks. I read some ...
Nick Dong's user avatar
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Geometric interpretation of table with permutations and inversions

Let $T(n,k)$ is the number of permutations of numbers $1, ..., n$ and each of the permutations has $k$ inversions. We can consider a table for $T(n,k)$ for some $n$ and $k$. For eg. $n=1,...,6$, $k=1,....
Mikhail Gaichenkov's user avatar
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Simple question on the foundations of spin foam formalism

To make it simple, take the spin foam formalism of ($SU(2)$) 3D gravity. My question is about the choice of the data that will replace the (smoothly defined) fields $e$ (the triad) and $\omega$ (the ...
Pedro's user avatar
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Harmonic function in infinite domain in $\mathbb{R}^3$, constant on the boundary and decaying as $1/r^2$

EDIT: Let $\Omega\subset \mathbb{R}^3$ be a bounded domain with smooth connected boundary. Let $f\colon \mathbb{R}^3\backslash \Omega \to \mathbb{R}$ be a continuous function which is harmonic in $\...
asv's user avatar
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