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Can we describe equivariant vector bundles of free group action in terms of descent theory (Barr-Beck theorem)?

It is well known that for a compact topological group $G$ acts (say, from the right) freely on a compact space $X$. Then the category of equivariant complex vector bundles on $X$, $\text{Vect}_G(X)$, ...
Zhaoting Wei's user avatar
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Avoidable words

Let $u(x_1,...,x_n)$ be a word, $k\in \mathbb{N}$. We say that $u$ is $k$-avoidable if there exists an infinite word in $k$ letters $\{a_1,...,a_k\}$ which does not contain values of $u$ (i.e. words ...
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Almost everywhere differentiability for a class of functions on $\mathbb{R}^2$

A while ago, I came across the following problem, which I was not able to resolve one way or the other. Let $f,g\colon\mathbb{R}^2\to\mathbb{R}$ be continuous functions such that $f(t,x)$ and $g(t,...
George Lowther's user avatar
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K-theory and rings of integers

From the works of Borel and Quillen there is a connection between the $K$-theory of the ring of integers $\mathfrak{o}_K$ in a number field $K$ and the arithmetic of the number field. In fact, it is ...
Daniel Larsson's user avatar
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p-groups as rational points of unipotent groups

Is it true that every finite p-group can be realized as the group of rational points over $\mathbb{F_p}$ of some connected unipotent algebraic group defined over $\mathbb{F_p}$? For abelian p-groups, ...
Georges's user avatar
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Schemification (schematization?) of locally ringed spaces

Motivation: Say $F: D \to Sch$ is a diagram in the category of schemes, and we're interested in whether it has a colimit (gluings, pushouts, and "categorical" quotients are all examples of colimits)....
Andrew Critch's user avatar
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Deciding whether a given power series is modular or not

The degree 3 modular equation for the Jacobi modular invariant $$ \lambda(q)=\biggl(\frac{\sum_{n\in\mathbb Z}q^{(n+1/2)^2}}{\sum_{n\in\mathbb Z}q^{n^2}}\biggr)^4 $$ is given by $$ (\alpha^2+\beta^2+6\...
Wadim Zudilin's user avatar
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Closed connected additive subgroups of the Hilbert space

It is a classical result that a closed and connected additive subgroup of $\mathbb{R}^n$ is necessarily a linear subspace. However, this is no longer true in infinite dimension: a very easy example is ...
Pietro Majer's user avatar
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Density of first-order definable sets in a directed union of finite groups

This is a generalization of the following question by John Wiltshire-Gordon. Consider an inductive family of finite groups: $$ G_0 \hookrightarrow G_1 \hookrightarrow \ldots \hookrightarrow G_i \...
Gene S. Kopp's user avatar
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Homotopy flat DG-modules

A right DG-module $F$ over an associative DG-algebra (or DG-category) $A$ is said to be homotopy flat (h-flat for brevity) if for any acyclic left DG-module $M$ over $A$ the complex of abelian groups $...
Leonid Positselski's user avatar
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Are the eigenvalues of the Laplacian of a generic Kähler metric simple?

It is a theorem of Uhlenbeck that for a generic Riemannian metric, the Laplacian acting on functions has simple eigenvalues, i.e., all the eigenspaces are 1-dimensional. (Here "generic" means the set ...
Joel Fine's user avatar
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What is the current knowledge of equivariant cohomology operations?

In Caruso's paper, "Operations in equivariant $Z/p$-cohomology," http://www.ams.org/mathscinet-getitem?mr=1684248, he shows that the integer-graded stable cohomology operations in $RO(\mathbb{Z}/p)$-...
Bill Kronholm's user avatar
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Tiling rectangle with trominoes — an invariant

There are two types of trominoes, straight shapes and L-shaped. Suppose a rectangle $R$ admits at least one tiling using trominoes, with an even number of L-trominoes. EDIT: we do not admit ALL ...
Per Alexandersson's user avatar
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Ado's theorem and the reduction to positive characteristic

The synopsis: proofs of Ado theorem in positive characteristic are simple, and in characteristic $0$ are difficult. Can one infer the characteristic $0$ case from the positive characteristic case? The ...
Dmitrii Korshunov's user avatar
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What does a product of many Gaussian matrices converge to?

Let $A$ be a product of $n$ $d\times d$ matrices with IID standard Gaussian entries and consider the value of $g(x)=x f(x)$ where $f(x)$ is the density of squared singular values of $A/\|A\|$. Is ...
Yaroslav Bulatov's user avatar
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Is the dodecahedron flexible (as a polytope with fixed edge-lengths)?

Consider the (regular) dodecahedron $D\subset\Bbb R^3$. I want to continuously deform it so that throughout the deformation it stays a convex polytope, it stays a combinatorial dodecahedron (i.e. its ...
M. Winter's user avatar
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Row of the character table of symmetric group with most negative entries

The row of the character table of $S_n$ corresponding to the trivial representation has all entries positive, and by orthogonality clearly it is the only one like this. Is it true that for $n\gg 0$, ...
Sam Hopkins's user avatar
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Your favourite alternative proof of Borel–Weil–Bott

There is a really nice proof of Borel–Weil–Bott, essentially using parabolic induction (see Proof of Borel-Weil-Bott Theorem, Lurie - A proof of the Borel–Weil–Bott theorem or Demazure - A very simple ...
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Reference request: deforming a G-local system to a variation of Hodge structure

Let $X$ be a smooth connected quasiprojective variety over $\mathbb{C}$ and let $G$ be a complex reductive group. Let $$\iota: G\to GL_N$$ be a representation and let $$\rho: \pi_1(X(\mathbb{C}))\to G(...
Daniel Litt's user avatar
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Existence of orthonormal basis for $L^2(G)$ in $C_c(G)$

Remark: I cross-posted this question on MSE and added a bounty to it. Suppose that $G$ is a locally compact (Hausdorff) group endowed with the Haar measure. It is well-known that the compactly ...
Calculix's user avatar
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Which classes in $\mathrm{H}^4(B\mathrm{Exceptional}; \mathbb{Z})$ are classical characteristic classes?

Let $G$ be a compact connected Lie group. Recall that $\mathrm{H}^4(\mathrm{B}G;\mathbb{Z})$ is then a free abelian group of finite rank. Let us say that a class $c \in \mathrm{H}^4(\mathrm{B}G;\...
Theo Johnson-Freyd's user avatar
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monoidal (∞,1)-categories from weakly monoidal model categories

In Higher Algebra section 4.1.7, Jacob Lurie proves that the underlying $(\infty,1)$-category of a monoidal model category is a monoidal $(\infty,1)$-category. Dominic Verity and Yuki Maehara have (...
Emily Riehl's user avatar
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Schoen and Yau's proof of the higher dimensional positive mass theorem

In April 2017 Schoen and Yau posted on the arxiv their solution of the time-symmetric positive mass theorem in all dimensions, which has been a significant conjecture since the 70s. As of now, July ...
Quarto Bendir's user avatar
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Infinitely generated non-free group with all proper subgroups free

Is there any example of group $G$ satisfying the following properties? $G$ is non-abelian, infinitely generated (i.e. it is not finitely generated) and not a free group. $H< G$ implies that $H$ is ...
W4cc0's user avatar
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Is every positive integer the rank of an elliptic curve over some number field?

For every positive integer $n$, is there some number field $K$ and elliptic curve $E/K$ such that $E(K)$ has rank $n$? It's easy to show that the set of such $n$ is unbounded. But can one show that ...
David Corwin's user avatar
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A spin extension of a Coxeter group?

Consider a Coxeter group $W$ with simple generators $S$ and Coxeter matrix $\left( m_{s,t}\right) _{\left( s,t\right) \in S\times S}$. Let $\mathfrak{M}$ be the set of all pairs $\left(s, t\right) ...
darij grinberg's user avatar
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Does the pointclass of universally Baire sets always have the uniformization property?

A set of reals, or binary relation on the reals, etc., is called universally Baire if and only if every continuous preimage of it in every topological space has the property of Baire. (There is also ...
Trevor Wilson's user avatar
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Finiteness of etale cohomology for arithmetic schemes

By an arithmetic scheme I mean a finite type flat regular integral scheme over $\mathrm{Spec} \, \mathbb{Z}$. Let $X$ be an arithmetic scheme. Then is $H_{et}^2(X,\mathbb{Z}/n\mathbb{Z})$ finite ...
Daniel Loughran's user avatar
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Hahn-Banach and the "Axiom of Probabilistic Choice"

Stipulate that the Axiom of Probabilistic Choice (APC) says that for every collection $\{ A_i : i \in I \}$ of non-empty sets, there is a function on $I$ that assigns to $i$ a finitely-additive ...
Alexander Pruss's user avatar
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Is $\sum_{n=1}^\infty \frac{n!}{n^n}$ rational?

Is $\displaystyle \sum_{n=1}^\infty \frac{n!}{n^n}$ rational? This question has been posted in MSE for two years without an answer. A094082 seems to suggest that it is not rational. Is it still an ...
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How to approach the Mazur-Wiles paper on Iwasawa theory?

I would like to read and understand the Mazur-Wiles paper on Iwasawa theory: "Class Fields of Abelian Extensions of $\Bbb Q$". What would be the right way to approach this paper? Currently, my ...
Asvin's user avatar
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Modified Willmore energy and surfaces with infinitesimally narrow necks

Disclaimer: This is a copy of a question that I asked on the Mathematics Stack Exchange. It was suggested to me there that the question was worth asking over here. There is an open problem in ...
m3tro's user avatar
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Homeomorphisms of the sphere mapping a geodesic triangulation to another one

Consider the standard Riemannian 2-sphere $S$, equipped with a geodesic triangulation $T$. Let $L(S,T)$ be the space of homeomorphisms of $S$ which map $T$ to a geodesic triangulation. What is the ...
François Laudenbach's user avatar
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Homotopic version of Freyd's AT category observations

Freyd was the first to formalize a striking comparison between abelian categories and topoi, showing that their exactness properties can be jointly captured by the axioms of AT categories, and the ...
Mathemologist's user avatar
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Has the following problem posed by Deligne in the official description of the Hodge conjecture been solved?

Towards the end of his official description of the Hodge conjecture, Deligne asked the following question: Let $A$ be an abelian variety over the algebraic closure $\mathbb{F}$ of a finite field $...
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Is the determinant of cohomology a TQFT?

If $M$ is an oriented $d$-manifold, let $D(M)$ denote the top exterior power of $H^*(M,\mathbf{C})$. Then $D(M_1 \amalg M_2) = D(M_1) \otimes D(M_2)$. Is there a good recipe for a map $D(M) \to D(N)$...
David Treumann's user avatar
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Looking for an effective irrationality measure of $\pi$

Most standard summaries of the literature on irrationality measure simply say, e.g., that $$ \left| \pi - \frac{p}{q}\right| > \frac{1}{q^{7.6063}} $$ for all sufficiently large $q$, without giving ...
Micah's user avatar
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Etale fundamental group of a curve in characteristic $p$

Let $C$ be a connected, smooth, proper curve of genus $g$ over an algebraically closed field $k$ of characteristic $p>0$. Let $\pi_1(C)$ be the etale fundamental group of $C$ - I only care about ...
jacob's user avatar
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Topological description of inverting a knot

The first figure shows an offset overhand knot. To tie it, you simply bring the two cords together and make an overhand knot in them. It's more secure than it looks, and several climbers have been ...
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Epsilon factors - a la Beilinson - What is it?

I understand, to some extent, Tate's thesis. Could somebody explain perhaps what are the epsilon factors in Beilinson's works, such as "$\epsilon$-factors for Gauss-Manin determinants", or "...
Sasha's user avatar
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On a homological finiteness condition

Assumption: $X$ is a connected CW complex, and $H_{\ast}(X;\mathbb{Z})=\bigoplus_{n \geq 0} H_n (X; \mathbb{Z})$ is finitely generated. Question: does there exist a finite CW complex $Y$ and a map $f:...
Johannes Ebert's user avatar
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Hall's Marriage Theorem and intervals

In Hall's Marriage Theorem, we have a set $B$ of brides and $G$ of grooms, where each bride $b$ has an acceptable set $A_b \subseteq G$ of grooms. A matching $m:B\to G$ is an injection such that $m(b) ...
Allen Knutson's user avatar
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Series for envelope of triangle area bisectors

The lines which bisect the area of a triangle form an envelope as shown in this picture It is not difficult to show that the ratio of the area of the red deltoid to the area of the triangle is $$\...
Henry's user avatar
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Could unramified Galois groups satisfy a version of property tau?

This is an experiment: there is a question I want to mention in an article I'm writing, and I am not sure it's a sensible question, so I will ask it here first, in the hopes that if it's insensible ...
JSE's user avatar
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Negative Einstein manifolds

In Besse's "EInstein manifolds", p. 354, the question is posed if the volume of Einstein metrics on a given compact manifold (normalized such that $Ric=\pm(n-1)g$) take only finitely many values. For ...
Klaus Kröncke's user avatar
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Can the similarity between the Riesz representation theorem and the Yoneda embedding lemma be given a formal undergirding?

For example, by viewing Hilbert spaces as enriched categories in some fashion? (I suppose the same idea of considering the inner product of a Hilbert space as a generalized Hom-set has also been ...
Sridhar Ramesh's user avatar
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Should the Dynkin diagrams of types $A_1$ and $B_2$ be labelled $C_1$ and $C_2$?

The labels $A$--$G$ attached to connected Dynkin diagrams are of course arbitrary, the result of historical accidents. In order to avoid repetitions, the four infinite families $A_\ell, B_\ell, C_\...
Jim Humphreys's user avatar
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Can we define spectral triples using the language of rigged Hilbert spaces?

The traditional mathematical approach to quantum mechanics, as developed by von Neumann, is based on Hilbert spaces and unbounded self-adjoint operators. Another approach, which more closely resembles ...
Dmitri Pavlov's user avatar
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Characteristic subgroups and direct powers

Solved question: Suppose H is a characteristic subgroup of a group G. Is it then necessary that, for every natural number n, in the group $G^n$ (the external direct product of $G$ with itself $n$ ...
Vipul Naik's user avatar
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Idea of presheaf cohomology vs. sheaf cohomology

Let $X$ be a topological space and $U$ an open cover of $X$. In this thread Angelo explained beautifully how presheaf cohomology (Cech cohomology) relates to sheaf cohomology: The zeroth Cech ...
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