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Does Wedderburn's Little Theorem hold constructively?

Wedderburn's Little Theorem states that every finite division ring is commutative. Perhaps even more surprising, this implies that every finite reduced ring is commutative. The proofs that I am aware ...
Martin Brandenburg's user avatar
4 votes
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If $P\times{\bf2}$ order-embeds in $Q\times{\bf2}$, does the poset $P$ embed in the poset $Q$?

A function $f:P\to Q$ from a poset $(P,\le_P)$ to a poset $(Q,\le_Q)$ is an order-embedding if, for all $p,p'\in P$, $p\le_P p'$ if and only if $f(p)\le_Q f(p')$. We partially order the Cartesian ...
Tri's user avatar
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How to find all linear transformations commuting with all elements of the image of an isotypic representation of a compact Lie group

Let a linear finite-dimensional isotypic (i.e., decomposable into a direct sum of isomorphic irreducible subrepresentations) representation of a compact Lie group $G$ in a finite-dimensional space $V$ ...
Vladimir47 's user avatar
15 votes
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Positive quadratic polynomial

Let $S$ be solutions of a system of quadratic polynomials on $\mathbb{R}^n$. Suppose $q$ is another quadratic polynomial such that $q|_S\geqslant 0$. Is it possible to find a polynomial $\tilde q$ ...
Anton Petrunin's user avatar
3 votes
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Closed-form expression for definite integrals involving modified Bessel functions K_1 and K_0

I am attempting to derive a closed-form expression for the following two integrals involving the modified Bessel functions $K_1$ and $K_0$, but I can't find a solution (I don't know if there is one). ...
vbarros's user avatar
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Is the appearance of Schur functions a coincidence?

The Schur functions are symmetric functions which appear in several different contexts: The characters of the irreducible representations for the symmetric group (under the characteristic isometry). ...
matha's user avatar
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13 votes
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Realizing integral homology classes on non-orientable manifolds by embedded orientable submanifolds

Let $M^m$ denote a compact, non-orientable smooth manifold and $\nu$ an integral homology class of dimension $n$. I am interested in understanding the representability of $\nu$ by embedded, orientable ...
Zhenhua Liu's user avatar
7 votes
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MIP*=RE theorem and its impact on logic and proof theory

In the monumental paper MIP*=RE five authors, Zhengfeng Ji, Anand Natarajan, Thomas Vidick, John Wright, and Henry Yuen, managed to show that two complexity classes: RE and MIP* do in fact coincide. ...
truebaran's user avatar
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How to prove negativity of a $3\times3$ determinant whose elements involve trigamma, tetragamma, and pentagamma functions?

The classical Euler gamma function can be defined by the integral \begin{equation*} \Gamma(z)=\int_0^{\infty}t^{z-1}\operatorname{e}^{-t}\operatorname{d}t, \quad \Re(z)>0. \end{equation*} Its ...
qifeng618's user avatar
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Contractibility of the pseudo-boundary of the Hilbert cube

Let the separable Hilbert cube $Q=\prod_{i=1}^{+\infty}[0,1]$ embed into the real Hilbert space $H=l^2(\mathbb{Z}^+)$, whose coordinate unit vectors are $\{ e_i \}_{i=1}^{+\infty}$, as the subset $\...
Zerox's user avatar
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Geometrizing saturation construction

Edit: My original question quickly got one close request, so I edited it to add some context and motivation. Consider homogeneous polynomials $J_1,\dots,J_r\in k[\bar x]$. I want to construct a ...
user347489's user avatar
1 vote
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Question of pole and zeros of symmetric or exterior global $L$-function of $\mathrm{GL}_n(\mathbb{A})$

Let $\pi$ be a unitary cuspidal representation of $\mathrm{GL}_n(\mathbb{A})$. It is written is some paper that using the results towards the generalized Ramanujan conjecture in the paper "On the ...
Andrew's user avatar
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23 votes
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Does this expression always vanish?

I have checked that the following expression \begin{align} \sum_{i=1}^N\sum_{j=1\\ j\ne i}^N\frac{A_iA_j(A_i+A_j)}{(A_i-A_j)^3}\prod_{k=1\\ k\ne i\\ k\ne j}^N\frac{A_i A_k}{(A_i-A_k)^2} \end{align} is ...
Silly Point's user avatar
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Question on the Rankin-Selberg epsilon function

Let $\pi$ and $\pi'$ be unitary cuspidal automorphic representation of $\mathrm{GL}_n(\mathbb{A})$ and $\mathrm{GL}_m(\mathbb{A})$, respectively. It is well known that the complete Rankin-Selberg $L$-...
Andrew's user avatar
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Does this KL divergence inequality hold?

Suppose $p$ and $q$ are two discrete distributions. Given a positive constant $\beta\in(0,1)$, we create a new discrete distribution $y$ such that $$ \frac{y\left( x \right)}{p\left( x \right)}=\frac{\...
Jiacai Liu's user avatar
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Improved conjecture about partitions of the powerset without the empty set

This conjecture is similar to the previously disproved one, but more difficult. For any partition $\mathcal{F}=\{\mathcal{A_1},\ldots,\mathcal{A_m} \}$ of the powerset without the empty set element $\...
Fabius Wiesner's user avatar
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Analytical solution to coupled ODEs arising in molecular evolution

The following system of coupled ODEs arises in the study of DNA sequence evolution: \begin{eqnarray*} \frac{da}{dt} & = & \frac{\mu (1-y) b u}{S - y(S-b-v)} - (\lambda +\mu ) a \\ \frac{db}...
Ian Holmes's user avatar
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Motivic complex on arithmetic schemes

If we believe the finite generation of motivic cohomology for regular arithmetic schemes like $X$ then we can see that (using Quillen-Lichtenbaum)for infinitely many primes $l$ we have an isomorphism ...
user127776's user avatar
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Tate's conjecture for arithmetic schemes

Tate's conjecture is about a map from Chow groups of a smooth projective variety $X$ to the $l$-adic cohomology i.e. $CH^n(X)\rightarrow (H^{2n}(\bar{X}, \mathbb{Q}_l(n)))^G$ where $G$ is the Galois ...
user127776's user avatar
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Is there a Fokker-Plancker analogue for the joint distribution of $(X_t, X_{t+\Delta t})$?

Let $X$ be the solution to (real-valued) stochastic differential equation : $$dX_t = b(t,X_t)dt + a(t,X_t)dW_t, \quad \forall t\ge 0.$$ Let $\Delta t>0$ be given. Under suitable conditions (on $b,a,...
Fawen90's user avatar
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Existence property for second-order propositional logic

Consider the intuitionistic second-order propositional calculus (SOL) formulated in the full $\wedge,\vee,\rightarrow,\bot,\top,\forall,\exists$ language. Question: Assume that $\Gamma$ and $\Psi$ are ...
Z. A. K.'s user avatar
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Strong converse of Kazhdan's property (T)

In his 1972 paper Sur la cohomologie des groupes topologiques II, Guichardet proved$^\ast$ that (non-abelian) free groups satisfy the following strong converse of property (T): The $1$-cohomology $H^1(...
MaoWao's user avatar
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3 votes
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Factorizations of cyclotomic polynomials valuated at primes

I have a question concerning cyclotomic polynomials valuated at primes. I first state it in the easiest possible form. There exists a function $f:\mathbb{N}\to\mathbb{N}$ such that, if $p$ is a prime, ...
Pablo Spiga's user avatar
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Hodge symmetry without $\mathbb{C}$ [duplicate]

If $k$ is a field of characteristic zero and $X$ is a smooth irreducible projective variety over $k$, then $X$ satisfy Hodge symmetry, meaning that $$\dim H^p(X, \Omega_{X/k}^q) = \dim H^q(X, \Omega_{...
Antoine Labelle's user avatar
5 votes
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Does the bicategory of additive categories admit bicolimits?

By bicolimit I mean what Kelly means in its "Elementary observations on 2-categorical limits". If we have a diagram (pseudofunctor) $G\colon\mathcal P\to\mathcal K$, the bicolimit of $G$ is ...
Nikio's user avatar
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Probability to return to the origin for a uniform random walk

Consider a uniform random walk on $\mathbb{R}$, with stepsize chosen uniformly from the interval $(-1,1)$. The random walk start at $x=0$. Denote by $\rho_p dx$ the probability that the random walk ...
Carlo Beenakker's user avatar
11 votes
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Does every finite affine plane have the doubling property?

Definition 1. An affine plane is a pair $(X,\mathcal L)$ consisting of a set $X$ and a family $\mathcal L$ of subsets of $X$ called lines which satisfy the following axioms: Any distinct points $x,y\...
Taras Banakh's user avatar
2 votes
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Generalized conjugacy classes in (topological) groups

Let $G$ be a topological group. We define an equivalence relation on $G$ as follows: For $a,b\in G$ we set $a\sim b$ if the following two maps are topologically conjugate: $$x\mapsto ax,\qquad x\...
Ali Taghavi's user avatar
3 votes
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When is the albanese map an embedding

Let $S$ be a surface defined over a field $K$, when is the albanese map $S\longrightarrow \text{Alb}(S)$ an embedding? For curves, for example, with genus at least 2, there is a morphism between the ...
kindasorta's user avatar
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Completely contractive Banach algebra structure on the dual of a Hopf $C^*$-algebra

Let $(A, \Delta)$ be a Hopf $C^*$-algebra, i.e. $A$ is a $C^*$-algebra, and $\Delta: A \to M(A\otimes A)$ is an injective non-degenerate $*$-homomorphism that is coassociative: $$(\iota \otimes \Delta)...
Andromeda's user avatar
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How to get perturbation bounds of singular vectors

Let an adjacency matrix $A={A^\top}\in {\mathbb{R}^{n \times n}}$ (a binary matrix) of a simple undirected graph and its degree matrix $D$ be given. When adding $Q$ edges into the graph, which is ...
Henry's user avatar
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Is there is a constant $c$ such that toroidal graphs are minor-$c$-colorable?

A toroidal graph is a graph that can be embedded on a torus. In other words, the graph's vertices can be placed on a torus such that no edges cross. A minor of graph G is a graph obtained from G by ...
Xin Zhang's user avatar
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Computing $G$-theory for a 3-dimensional affine simplicial toric variety

Let $k$ be an algebraically closed field of characteristic zero. Let $\sigma$ be the cone in $\mathbb{R}^3$ generated by $e_1,2e_1+e_2,e_1+2e_2+3e_3$. Then it is easy to check that $\sigma$ is a 3-...
Boris's user avatar
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Are bounded groups of thin operators on Hilbert space similar to groups of unitaries?

QUESTION. Let $G$ be a group of bounded operators on $\ell^2$, satisfying $\sup_{x\in G} \lVert x\rVert <\infty$, whose elements are all of the form "identity+compact" (sometimes called &...
Yemon Choi's user avatar
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On the inequality-integer system [closed]

I need to prove this inequality, but I do not have a good background in algebra, if you can guide me: We have: $$ p_1 + 2p_2 + \ldots +kp_k < q_1 + 2q_2 + \ldots +kq_k+(k+1)q_{k+1}+\ldots+tq_t $$ ...
BADJARA Mohamed el Amine's user avatar
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Computing the expectation of a quadratic matrix form involving Bernoulli and Gaussian distributed matrices

I am working with two random matrices, $Z$ and $H$: $Z$ is an $n \times K$ matrix with entries sampled i.i.d. from a Bernoulli distribution: $Z_{ij} \sim \mathrm{Bernoulli}(p)$. $H$ is a $K \times K$ ...
Dalek's user avatar
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Sufficient conditions for the graph measurability of a multivalued function

I am currently working on a problem related to the measurability of multi-functions in the context of mathematical economics. Specifically, I am searching for sufficient conditions regarding the graph ...
Saito's user avatar
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Connectivity of the space of transverse vector fields

Suppose we have a smooth, closed manifold $M$ of dimension $n$ and connectivity $k$. What can we say about the connectivity of the space of all tangent vector fields on $M$ that are transverse to the ...
Steve Costenoble's user avatar
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Initial conditions to falsify Rowland's conjecture

Based on the Rowland's paper (A natural prime-generating recurrence), is there any theorem to show that for which initial condition $a(1) = k$ the conjecture can be falsified? For example, for $k$ ...
OmG's user avatar
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Restrictions of affinoid functions from wide open neighbourhoods

Let $X=\operatorname{Sp}(A)$ be an affinoid $K$-space, where $K$ is a p-adic field. Suppose that $X$ lies in the interior of another affinoid $K$-space $X'=\operatorname{Sp}(B)$. Recall that this ...
Tom Adams's user avatar
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Bounding the degree of the Weierstrass polynomial of a product of a holomorphic function and a polynomial

In brief. For a fixed holomorphic function $v$, I want to bound the degree $q$ of the Weierstrass polynomial $Q$ in the Weierstrass decomposition $v^TP = uQ$, in terms of the degree $p$ of the ...
Sébastien Loisel's user avatar
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Hardness of an optimization problem when some variables are fixed

Given a general optimization problem, I would like to know what we can say about the hardness of the problem when a subset of its variables are fixed. With the two (related) examples, it is clear that ...
Ro. Cohof's user avatar
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Gluing faces of n-cube

Assuming $C_n$ be the $n$-cube, the intersection of $C_n$ with a supporting hyperplane $H(P, v)$ is called a face or more precisely a $d$-face if the dimension is $d$. Let $f_0$ and $f_1$ be faces ...
mahu's user avatar
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Size of set of positive integers no sum of two distinct elements giving square

Question: find the size of a maximal subset $A$ of $[n]=\{1,\cdots,n\}$ satisfying that for any distinct elements $x,y\in A$, $x+y$ is not a perfect square. Consider a graph with $n$ vertices: $x$ and ...
Haoran Chen's user avatar
8 votes
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Sheaf of compact Hausdorff spaces but not a condensed anima

Consider the site $\mathbf{CHaus}$ of compact Hausdorff spaces together with the finitely jointly surjective families of maps as coverings. Restriction induces an equivalence of categories $$ \mathbf{...
Qi Zhu's user avatar
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A non-example of a graded Frobenius algebra

Take the class of finite dimensional graded algebras $A = \sum_i A_i$ satisfying $|A_n| = 1$ where $A_n \neq 0$ and $A_m = 0$, for all $m > n$. What is an example in this class that is not ...
Lorenzo Del Vecchiopontopolos's user avatar
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Approximating $L^p$ functions by eigenfunctions of Laplacian

I'm reading a paper In this paper, the authors assume that $\mathcal{O}$ is a bounded domain of $\mathbb{R}^N$ with $C^m$ boundary ...
ze min jiang's user avatar
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On Dirac/ Clifford matrices

Let $(\eta^{\mu\nu})=\operatorname{diag}(+1,-1,-1,-1)$. The Dirac matrices $\gamma^\mu$, $\mu=0,1,2,3$ satisfy by definition $$\{\gamma^\mu,\gamma^\nu\}=2\eta^{\mu\nu}\tag{1}\label{1}$$ where $\{A,B\}=...
asv's user avatar
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A (possible) Lie algebra extension of the Lie algebra of a foliation

Motivation: The aim of this post is to extend the Lie algebra of a foliation to a bigger Lie algebra. We assume that a manifold $M$ is foliated by compat leaves. The Lie algebra of the foliation is ...
Ali Taghavi's user avatar
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Finite (schema) axiomatizability of representable cylindric algebras

If we know that the class of all representable cylindric algebras of dimension $\alpha$ (for any ordinal number $\alpha>2$) is NOT finitely (schema) axiomatizable*, then does it (perhaps trivially) ...
Âloh's user avatar
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