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Is there a natural topology for subsets of a fixed topological space?

This question is an extension/clarification of the question: Is there a natural topology for sets of topological spaces? The Hausdorff distance assigns a distance to any two subspaces $X, Y$ of a ...
user39598's user avatar
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Examples of nontrivial morphism between simple bundles but not isomorphism

We know stable bundles have a good property: If $f: E\longrightarrow E'$ is a nontrivial morphism where $E,E'$ have the same rank and degree, then $f$ must be an isomorphism. I'm wondering does this ...
Z. Liu's user avatar
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Maximum number of connected components of surfaces in three dimensions, what is known?

Part of Hilbert's 16th problem is: It seems to me that a thorough investigation of the relative positions of the upper bound for separate branches is of great interest, and similarly the ...
user548513's user avatar
3 votes
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Huygens' principle or finite speed of propagation?

I am reading the paper Large global solutions for energy supercritical nonlinear wave equations on $\mathbb{R}^{3+1}$ by Krieger and Schlag and am confused by one of their steps. For context, $v(t,r)$ ...
Dispersion's user avatar
-3 votes
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Is this a conclusion group for a new fundamental geometry problem? [closed]

Let σ(n) represent all possible values of the types of different lengths of segments connected to each other among n points in the definition,such as in the plane,σ(3)=(1,2,3),σ(3)min=1,in the ...
Knight Of Light X's user avatar
5 votes
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Galois action on Borovoi's algebraic fundamental group

In Borovoi's paper Abelian Galois cohomology of reductive groups, the algebraic fundamental group of a connected reductive group $G$ over a field $K$ of characteristic zero is defined as $$\pi_1(G, T):...
Fu Chenji's user avatar
3 votes
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Order of $\mathbb{E}[ \max_i |x_i + z_i| - \max_i |z_i|]$

Let $z_1, \dots, z_n$ be iid standard Normal, and let $x \in \mathbb{R}^n$. Put $\|u\|_\infty = \max_i |u_i|$. Define $$ F(x) = \mathbb{E}\Big[\|x + z\|_\infty - \|z\|_\infty\Big] $$ If $\|x\|_\infty \...
Drew Brady's user avatar
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Connectedness of equivariant Hilbert schemes of points of affine spaces (or as orbifolds)?

Let $G$ be an abelian finite group act on $\mathbb C^n$, when the equivariant Hilbert scheme $\mathrm{Hilb}^{R}(\mathbb C^n)^G=\mathrm{Hilb}^{R}([\mathbb C^n/G])$ is connected? Now $R$ is a ...
DVL-WakeUp's user avatar
6 votes
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Is decomposability of polynomials over a field an undecidable problem?

By a decomposition of a polynomial $F(x)$ over a field $K$ we mean writing $F(x)$ as $$ F(x)=G(H(x)) \quad(G(x), H(x) \in K[x]), $$ which is nontrivial if $\operatorname{deg} G(x)>1$ and $\...
SARTHAK GUPTA's user avatar
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A system of nonlinear Diophantine equations whose positive solutions are not coprime

Consider the following system of Diophantine equations: $$v_1k_1=k_1^3-k_2^3+k_3^3 \\ v_2k_2=k_1^3+k_2^3-k_3^3 \\ v_3k_3=-k_1^3+k_2^3+k_3^3 \tag{1}$$ where $v_1,v_2,v_3$ and $k_1,k_2,k_3$ are integer-...
Amir's user avatar
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Non-functoriality of transition maps between $\kappa$-condensed sets

I am currently following Scholze's lecture notes ( on condensed mathematics. We would like to define condensed sets as sheaves on the site $\...
C. Brendel's user avatar
5 votes
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An uncountable measurable subset of $\Bbb R$ containing no nonempty perfect set

$\newcommand\R{\Bbb R}$Assuming the axiom of choice, is there an uncountable Lebesgue-measurable subset $S$ of $\R$ that contains no nonempty perfect set? Of course, such a set $S$, if it exists, ...
Iosif Pinelis's user avatar
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Measurability of a map involving probability measures

Let $X$ be a metrizable topological space and $\mathscr B_X$ the Borel $\sigma$-algebra on it. Let $\Delta X$ denote the set of probability measures on $(X,\mathscr B_X)$, and let $\mathscr B_{\Delta ...
triple_sec's user avatar
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Converse of Scherk–Segre theorem on the number of vertices of a convex space curve

It is well known that any smooth simple closed convex curve $\gamma$ in $\mathbb{R}^{3}$ that meets no plane in more than 4 points has exactly 4 vertices, i.e., points of vanishing torsion; here "...
Matteo Raffaelli's user avatar
4 votes
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Transferring $A_\infty$-structure from a module to its homology

Given an $A_\infty$-module $M$, which is a graded module $M=\bigoplus_{k\in\mathbb{Z}}M_k$ with morphisms $m_n^M\colon A^{\otimes(n-1)}\otimes M\rightarrow M$ of degree 2-n satisfying the $A_\infty$ ...
Hyperion's user avatar
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Is there a characterization of monoids that distribute over each other?

Let $(M, e_1, \times_1, e_2, \times_2)$ be an algebraic structure such that $(M, e_1, \times_1)$ and $(M, e_2, \times_2)$ are monoids $x \times_1 (y \times_2 z) = (x \times_1 y) \times_2 (x \times_1 ...
Keith's user avatar
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Closed formula for the factorial over reals

How to prove that there is no formula for $n!$ that does only use the binary operations $+,-,*,/$ on real numbers, powers of real numbers, and fixed real numbers? Similar question have been asked ...
domotorp's user avatar
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Can I get a spherical coordinate from a real cocycle?

The Setting I am currently working on a project in Topological Data Analysis (TDA), where I aim to construct a density-robust spherical coordinate associated with a dataset $X$, sampled from a ...
Womm's user avatar
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-1 votes
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Solving special multivariable limits by Euclidean geometry

General Problem: Inspect function $L(a)$ for $a\in \mathbb{R}^{n}$, given that: $$L(a)=\lim_{x\to 0_{+}}\frac{x^{a}}{F(x)}$$ Notation legends: $x=(x_1,\ldots,x_n),\ a=(a_1,...,a_n),\ x^a=x_{1}^{a_1}\...
Quý Nhân's user avatar
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Martingale problem for the Wiener process

Consider $\Omega \triangleq \mathbf{C}([0,T];\mathbb{R})$, $\mathbf{F} \triangleq \mathbf{B}(\mathbf{C}[0,T];\mathbb{R})$ (Borelian $\sigma$-algebra) and $\mathbf{F}_t \triangleq \sigma \left \{ W_s, \...
megaproba's user avatar
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Integral form of linking number

I am reading the paper "Gapless Floquet topology" by Cardoso et al and the following section got me confused. I understand that now $F$ lives in a space where a 2 dimensional subspace is ...
wooohooo's user avatar
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Diamonds at $\omega_2$ under PFA

Let $\lambda$ be a cardinal, and $S\subset \lambda^+$ be stationary. A $\diamondsuit^+(S)$-sequence is a sequence $\langle \mathcal{A}_\alpha\mid \alpha\in S\rangle$ such that each $\mathcal{A}_\alpha\...
Yujun Wei's user avatar
7 votes
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Cardinal characteristics and $\mathfrak{c} < \aleph_\omega$

Let $\mathsf{R}$ denote some finitely many relations about finitely many cardinal characteristics (e.g. $\mathfrak{a} \leq \mathfrak{s}$, $\mathfrak{a} < \mathfrak{d} = \mathfrak{r}$, $\mathfrak{b} ...
Clement Yung's user avatar
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Simple modules of the Weyl algebra

Let $\mathbb{F}$ be a field and W be the Weyl algebra, as the algebra over $\mathbb{F}$ generated by $a,b$ with relation $ab-ba=1$. The description of simple modules over the Weyl algebra over ...
marcos's user avatar
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Can a mathematics research paper have just propositions & corollaries? [closed]

I am writing a research paper, in which I am proving some properties of new convolution operation $\star$ for some transform, like linearity, associativity, commutativity,distributivity, shift ...
General Mathematics's user avatar
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Maximum density of sum-free sets with respect to Knuth's "addition"

A subset $S\subseteq\mathbb{N}$ is said to be sum-free if whenever $s,t\in S$, then $s+t\notin S$. For instance the set of odd numbers is sum-free and has (lower and upper) asymptotic density 1/2. ...
Dominic van der Zypen's user avatar
8 votes
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What is the smallest and "best" 27 lines configuration? And what is its symmetry group?

I was this past year working with a bright high-schooler on algebraic geometry following Reid's book Undergraduate Algebraic Geometry, and we got all the way to proving that there is at least one line ...
David Roberts's user avatar
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when does $h$ exist?

Let $\zeta(s)$ denote the Reimann zeta function in the critical strip. It is easy to see that $$ \zeta(s) = 0 \Longleftrightarrow \Re(\zeta(s))+\Im(\zeta(s)) = 0 ~~~~ \text{and} ~~~~~~ \Re(\zeta(s)) \...
Roy Burson's user avatar
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Zariski Connectedness Theorem: From Analytic & Topological Viewpoint

Let $p:Y \to X$ be a proper, flat (see later why) surjective map between smooth connected complex varieties $Y,X$, esp. $X$ unibranch. Assume that there exist a Zariski open (esp. dense) $U \subset X$ ...
user267839's user avatar
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A closed formula for a sum involving hypergeometric functions

Can we find a closed formula for this sum: $$\sum_{p,q\geq 0} (p+q+1)r^{p+q} \frac{{}_1F_1(1+p;2+p+q;r^2)}{{}_1F_1(1+p;2+p+q;1)}$$ where $$_1F_1(a;c;z) = \sum_{n=0}^{\infty} \frac{(a)_n}{(c)_n n!} z^...
zoran  Vicovic's user avatar
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Which abelian varieties over a local field can be globalized?

As the title says, if $\mathcal{A}$ is an abelian variety over $\mathbb{Q}_p$, is there a criterion as to if I should expect there to exist $A$ over $\mathbb{Q}$ such that $$\mathcal{A}\cong A\times_{\...
curious math guy's user avatar
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Invariant theory for unitary groups $\mathcal{U}(n)$

I'm trying to understand the invariant theory of the unitary groups $\mathcal{U}(n)$ on tensor powers of their standard representations $V^{\otimes p} \otimes (V^*)^{\otimes q}$. Let $\mathcal{U}(n)$ ...
Greg Zitelli's user avatar
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Preserving non-conjugacy of loxodromic isometries in a Dehn filling

Suppose that $g$ and $h$ are non-conjugate loxodromic isometries in a cusped hyperbolic $3$-manifold $M$ of finite volume. Fix a cusp $T$ of $M$. Can I choose a hyperbolic Dehn filling of $M$ along $...
Emily Hamilton's user avatar
6 votes
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Difficulty with "A new elementary proof of the Prime Number Theorem" by Richter

I'm studying Richter's "A new elementary proof of the Prime Number Theorem" paper, and I'm finding some problems understanding some parts of it. For example, I don't see how to get, in Lemma ...
rr_math's user avatar
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Are integers conservatively embedded in the field of complex numbers?

I am looking for a reference to the fact that $\mathbb{Z}$ is conservatively embedded into the field $\mathbb{C}$ of complex numbers, that is anything in $\mathbb{Z}$ which is definable in $(\mathbb{C}...
Boris Z's user avatar
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Effective Bombieri-Lang conjecture

The Bombieri-Lang conjecture is the following well-known conjecture: Let $X$ be a projective variety defined over a number field $K$. Suppose that $X$ is general type. Then $X(K)$, the set of $K$-...
Stanley Yao Xiao's user avatar
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Whitney stratifications of hypersurfaces

Suppose that $X$ is a Whitney stratified algebraic variety with strata $\{S_i\}.$ Suppose that $Z$ is a hypersurface of $X$ which transversely intersects all strata of $X$, i.e. $S_i \cap Z$ is a ...
user535880's user avatar
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question about some algebraic simplifications performed as we solve differential equations with Laplace transform

I am trying to follow this discussion of Laplace transforms on youtube: The relevant portion is 10 minutes in to the video. There is some algebra ...
Chris Bedford's user avatar
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Every smooth function contains a bijection [closed]

Let $f:\mathbb{D}\rightarrow \mathbb{R}$ be a continuous non-constant over $\mathbb{D}$. Is there always a subset $\mathbb{A}\subseteq \mathbb{D}$ such that $f:\mathbb{A}\rightarrow \mathbb{R}$ is a ...
John Wayne's user avatar
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Primary invariants on MAGMA for a graded ring

I have asked this question on mathstacks, but a collegue of mine recommended me to post it here. I am trying to find an optimal system of parameters for a graded ring using Magma. Specifically, I want ...
Rustam T's user avatar
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Instrumental Variable model prove inequality holds [closed]

very stuck on this proof for my homework, professor didn't really teach this concept as it was supposed to be "self-learning", so I'm not really sure where to start. homework problem
Avalancheforecaster's user avatar
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When does a lax monad morphism induce a functor between categories of algebras that preserves reflexive coequalisers?

Let $S$ be a monad on a category $\mathbf C$. If $\mathbf C$ is cocomplete, and the category of algebras $\mathbf C^S$ admits reflexive coequalisers, then $\mathbf C^S$ is cocomplete. Thus, it is ...
varkor's user avatar
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Cell structure on the function space $\operatorname{Hom}(X,Y)$

By the Theorem of Milnor in his paper "On spaces having the homotopy type of a CW-complex", the function space $\operatorname{Hom}(X,Y)$ (with the compact-open topology) is homotopy ...
May's user avatar
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Formula for $P(d) = \sum_{\sum_{i=1}^m k_i = d, k_i \in \mathbb{N}_+} \left( \prod_{i=1}^m k_i^{a_i} \right) $

Let $\mathbb{N}_+ = \{ 1, 2, \dots\} $. For a given sequence of elements $\{a_i \}_{1 \leq i \leq m} $in $ \mathbb{N}_+ $, we define \begin{equation} P(d) = \sum_{\sum_{i=1}^m k_i = d, k_i \in \...
zhjzwlys's user avatar
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Question on gamma matrices

Let $(M,g)$ be a pseudo-Riemannian spin manifold and let us denote by $S$ the spinor bundle, i.e. the associated vector bundle with respect to the spin representation. Usually, the "gamma ...
B.Hueber's user avatar
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Is there a more natural way to define the Young symmetrizer and the Specht module?

It's well known that Young symmetrizer is a fundamental tool in the representation theory of symmetric groups. For instance, for every Young diagram $\lambda\vdash n$, we construct a Young tableau $T_\...
LuckyJollyMoments's user avatar
3 votes
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How irregular can the set of points of non-differentiability for an L1 function's primitive F get, before the FTC fails?

A Fundamental Theorem of Calculus for Lebesgue Integration, J. J. Koliha begins with the passage Lebesgue proved a number of remarkable results on the relation between integration and differentiation....
D.R.'s user avatar
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Dimension of the intersection of the commuting variety with a particular subspace

Let $\mathcal C$ denote the commuting variety of pairs of matrices in $M_n(\mathbb{C})$, defined as: $$ \mathcal C = \{ (A, B) \in M_n(\mathbb{C})^2 \mid [A, B] = 0 \}. $$ It is well known that $\...
darko's user avatar
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How to maximize the variance of a subset of integers?

$\DeclareMathOperator{\Var}{Var}$Given the set of numbers $\Omega := \{1, \ldots, n\}, n \in \mathbb{Z}^+$, how can I choose a subset, $A$ of $\Omega$ , such that $\min(\Var(A), \Var(\Omega \setminus ...
Hasan Zaeem's user avatar
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Second order differential equation with non constant coefficient

Is it possible to solve the differential equation for $y(t)$ the following ODE? $$ y^{\prime \prime}(t)+ \frac{f^{\prime}(t)}{2 f(t)} y^{\prime}(t) + k^{2} y(t) = 0 $$ It can also be rewritten as $$ \...
trying's user avatar
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