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Questions tagged [fa.functional-analysis]

Banach spaces, function spaces, real functions, integral transforms, theory of distributions, measure theory.

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Eigenvalues of Witten Laplacian induced by log-concave probability measure on manifold

Let $M$ be a closed $n$-dimensional Riemannian manifold and let $\mu=e^{-V}d\mathrm{vol}_M$ be a log-concave probability measure on $M$, such that the pair $(M,\mu)$ verifies the so-called Bakry-Emery ...
dohmatob's user avatar
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Product of Heavisides: calculus vs Fourier transform vs wavefront set

I decided to ask this question here, since I did not get any answer from MSE and perhaps this topic is somewhat far from MSE's topics. I am following the paper here. I am trying to understand how to ...
Evangeline A. K. McDowell's user avatar
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Gauge invariance of a QFT path integral

If we consider the usual formal construction of a path integral over fields with gauge symmetries e.g as in Weinbergs "The Quantum Theory of Fields - Volume 2" the notion of gauge invariance ...
iolo's user avatar
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The Laplace transform and the Lagrange compositional inversion formula

I'm looking for references which derive the Lagrange inversion formula, given below (in bold), for the Taylor series coefficients of the compositional inverse of a function $f$ analytic at the origin ...
Tom Copeland's user avatar
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Smoothness of Radon transform

Let $f:\mathbb R^n \to \mathbb R$ be density function (i.e nonnegative function which integrates to $1$), and consider its Radon transform $R[f]$ defined by $$ R[f](w,b) := \int_{\mathbb R^n}\delta(x^\...
dohmatob's user avatar
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A distribution $\pi \propto \exp(-f)$ satisfies log-Sobolev inequality, does $\exp(-af)$ also satisfy LSI?

Assume a distribution $\pi \propto e^{-f}$ satisfies log-Sobolev inequality (LSI) $$\forall \rho \in P(\mathbb{R}^n), \quad KL(\rho\| \pi) \le \frac{1}{2\lambda} I(\rho \| \pi)$$ with LSI constant $\...
JIaojiao Fan's user avatar
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spilt the sum of singular values of matrices

Let $A_{i} \in GL(d, \mathbb{R})$ for $i=1, 2, 3.$ For $q>0$, we denote $t_{3}^{q}=\sum_{i=0}^{3} \sigma_{1}^{q}(A_{i})\sigma_{2}^{q}(A_{i})\sigma_{3}^{q}(A_{i})$, $t_{2}^{q}=\sum_{i=0}^{3} \sigma_{...
Adam's user avatar
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What is the justification for using Wiener integrals to integrate over a space of differentiable functions?

In the literature on stiff/semiflexible polymer chains modelled as continuous chains rather than as discrete links, the partition function (among other things) is taken to be an integral over the ...
Harmenszoon's user avatar
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Approximation of zonoids

I have a question regarding the papers on approximating zonoids with zonotopes. I'll first write down the approximation problem and then state what my question is. Problem of Approximating Zonoids. ...
user58955's user avatar
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Existence of saddle points under a $C^0$-perturbation of a continuous function

Let $f:\mathbb{R}\to \mathbb{R}$ be a continuous function and has a strict maximum point $a$ and strict minimum point $b$. Define $g(x,y)=f(x)+f(y)$ and $h_\varepsilon(x,y)$ be a family of continuous ...
W.J.'s user avatar
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Projections in von Neumann algebra tensor product

Let $\mathcal M\subseteq B(\mathcal H)$ be a von Neumann algebra with normal faithful semifinite trace $\tau.$ Consider the von Neumann algebra $\mathcal N:=L_\infty([0,1])\overline{\otimes}\mathcal M$...
A beginner mathmatician's user avatar
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Consistent approximation of weighted Radon transform of smooth probability density, using kernel density estimation

Let $X$ be a random vector in $\mathbb R^d$, with "sufficiently smooth" probability density function on $\rho$. For unit-vectors $w$ and $u$ in $\mathbb R^d$, and a scalar $b \in \mathbb R$, ...
dohmatob's user avatar
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A closed ideal in $L^1(T)$

Let $\mathbb{T}$ be the unit circle and consider the convolution group algebra $L^1(\mathbb{T})$. Let $I_n$ be the closed ideal generated by the polynomial $p_n(z)=z^n-1$ in $L^1(\mathbb{T})$. Let $I=...
ABB's user avatar
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Shift-invariant spaces

We can define a shift-invariant space as $$V_{\varphi}(\mathbb{Z}):=\left\{\sum_{k\in\mathbb{Z}}c_k\varphi({\cdot}-k):(c_k)\in \ell_2\right\},$$ where convergence of the series is taken to be in $L^2(\...
AKG's user avatar
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Trouble understanding Lax method for KDV equation for inverse scattering method

I am trying to learn the Lax pair condition on my own so that I can eventually learn the inverse scattering method. I am following a paper by Tuncay Aktosun ("Inverse scattering transform and the ...
Will_Phys4's user avatar
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Finite approximations to the Kuratowski/Fréchet embedding

Let $(X,d)$ be a compact doubling metric space with doubling constant $C>0$. Let $\{\mathbb{X}_n\}_{n=0}^{\infty}$ be a sequences of finite subsets of $X$ with $$ \left\{B\left(x_k,\frac1{n}\right)...
Carlos_Petterson's user avatar
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Distributions whose derivatives are Radon measures

It is not difficult to show that if $f\in L^{loc}_1(\mathbb{R})$ and its derivative $Df$ (as an element of $\mathcal{D}'(\mathbb{R})$)is a Radon measure in $\mathbb{R}$ with finite total variation, ...
Oliver Díaz's user avatar
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Green's function for elliptic PDE with potential

$\newcommand{\div}{\operatorname{div}}$Suppose I have an elliptic operator $\mathcal{L} u = -\div (A \nabla u) $ on some open set $\Omega \subseteq \mathbb{R}^d$ where here $A$ is uniformly elliptic ...
Joshua Isralowitz's user avatar
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Almost periodic functions in weak mixing extension

In Theorem 3.4.6 of the 'Lecture notes on ergodic theory' by Jesse Peterson, it is shown that in a weak mixing extension, every almost periodic function is trivial. I have a doubt in the proof of this ...
John's user avatar
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Almost periodicity and approximation in tracial von Neumann algebra

Let $N$ be a von Neumann algebra with a faithful normal tracial state $\tau$. For a countable group $G$, let $\sigma: G\rightarrow \text{Aut}(N)$ be a $G$- action on $N$ which preserves the tracial ...
Surajit's user avatar
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Is the cone of positive elements in $L^1(G)$ norm closed?

Let's consider $L^1(G)$, the Banach $*$- algebra of all Lebesgue integrable functions on the locally compact group $G$. Put $L^1(G)_+$ by the cone of positive elements given by $\{\sum_1^n f_i^**f_i: ...
ABB's user avatar
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Norm of operators similar to a unitary one

Let $U$ be a unitary operator on a Hilbert space $H$ and $Q \in B(H)$ is positive and invertible, is it true that if $\|QUQ^{-1}\| = 1$, then $Q$ commutes with $U$? One can show that this is the case ...
Rick Sternbach's user avatar
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Inequality on the dual space of $H^s$

Does there exist a theorem that allow us to say that, if we have an estimate on the Sobolev space $H^s\,,\, s\geq 0$ then we can deduce an estimate on the dual space $H^{-s}$ ? For instance, assume ...
Niser's user avatar
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Density of $\mathrm{span} \{ f(\cdot - n) : n \in \Bbb Z \}$ in $C(\mathbb R)$

I recently came across a survey paper by Allan Pinkus. This paper contains the following result: Suppose that $g \in L^1(\mathbb R)$ has support in an interval of length at most $2\pi$. If $f=\hat g$ ...
J. Swail's user avatar
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Fourier type of asymptotic-$\ell_{2}$ Banach spaces

A Banach space $X$ is said to have Fourier type $p\in[1,2]$ if the Fourier transform $\hat{f}(s):=\int_{\mathbb{R}}e^{-ist}f(t)dt$ defines a bounded linear operator from $L_{p}(\mathbb{R},X)$ to $L_{p'...
JWP_HTX's user avatar
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Interpolation of Sobolev/Besov spaces in the limiting case q = ∞

I'm interested in the interpolation space ($1\le p_0,p_1\le\infty$, $0<\theta<1$) $$ X=(L_{p_0}(0;1),W^1_{p_1}(0,1))_{\theta,q}\quad\text{with}\quad q=\infty\ \ \text{and}\ \ p_0\ne p_1 . $$ It ...
Lev's user avatar
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In what sense the discrete difference operation is "almost" self-adjoint?

It is well-known that on $L^2[0,1]$, the differential operator $i\frac{d}{dx}$ is self-adjoint with domain of differentiable, periodic functions on $[0,1]$. Now, let us discretize $[0,1]$, say $B_N:=\{...
Isaac's user avatar
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Example of a unital contractive map that is not completely positive on an operator system

I am aware of maps that are positive but not completely positive (for example transpose map). BUT I can not think of an example of the following type. Does there exist an operator $T$ such that a map $...
Piku's user avatar
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Estimate of Wasserstein distance and flow of vector fields under particular assumptions

Let $\mu$ be a compactly supported absolutely continuous probability measure. Let $v,u$ be Lipschitz vector fields. For a vector field $w$ recall that $\Phi_t^w$ denotes its flow. A classical estimate ...
Jun's user avatar
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Core for Neumann Laplacians

Let $d$ be a positive integer. We write $\mathbb{H}^d$ for the closed $d$-dimensional upper-half space: $\mathbb{H}^d=\{(x_1,\ldots,x_d) \in \mathbb{R}^d,\,x_d \ge 0\}$. We consider the Neumann ...
sharpe's user avatar
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Question about Gidas-Ni-Nirenberg result

Background: So I know that the Euler Lagrange equation associated with the Sobolev inequality takes the following form, $$-\Delta u = u^p$$ where $p=2^*-1$ and here we assume that $u>0$ on $\mathbb{...
Student's user avatar
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Decay of solution for linear system with damping

Let us consider the following linear system with damping: $$ \begin{cases} u_t - u_x = -\frac{1}{2} (u+v)\\ v_t + v_x = -\frac{1}{2} (u+v) \end{cases} $$ Let's write the solution as $w=(u,v)$ ...
Riku's user avatar
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An integral average condition and its relationship with BMO, VMO, and Sobolev spaces

Let $V: \mathbb R^n \to \mathbb R^n$ be a vector field which satisfies $$ \lim_{l \to \infty} \sup_{x \in \mathbb R^n} \left|\frac{1}{l^n} \int_{[0,l]^n}V(x+y) dy \right| = 0 $$ What is the ...
Riku's user avatar
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A variant of the elliptope relaxation

Given a p.s.d. matrix $A$, one may want to find: $$ \max_x x^t A x \mbox{ such that } x \mbox{ has entries }1 \mbox{ or } {-1}. $$ This hard problem has a well known relaxation based on the so called ...
alesia's user avatar
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A generalisation of closed and bounded subsets of non-Archimedean fields to topological spaces

The definition of compactness in topological spaces generalises the notion of a subset of $\mathbb{R}^n$ being closed and bounded, as expressed by the Heine-Borel Theorem. In finite-dimensional vector ...
Very Forgetful Functor's user avatar
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Multiplication in Sobolev space with negative exponent

My initial problem is the following: I would like to estimate $\lVert f^2\rVert_{H^{-2}}$ in the sense of Sobolev embeddings, where $f:\Omega \rightarrow \mathbb{R}$ is a function defined on a bounded ...
Paul's user avatar
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How is the Cauchy-Schwarz equality and the assumption on the support of $g$ used to derive this bound?

I am currently reading On Uniqueness Properties of Solutions of Schrödinger Equations and a having trouble understanding a claim made on page 1819. Context from the paper: let $g\in C^\infty_0(\...
Dispersion's user avatar
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Delta distribution for compact groups and its derivatives

Let $G$ be a compact group (e.g. $SU(2)$) and $\rho: G \mapsto GL(n)$ a representation of it. Then we can define the delta function $\delta(g-1)=\sum_{l}\chi_l(g)\chi_l(1) = \sum_l\dim_l(G)\chi_l(g)$ ...
kryomaxim's user avatar
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Codimension of analytic linear subspaces in Polish vector spaces

Let $A$ be a linear analytic subspace of a Polish vector space $X$. Using Piccard-Pettis Theorem, it is easy to prove that $A$ has uncountable codimension in $X$. If $A$ is of type $F_\sigma$, then ...
Taras Banakh's user avatar
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Perturbing the approximation property from the Lipschitz-free space to stay in the Wasserstein space

Let $(X,d,x)$ be a separable pointed metric space and let $\mathcal{F}(X)$ be its Arens-Eells (also called its Lipschitz-Free space; in the case where $X$ is Banach) space. We view the $1$-...
ABIM's user avatar
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A convex version of the small uncountable cardinal $\mathfrak b$

Let us recall that $\mathfrak b$ is the smallest cardinality of a subset of $\omega^\omega$, which cannot be covered by countably many compact subsets of $\omega^\omega$. The definition of $\mathfrak ...
Taras Banakh's user avatar
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Does a holomorphic function with logarithmic growth at the boundary have $L^2$ boundary values?

Let $f(z)$ be a holomorphic function on the unit disc, with logarithmic growth at the boundary: $$ |f(z)| = \mathcal O\bigg(\log\Big(\frac{1}{1-|z|}\Big)\bigg). $$ Does it follow that the (...
André Henriques's user avatar
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Comparing two quantities related to the norm of an inner derivation

Let $M$ be a von Neumann algebra sitting in $B(H)$. Let $U(M)$ denote the unitary group of $M$. Let $I(M):=\{\tau\in M\,|\,\tau=\tau^*=\tau^{-1}\}$ the set of involutions in $M$. Let $SAC(M):=\{h\in M\...
user982564's user avatar
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Schmidt ellipsoids to different orthonormal bases

Let $H$ be a separable, infinite dimensional Hilbert space. For an ONB $(e_n)_{n \in \mathbb{N}}$ of $H$ together with a series $(\alpha_n)_{n \in \mathbb{N}} \subset (0,\infty)$ such that $\sum\...
Ben Deitmar's user avatar
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A question about the choice of a special harmonc spinor

Let $X$ be a complete Riemannian manifold and $H$ be the kernel of generalized Dirac operator $D$ on $L(S)$, where $S$ is the Dirac bundle. Let $K$ be a compact subset of $X$ and $K\subset \Omega$ be ...
Radeha Longa's user avatar
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Continuity of the entropy of the solution of a parabolic PDE at $t=0$

Consider the following initial value problem for a parabolic PDE : $$\begin{cases} \textrm{div}\big(A\,\nabla u(t,x) + b(x)\, u(t,x)\big) \,=\,\partial_t u(t,x) \quad x\in\mathbb R^d\,,\ t>0 \\[4pt]...
tituf's user avatar
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Conditions replacing compactness

Reading this book, the authors used the following "classic" idea: Let $X$ be a Banach space and $C$ a nonempty, weakly compact, convex subset of $X$. Let $T: C \rightarrow C$ be a ...
Motaka's user avatar
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Is the lattice of bounded Henstock Kurzweil integrable functions countably complete?

The set of HK integrable functions with an integrable upper bound $f$ forms a lattice, and satisfies the MCT and DCT. Does this mean that the lattice is countably complete? Indexing any countable set, ...
saolof's user avatar
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Equivalence between notions of dynamical coupling as defined by Villani in his book Optimal Transportation: Old and New

$\DeclareMathOperator\law{law}$In Villani's book he presents the following notions of dynamical couplings: Let $(X,d)$ be a Polish space. A dynamical transference plan $\Pi$ is a probability measure ...
Kaitei's user avatar
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Characterization of inverse limits of finite-dimensional convex cones

Consider a countable inverse system $C_1\substack{f_1 \\ \leftarrow} C_2 \substack{f_2 \\ \leftarrow} C_3 \substack{f_3 \\ \leftarrow} \ldots$ where the $C_i$ are finite-dimensional convex cones of ...
postdoc's user avatar
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