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Questions tagged [geometric-measure-theory]

Questions about geometric properties of sets using measure theoretic techniques; rectifiability of sets and measures, currents, Plateau problem, isoperimetric inequality and related topics.

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10 votes
1 answer

A strange Lipschitz function

Let $n \geq 3$. Does there exist a Lipschitz function $f: \mathbb R^n \to \mathbb R$ such that the following conditions hold? The origin is a weak Lebesgue point of $\nabla f$, in the sense that the ...
Nate River's user avatar
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Domains of type (A) are Lipschitz?

In this article and in the book of Ladyzhenskaya et al (1968) - Linear and Quasilinear Elliptic Equations we have the following definition of what is a domain of type (A): There is no example of a ...
Bogdan's user avatar
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Connectedness of Space of Caccioppoli Sets?

Let $(M^n, g)$ a closed, connected riemannian manifold. Is the space of all caccioppoli sets on $M$ connected with respect to the flat norm? How about with respect to the F norm (Flat metric on the ...
JMK's user avatar
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Hausdorff distance and Hausdorff measure of symmetric difference

Let $X_n$ be a sequence of $k$-dimensional piecewise smooth submanifolds of $\mathbb{R}^m$, converging in Hausdorff distance to a $k$-dimensional piecewise smooth submanifold $Y \subset \mathbb{R}^m$, ...
Hajime S.'s user avatar
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When is a $1$-varifold $V$ the associated varifold of the reduced boundary of some Caccioppoli set?

Let $v_1$, $v_2$, $\cdots$, $v_l\in\mathbb{R}^n$ be unit vectors, $\mathbb{R}_v^+:=\{\lambda v:\lambda>0\}\subset\mathbb{R}^n$ be the ray in $v$'s direction; $n_1$, $n_2$, $\cdots$, $n_l>0$ be ...
一団和気's user avatar
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Steiner symmetrization of smooth function on non-simply connected regions

Given a smooth function $u$ defined on $\mathbb{R}^2$, restrict $u$ to a subset $\Omega \subset \mathbb{R}^2$ (possibly not simply connected) foliated by level sets of a smooth function $\psi: \Omega \...
MathLearner's user avatar
3 votes
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Probability measure on partition theorem

Probability measure in $\mathbb{R}^1$: Continuous function $f$ that is positive everywhere $\ \int_{-\infty}^{\infty} f dx =1$ (total area under the curve equals 1). For visualization see here. ...
David's user avatar
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7 votes
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Higher (BV) regularity of solutions to Poisson equation with Radon measure right-hand side?

I am trying to understand higher regularity for solutions to Poisson's equation when the right-hand side is a Radon measure. In particular: $$\begin{cases} \Delta u = \mu \text{ in } \Omega\\ u = 0\...
sobol's user avatar
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Ratio of Gaussian measure over Euclidean balls

Let $\nu\in\mathcal P(\mathbf R^d)$ be the standard Gaussian distribution $\mathcal N(0,I_d)$. Denote by $\mathscr B$ the class of Euclidean balls $B_r(x)$ (centered in $x\in\mathbf R^d$ with radius $...
Arnaud's user avatar
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A question on Borel measurability

Let $(X, \mathcal{B}_{X}, \mu)$ be a measure space. Here, $\mu$ is an infinite Borel measure and $\mu$ is not $\sigma$-finite. Let $\pi$ be surjective Borel measurable map form $(X, \mathcal{B}_{X}, \...
bobscott's user avatar
5 votes
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Intersection between Lipschitz domains

Let $\Omega\subset\mathbb{R}^N$ be an open, bounded and connected Lipschitz domain. Is it true that we can find some $R>0$ such that any $N$-dimensional open ball $B(x,r)$ with $r\leq R$ that ...
Bogdan's user avatar
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For $f$ Lipschitz with $|\nabla f| = 1$ a.e., what is the supremal Hausdorff dimension of the set on which $\varepsilon< |\nabla f| < 1-\varepsilon$?

Let $f$ be a Lipschitz function with $|\nabla f| = 1$ almost everywhere. Let $\varepsilon \geq 0$. What is the supremal Hausdorff dimension of the set on which $f$ is differentiable with $\varepsilon &...
Nate River's user avatar
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Can any function in $C^\alpha$ be approximated in $C^{\alpha^-}$ by singular functions?

For every positive $\alpha < 1$, we consider the space $C^{\alpha}$ of Holder continuous functions of order $\alpha$ on $[0, 1]$, equipped with the norm $$\|f\|_{C^\alpha} := \sup|f| + \sup_{x, y \...
Nate River's user avatar
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Hausdorff dimension of the zero set of the gradient of an eikonal function

Let $f: \mathbb R^n \to \mathbb R$ be a Lipschitz function with $|\nabla f| = 1$ almost everywhere with respect to Lebesgue measure. What is the supremal Hausdorff dimension of the set on which $f$ is ...
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Hausdorff dimension of the zero set of $\nabla f$

Let $f: \mathbb R^n \to \mathbb R$ be a Lipschitz function with $\nabla f$ nonzero almost everywhere with respect to Lebesgue measure. What is the supremal Hausdorff dimension of the set on which $f$ ...
Nate River's user avatar
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Dispersion points of Lipschitz functions

For a function $f: \mathbb R^n \to \mathbb R^m$ with $m < n$, we say that $x \in \mathbb R^n$ is a dispersion point of $f$ if $$\liminf_{y \to x} \frac{|f(y) - f(x)|}{|y - x|} > 0.$$ Question: ...
Nate River's user avatar
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How to check that the surface measure is the weak limit of $\delta^{-1}\mathcal{L}^n|_{B(0,1+\delta)\setminus B(0,1)}$?

We denote the unit sphere $\{x\in\mathbb{R}^n:|x|=1\}$ by $S^{n-1}.$ If $x\in\mathbb{R}^n\setminus\{0\}$, the polar coordinates of $x$ are \begin{align*} r=|x|\in(0,\infty),\quad \gamma=\dfrac x{|...
ljjpfx's user avatar
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Is the $L^\infty$ norm of the derivative the same under the Hausdorff and Lebesgue measure?

Note: Here $\mathcal H^k$ denotes the $k$-dimensional Hausdorff measure, and $\|f\|_{L^\infty (\mathcal H^k)}$ denotes the $L^\infty$ norm of a function $f$ with respect to $\mathcal H^k$. Let $\Omega$...
Nate River's user avatar
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Are singular functions dense in the space of Hölder continuous functions?

We say a non-constant function $f$ on $[0, 1]$ is singular if it is continuous, and in addition differentiable almost everywhere with $f' = 0$ a.e. For every positive $\alpha < 1$, is the set of ...
Nate River's user avatar
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4 votes
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Reference request: Intuitive introduction to currents and varifolds

As I have recently been interested in geometric measure theory related problems, I am learning some of the basics of the field. I am looking for a textbook that introduces currents and varifolds in an ...
7 votes
2 answers

Uncountable collections of distinct subsets of an interval (existence)

Throughout, $\mu$ is just the Lebesgue measure. Question: does there exist an uncountable family of distinct subsets of $[-1, 1]$, denoted by $(U_j)_{j \in [-1, 1]}$, with $\mu(U_j) > 0$ for each $...
Stepan Plyushkin's user avatar
5 votes
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Is there a singular function that is Hölder continuous of every order less than $1$?

We say a non-constant function $f$ on $[0, 1]$ is singular if it is continuous, and in addition differentiable almost everywhere with $f' = 0$ a.e. Does there exist a singular function that is Hölder ...
Nate River's user avatar
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16 votes
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Is the $W^{1, \infty}$ limit of differentiable functions also differentiable?

Let $f_n$ be a sequence of differentiable functions on $[0, 1]$ with $f_n \to f$ uniformly for some (necessarily) continuous $f$. $f'_n - g \to 0$ in $L^{\infty}$ for some measurable $g$. Is it true ...
Nate River's user avatar
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Is the $W^{1, \infty}$ limit of differentiable a.e. functions also differentiable a.e.?

Let $f_n$ be a sequence of continuous, differentiable a.e. functions on $[0, 1]$ with $f_n \to f$ uniformly for some continuous $f$. $f'_n - g \to 0$ in $L^\infty$ for some measurable $g$, where we ...
Nate River's user avatar
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Is the derivative of a $C^1$ function nonzero almost everywhere on almost every level set?

Note: Here $\mathcal H^k$ denotes the $k$-dimensional Hausdorff measure. Let $f \in C^1 (\mathbb \Omega)$ for some open, connected, bounded subset $\Omega$ of $\mathbb R^n$. We consider for each $t \...
Nate River's user avatar
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How powerful are sequences of Steiner symmetrizations?

I was studying geometric analysis and have encountered something called Steiner symmetrization method. Intuitively I understand how it's made to be applied and used, but Wikipedia pages do not give ...
cnikbesku's user avatar
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About the sigma algebra generated by the Hausdorff measure on $\mathbb R^n$

Let $\mathcal{H}^k$ be the $k-$dimensional Hausdorff measure on $\mathbb R^n$, with $k \in \{1, \ldots n\}$. By Carathéodory's theorem we know that there exists a sigma algebra $\mu(\mathcal{H}^k)$ of ...
Nick Weber's user avatar
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Wasserstein space isomorphic to original space?

Is there a complete measurable metric space $(X,d)$ for which its $p$-Wasserstein space $W(X)$ is isometrically isomorphic to $(X,d)$ for some $p \in [1,\infty]$? Note that there is a canonical non-...
Florentin Münch's user avatar
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Boundary behavior for submanifolds with bounded second fundamental form

I am interested in a boundary version of this question About hypersurfaces in R^n+1 with bounded 2nd fundamental form. The question is as follows. Let $\Sigma^k\subset \Bbb R^n$ be a submanifold with ...
Y.Guo's user avatar
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For proper group action on closed Riemannian manifold, must the union of orbits with non-unique closest points to a given point be of 0 volume measure

Let $(M,g)$ be a closed (compact without boundary) Riemannian manifold of finite dimension, with the volume measure $\mu:= \mu(E):=\int_{E}d\operatorname{vol}_g \forall E \in \mathcal{B}(M),$ the ...
Learning math's user avatar
3 votes
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Product of low dimensional Hausdorff measures

Let $\mathcal{H}^n$ and $\mathcal{H}^m$ be Hausdorff measures on $\mathbb{R}^n$ and $\mathbb{R}^m$. We know that the product measure $\mathcal{H}^n\otimes \mathcal{H}^m$ is the Hausdorff measure $\...
Yueqi's user avatar
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Hahn-Mazurkiewicz with finite one-dimensional Hausdorff measure

Suppose that there is a continuous surjection from $[0,1]$ to a metric space $(X,d)$. If $(X,d)$ has finite one-dimensional Hausdorff measure, must there exist a Lipschitz surjection from $[0,1]$ to $(...
Kevin's user avatar
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6 votes
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Densities, pseudoforms, absolute differential forms and measures, differential forms, etc

Apologies if this question is too basic, but I figured I first heard of most of these concepts on MO, so perhaps I can ask here. Gelfand’s definition, copied from AlvarezPaiva [My edit, could be ...
D.R.'s user avatar
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On the existence of a complicated fractal-like set of finite perimeter

Let $f\in BV(\Bbb R^n)$ be an integer-valued function that maps into $\{0, 1\}$ and is identically $0$ outside some bounded set in $\Bbb R^n$. In particular, $f$ determines a bounded Caccioppoli set $...
BigbearZzz's user avatar
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Solution to the Eikonal equation with almost everywhere continuous derivative

Let $\Omega$ be an open, bounded, connected subset of $\mathbb R^n$ with smooth boundary. Does there always exist an almost everywhere solution $u \in W^{1, \infty}$ to the following system of PDE? $$|...
Nate River's user avatar
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Statistical invariants of Riemannian manifolds

$\DeclareMathOperator\diam{diam}\DeclareMathOperator\rad{rad}\DeclareMathOperator\iso{iso}\DeclareMathOperator\com{com}\DeclareMathOperator\con{con}$A cheap way of defining invariants of Riemannian ...
Alex's user avatar
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On the Lipschitz parametrizability of polynomials of fixed Mahler measure

Background For a polynomial $f(x) = a(x-\alpha_1) \cdots (x - \alpha_n) \in \mathbb{C}[x]$, its Mahler measure is defined to be $$M(f) = |a| \prod_{i=1}^n \max\{1, |\alpha_i|\}$$ In Lemma 1, Masser-...
dummy's user avatar
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Why does $\omega$ belong to $D^{\varepsilon^3}\theta^\ast$ for $\lesssim \rho^{-n} D^{n-2 + n\varepsilon^3}$ different $\theta$?

In this paper, there is the following claim (Pg. 1850): If $1 - \eta(w) \ne 0$, then $|\omega| \ge \rho$. In that case, $\omega$ belongs to $D^{\varepsilon^3}\theta^\ast$ for $\lesssim \rho^{-n} D^{n-...
stoic-santiago's user avatar
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Equivalence class of parametrized surfaces which induce the same current

Suppose $M$ is a smooth manifold of dimension $n \geq 2$. A $k$-current is a linear functional on compactly supported smooth forms on $M$, denoted $T: \Omega^k_c(M) \to \mathbb{R}$. Let $X: [0,1]^2 \...
dlee's user avatar
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Proof that, for $u \in H^1$, $\{ u > \alpha \}$ is a quasi open set

I am reading the monograph by A. Henrot, Extremum problems for eigenvalues of elliptic operators. In chapter 2, the notion of a quasi-open set is defined (see the relevant definitions at the end of ...
JZS's user avatar
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Measurability of the union of cut loci along a curve

Let $(M,g)$ be a Riemannian symmetric space and $\alpha(s)$ be a geodesic. Define $$ U(t)=\cup_{s\in[0,t]}{\rm Cut}(\alpha(s)) $$ as the union of the cut loci ${\rm Cut}(\alpha(s))$ along the curve $\...
Hengchao Chen's user avatar
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Differentiability of an integral of geodesic distance

Let $(M,g)$ be an $m$-dimensional Riemannian symmetric space and $d(\cdot,\cdot)$ be the geodesic distance function. Fix any $\alpha\in M$ and $v\in T_\alpha M$ with $\|v\|=1$. Q1: Define $$ g(t)=\...
Hengchao Chen's user avatar
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Bounding the area of the image of a set by product of maximum of lengths

Let $F:[0,1]\times[0,1]\to \mathbb {R}^2$ be a smooth function. Given $x\in [0,1]$, let $\ell_x:=\{x\}\times [0,1]$, and given $y\in [0,1]$, let $\ell_y:=[0,1]\times \{y\}$. My question feels ...
JustSomeGuy's user avatar
4 votes
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What are the possible blow up limits of an $L^1$ function?

Let $f: [0, 1] \to \mathbb R$ be an $L^1$ function. Define for each $r > 0$, the blow up $f_r:[0, 1] \to \mathbb R$ by $$f_r (x) := \frac{f(rx)}{r}.$$ Suppose $f_r$ converges in $L^1$ to some ...
Nate River's user avatar
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$\mathscr{H}^{n-2}(\Sigma)< \infty$ implies $\mathscr{H}^{n-1}(\pi(\Sigma))=0$

Let $\Sigma\subset \mathbb{R}^{n+1}$ be a set with $(n-2)$-dimensional Hausdorff measure finite, i.e. $\mathscr{H}^{n-2}(\Sigma)<\infty$. Let $\pi:\mathbb{R}^{n+1}\to \mathbb{R}^n$ be the ...
No-one's user avatar
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Macroscopic sets - a notion of largeness for Lebesgue null sets

Let $E$ be a measurable subset of $\mathbb R$. We say $E$ is $\alpha$-macroscopic, for $0 \leq \alpha \leq 1$, if there exists an $\alpha$-Holder continuous function $f: \mathbb R \to \mathbb R$ such ...
Nate River's user avatar
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Periodic orbits in planar smooth billiard table with large periods

Given a plane billiard table with a smooth boundary which is a Jordan curve, I wonder if there is always a periodic orbit with sufficiently large period. Formulation of my question: We are considering ...
XYC's user avatar
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When can an affine functional on the dual be represented as an element of a Banach space?

In Measures Which Agree on Balls by Hoffmann-Jørgenson, we are given a functional $\varphi: T(x_0)\to (-\infty, \infty]$, which is a lower semicontinuous, affine, Baire function on a subspace $T(x_0)$ ...
i like math's user avatar
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Computation of tangent functional

In Measures Which Agree on Balls by Hoffmann-Jørgenson, the tangent functional is defined as follows. If $x \in S$, we define the tangent functional $\tau(x,\cdot)$ at $x$ as \begin{equation} \...
i like math's user avatar
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Gateaux differentiability of the norm in Banach spaces

I'm struggling to understand a particular implication in the proof of Corollary 5 of this paper involving Gateaux differentiability of the norm. The claim is that Gateaux differentiability of the norm ...
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