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Questions tagged [green-function]

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2 answers

Hölder continuity of Green function for simply connected domains

I read in a paper by E. A. Rakhmanov "Orthogonal Polynomials and S-curves" the following statement, in Lemma 9.9 therein, which I state here in my words. Under the standard hypotheses for ...
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Green's function of the conformal Laplacian

I am reading T. Parker, S. Rosenberg, "Invariants of conformal Laplacians", J. Differential Geom. 25(2): 199-222 (1987). I would like to understand how Green function changes if the metric ...
Azam's user avatar
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Green function of an elliptic operator

Let $L$ be an elliptic operator on $\Bbb C$ with $$\DeclareMathOperator{\Img}{Im} L^{-1}f(z)=\int_{\Bbb {C}}K_1(|z-w|^2)f(w) e^{i\cdot\Img\langle z,\overline{w}\rangle} \, dw $$ where $K_1$ is the ...
Ryo Ken's user avatar
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Semigroup property in SPDEs

In fact, we know that a bounded linear operators on a Banach space $X$ satisfies the semigroup property, i.e. $$S(t+s)=S(t)S(s), \text{for every}\ t,s\geq 0.$$ However, in various literatures, I ...
Y. Li's user avatar
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Green's kernel estimates on finitely generated groups

I was reading a paper by W. Hebisch and L. Saloff-Coste titled "Gaussian Estimates for Markov Chains and Random Walks on Groups" where I came to know about certain bounds on convolution ...
Y. Paka's user avatar
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Question about the formula of Green function of Laplacian on sphere

I'm reading a paper which said that the Green function for $\left(-\Delta_g\right)^m$ on $2m$-dimensional closed manifold is of the form $$\tag{1} G_y(x)=\frac{2}{\Lambda_1} \log \frac{1}{d_g(x, y)}+\...
Elio Li's user avatar
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Green's function for a linear PDE initial value problem

For $x\in\mathbb{R}^{n}$ and $t\in[0,\infty)$, consider the linear PDE initial value problem $$\dfrac{\partial u}{\partial t} = \left(a \Delta - \dfrac{b}{|x|}\right)u, \quad u(x,0) = u_0(x)\quad\text{...
Abhishek Halder's user avatar
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The existence of a positive Green function for the Laplacian on $\mathbb R$

One can show explicitly and easily that the function $G(x,y) = \frac 1 2 |x-y|$ is a positive Green function for the Laplacian $\frac {\mathrm d ^2} {\mathrm d x ^2}$ on $\mathbb R$ (endowed with the ...
Alex M.'s user avatar
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Existence of Green functions and some properties

Let $\Omega$ be a smooth domain in $\mathbb{R}^N$, $N\geq 3$, $p\in \Omega$ is a fixed point, $\lambda$ is a parameter (can be 0,>0,<0), if there exisits a Green function $G_{\lambda}(x,p)$ ...
Davidi Cone's user avatar
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Defining a metric on $\mathbb Z^n$ using Green's function for the simple random walk

Let $G$ be Green's function for the simple random walk on $\mathbb Z^n$ for $n\ge 3$, i.e., $G(x)$ is the expected number of visits to $x$ when the walk starts at the origin. Define $d(x,y)=G(x-y)^{1/(...
Alexander Pruss's user avatar
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Green's function in terms of logarithmic potential and energy of a measure

Let $\mu$ be a finite (Borel) measure on $\mathbb{C}$ with compact support $K := \mbox{supp } \mu$. The logarithmic potential associated to the measure $\mu$ is \begin{equation} \Phi_{\mu}(z) = - \...
jcb2535's user avatar
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Any formula or estimates the Green function for the Laplacian in $3D$ periodic box?

Let $\mathbb{T}^3=(\mathbb{R}/\mathbb{Z})^3$ be the three-dimensional torus with sides identified. That is, I am considering the unit box $[0,1]^3$ with periodic boundary conditions. In this case, I ...
Isaac's user avatar
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Construct the square root of Green's function

The boundary value problem \begin{align} &\frac{\mathrm{d} }{\mathrm{d}x } \left( p(x) \frac{\mathrm{d} y(x)}{\mathrm{d}x } \right) + q(x) y(x) = f(x), \quad a \leq x \leq b \nonumber\\ &y(a) =...
GilbertDu's user avatar
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Existence and estimates of Green's function on Riemannian manifold

In Yau and Schoen's differential geometry,in Ch5 before Thm 3.5,the author says When $R$(scalar curvature of a manifold M)$>0$,there exists a unique Green's function $G$ to the operator $L=-\Delta+...
Tree23's user avatar
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Heat conduction type equation in 4D

[I asked a similar question, Linear PDE, analytic continuation, Green's function and boundary conditions, and was told that a follow-up question should be a separate post.] I'm interested in a ...
Fetchinson0234's user avatar
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Linear PDE, analytic continuation, Green's function and boundary conditions

I'm looking at the linear PDE in 3+1 dimensions, $$ \left[ -(\partial_t - \xi)^2 - \partial_k \partial_k \right] \phi(t,x) = 4\pi^2 \delta(t)\delta(x)\label{1} \tag{1} $$ Where $\xi$ is generally a ...
Fetchinson0234's user avatar
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Behavior of Green's function $G(x)$ for $x\to 0$ for general second order PDE

Let's have a generic elliptic second order PDE in $n$-dimensions with a Dirac delta on the right hand side $$\left( a_{ij}(x) \partial_i \partial_j + b_j(x) \partial_j + c(x) \right) G(x) = \delta(x)$$...
Fetchinson0234's user avatar
10 votes
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Propagators and PDEs

I have already asked this at MSE but did not get an answer. In quantum field theory one encounters the retarded, advanced and Feynman propagators as certain solutions to a wave equation. ...
Bettina's user avatar
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Double integral in a polygon domain

I want to compute a integral of a polynomial $f(x, y)$ over a polygon domain $D$ of $n$ sides. $$ I(f) = \int_{D} f(x, \ y) \ dx \ dy $$ The vertex of this polygon are $$\vec{p}_{i} = (x_i, \ y_i) \ \ ...
Carlos Adir's user avatar
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Regularity of the Robin function

I consider an analytic bounded domain $\Omega\subset \mathbb R^3$ and an the operator $L_a=-\Delta +a$ where $a$ is a function from $\Omega$ to $\mathbb R$. I assume the operator to be coercive, in ...
Paul's user avatar
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Fundamental solutions for weighted laplace equation

Consider the equation $L_w u = \frac{1}{w}\operatorname{div}(w\nabla u) =f(x)$, on $\mathbb{R}^n$ with radial weights $w(x)=w(|x|).$ Then I am interested in the fundamental solutions for the operator $...
Student's user avatar
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Discontinuity of the Fourier transform of $ x \mapsto (1+ x^2)^{- \gamma/2}$ for $\gamma \leq 1$

Fix $\gamma > 0$. Let $\mathcal{F}$ be the Fourier transform and consider the function $f(x) = (1+ x^2)^{- \gamma/2}$ for $x \in \mathbb{R}$. This function is in $\mathcal{S}'(\mathbb{R})$ and its ...
Goulifet's user avatar
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What's going on with the two-dimensional Helmholtz equation?

I've come to realize that its somehow harder to find results for this equation than for the three-dimensional one. For example the wikipedia article on Green's functions has a list of green functions ...
Manuel Pena's user avatar
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Green's function for elliptic PDE with potential

$\newcommand{\div}{\operatorname{div}}$Suppose I have an elliptic operator $\mathcal{L} u = -\div (A \nabla u) $ on some open set $\Omega \subseteq \mathbb{R}^d$ where here $A$ is uniformly elliptic ...
Joshua Isralowitz's user avatar
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Intuition behind bound of second moment of Greens function by fractional moment

Consider the Hilbert space $ \mathcal{H} = l^2(\mathbb{Z}^d)$ for some dimension $d$ with basis given by the basisvectors $\{ \vert {x} \rangle \}_{x \in \mathbb{Z}^d} $. Let $A$ be an either self-...
Frederik Ravn Klausen's user avatar
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The Green function for elliptic systems in two dimensions

I am reading some papers on Green functions of elliptic equations. Here the elliptic systems is stated as $ Lu=-\operatorname{div}(A\nabla u) $ where $ A(y)=(a_{ij}^{\alpha\beta}(y)) $ is a matrix ...
Luis Yanka Annalisc's user avatar
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Definition of Martin kernels

Let $\Omega \subset \mathbb{R}^n$ $(n \ge 3)$ be a bounded $C^{1,1}$ domain and let $X$ be a Markov process in $\Omega$. My question is regarding the existence of the Green function and Martin kernel ...
T. Huynh's user avatar
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Positive semidefinite fundamental solution to Schrodinger operator

Lets say $V : \mathbb{R}^n \rightarrow \mathbb{M}_d (\mathbb{R})$ is a $d \times d$ symmetric, positive semidefinite matrix function on $\mathbb{R}^n$ and consider the Schrodinger operator $- \Delta + ...
Joshua Isralowitz's user avatar
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Elliptic equations in asymptotically hyperbolic manifolds

I am interested in reading about existence and regularity theorems for elliptic equations on manifolds with negative (constant) curvature outside a compact subset. I am aware of some results in this ...
MathqA's user avatar
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Green kernel vs fundamental solution

Let $L$ being the Laplacian for a given Lie group $G$. I would like to know what is the difference between the two notions in relation to the operator $L$: The fundamental solution $\Gamma(x)$ of $L$;...
Z. Alfata's user avatar
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References for Green functions of $\nabla \cdot a \nabla$ on a domain with $a \in L^\infty$

I am looking for a reference for basic properties of the Green function for a symmetric, uniformly elliptic operator $\nabla \cdot a \nabla$ where the coefficients $a_{ij}= a_{ji}$ are only assumed to ...
Kernel's user avatar
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Does the Green's function of the simple random walk on $\mathbb Z^d$ always vary locally?

Let $G_0(x)=G(x,0)$ be the Green's function of the simple symmetric random walk on $\mathbb Z^d$, $d\geq 3$. The question is whether $G_0$ must always vary locally, i.e., whether $$ \sum_{\substack{y\...
username's user avatar
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Green potential and Hölder continuity

Assume that $U$ is the unit disk and $g\in L^{3/2}(U)$. Define $$f(z) = \int_{U} \log\left|\frac{z-w}{1-z\bar w}\right|g(w)\frac{du \, dv}{\pi}, \ \ w=u+iv.$$ Is there an elementary proof of the fact ...
Vera's user avatar
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Numerical methods for evaluating singular integrals

The Helmholtz decomposition for a vector field B contains both volume integrals and two boundary integrals ( For brevity I show just one of the ...
phryas's user avatar
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Singularity of reproducing kernel for elliptic operator

Let $(M,g)$ be a smooth compact Riemannian manifold and dimension $2$, $\Gamma$ a smooth vector bundle over $M$, and suppose $L: W^{k,2}(\Gamma)\to W^{k-2,2}(\Gamma)$ is a second order strongly ...
user158773's user avatar
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Green function of the triangular kernel?

What is the green function of the triangular kernel $K$: $$ K(x,y)=1-|x-y| $$ where $x,y\in R$ such that $|x-y|<1$?
Fabio's user avatar
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Proving the exponential decay of Green's function for the lattice $-\Delta+p$

The Green function $G(x,y) =G(x-y)$ of the discrete Klein-Gordon operator $-\Delta+p$ on $\mathbb{Z}^{d}$ is given by: \begin{eqnarray} G(x-y) = \int_{[-\pi,\pi]^{d}}\frac{d^{d}k}{(2\pi)^{d}}\frac{e^{...
MathMath's user avatar
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Fourier transform of Green function and its derivative

Consider a real Sturm-Liouville operator $L$ on $[0,+\infty)$ and use the following notations : Assume $a = 0$, $\alpha \in [0,\...
Desura's user avatar
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Biharmonic heat flow on compact manifolds

Consider $\partial _t u (t,x) = -\partial _x ^4 u$ on a compact manifold, or even a special specific one like the torus. Are there any estimates on the Green function (bihamornic heat kernel), for ...
Amir Sagiv's user avatar
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Expression for the (1+1)-dimensional retarded Dirac propagator in position space

Where an expression for the (1+1)-dimensional retarded Dirac propagator in position space can be found, especially including the generalized funcion supported on the light-cone? In particular, is it ...
Mikhail Skopenkov's user avatar
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Green's Function for 3D Relativistic Heat Equation

On the Wikipedia page here , it states that the Green's function for 3D relativistic heat conduction (with $c=1$) $$[\partial_t^2 + 2\gamma\partial_t -\Delta_{3D}] u(t,x) = \delta(t,x) = \delta(t)\...
Dayton's user avatar
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Diffusion equation solution using Laplace transform [closed]

Consider the operator $$ L=k\frac{\partial ^{2}}{\partial x^{2}}-\frac{\partial }{\partial t} $$ with domain $D(L)={u} \in \Bbb R \times [0,+\infty )$, initial value $u(x,0)=g(x), \forall x\in \Bbb R$...
Jim Art's user avatar
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Green's Function for Fractional Laplacian on the Union of Two Balls

I have two disjoint open intervals $B_1, B_2 \subset \mathbb{R}$, and variables $0 < s < 1$ and $t \in B_1 \cup B_2$. I want to solve: $$r_{B_1 \cup B_2}(\Delta^{s} f) = \delta_t$$ for $f$. ...
Timothy Chu's user avatar
11 votes
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Fundamental solution of an elliptic PDE in divergence form with non-symmetric matrix

I am looking for the fundamental solution of the following PDE $$\partial_i (a^{ij}\partial_j u)=f$$ where $a^{ij}(x)$ is a non-symmetric matrix with possibly non-constant coefficients. I could find a ...
Sepideh Bakhoda's user avatar
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Fundamental solution of parabolic PDE with variable coefficients

Let us consider the parabolic operator $$ \mathcal{L} = \partial_t - \nabla_x \cdot(a(x)\nabla_x) $$ over a bounded domain $\Omega\subset\mathbb{R}^d$. The coefficient matrix $a(x)$ is elliptic and ...
edop's user avatar
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Bessel decay for nonhomogeneous PDE

I'm interested in the following nonhomogeneous PDE $$ (\Delta-k^{2})u=-g $$ on the upper-half plane with smooth and integrable Dirichlet boundary condition, where $g$ is a smooth positive function ...
user127742's user avatar
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Reconstructing the Green's function of an initial-value problem of partial differential equation

Consider a partial differential equation that is of the following form: \begin{equation} (-\partial_x^2+g(x))f(x, t)=i\partial_tf(x, t) \end{equation} where $g(x)$ is a real function. Suppose that $f(...
Mr. Gentleman's user avatar
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Paving property

In their famed paper (, Bourgain and Goldstein conjecture what they call the paving property: Let $H_{jk}=\delta_{j,k+1}+\delta_{j,k-1}+v(\theta+j\omega)\delta_{...
Eduard Tetzlaff's user avatar
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Parabolic (heat) PDE Green's function spatial asymptote at infinity

Consider a general parabolic partial differential equation with its spatial dimensions on $R^n$, such as a heat equation, with the diffusion coefficient dependent on the spacial variables. Does its ...
Hans's user avatar
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Linear PDE with non constant coefficients and properties of Green's Function

Lots of information is available about Poisson's PDE $\operatorname{div}(\operatorname{grad}(u(\vec{x}))))=f(\vec{x})$. However it is hard to find information about the more generalized case \begin{...
chloros2's user avatar