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How to evaluate the following integral?

How to (analytically) calculate the following integral, $$I = \int_{S_{2n-1}} \left( \langle z, \zeta \rangle \right)^a e^{ b \langle z, \zeta \rangle} \, d\sigma(\zeta),$$ where $\langle z, \zeta \...
zoran  Vicovic's user avatar
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Double-periodic functions with (possible) poles

Consider the set of double-periodic function $f:\mathbb C/(\mathbb Z+i \mathbb Z) \setminus \{z_0\} \to \mathbb C$, where $z_0$ is a fixed point inside $\mathbb C/(\mathbb Z+i \mathbb Z),$ that have a ...
António Borges Santos's user avatar
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Analytic continuation of $\int_V (f(x_1,\cdots,x_n))^s dx_i$

Let $V$ be an $n$-dimensional simplex, let $f(\boldsymbol{x}) = f(x_1,\cdots,x_n)\in \mathbb{C}[x_1,\cdots,x_n]$ be a product of linear polynomials that is non-zero in interior of $V$. Also let $E(\...
pisco's user avatar
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Where to find or how to establish a general formula for the improper integral $\int_{0}^{\infty}\frac{\sin t}{t}(\ln t)^k\operatorname{d\!} t$?

When I tried to establish the Maclaurin power series expansion of the reciprocal $\frac{1}{\Gamma(z)}$ of the Euler gamma function $\Gamma(z)$, I came across the improper integral $$ I_k=\int_{0}^{\...
qifeng618's user avatar
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Uniqueness of Neumann series

Let $f$ be an entire function. Then there exist numbers $a_0,a_1,\ldots$, independent of $z$, such that $$f(z)=\sum_{n=0}^\infty a_n J_n(z),\quad \forall z\in\mathbb{C}$$ where $J_n$ is the Bessel ...
Nomas2's user avatar
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The Hausdorff measure of intersection of annulus and conformal curve

Recently I came across a problem in my research. Let $g:[0,1]\to\mathbb{C}$ be a restriction of a conformal map that is defined in a simply connected domain $\Omega\subseteq\mathbb{C}$ that include $[...
mathematics is all's user avatar
7 votes
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On a paper by Dimitrie Pompéiu and on one (in two parts) by Edmund Landau

To celebrate the new year and the future of mathematics (or the mathematics of future), I see no better way to ask a question stemming from my researches on power series. The two papers the title ...
Daniele Tampieri's user avatar
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pseudo inverse of a holomorphic multivariate injective map

Let $f:{\mathbb C}^n \rightarrow {\mathbb C}^N$, $N > n$, be holomorphic and injective on an open ball $B_n \subset {\mathbb C}^n$ such that the Jacobian matrices have full column rank at each ...
gil's user avatar
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Asking a reference about the $p$-Laplacian of $|\nabla u|^p$

It is well-known that for a harmonic function $u$, i.e. $$ \Delta u=0, $$ the quantity $|\nabla u|^2$ is subharmonic, i.e. $$\Delta (|\nabla u|^2) \geq 0. $$ Reason: $$\Delta (|\nabla u|^2)= 2 \nabla (...
Hheepp's user avatar
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An integral transform computation

In Erdelyi, Tables of Integral Transforms, p. 344 Section 7.2. they note that \begin{align} \frac{1}{2 \pi i} \int_{c-i\infty}^{c+i\infty} s^{\nu} e^{\alpha s^2} x^{-s} \, ds = 2^{-\nu/2} \pi^{-...
user506603's user avatar
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Asymptotic location of zeros of of a sequence of analytic functions

Assume we have a sequence of functions $f_n$ analytic in a bounded domain $\Omega \subset \{ |z|\ge 1 \}$ of the complex plane, such that the sequence $$ g_n(z) = f_n(z) - z^n $$ converges to an ...
Andrei MF's user avatar
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Implicit function theorem with singularities of any order

Let $\mathcal{U}\subset \mathbb{R}\times \mathbb{C}$ a neighborhood of $(0,0)$, and $f:\mathcal{U}\to \mathbb{C}$ differentiable in the first variable and holomorphic in the second variable, with $f(0,...
Lorenzo Q's user avatar
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The upper bound of hyperbolic cosine function in complex plane

I want to find the upper bound of the following function : \begin{equation} M(\lambda)=\max _{E \in \mathbb{C}}\left|L_{+}-L_{-}\right| \end{equation} where \begin{equation} \begin{aligned} & 4 \...
HERMIT_WELL's user avatar
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Where or what is the general formula for the $n$th derivative of the power-exponential function $x^x$?

It is well-known that the power-exponential function $x^x$ and its first few derivatives are often taught in calculus. Does the general formula for the $n$th derivative of the power-exponential ...
qifeng618's user avatar
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Roots of rational function

Sorry, I asked a similar question yesterday which contained a mistake in the question posed, here is the real question. Let $(x_n)_{n=1}^N$ be a sequence taking values in $[1,2]$ with the property ...
Guido Li's user avatar
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Quantitative analytic continuation estimate for functions small except on a small set

This question arises as a variation of this question, which was helpfully answered in the negative. It turns out that for my application, a substantially weaker conjecture suffices, which fails to be ...
Keefer Rowan's user avatar
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Entire function with almost periodic boundary condition?

Let $v_1 =\lambda_1 \zeta_1$ and $v_2 = \lambda_2 \zeta_2$ with $\zeta_1 = \frac{4\pi i\omega}{3}$ and $\zeta_2 = \frac{4\pi i\omega^2}{3}$ where $\omega = e^{2\pi i/3}$ is the third root of unity and ...
Guido Li's user avatar
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Quantitative analytic continuation estimate for a function small on a set of positive measure

The following conjecture about analytic functions arose as a way to show the asymptotic growth for certain PDE solutions. As I am unfamiliar with any results of this type, I thought I'd ask here. In ...
Keefer Rowan's user avatar
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Bounds on zeros of rational function

Let $(x_n)_{n=1}^N$ be a sequence taking values in $[1,2]$ with the property that $x_1<x_2<...<x_N$ and $$\frac1N \gtrsim \vert x_j-x_{j-1} \vert \gtrsim \frac1N.$$ We then define a function $...
Guido Li's user avatar
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How to prove that the function $\lambda \mapsto \langle T_{\lambda}f; g\rangle$ is holomorphic?

Let $\langle;\rangle$ be the usual scalar product on $L^2(\Bbb R^2)$. How to prove that the function $\lambda \mapsto \langle T_{\lambda}f; g\rangle$ is holomorphic on $\Bbb C^+_*=\{z\in\Bbb C:\text{...
zoran  Vicovic's user avatar
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Regularity of boundary of a level set of a $C^{1,\alpha}$ function

Let $f:\mathbb{R}^2\to\mathbb{R}$ be a $C^{1,\alpha}$ function. Denote $S_C=\{x\in\mathbb{R}^2\mid f(x)=C \}$ the level set of $f$ with value $C$. What i want to ask is, if $S_C$ is nonempty for some $...
W.J.'s user avatar
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The meromorphic continuation of Selberg-like integrals in the symmetric case

Introduction. In connection with the question (1) (link below), I've been trying to understand the meromorphic continuation in $\alpha,\beta,\gamma$ of the Selberg-like integral $$ S_N(\alpha,\beta,\...
Ethan Sussman's user avatar
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Zeros of entire functions

Let $f_w:\mathbb C \to \mathbb C$ be an entire function such that $(0,1) \ni w \mapsto f_w$ is real-analytic. Assuming that there is a dense subset $D \subset (0,1)$ such that for $w \in D$ the ...
Kung Yao's user avatar
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Zeros of entire functions with parameter

Let $f_w:\mathbb C \to \mathbb C$ be an entire function with $f_w(0)=1$ and at least one root for any choice of $w \in (0,1)$. Assume further that for a dense set of $w$ the function $f_w$ has ...
Kung Yao's user avatar
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Construction of holomorphic function

I was trying to construct a holomorphic function $f$ on $\mathbb{C}$ such that $|f|^2(z)=e^{(|z|^2-\frac{1}{2})^2}$. I will be happy if someone can give me an idea how to do that. I would like also ...
Said Kamam's user avatar
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Estimate for an oscillatory integral of the first kind

I am confused in finding the right bound for the following oscillatory integral $$I = \int_\mathbb{R} (\psi(2^{-k} \xi))^2 e^{i (y \xi - 3 \eta \xi^2 t)} d\xi.$$ Where $\psi(2^{-k} \xi)$ is a smooth ...
Mr. Proof's user avatar
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For estimation on the integral $g(t)=\int_{-t}^{t}\left\vert\sum_{k=1}^Ne^{ikx}\right\rvert^2dx$ for small $t>0$

For real numbers $t>0$ and $x$, let $f(x)=\sum_{k=1}^Ne^{ikx}$ and $g(t)=\int_{-t}^{t}\lvert f(x)\rvert^2dx$. Then $g(\pi)=\int_{-\pi}^{\pi}\lvert f(x)\rvert^2dx=2\pi N$. I want to know is there ...
ZZP's user avatar
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Complex polynomial-like functions with conjugate terms

Is there study on polynomial-like functions of the following kind? $$f(z) = c_0 + a_1z+b_1\bar{z} + a_2z^2+b_2\bar{z}^2 + ...+ a_nz^n+b_n\bar{z}^n$$ My reason for studying it is polynomials are ...
user3750444's user avatar
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Estimating two dimensional theta function

My feeling is that this should be written somewhere but I don't know what to search for. Let $Q(x,y)$ be a binary quadratic form over $\mathbb{C}$, with $\operatorname{Re}(Q)$ positive definite. Then ...
user49822's user avatar
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Asymptotics through generating functions

I am working on the asymptotics of a sequence and wanted to use the method of subtracted singularities (Darboux's method) for its generating function $f$. But it turns out that the function has $1$ as ...
EED's user avatar
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It is possible, without adding further hypotheses, to refine Rouche's theorem in order to obtain a finer localization of the zeros?

The title says it all: a now deleted question on the Mathematics Stackexchange asked more or less the same thing, and I answered by citing the work [1] of Wolfgang Tutschke, whose version of Rouche's ...
Daniele Tampieri's user avatar
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How to construct non-abelian functions?

I have found some functions $t_g, g \in G$ for cyclic groups $G=C_n$ which seem to satisfy the following convolution identity: $$t_g(x+y) = \sum_{h \in G} t_{gh^{-1}}(x) t_h(y)$$ Example of such ...
mathoverflowUser's user avatar
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Is this infinite product entire?

Let $(z_i)$ be a square-summable sequence which is even summable but not absolute summable, i.e. $\sum_{i=1}^{\infty} \vert z_i \vert = \infty$,$\sum_{i=1}^{\infty} \vert z_i \vert^2 < \infty$ and $...
Guido Li's user avatar
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Singularity of inverse exponential integral function

The exponential integral function is defined by $$ Ei(z) = \int_{-\infty}^z dw \frac{e^w}{w} \,.$$ Away from the negative real axis the exponential integral function has a Taylor series about $z=0$: $$...
Samuel Crew's user avatar
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Upper bound for maximum modulus of polynomial on unit circle in term of the distribution of its roots

Let $P(z) = \prod_{i = 1}^n (z - z_i) \in \mathbb{C}[z]$ be a monic polynomial having all roots $z_1, \dots, z_n$ on the unit circle $\mathbb{T} := \{z \in \mathbb{C} : |z| = 1\}$. What is known about ...
Erik4's user avatar
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Are the two-valued homogeneous harmonic functions classified?

Question. Is there a classification of homogeneous two-valued harmonic functions on $\mathbf{R}^n$, valid in dimensions $n \geq 3$? For reference, multi-valued functions are familiar objects in ...
Leo Moos's user avatar
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Understanding a more intricate Schwarz reflection principle--A question about Tetration

everyone. This is going to be a long question as it requires a good amount of back story in theory. This question is mostly along the lines: "I think this should happen, and I think my proof is ...
Richard Diagram's user avatar
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Four infinite series involving Riemann zeta function

Can you provide a proof for at least one of the claims given below? It is known that $\pi=\displaystyle\sum_{n=1}^{\infty}\frac{3^n-1}{4^n} \cdot \zeta(n+1)$ where $\zeta$ denotes Riemann zeta ...
Pedja's user avatar
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How to solve the following ODE with a parameter?

I am considering the following ODE \begin{equation} \begin{split} &\frac{d^2}{dy^2}u + \frac{\alpha}{(1+y^2)^{\frac{r}{2}}}u = \delta(y)\\ &\lim_{|y|\to \infty}u(y) = 0. \end{split} \end{...
Jacob Lu's user avatar
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An inequality for an integral transform of a function

Let $$J_{f;y}(u):=3 u^3 \int_u^1\frac{dt}{t^4} \,e^{-i y t}f(t)- e^{-i u y}f(u),$$ where $y\in(0,\infty)$, $u\in(0,1)$, and $$f(t):=t+\pi (1-t) t \cot (\pi t).$$ Here are the graphs of $f$ (black), ...
Iosif Pinelis's user avatar
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On a question relating integral equation:

I don't know if the following question qualifies as research level. If it isn't, sorry. Set the following terminology: $ \alpha_1 =\alpha_1(t,x)=t(\tan^{-1}(x)+c)$ $\alpha_2=\alpha_2(s,x)=s(\tan^{-1}(...
GSA_1's user avatar
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Existence of periodic solution to ODE

We shall consider the matrix-valued differential operator $$(L u)(x) :=u'(x) - \begin{pmatrix} 0 & \sin(2\pi x-\frac{\pi}{6})\\ - 2\sin(2\pi x+\frac{\pi}{6}) & 0 \end{pmatrix} u(x).$$ This is ...
Kung Yao's user avatar
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Is this function concave?

Let $$h(u):=u^3 \left|\int_u^\infty \frac{e^{-i t}}{t^3} \, dt\right|$$ for $u>0$. Is the function $h$ concave on $(0,\infty)$? (For context, see Proposition 4.4.4 and formula (4.4.21) in this ...
Iosif Pinelis's user avatar
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Rouché's Theorem in complex analysis on the relation of the number of zeros and poles of meromorphic functions in a region [closed]

This question is from my son referenced in my earlier question, Need advice or assistance for son who is in prison. His interest is scattering theory . He asked me to post this question: Hello and ...
Dan Cunningham's user avatar
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A mysterious expression from a discriminant

I recently investigated $\textrm{Discriminant}_u(\omega P(u) +(z-u)P'(u))$, where $P(u) := u^3 + au + b$ and $\omega$ is a real parameter (with $\omega\in(0,1)\cup(1,3)$) associated with the order of ...
Fll'Yissetat's user avatar
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Complex Hermite polynomial orthogonality on weighted space

Consider the "probabilist's" Hermite polynomials given by $$H_n(x)=(-1)^ne^{\frac{x^2}{2}}\partial_x^ne^{-\frac{x^2}{2}}.$$ These polynomials trivially extend to functions of $w\in\mathbb{C}$...
Yonah Borns-Weil's user avatar
7 votes
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Existence of complex function?

Motivated by a similar question Complex-doubly periodic function in two variables?, I would like to ask if there exists a non-zero function $(z_1,z_2) \mapsto f(z_1,z_2)$, where $z_1,z_2 \in \mathbb C$...
Pritam Bemis's user avatar
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Complex-doubly periodic function in two variables?

I am looking for a function $f:\mathbb C^2 \rightarrow \mathbb C^2$ that satisfies the two equations $$\partial_{z_2}f_1(z_1,z_2) + \partial_{z_1} f_2(z_1,z_2)=0 \text{ and }$$ $$\partial_{\bar z_1}...
Sascha's user avatar
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Why do the absolute values of functions in Hardy spaces tend to be non-oscillatory?

I'm trying to find a rigorous formulation of an impression/intuitive notion related to Hardy spaces. It seems to me that functions in Hardy spaces tend to have modulus functions which do not ...
verylongaccountname's user avatar
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Discriminant of $\alpha P(u) + (z-u) P'(u)$

I'm trying to find a “closed form” of $\textrm{Discriminant}_u(f(u))$, where $f(u) := \alpha P(u) + (z-u) P'(u)$. Here $P(u)$ is a monic polynomial of degree $d > 1$ with $u\in\mathbb{C}$, $\alpha$ ...
Fll'Yissetat's user avatar