My feeling is that this should be written somewhere but I don't know what to search for.
Let $Q(x,y)$ be a binary quadratic form over $\mathbb{C}$, with $\operatorname{Re}(Q)$ positive definite. Then we can form the series $$ \sum_{u,v\in\mathbb{Z}} e^{-Q(u,v)} $$
I need to estimate this sum, especially in the case where $\operatorname{Im}(Q)$ is a fixed positive definite quadratic form and $\operatorname{Re}(Q)$ is close to a degenerate quadratic form of rank $1$. That is, $Q$ is of the form $$ Q(x,y) = i\left(ax^2+bxy+cy^2\right) + \left(\alpha x + \beta y\right)^2 + \epsilon \left(-\beta x+\alpha y\right)^2 $$ where $a,b,c,\alpha,\beta,\epsilon\in\mathbb{R}$, $ac-b^2>0$, $(\alpha,\beta)\neq(0,0)$, $\epsilon>0$ and let $\epsilon\to0$
My feeling is that, in the above case, if we fix $a,b,c,\alpha,\beta$ and let $\epsilon\to0$ then the sum should be something like $O\left(\epsilon^{-\frac12}\right)$ but I need to know how the constant in the big-O depends on $a,b,c,\alpha,\beta$.