I have found some functions $t_g, g \in G$ for cyclic groups $G=C_n$ which seem to satisfy the following convolution identity:
$$t_g(x+y) = \sum_{h \in G} t_{gh^{-1}}(x) t_h(y)$$
Example of such functions are given in this question: Connection between cyclic group and exponential function
and a possible generalization to arbitrary finite groups was given in this answer: https://mathoverflow.net/a/412397/165920
However in the answer only consequences of the convolution identity are shown but it is not shown how to construct such functions.
So my question is: Given the symmetric group $G = S_3$. Is it possible to construct functions $t_g$ which satisfy the convolution identity above?
I have added the tag for odes since the functions given as examples satisfy:
$$t^{'''}_{k}(x) = t_{k}(x), k=0,1,2$$