Let us drop the assumption $x_j\in[1,2]$, it is not needed.
Proving the result by contradiction, denote our function by $f_N$, suppose that $f_N(z_N)=-i$, and $\mathrm{Im}\ z_N= 1/(N^2R_N)$ where $R_N\to\infty$. Since nothing depends on a shift in horizontal direction, one may assume without loss of generality that
$z_N=i/(N^2R_N)$, so our equation is
Now consider what happens when $N\to\infty$.
Let us order $x_j$ by increasing modulus.
Your condition
about $|x_j-x_{j+1}|>c/N$ implies that $|x_{j,N}|\geq c_1(j-1)/N$ for all $j$ except $j=1$.
Then the sum of all terms for $j\geq 2$ tends to $0$
as $N\to\infty$.
(c_3/N)\sum_{j=2}^N1/(j-1)\to 0.$$
So we conclude that the term with $j=1$ must tend to $-i$. But this is impossible, since
$$\frac{\alpha_{1,N}R_N N^2}{i-R_N N^2x_{1,N}}$$
so by comparing the imaginary parts and using that $\alpha_{1,N}N^2$ is bounded from above and below,
we obtain
$$R_N\sim R_N^2x_{1,N}^2N^4\to\infty,$$
so $x_{1,N}N^2\to 0$, while comparing imaginary parts gives $N^2x_{1,N}\to\infty$. This contradiction proves the result.