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12 votes
3 answers

Limit cycles as closed geodesics (in negatively or positively curved space)

Updated 1/25/2023 I just added a related post below: Jacobi fields, Conjugate points and limit cycle theory EDIT: Here is a related post which concern quadratic vector fields rather than Van ...
Ali Taghavi's user avatar
57 votes
8 answers

Does the formal power series solution to $f(f(x))= \sin( x) $ converge?

I have spent some time using gp-pari. There is, of course, a formal power series solution to $ f(f(x)) = \sin x.$ It is displayed below, identified by the symbol $g$ because I am not entirely sure ...
Will Jagy's user avatar
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20 votes
2 answers

Question about functional derivatives

This page on Wikipedia defines the so-called functional derivative as follows: "Given a manifold $M$ representing (continuous/smooth) functions $\rho$ (with certain boundary conditions, etc.) and a ...
JustWannaKnow's user avatar
48 votes
2 answers

Geometric interpretation of the half-derivative?

For $f(x)=x$, the half-derivative of $f$ is $$\frac{d^{\frac{1}{2}}}{dx^{\frac{1}{2}}} x = 2 \sqrt{\frac{x}{\pi}} \;.$$ Is there some geometric interpretation of (Q1) this specific derivative, and, (...
Joseph O'Rourke's user avatar
25 votes
3 answers

Fourier transform of the unit sphere

The Fourier transform of the volume form of the (n-1)-sphere in $\mathbf R^n$ is given by the well-known formula $$ \int_{S^{n-1}}e^{i\langle\mathbf a,\mathbf u\rangle}d\sigma(\mathbf u) = (2\pi)^{\nu ...
Francois Ziegler's user avatar
123 votes
12 answers

How to solve $f(f(x)) = \cos(x)$?

I found the following equation on some web page I cannot remember, and found it interesting: $$f(f(x))=\cos(x)$$ Out of curiosity I tried to solve it, but realized that I do not have a clue how to ...
user4503's user avatar
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41 votes
4 answers

Product of Borel sigma algebras

If $X$ and $Y$ are separable metric spaces, then the Borel $\sigma$-algebra $B(X \times Y)$ of the product is the $\sigma$-algebra generated by $B(X)\times B(Y)$. I am embarrassed to admit that I ...
Bill Johnson's user avatar
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15 votes
2 answers

Asymptotic approximation of $x^\alpha$ by entire functions

Given a non-integral real $\alpha$, is there an entire (see function $h(x)$ such that $x^{-\alpha}h(x)\longrightarrow 1$ for $x\rightarrow+\infty$ (with $...
Roland Bacher's user avatar
5 votes
1 answer

Infinite dimensional involutions: infinitely large sets of multivariate polynomials self-inverse under self-substitution

Examples of infinite dimensional involutions Edit 2/25/23, as suggested by YCOR below: (Start) The first return on a Google search on involution--from late Latin 'a rolling up'--gives the Oxford ...
Tom Copeland's user avatar
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122 votes
4 answers

Is the analysis as taught in universities in fact the analysis of definable numbers?

Ten years ago, when I studied in university, I had no idea about definable numbers, but I came to this concept myself. My thoughts were as follows: All numbers are divided into two classes: those ...
Anixx's user avatar
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95 votes
5 answers

Note rejected from arXiv: what to do next?

Short version: A note of mine was rejected by the arXiv moderation (something I didn't even know was possible) on account of being “unrefereeable”. The moderation process provides absolutely no ...
68 votes
2 answers

Is there a category structure one can place on measure spaces so that category-theoretic products exist?

The usual category of measure spaces consists of objects $(X, \mathcal{B}_X, \mu_X)$, where $X$ is a space, $\mathcal{B}_X$ is a $\sigma$-algebra on $X$, and $\mu_X$ is a measure on $X$, and measure ...
Damek Davis's user avatar
45 votes
7 answers

What's an example of a space that needs the Hahn-Banach Theorem?

The Hahn-Banach theorem is rightly seen as one of the Big Theorems in functional analysis. Indeed, it can be said to be where functional analysis really starts. But as it's one of those "there ...
Andrew Stacey's user avatar
8 votes
3 answers

Ramanujan's Master Formula: A proof and relation to umbral calculus

The Ramanujan's master theorem states that: $$ \int_0^{\infty}x^{s-1}\sum_{n=0}^{\infty}\frac{(-1)^n}{n!}a_nx^ndx=\Gamma(s)a_{-s} $$ I found a really strange proof recently on a personal blog: Define $...
FFjet's user avatar
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40 votes
5 answers

Is there a natural measures on the space of measurable functions?

Given a set Ω and a σ-algebra F of subsets, is there some natural way to assign something like a "uniform" measure on the space of all measurable functions on this space? (I suppose first ...
Kenny Easwaran's user avatar
32 votes
6 answers

Can distribution theory be developed Riemann-free?

I imagine most people who frequent MO have been indoctrinated into the point of view that the Riemann integral can be safely discarded once one has taken the time to develop the Lebesgue integral. ...
Paul Siegel's user avatar
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27 votes
5 answers

Nice applications for Schwartz distributions

I am to teach a second year grad course in analysis with focus on Schwartz distributions. Among the core topics I intend to cover are: Some multilinear algebra including the Kernel Theorem and ...
Abdelmalek Abdesselam's user avatar
10 votes
1 answer

Solution of linear ODE

Let $A=A(t)$ be a smooth one parameter family of $n\times n$-matrices, $n\ge 2$. It seems that the solution of linear ODE $$\dot x= Ax$$ can not be written in a closed form using $\int$, $A$, $x(0)$ ...
ε-δ's user avatar
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52 votes
11 answers

Does the exponential function have a (compositional) square root?

(asked by Nathaniel Hellerstein on the Q&A board at JMM) Is there a "half-exponential" function $h(x)$ such that $h(h(x))=e^x$? Is it unique? Is it analytic? Related question: Is there an ...
2010 Joint Meetings's user avatar
28 votes
6 answers

Almost orthogonal vectors

This is to do with high dimensional geometry, which I'm always useless with. Suppose we have some large integer $n$ and some small $\epsilon>0$. Working in the unit sphere of $\mathbb R^n$ or $\...
Matthew Daws's user avatar
  • 18.7k
26 votes
6 answers

prime ideals in C([0,1])

It is clear that each maximal ideal in ring of continuous functions over $[0,1]\subset \mathbb R$ corresponds to a point and vice-versa. So, for each ideal $I$ define $Z(I) =\{x\in [0,1]\,|\,f(x)=0, ...
Nikita Kalinin's user avatar
25 votes
9 answers

Function with range equal to whole reals on every open set

There is an example of a function that is unbounded on every open set. Just take $f(n/m) = m$ for coprime $n$ and $m$ and $f(irrational) = 0$. I want to generalize this in a way to get a function ...
falagar's user avatar
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23 votes
3 answers

Density of smooth functions under "Hölder metric"

This question came up when I was doing some reading into convolution squares of singular measures. Recall a function $f$ on the torus $T = [-1/2,1/2]$ is said to be $\alpha$-Hölder (for $0 < \alpha ...
Vince's user avatar
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6 votes
3 answers

functions with orthogonal Jacobian

I'm working on a model that would require to use vectorial functions of $\mathbb{R}^n \rightarrow \mathbb{R}^n$, such that $\forall x, y \in \mathbb{R}^n$, $\lVert \frac{df(x)}{dx}(y) \lVert_2 = \...
dhokas's user avatar
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5 votes
1 answer

Hausdorff dimension of the graph of a BV function

Let $u: \Omega\subset \mathbb{R}^N \to \mathbb{R}^M$ be a $BV$ function. Is the Hausdorff dimension of the graph of $u$ equal to $N$? How can we prove it? Update. In an answer to this post, it ...
Riku's user avatar
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142 votes
7 answers

Source and context of $\frac{22}{7} - \pi = \int_0^1 (x-x^2)^4 dx/(1+x^2)$?

Possibly the most striking proof of Archimedes's inequality $\pi < 22/7$ is an integral formula for the difference: $$ \frac{22}{7} - \pi = \int_0^1 (x-x^2)^4 \frac{dx}{1+x^2}, $$ where the ...
Noam D. Elkies's user avatar
71 votes
16 answers

Is there a nice application of category theory to functional/complex/harmonic analysis?

[Title changed, and wording of question tweaked, by YC, because the original title asked a question which seems different from the one people want to answer.] I've read looked at the examples in most ...
52 votes
7 answers

On an example of an eventually oscillating function

For $x\in(0,1)$, put $$f(x):=\sum_{n=0}^{\infty}(-1)^{n}x^{2^{n}}.$$ This function possesses interesting properties. It grows monotonically from $0$ up to certain point. Then it starts to oscillate ...
Twi's user avatar
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39 votes
8 answers

Can Cantor set be the zero set of a continuous function?

More generally, can the zero set $V(f)$ of a continuous function $f : \mathbb{R} \to \mathbb{R}$ be nowhere dense and uncountable? What if $f$ is smooth? Some days ago I discovered that in this proof ...
pinaki's user avatar
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38 votes
4 answers

Binomial again, and again

Let $\lceil a\rceil=$ the smallest integer $\geq a$, otherwise known as the ceiling function. When the arguments are real, interpret $\binom{a}b$ using the Euler's gamma function, $\Gamma$. Recently, ...
T. Amdeberhan's user avatar
38 votes
5 answers

Criteria to determine whether a real-coefficient polynomial has real root?

Given a polynomial equation $x^n+a_{n-1}x^{n-1}+\cdots+a_1x+a_0=0$, where $n$ is even and all the coefficients $a_i$ are real, what is the best way to determine whether it has a real root or not? I ...
Wiley's user avatar
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37 votes
3 answers

Do these properties characterize differentiation?

Let $L: C^\infty(\mathbb{R}) \to C^\infty(\mathbb{R})$ be a linear operator which satisfies: $L(1) = 0$ $L(x) = 1$ $L(f \cdot g) = f \cdot L(g) + g \cdot L(f)$ Is $L$ necessarily the derivative? ...
Steven Gubkin's user avatar
29 votes
3 answers

An explicit series representation for the analytic tetration with complex height

Tetration is the next hyperoperation after more familiar addition, multiplication and exponentiation. It can be seen as a repeated exponentiation, similar to how exponentiation can be seen as a ...
Vladimir Reshetnikov's user avatar
25 votes
2 answers

Functional approach vs jet approach to Lagrangian field theory

Context: I am a PhD student in theoretical physics with higher-than-average education on differential geometry. I am trying to understand Lagrangian and Hamiltonian field theories and related concepts ...
Bence Racskó's user avatar
23 votes
2 answers

States in C*-algebras and their origin in physics?

in $C^*-$algebras with unit element, there is the definition of a state, as a functional $\omega$ with $\omega(e)=||\omega||=1.$ Now, of course there is also in classical physics and quantum ...
Acuriousmind's user avatar
22 votes
10 answers

If d/dx is an operator, on what does it operate?

If $\frac{d}{dx}$ is a differential operator, what are its inputs? If the answer is "(differentiable) functions" (i.e., variable-agnostic sets of ordered pairs), we have difficulty distinguishing ...
Jason Howald's user avatar
20 votes
2 answers

Conditions for smooth dependence of the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of a matrix on a set of parameters

Let $A\in\mathcal M_n$ be an $n\times n$ real [symmetric] matrix which depends smoothly on a [finite] set of parameters, $A=A(\xi_1,\ldots,\xi_k)$. We can view it as a smooth function $A:\mathbb R^k\...
Cristi Stoica's user avatar
19 votes
2 answers

Solutions-set first order ODE's without uniqueness

In short: What can we say about the set of all solutions of an ordinary differential equation (ODE) when we there is no uniqueness? Consider the ODE $f:D\to \mathbb{R}, \quad D\subseteq \mathbb{R}^2,$ ...
Amir Sagiv's user avatar
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12 votes
1 answer

Uniform boundedness of an $L^2[0,1]$-ONB in $C[0,1]$

Assume that we have an orthonormal basis of smooth functions in $L^2[0,1]$. Are there useful practical criteria to determine whether the sup-norm of the basis functions has a uniform bound? I am sure ...
András Bátkai's user avatar
10 votes
2 answers

Harmonic oscillator discrete spectrum

Let us act intentionally stupid and assume we do not know that we can solve for the spectrum of the harmonic oscillator $$-\frac{d^2}{dx^2}+x^2$$ explicitly. Is there an abstract argument why the ...
Zinkin's user avatar
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10 votes
2 answers

Isomorphisms between spaces of test functions and sequence spaces

I am in the process of writing some self-contained notes on probability theory in spaces of distributions, for the purposes of statistical mechanics and quantum field theory. Perhaps the simplest ...
Abdelmalek Abdesselam's user avatar
9 votes
2 answers

On the behaviour of $\sin(n!\pi x)$ when $x$ is irrational.

Hi, I'm interested in the behaviour of the sequence $(\sin(n!\pi x))$, when $x$ is irrational, as $n$ tends to infinity. 1) Is the sequence dense in $(-1,1)$? or 2) Is it possible that for some ...
Analyst44's user avatar
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6 votes
1 answer

An operation is defined on polynomials. How do I generalize it to other classes of functions?

I am currently researching divergent integrals. Definition. An extended number is an expression of the form $\int_a^b f(x)\,dx$, where $a,b\in \overline{\mathbb{R}}$ and function $f(x)$ is defined ...
Anixx's user avatar
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5 votes
2 answers

If the Hausforff dimension of the graph of a function $u$ is $N$ and $\tilde u = u$ a.e. then $\dim_H \mathrm{graph} \, \tilde u = N$ too

Let $\Omega$ be an open (non empty) set and $u:\Omega \subset \mathbb{R}^N \to \mathbb{R}^M$ be a function such that the Hausdorff dimension of its graph is $N$. Let $\tilde u = u$ a.e. Is it true ...
Riku's user avatar
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5 votes
1 answer

Can $L^1_{loc}$ be represented as colimit?

Let $L^1_{loc}$ denote the set of all functions from $\mathbb{R}$ to itself which are locally integrable. For every infinite compact subset $K\subseteq \mathbb{R}$, let $L^1_{m_K}$ denote the space ...
ABIM's user avatar
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4 votes
1 answer

Meaning of Alberti rank-one theorem

Heuristically what does Alberti's rank-one theorem imply about the structure of a $\mathrm{BV}$ vector field $\boldsymbol{b}$? Is it rigorously fair to say that the level lines of $\boldsymbol{b}$ ...
user avatar
2 votes
0 answers

Role of absolute continuity of divergence of BV function in proof of renormalization property

In the paper, the author proves the renormalization property for the flow generated by a vector field $a(t,\cdot) \in BV(\mathbb{R}^N; \mathbb{R}^N)$. Heuristically, ...
Riku's user avatar
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191 votes
34 answers

What is convolution intuitively?

If random variable $X$ has a probability distribution of $f(x)$ and random variable $Y$ has a probability distribution $g(x)$ then $(f*g)(x)$, the convolution of $f$ and $g$, is the probability ...
185 votes
19 answers

How do I make the conceptual transition from multivariable calculus to differential forms?

One way to define the algebra of differential forms $\Omega(M)$ on a smooth manifold $M$ (as explained by John Baez's week287) is as the exterior algebra of the dual of the module of derivations on ...
135 votes
5 answers

Does the inverse function theorem hold for everywhere differentiable maps?

(This question was posed to me by a colleague; I was unable to answer it, so am posing it here instead.) Let $f: {\bf R}^n \to {\bf R}^n$ be an everywhere differentiable map, and suppose that at each ...
Terry Tao's user avatar
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