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10 votes
2 answers

How to determine the asymptotics of $\sum_{n=0}^{\infty} e^{-\frac{2^n}{x}}$

I'm generally interested in being able to find an asymptotic expansion of $$ \sum_{n=0}^{\infty} \left[ e^{- \frac{f(n)}{x}} \right] $$ As $x \rightarrow \infty$ and $f(n)$ is a smooth monotonically ...
Sidharth Ghoshal's user avatar
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“Taylor series” is to “Volterra series” as “Laurent series” is to _________?

Preamble My question is similar to an earlier MathOverflow question: “Taylor series” is to “Volterra series” as “Padé approximant” is to _________? which I just answered (hopefully my first ever ...
Nike Dattani's user avatar
10 votes
2 answers

Gauss--Lucas type theorem for tracts and higher derivatives of a polynomial

The Gauss--Lucas Theorem states that all zeros of derivative of a degree $n$ complex polynomial $p(z)$ are contained in the convex hull of the zeros of $p$. By iteration, this implies that the zeros ...
Trevor J Richards's user avatar
10 votes
2 answers

Is there an analogue of Mostow-Palais equivariant embedding theorem for noncompact groups

Let $M$ be a (Hausdorff) smooth compact manifold and $G$ a Lie group acting smoothly on $M$. If $G$ is compact then, by Mostow-Palais theorem, there exists an equivariant smooth embedding $M\to {\...
Misha's user avatar
  • 31.2k
10 votes
1 answer

Is there a holomorphic function on open unit disc with this property?

Let $D=\{z\in \mathbb{C}\mid |z|<1\}$. Is there a holomorphic function $f:D\to \mathbb{C}$ such that for every $n\in \mathbb{N} \cup \{0\},\;f^{(n)}$ has a continuous extension to $\bar D$ but $f$ ...
Ali Taghavi's user avatar
10 votes
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Reverse mathematics of meromorphic functions on Riemann surfaces

Various sources touch briefly on the reverse mathematics of measure theory and complex analysis. But I have found none on the uniformization theorem for Riemann surfaces or the existence of non-...
Colin McLarty's user avatar
10 votes
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Projective tensor squares of uniform algebras

In discussion with a colleague recently (Jan 2017), $\newcommand{\AD}{A({\bf D})}\newcommand{\CT}{C({\bf T})}$ I was reminded that if $A(D)$ denotes the disc algebra and $\iota: \AD\to \CT$ is the ...
Yemon Choi's user avatar
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10 votes
2 answers

Unconditionally convergent series in some functional spaces

Linked with this question and discussion (Bilinear product of two summable families), I am very interested in counterexamples/results about the following questions (cf the end). First, I recall that a ...
Duchamp Gérard H. E.'s user avatar
9 votes
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From holes in the image of peculiar functions to new perspective on the Riemann Hypothesis

I am working with the Dirichlet eta function $\eta(z)$, with $z=\sigma+it$, $\sigma > \frac{1}{2}$, and $t>0$. Let us define $$\eta_n(z,\gamma)= \sum_{k=1}^n (-1)^{k+1}\lambda_k^{-\sigma} e^{-it\...
Vincent Granville's user avatar
9 votes
1 answer

Why does it suffice to study modular forms for $\Gamma_0(N)$?

Every reference I've seen on modular forms seems to jump from the general definition of a modular form for congruence subgroups to studying modular forms just for $\Gamma_0(N)$. Once upon a time, I ...
stupid_question_bot's user avatar
9 votes
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Holomorphic Sard's theorem?

I have originally posted this question on math.SE, but it received little attention, so I repost it here. Let $U\subset \mathbb{C}^{n}$ and $V\subset \mathbb{C}^{m}$ be open and connected. Let $\Phi:...
erz's user avatar
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9 votes
3 answers

An analytic proof of the De Franchis theorem

The De Franchis theorem in its simplest form states that given two compact Riemann surfaces $\Sigma_{g_1},\Sigma_{g_2}$ where $g_1,g_2 > 1$, there are only finitely many non-constant holomorphic ...
Jaikrishnan's user avatar
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Three questions about three functions similar to $\sin,\cos$

In The Basel problem revisited? a question about the function, similar to sinc, $f(x)$ was asked: $$f(x) = \prod_{n=1}^\infty \left ( 1+ \frac{x^3}{n^3} \right ) = \prod_{n=1}^\infty \left ( 1+ \frac{...
mathoverflowUser's user avatar
9 votes
2 answers

The Paley-Wiener theorem and exponential decay.

Consider a function whose Fourier transform is supported on a half-ray: $$ A(t)=\int_0^\infty \omega(E) e^{-iEt}d E, $$ where I can suppose $\omega(E)\geq 0$ and any suitable regularity conditions on $...
Emilio Pisanty's user avatar
9 votes
1 answer

Collinear Galois conjugates

This is inspired by this old question, which may provide a bit more background. But the two present questions seem somewhat more fundamental to me. Let $p$ be an irreducible polynomial with integer ...
Wolfgang's user avatar
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How many ways are there to teach class field theory?

I will soon have to teach class field theory (I do not know whether it will be local or global yet:)) to postgraduate students. I wonder, which approaches to this subject(s) exist now. I definitely ...
Mikhail Bondarko's user avatar
9 votes
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Existence of Laurent series with zeroes at $e^{2n}$ ($n \in \Bbb{N}_0$) and extremely fast coefficient decay

I am working on a problem in harmonic analysis, which I converted into the following existence problem concerning Laurent series. I am a bit at a loss concerning this problem, since my knowledge of ...
PhoemueX's user avatar
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Non-standard enlargements, $\zeta(s)$ and analytic continuation

Consider an extension of the Riemann zeta function $\zeta(s)$ where $s$ now runs over a non-standard enlargement of the complex plane. Observe that if $s=\sigma + it$ with $\sigma>1$ real and ...
David Feldman's user avatar
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When exactly is the principal AGM equal to the optimal AGM?

Definitions Following the terminology of SageMath, let the principal arithmetic-geometric mean, $\operatorname{AGP}$, of $(a,b)\in\mathbb{C}^2$ for $a\ne 0$, $b\ne 0$, $a\ne\pm b$ be defined as ...
Wane's user avatar
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8 votes
1 answer

Different notions of convergence of complex subvarieties

Let $X$ be a smooth complex algebraic variety (or, better, complex analytic manifold). Let $\{C_i\}$ be a sequence of compact algebraic subvarieties (resp. analytic reduced subspaces) which converges ...
asv's user avatar
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3 answers

Riemann mapping for doubly connected regions

Remove the closure of simply connected region from the interior of a simply connected region. Is it true that the resulting domain can be mapped conformally to some annulus?
Anweshi's user avatar
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Uniqueness theorem for conformal mapping

Let $f$ and $g$ be analytic functions in the unit disk $D$, continuous in the closed disk and locally univalent, $f'(z)\neq 0,\; g'(z)\neq 0,\; z\in D$. Assume that each has only finitely many ...
Alexandre Eremenko's user avatar
8 votes
2 answers

Literature on non-Archimedean analogues of basic complex analysis results

It looks like there is some literature out there on what might be called 'non-Archimedean complex analysis' e.g. Benedetto - An Ahlfors Islands Theorem for non-archimedean meromorphic functions and ...
Very Forgetful Functor's user avatar
8 votes
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Rotation invariance of an integral

Consider the integral depending on 2 parameters $$f(\tau,x):=\int_{-\infty}^{+\infty}\frac{dp}{\sqrt{p^2+1}}e^{-\sqrt{p^2+1}\tau+ipx},$$ where $\tau >0,x\in \mathbb{R}$. This integral absolutely ...
asv's user avatar
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8 votes
2 answers

Another proof of the bidisc and the ball are biholomorphically inequivalent?

Does this outline of a proof work? Consider the ball and the bidisc in $\mathbb{C}^2$. Give each space its Bergman metric. To show that the ball and the bidisc are not holomorphic, it is enough to ...
Steven Gubkin's user avatar
8 votes
2 answers

Image of boundary circle under map from punctured elliptic curve to ℂ

Let $E=\mathbb C/\Lambda$ be an elliptic curve, and let $D\subset E$ be a very small disc. ($D$ is round for the usual flat metric on $E$) By the main result of [1], there exists a holomorphic ...
André Henriques's user avatar
8 votes
3 answers

Harmonic level sets and boundary data

This is probably a classic problem, so a good reference book or paper to get me started on this type of question would be great: Let $\mathbb{D} \subset \mathbb{C}$ be the unit disk with boundary $\...
partition_of_unity's user avatar
8 votes
1 answer

Beautiful examples of arc-like continua

A continuum is a nonempty compact, connected metric space. A continuum $X$ is called arc-like if, for every $\varepsilon>0$, there is a continuous and surjective function $f:X\to [0,1]$ such that $...
8 votes
3 answers

Behaviour at natural boundary

Suppose I have a holomorphic function $f$ in a domain $\Omega$ with natural boundary $\partial \Omega.$ Let $p \in \partial \Omega.$ Is it true that there is some analogue of Picard's little theorem - ...
Igor Rivin's user avatar
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Is there an underlying geometric reason for the rigidity of complex geometry?

This question stems from a discussion with a friend about the apparent jump in rigidity of smooth geometry to complex geometry. The word rigidity here is somewhat vague; I mean this in the sense it ...
Miguel Young's user avatar
8 votes
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Defining holomorphic functions in terms of Banach algebras, and similarly for C*-algebras

Let $C$ be the category of commutative Banach algebras and let $U : C \to \text{Set}$ be the usual forgetful functor. The holomorphic functional calculus guarantees that every holomorphic function $f :...
Qiaochu Yuan's user avatar
8 votes
3 answers

A density claim

Suppose that $g_k\in C([1,2])$, $k\in \mathbb N$ are continuous functions such that $\|g_k\|_{C([1,2])} \leq \epsilon^k$ for some sufficiently small $\epsilon>0$. Is the following claim true: If $f\...
Ali's user avatar
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7 votes
1 answer

Looking for holomorphic function on a sector with specified boundary behavior

Fix $h \in (0,\pi/2)$. I am trying to explicitly exhibit a holomorphic function $f\colon \Sigma \to \mathbb{C}$, where $\Sigma$ is the punctured sector $$\Sigma := \{z \in \mathbb{C} \:|\: z\neq 0, 0\...
Nathaniel Bottman's user avatar
7 votes
2 answers

Dependence of a solution of a linear ODE on parameter

Is the following theorem known, or can be easily derived from known results? Consider the differential equation $$w''-kz^{-1}w'=(\lambda+\phi(z))w,$$ where $k>0$ is fixed, $\lambda$ is a large (...
Alexandre Eremenko's user avatar
7 votes
2 answers

Locus of roots of all convex combinations of two monic polynomials

Let $p,q$ be monic polynomials in $\mathbb{C}[t]$ and for $\alpha \in [0,1]$, let $c_\alpha := \alpha p + (1-\alpha)q \in \mathbb{C}[t]$. Since the roots of a polynomial vary continuously with respect ...
Pietro Paparella's user avatar
7 votes
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Surjective entire functions

If I have an entire function give as a power series $f(z)=\sum_{i=0}^{\infty}a_iz^i$, is there a way/technique to check if the function is surjective? Weierstarss factorization theorem gives that $f$ ...
Markus's user avatar
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Universal covering map from $\mathcal{H}$ to $\mathbb{C}\setminus \mathbb{Z}\oplus i\mathbb{Z}$ (the countably punctured complex plane)

It's a consequence of the uniformization theorem for simply connected Riemann surfaces that the universal cover of $\mathbb{C}\setminus(\mathbb{Z}\oplus i\mathbb{Z})$ ($\mathbb{C}$ punctured at all ...
Will Chen's user avatar
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Greatest lower bound for subordination

Consider the set $X$ of all analytic functions $f$ in the unit disk $U$ satisfying $f(0)=0, f'(0)\neq 0$. We say that $f\prec g$ if there exists $\phi\in X$ which maps $U$ into itself, and $f=g\circ\...
Alexandre Eremenko's user avatar
7 votes
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Sufficient condition on coefficients for a complex power series to be bounded

Let $f(z)$ be an entire function (on $\mathbb{C}$). Assume it has a power series of the form $$\displaystyle \sum_{n=0}^\infty (-1)^nc_{2n}z^{2n},$$ where $c_{2n}\geq 0$ for all $n$. Is there a ...
Deepti's user avatar
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When is the Locus of Equi-modular points of two monic polynomials with integer coefficients contained in the unit disk?

If $\lambda_{1}(z)$ and $\lambda_{2}(z)$ are two monic polynomials (relatively prime) with integer coefficients and $$\Gamma:=\lbrace z \rm{\ s.t.\ } |\lambda_{1}(z)|=|\lambda_{2}(z)|\rbrace,$$ when ...
RTodd's user avatar
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Are there such things as non-trivial entire semigroups?

I'll state the theorem I am posing up front, and then explain why I think this theorem appears to be true. I am asking if anyone can prove it, or knows references to where it is proved. Please, ...
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Analog of residue for meromorphic quadratic differentials

Hi I had asked this already on but got no answers. I was wondering if there was any sort of (natural) analog of the residue of a meromorphic one form that made sense for a ...
Rbega's user avatar
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Non-algebraic curve visualisation

Is there any software which can automatically visualise a non-algebraic complex curve, I mean the structure of it's ramification points and sheet? I think a good test example would be the Lambert ...
Sasha's user avatar
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4 answers

Visualizing functions with a number of independent variables

I need to graph real valued functions (for exposition and analysis). The issue is: there are more independent variables so that the conventional graphing methods can't be used, and furthermore I don't ...
ARi's user avatar
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How to prove an elementary functional equation for polylogarithms?

Let $Li_s(z)$ denote the usual polylogarithm. The elementary functional equation $$Li_{-n}(z)=(-1)^{n-1}Li_{-n}(1/z)$$ holds for $n\geq 1$. I remember only that the proof used some reproducing ...
Kevin Smith's user avatar
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5 answers

Bound on sum of complex summands involving binomial coefficients

I am trying to find the asymptotic behavior of the sum: $$ \sum^n_{i=0} \begin{pmatrix} 2n \\ i \end{pmatrix} x^i y^{2n-i}$$ as $n\rightarrow\infty$. Here $x$, $y$ are complex numbers and I have $|x|...
teagut's user avatar
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Discriminant of $\alpha P(u) + (z-u) P'(u)$

I'm trying to find a “closed form” of $\textrm{Discriminant}_u(f(u))$, where $f(u) := \alpha P(u) + (z-u) P'(u)$. Here $P(u)$ is a monic polynomial of degree $d > 1$ with $u\in\mathbb{C}$, $\alpha$ ...
Fll'Yissetat's user avatar
6 votes
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Complex-doubly periodic function in two variables?

I am looking for a function $f:\mathbb C^2 \rightarrow \mathbb C^2$ that satisfies the two equations $$\partial_{z_2}f_1(z_1,z_2) + \partial_{z_1} f_2(z_1,z_2)=0 \text{ and }$$ $$\partial_{\bar z_1}...
Sascha's user avatar
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Does there exist a holomorphic function which takes given values on the positive integers?

Inspired of course by What's a natural candidate for an analytic function that interpolates the tower function? I am minded to ask what looks to me like a more natural question: given a sequence $...
Kevin Buzzard's user avatar
6 votes
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Approximation by analytic functions

Dear all. Let $$ f(x) = \sum_{k \in \mathbb{Z}} \hat{f}(k) \exp(2\pi \mathrm{i} kx) $$ be a function given by usual fourier series. Since my original question hasn't got any answer yet, and I ...
Helge's user avatar
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