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canonical divisor on singular curves with nodal point

What's the definition of canonical divisor(or whatever related concept) on singular curve with nodal point. More generally, what the definition of canonical divisor on a singular variety X, which is ...
xin fu's user avatar
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Existence of analytic continuation of Dirichlet series corresponding to the indicator sequence of a complement of a special multiplicative set

Let $K/ \mathbb Q $ be a finite Galois extension and let $X$ be a proper non-empty subset of the Galois group $G=Gal(K/ \mathbb Q)$ that is closed under conjugation. Consider a set of integer primes $...
asrxiiviii's user avatar
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On the asymptotics of some sum involving the Mertens function

Let $a_n$ be a sequence of nonnegative real numbers such that $\sum_{n\leq x} a_n \gg \frac{\sqrt x}{\log x}$ for large enough $x$. Denote by $\mu$ the Mobius function, and let $M(N)=\sum_{n\leq N} \...
Q_p's user avatar
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Closed, sum-free form for the $n$-th derivative of $\operatorname{arcsinh}(\frac1x)$ in $x=1$

During research involving the Born–Jordan quantization I came across the expression $$ \frac{d^k}{dx^k}\operatorname{arcsinh}\Big(\frac1x\Big)\Big|_{x=1}\tag1 $$ for $k\in\mathbb N_0$. It is not too ...
Frederik vom Ende's user avatar
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Deriving integral in Gaiotto-Tommasiello theory

I was looking at a paper by Takao Suyama on GT theory, and I couldn't figure out how he derived his formula (3.59): $$\frac{1}{\pi}\int_a^bdx\frac{1}{z-x}\frac{\sqrt{(z-a)(z-b)}}{\sqrt{|(x-a)(x-b)|}}\...
arow257's user avatar
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multivalued holomorphic function on Riemann surfaces

Let $M$ be an open Riemann surface and $f$ a multivalued holomorphic function from $M$ to $\mathbb{H}$, where $\mathbb{H}$ is the upper half plane. Suppose that the monodromy of $f$ lies in the two-...
Yu Feng's user avatar
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question about the book "Holomorphic Morse Inequalities" by Marinescu-Ma

Could somebody please explain to me the proof of proposition 1.6.4 (page 52) in the book "Holomorphic Morse Inequalities" by Marinescu-Ma? I am completely lost. One point that is really ...
Andres Larrain-Hubach's user avatar
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Existence of solution to linear fractional equation

We consider the equation $$ \sum_{j=1}^n \frac{\lambda_j}{x-x_j} =i$$ where $\lambda_j>0$ and $x_j$ are real distinct numbers. I want to show that if $\lambda_k$ is small compared to the ...
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Stokes's Theorem with singularities on projective line

Let $X$ be a complex manifold and $\omega\in \Omega(X\times \mathbb{P}^1)$ a form. I met the following identity: $$\int_{\mathbb{P}^1}(\partial_z\bar{\partial}_z\omega) \log|z|^2=\int_{\mathbb{P}^1}\...
BinAcker's user avatar
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Extension of holomorphic maps to smooth family of holomorphic maps

Let $\pi:X \to D^2$ be a family of diffeomorphic (but not isomorphic) complex manifolds. Each fiber is allowed to have boundary but is compact (maybe not Stein) and $D^2 \subset \mathbb{C}$ is a ...
Paul's user avatar
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Two questions on asymptotic expansion of confluent hypergeometric functions for real variable $x, |x| \to \infty$

I'm looking into the asymptotic expansion for confluent hypergeometric function $_1F_1(a;b;z) \equiv M(a;b;z)$ and I've two quick questions regarding its asymptotic behavior for real values $x,$ i.e. ...
Stat_math's user avatar
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27 votes
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Teaching the fundamental group via everyday examples

This question is a "prequel" to a similar question about homology. Both questions were inspired by seeing a talk, by Tadashi Tokieda, about the interesting physics that appears in toys. What ...
5 votes
1 answer

Interference between entire functions with separated indicator diagrams

Let $F,H:\mathbb{C}\to\mathbb{C}$ be entire functions of mean exponential type and of completely regular growth. Assume further that the indicator diagrams $I_F$ and $I_H$ are on the imaginary axis ...
Bedovlat's user avatar
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Converse to Hausdorff-Young (or Riesz-Thorin) for finite cyclic groups?

Let $v$ be a vector $v \in \mathbb{R}^p$, with non-negative entries and $p$ prime. The Hausdorff-Young inequality gives bounds of the form: $$\|\mathcal{F}v\|_a \le C_{a,b} \|v\|_b$$ where the ...
DJA's user avatar
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How small (in modulus) can a polynomial get?

Question. If $f(z)\in\mathbb{C}[z]$ is a monic polynomial of degree $n$, is it true that $$\max\{\,\vert f(x)\vert: \, -1\leq x\leq 1\}\geq 2^{1-n} \,\, ?$$ Context. This came up while working on ...
T. Amdeberhan's user avatar
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Quaternion holomorphic maps via certain elliptic operator instead of immediate generalization of complex differentiability

We identify $\mathbb{R}^4$ with the quaternions $\mathbb{H}=\{t=x+yi+zj+wk\mid x,y,z,w\in \mathbb{R}\}$. We define the differential operator $D$ on $C^{\infty}(\mathbb{R}^4)$, the space of smooth ...
Ali Taghavi's user avatar
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Harmonic functions with boundary condition

I have a question on a harmonic function and the boundary behavior. Let $\mathbb{U} \subset \mathbb{C}$ be a unit disk. We denote by $\overline{\mathbb{U}}$ the closure of $\mathbb{U}$ in $\mathbb{C}$...
sharpe's user avatar
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analytic vs. algebraic Gauss-Manin connection

There are the following two notions of "Gauss-Manin connection": The complex-analytic one: let $f:X\to S$ be a smooth family of complex manifolds. Then we obtain a local system $R^nf_{\ast}\...
Robert Kucharczyk's user avatar
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Thinness and polarity

Let $D$ be a bounded open set in $\mathbb{R}^{n}$ with $n\geq2$ and $E$ a subset of the boundary $\partial D$ of $D$. $D$ is said to be thin at a point $y\in D$ if there is a superharmonic function $u$...
M. Rahmat's user avatar
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Extending an assignment property from Q to R (or C)

Property of any odd number of nonnegative integers: Given $x_1 \leq \cdots \leq x_{2n + 1}$ with each $x_i \in \mathbb{Z}_{\geq 0}$, suppose that for any $x_i$ we remove, the remaining numbers can be ...
Benjamin Dickman's user avatar
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The conformal map from interior of ellipse to interior of the unit disk (property check)

Based on example 5 (page 546) and example 7 (page 550) of the book "Applied and computational complex analysis. Volume 3, Wiley, 1986" written by Peter Henrici, if $a,b>0$ satisfies $a^2-...
Fei Cao's user avatar
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Convexity of integral trajectories of rational vector field

Suppose we have a vector field determined by a rational function, of the form $$ R(z) = \alpha i z + \sum_{j=1}^k \frac{c_j}{z-r_j} $$ where $\alpha \in \mathbb{R}$, and the other constants are in $\...
Per Alexandersson's user avatar
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On limits of manifolds

This question should be fairly elementary. I’d just like to check I’m not missing anything. Let $\{M_n\}_{n\ge 0}$ be an inverse system of smooth manifolds with transition maps $f_{t,s} : M_t\to M_s$,...
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Conformal maps between simply connected domains with piecewise real algebraic boundary

Between polygons in $\mathbb C\cup\{\infty\}$ (including the "single side polygons", hemispheres, disks) the Schwartz-Christoffel mappings give arguably explicit conformal maps. For polygons with few ...
plm's user avatar
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No common roots of complex polynomial and of its derivative

Our specific context Here is our specific contour integral $$\int_{\Gamma_{0}}F\big(\sum_{w:p_{z}(w)=0}\frac{1}{w^{a}}\frac{1}{n+\sum_{j=1}^{m}\frac{v_{j}}{w-v_{j}}} \big)\frac{dz}{z},$$ ...
Thomas Kojar's user avatar
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Second question on a real sequence

I am thinking again about the real sequence $\{a_n\}_{n\ge1}$ which decays faster than any algebraic speed, that is, $\lim_{n\to \infty}n^pa_n = 0$ for every integer $p$. Actually, $a_n$ can be ...
Jacob Lu's user avatar
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A problem on polynomial operators

Let $p(z)=\sum_{k=1}^na_kz^k$ be a polynomial of degree $n.$ Then we have these two results; If $p(z)\neq 0 $ in $\{|z|<1\}$ then $$ np(z)+(\alpha-z)p'(z)\neq 0\label{1}\tag{1} $$ for all $z,\...
user159888's user avatar
32 votes
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Example of a compact Kähler manifold with non-finitely generated canonical ring?

A celebrated recent theorem of Birkar-Cascini-Hacon-McKernan and Siu says that the canonical ring $R(X)=\oplus_{m\geq 0}H^0(X,mK_X)$ of any smooth algebraic variety $X$ over $\mathbb{C}$ is a finitely ...
YangMills's user avatar
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Series involving factorials

Playing around with this series for natural values of $a,b$, it appears that more generally for $c\in\mathbb N$, $$\sum_{k=0}^\infty \frac{ (a+k)! \ (b+k)!}{k!\ (a+b+c+ k+1)! }=\frac{a!\ b!\ (c-1)!}{...
Wolfgang's user avatar
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Elementary solutions to f(z+1)-f(z)=g(z) in entire functions

Let g(z) be an entire function of a complex variable z. Does there exist an entire function f(z) such that f(z+1)-f(z)=g(z)? As I learned several years back, the answer to this is apparently 'yes', ...
Boris Bukh's user avatar
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Which almost complex manifolds admit a complex structure?

I was reading Yau's list of problems in geometry, and one of them is to prove that any almost complex manifold of complex dimension $n \geq 3$ admits a complex structure. It's been some time since Yau'...
Gunnar Þór Magnússon's user avatar
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Understanding Krantz's proof of Hefer's lemma in $\mathbb{C}^2$

Note: I initially phrased the question in a different way, and it did not receive much attention. In the hope to make it more interesting, I have included a (long) introduction to contextualize and ...
fram's user avatar
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Non-bijective conformal maps between annuli

I need to answer the following question, hopefully in the negative. Question: Does there exist a conformal map $f$ of degree $1$ from the annulus $\{1<|z|<R\}$ to the punctured disk $\{0<|...
Xin Nie's user avatar
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Entire function which modulus grows only along the real axis

My research in theoretical physics led to the necessity of constructing an entire function with modulus decaying in the significant part of the complex plane. I wonder whether this is possible because ...
Anna's user avatar
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Gluing Riemann surfaces

Let $X$ be a compact Riemann surface with boundary $\partial X$. Assume (for simplicity only) that $\partial X$ has a single connected component. Let us fix an orientation preserving diffeomorphism $\...
asv's user avatar
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What is the relationship between the abscissa of holomorphy and abscissa of convergence of a Dirichlet series

Given a Dirichlet series $$\phi(s)=\sum_{n\ge1}\frac{a_n}{n^s}$$ let $\sigma_{\text{conv}}\in\bar{\mathbb{R}}$ its abscissa of convergence, then we know that $\phi(s)$ is holomorphic on the half-plan $...
Adam's user avatar
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Traceless GUE : Four Centered Fermions

The proof of the Wigner Semicircle Law comes from studying the GUE Kernel $$ K_N(\mu, \nu)=e^{-\frac{1}{2}(\mu^2+\nu^2)} \cdot \frac{1}{\sqrt{\pi}} \sum_{j=0}^{N-1}\frac{H_j(\lambda)H_j(\mu)}{2^j j!} ...
john mangual's user avatar
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Integrate Faddeeva function

I came across this integration in my studies. $\int_{-\infty}^{\infty}|F((w_\textbf{_} - \hat{w_\textbf{_}})\tau) |^2 . d\tau$ It uses the Faddeeva function which is $F(z) = e^{-z^2}erfc(-iz)$. I ...
user2958395's user avatar
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The dual of the Lefschetz operator under a perturbation

Let $(X, \omega)$ be a compact Kähler, or more generally, Hermitian manifold. Let $L_{\omega} : \Omega^k(X) \to \Omega^{k+2}(X)$ denote the Lefschetz operator given by $$L_{\omega}(\alpha) : = \omega \...
AshyK's user avatar
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Monge Ampere equations

I am a graduate student trying to understand complex Monge-Ampere equations(mostly on complex manifolds with or without boundary, but also in C^n), but I can't put my hand on any monograph/textbook ...
Hammerhead's user avatar
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Analog of Newlander–Nirenberg theorem for real analytic manifolds

It is well known that one can specify a complex structure on a real $C^\infty$ manifold in two equivalent ways: an atlas with holomorphic transition functions between charts and an integrable almost ...
Igor Khavkine's user avatar
20 votes
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Belyi functions on non-compact surfaces; or: Building Riemann surfaces from equilateral triangles

Some background on (compact) Belyi surfaces $\newcommand{\Ch}{\hat{\mathbb{C}}}$ A compact Riemann surface $X$ is called a Belyi surface if there exists a branched covering map $f:X\to \Ch$ such that $...
Lasse Rempe's user avatar
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Applying analytic coordinate changes to singular function germs [closed]

Suppose we are given a function germ \begin{align} f = \sum a_{ijk}x^iy^jz^k \end{align} such that $f\in \mathfrak{m}^2$, where $\mathfrak{m}$ is the ideal in $\mathbb{C}\{x,y,z\}$ of holomorphic ...
Morph's user avatar
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Is Riemann zeta function injective in some strips $a<\Re(s)<b$, where $0\leq a<b \leq 1$?

Or more generally, are L-functions injective in some strips $a<\Re(s)<b$, where $0\leq a<b \leq 1$?
Milin's user avatar
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The Dirichlet space of martingales

The Hardy space of martingales can be defined in terms of martingale differences. I'll stick to the simplest case of dyadic martingales. Notation The underlying probability space can be taken to be $[...
Nicola Arcozzi's user avatar
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An equality relation for complex numbers off the nonnegative real axis [closed]

For every complex number $z$ off the nonnegative real axis there exist positive numbers $p_0,... ,p_n$ such that $\sum_{i=0}^n p_iz^i = 0$. Finding difficulty in proceeding with the problem. Need ...
User8976's user avatar
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Is a domain biholomorphic to the unit ball a Runge domain?

Let $\Omega \subset \mathbb C^n$ be a bounded domain which is biholomorphic to the unit ball $B^n=\{|z|<1 \mid z\in \mathbb C^n\}$. Can we show $\Omega$ must be a Runge domain? By definition, $\...
Totoro's user avatar
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Distribution boundary value of analytic function and wave front sets

Assume $f(z)$ is analytic in the tube domain $\mathbb R^n\oplus iC$, where $C\subset \mathbb R^n$ is a convex cone. Under the assumption $|f(x+iy)|\leq 1/|y|^k$, we know by a Theorem of Martineau (see ...
Dima's user avatar
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About the definition of lineal convexity

I have been trying to understand the definition of lineal convexity. I am reading the article Duality of functions defined in lineally convex sets by Christer O. Kiselman. For a set $A\subset \mathbb{...
user429197's user avatar
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Pull back of a Bounded form

Let $(X, \omega) $ be a complex manifold and let $\alpha $ be a $p$-form $\omega$-bounded on $X$. Let $f:Y\to X$ be a holomorphic function. Is $f^*\alpha$ $f^*(\omega)$-bounded on $Y$ ?
Kamel's user avatar
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