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Maximizing the integral of a transformation that depends on a neighborhood of values of the original function

I'm not an expert in analysis whatsoever, so I might be posing a well-established question, or even an unanswerable one. Also, any suggestion on changes that might make the problem better are welcome. ...
Juan Meleiro's user avatar
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Is there a uniformly continuous injective image of $(0,1)\setminus\Bbb Q$ in the Cantor space?

It seems too good to be possible, but: Is there a uniformly continuous injective image of $(0,1)\setminus\Bbb Q$ in the Cantor space? Here, the Cantor space $\{0,1\}^{\Bbb N}$ is equipped with the ...
Boaz Tsaban's user avatar
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Energy of harmonic maps from $\mathbb R^2$ to $S^2$ is quantized

Assume that $U:\mathbb R^2\to S^2=\{y\in\mathbb R^3:|y|=1\}$ is a smooth solution of the equation $\Delta U+|\nabla U|^2U=0$ in $\mathbb R^2$ with $\int_{\mathbb R^2}|\nabla U|^2\,dx<+\infty$. ...
Feng's user avatar
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Characterization for the multipliers of Schwartz space

Is the following true? A function $m:\mathbb R^n\to\mathbb C$ is a Schwartz multiplier (i.e. $[f\mapsto mf]:S(\mathbb R^n)\to S(\mathbb R^n)$ is bounded linear) iff the following: For every $\alpha$ ...
Liding Yao's user avatar
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Criteria giving sufficient conditions for a Borel measure to have compact support

I am interested in criteria that guarantee that a Borel probability measure has compact support. I outline two below and I am hoping to gather more as answers (if they exist). The first sufficient ...
Dispersion's user avatar
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Minimal norm of Fréchet subdifferential for function Lipschitz over its domain

Let $f:\mathbb{R}^n\rightarrow\mathbb{R}\cup\{+\infty\}$ be an extended real-valued function that is proper, lower semicontinuous, and Lipschitz continuous over its domain $\newcommand{\dom}{\text{dom}...
Jean Legall's user avatar
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Regularity of solution of $(-\Delta + w)f = 0$

I am studying the following Schrödinger equation: $$(-\Delta + w)f = 0$$ which represents a quantum state with zero energy. Here $w$ and $f$ are defined on $\mathbb{R}^{3}$. For simplicity, let us ...
MathMath's user avatar
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Invertibility of message passing with invertible parametrization

Consider the message passing framework defined by, $$f(\boldsymbol{x}_i)= \boldsymbol{x}_i + \sum_{j \neq i} (\boldsymbol{x}_i -\boldsymbol{x}_j) g(\|\boldsymbol{x}_i -\boldsymbol{x}_j\|^2),$$ for $i=...
PonderingPolynomial's user avatar
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Minimal norm problem with linear combination of translation operator to be estimated

Follow up question from this one Suppose $X = L^2(G)$, where $G$ is some locally compact group. Let $x, y \in G$ I for fixed $n$ I am seeking for an operator $H \in B(X)$ of the form $$ H = H(\alpha_1,...
user8469759's user avatar
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Gauss transformation in fractional Sobolev space

Let $g_{\mu}(x) = \mu^{d/2}\exp(-\pi\mu|x|^2)$ for every $\mu > 0$. Prove that $$ \int_{\mathbb R^{d}}\left|(-\Delta)^{\frac{s}{2}} u\right|^{2} \geq \int_{\mathbb R^{d}}\left|(-\Delta)^{\frac{s}{2}...
Muniain's user avatar
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Lower bound the best $\alpha$-Hölder constant of a convolution

Let $\mathcal D_1$ be the set of bounded probability density functions on $\mathbb R^d$. This means $f \in \mathcal D_1$ if and only if $f$ is non-negative measurable such that $\int_{\mathbb R^d} f (...
Akira's user avatar
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von Neumann subalgebra having separable predual

Let $M$ be a von Neumann algebra. Let $x,y$ be two self-adjoint operators in $M$. Are there any von Neumann subalgebra $A$ of $M$ containing $x,y$ such that the predual of $A$ is separable?
user92646's user avatar
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Jordan normal form for compact operators

This question should be standard, but I didn't find it in the books. For a compact operator $T$ on a Hilbert space $H$, we know that every spectral value $\ne 0$ is an eigenvalue, that each ...
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Is every pointwise-weakly continuous one-parameter group of automorphisms of B(H) given by a Hamiltonian?

Let $\mathcal H$ be a Hilbert space, $\mathscr B(\mathcal H)$ be the von Neumann algebra of all bounded operators on $\mathcal H$, and let $\sigma $ be a one-parameter group of automorphisms of $\...
Ruy's user avatar
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Equivalent definition for Skorokhod metric

I have a question about the Skorokod distance on the space $\mathcal{D}([0,1],\mathbb{R})$: $$ d(X,Y):= \inf_{\lambda \in \Lambda}\left( \sup_{t\in [0,1]}|t-\lambda(t)|\vee \sup_{t\in [0,1]}|X(t)-Y(\...
user1598's user avatar
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Rate of convergence of mollified distributions in Besov spaces with negative regularity

Given a standard mollifier $\rho_\delta$ and a distribution $ u \in B^\alpha_{ p, p}$ with $\alpha<0$, $p \in [1, \infty]$ and $B^\alpha_{p,p}$ is a not-homogeneous Besov space, I'm trying to prove ...
Marco's user avatar
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Sufficient condition for a probability distribution on $\mathbb Z_p$ to admit a square-root w.r.t convolution

Let $p \ge 2$ be a positive integer, and let $Q \in \mathcal P(\mathbb Z_p)$ be a probability distribution on $\mathbb Z_p$. Question. What are necessary and sufficient conditions on $Q$ to ensure ...
dohmatob's user avatar
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Dimension of spectral projection subspaces under local convergence

I'm interested in estimates on dimension of spectral projection subspaces of some limit operator. I recently asked a related question in the thread Dimension of spectral projection subspaces under ...
Keen-ameteur's user avatar
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Convolution of $\mathscr{F}\{ \log \}(x) * \mu$ with compactly supported measure $\mu$

As I read in this post the Fourier transform of $\psi(\lambda) = \log{|\lambda|}$ must be interpreted in distributional sense and it is given by: $$\mathscr{F}\{\psi\}(x)=-2\pi \gamma \delta(x)-\pi \...
Grandes Jorasses's user avatar
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On a Duality between Riemann-weil explicit formula and Abel- Plana summation of trigonometric prime counting function:

Consider the analytic function $g(x)$ Now define $f(x)=g(x)\frac{\sin^2\left(\frac{π\Gamma(x)}{2x}\right)}{\cos^2\left(\frac{π}{2x}\right)}$ Such that $|f(x+it)|=o(e^{2πt})$ uniformly for every $x$...
TPC's user avatar
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Maximal element w.r.t. abolute continuity of measures

Suppose that $\mu$ is a $\sigma$-finite measure on $\mathcal{X}\equiv\bigotimes_{i=1}^n\mathcal{X}_i$. Let $\Pi$ denote the set of all $\sigma$-finite product measures on $\mathcal{X}$. Define $$ \...
d.k.o.'s user avatar
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Completeness of the sequence $\left \{ \frac{1}{x+1},\frac{1}{x+2},\frac{1}{x+3}, \dots \right \}$ in $L^2[0,1]$

In the book R. M. Young: An introduction to non-harmonic Fourier series, I came across the following problem (page 18): Problem. Show that the sequence $\left \{ \frac{1}{x+1},\frac{1}{x+2},\frac{1}{x+...
Muzi's user avatar
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Uniform approximation over compacts using weighted function spaces

I'm interested in approximations over the so-called weighted function spaces. Let $(X,\tau_X)$ be some completely regular Hausdorff topological space. Additionally, consider some map $\psi: X \to (0,\...
Gaspar's user avatar
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Automorphism-invariant positive linear functionals on $C*$-algebras

Let $A$ be a $C^*$-algebra. Does there exist a non-trivial positive linear functional $\nu\in A^*$ which is $\mathrm{Aut}(A)$-invariant? That is, $\nu\circ\alpha=\nu$ for all $\alpha\in\mathrm{Aut}(A)$...
Bedovlat's user avatar
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How to diagonalize this tridiagonal difference operator with unbounded coefficients?

Problem: I have a self-adjoint operator in $\ell^2(\mathbb{Z})$ which acts as $$T g(x)=q^{-2 x -3/2} g(x+1)+(1+q) q^{-2 x-1} g(x)+q^{-2 x +1/2} g(x-1),$$ and I am looking to diagonalize it. The ...
Leonid Petrov's user avatar
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Schauder Frames in nuclear vector spaces

In recent years, the definition of frame has been extended to locally convex topological vector spaces (lcs) (1). In particular, let $X$ be a lcs and $X'$ its dual. A sequence $\big((x_n,y_n)\big)_{n\...
Pelota's user avatar
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Is Brascamp-Lieb inequality on the sphere applicable for these functions for some $1\leq p<2$

My question is on Brascamp-Lieb-inequality on the Euclidean sphere (which can be viewed as an analogue of Young's inequality on the sphere) obtained in [1]. (See also this question: Brascamp-Lieb ...
Medo's user avatar
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Weighted Lebesgue space with exponential weights: smoothing effect and properties

I am researching whether there are weighted Lebesgue spaces of the type $$ \left\{ f\omega(x)\in L^p(\mathbb{R}^n):\|f\|_{L^p_\omega}=\int_{\mathbb{R}^n}|f|^p\omega^p(x)\,dx< \infty,\right\} $$ ...
Ilovemath's user avatar
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$L^2$ space of Hilbert-Schmidt operator valued functions

Let $\mathscr{S}$ denote the space of all Hilbert-Schmidt operators on $L^2(\mathbb R)$. Consider the Hilbert space $L^2(\mathbb R, \mathscr S)$ of square-integrable $\mathscr S$-valued function, that ...
Ribhu's user avatar
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Does there exists an example of a Banach space that is compactly LUR; but not LUR

We know that a Banach space $X$ is locally uniformly rotund(LUR) if for $x, x_n \in S_X$ with $\Vert x+x_n \Vert \to 2$, we have $x_n \to x$. In the same case, if $(x_n)$ has a convergent subsequence, ...
PPB's user avatar
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Uniqueness of the uniform distribution on hypersphere

I'm looking for a uniqueness-type result for the following problem, which is related to the uniform distribution in the hypersphere $\mathbb{S}^{p-1}$. Suppose $f$ is a sufficiently smooth function on ...
pat2211's user avatar
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About extreme case on complex interpolation

I'm trying to prove some equality of spaces via complex interpolation with the usual Calderon functor $[,]_\theta$. If $(E_0,E_1)$ is a compatible couple, it is known that $$[E_0,E_1]_j, j=0,1,$$ is a ...
Guillermo García Sáez's user avatar
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Measurable Extension

Let $(\Omega, \mathcal{F})$ be a measurable space and $X$ some metric space (probably Polish) with the Borel $\sigma$-algebra and a function $f: \Omega \times X \to \mathbb{R}$. Usually, functions ...
Mrcrg's user avatar
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How may I find all continuous and bounded functions g with the following property?

Find all continuous and bounded functions $g$ with : $$\forall x \in \mathbb R, 4g(x)=g(x+1)+g(x-1)+g(x+\pi)+g(x-\pi).$$ I have posted this question here, but received no answer.
Dattier's user avatar
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Harmonic heat flow, formal and rigorous

Let $ (M,g) $ be a smooth Riemann manifold without boundary, $ S^{n-1} $ is an $ n $-dimensional sphere, and $ T>0 $. Consider a weak solution $ u:M\times[0,T]\to S^{n+1} $ of $$ \partial_tu-\Delta ...
Luis Yanka Annalisc's user avatar
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Uniqueness of left-invariant Borel probability measure on compact groups

On a compact topological group, consider two left-invariant probability measures $\mu$ and $\nu$ defined on the Borel sigma-algebra. Is it true that they coincide? It is classical that the Haar ...
Sebastien Gouezel's user avatar
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Zeros of Gram-Schmidt derived polynomials in weighted integral space

This is a problem out of Chapter 3 of Luenberger's Optimization by Vector Space Methods that I have been having trouble with. Any guidance would be appreciated. Let $w(t)$ be a positive (weight) ...
Alexander's user avatar
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Eric T. Sawyer's proof of Fourier restriction conjecture

Some days ago Eric T. Sawyer uploaded a paper to arxiv claiming a proof of the Fourier restriction conjecture If complete and correct this work will be a landmark ...
a curious fellow's user avatar
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An example of an $\mathcal{L}_\infty$ Banach space with property p-(V) and without property (V)

Here are the definitions for property $p$-$(V)$ and property $(V)$. A Banach space $X$ has property $(V)$ if and only if every unconditionally converging operator $T$ from $X$ to any Banach space $Y$ ...
Ioana Ghenciu's user avatar
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A fractional weighted Poincaré inequality

Does there exists a constant $C>0$ such that $$ \int_{-1}^1 \lvert x\rvert\lvert\partial_x u\rvert^2 \,dx \geq C\, \lVert u\rVert^2_{H^{1/2}((-1,1))},$$ for all $u\in C^{\infty}_0((-1,1))$?
Ali's user avatar
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What is known about $\operatorname{gap}(A) = \|A\| - r(A)$ for bounded operators on Hilbert spaces?

The gap of a bounded linear operator on a Hilbert space is defined as $$\operatorname{gap}(A) := \|A\| - r(A),$$ where $r(A)$ denotes the spectral radius of $A$. A natural question to ask is - for ...
stoic-santiago's user avatar
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Is there a nice application of category theory to functional/complex/harmonic analysis?

[Title changed, and wording of question tweaked, by YC, because the original title asked a question which seems different from the one people want to answer.] I've read looked at the examples in most ...
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Multilinear non-commutative Khintchine inequality

Let $g_1,\ldots,g_k$ be independent standard Gaussians and for each index $(i_1,\ldots,i_k)\in [n]^k$ let $A_{i_1,\ldots,i_k}$ be a $d\times d$ symmetric matrix. Question: Is there a known bound for ...
user293794's user avatar
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Inequalities involving entropy: quantum discord and mutual information

My question is inspired by the following paper of Olivier and Żurek but for this question to be self-contained I will recall all the necessary definitions: for a quantum state $\rho$ we define the ...
truebaran's user avatar
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The integrability of $\widehat{e^{-|x|^a}}$, $a>0$

Let $f_a(x)=e^{-|x|^a}$, $x\in \mathbb{R}^n$. Then $f \in L^p(\mathbb{R}^n)$ for every $1\leq p\leq \infty$. It is also smooth away from the origin and decays faster than any polynomial as $|x|\...
Medo's user avatar
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Strong limits of nilpotent operators

Let $H$ be an infinite-dimensional Hilbert space. Is it possible that the Identity $H\to H$ is a strong limit of nilpotent compact operators?
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Verifying the Cauchy behavior of a sequence

Let me consider the iteration $x_{n+1}=Tx_n$ and $T$ is a self-map from a non-empty subset $K$ of a smooth Banach space $X$ to itself, satisfying $W(Tx, Ty) \leq W(x, y)$, where $W(x, y)=\Vert x \Vert^...
PPB's user avatar
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What $1$-forms $\theta$ solve $\Delta \theta = f\theta$ for a smooth function $f$?

I have a seemingly basic question that I cannot find any literature on. Let $(M,g)$ be a smooth Riemannian manifold and let $\Delta:\Omega^1(M) \to \Omega^1(M)$ be the Laplace-De Rham operator on $1$-...
Julian Chaidez's user avatar
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General version of Weyl's lemma

The classical Weyl's lemma say, suppose $u \in L^1_{loc}(\Omega­)$ satisfies $$\int_{\Omega}u \Delta \phi dx=0\ \ \forall \phi\in C_c^{\infty}(\Omega),$$ then $u$ is harmonic in $\Omega.$ What I want ...
W.J.'s user avatar
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Sufficient condition such that the set of zeros of an analytic function $f:\mathbb{R}^n \to \mathbb{R}$ contains only isolated points

Consider a real- analytic function $f: \mathbb{R}^n \to \mathbb{R}$. We know that zeros of $f$, roughly speaking, live in the low dimensional manifolds. My question: Does a 'reasonable' sufficient ...
Boby's user avatar
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