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Questions tagged [ap.analysis-of-pdes]

Partial differential equations (PDEs): Existence and uniqueness, regularity, boundary conditions, linear and non-linear operators, stability, soliton theory, integrable PDEs, conservation laws, qualitative dynamics.

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Embedding theorems for Dini continuous functions

Are there embedding theorems for the space of Dini continuous functions on a Euclidean domain, or even just on an interval? Ideally, I am looking for something like the classical Morrey inequalities ...
Delio Mugnolo's user avatar
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Wellposedness of this parabolic PDE

Consider a terminal-boundary value problem for $v: (t,x,y)\in [0,T]\times \mathbb R^2_+\to \mathbb R\ni v(t,x,y)$: $$ \begin{cases} v_t + \max(v_x,v_y)+ \frac 1 2 (v_{xx}+v_{yy})=0, & \forall (t,...
Fawen90's user avatar
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Parabolic regularity for weak solution with $L^2$ data

I want to study the regularity of weak solutions $u\in C([0,T];L^2(\Omega))\cap H^1((0,T);L^2(\Omega))\cap L^2(0,T;H^1(\Omega))$ of the heat equation with Neumann boundary conditions: $$\begin{cases}\...
Bogdan's user avatar
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Existence of eigen basis for elliptic operator on compact manifold

Let $M$ be a compact Riemannian manifold. Let $E$ be a vector bundle over $M$ equipped with a Hermitian (or Euclidean) metric on its fibers. Let $D$ be a linear elliptic differential operator acting ...
asv's user avatar
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Reference or proof of a lemma in PDE

I am looking for a reference or proof of a lemma (if it's true) or a counter-example otherwise. It goes as follows: Let $B_1$ and $B_2$ are two concentric balls of radius $1$ and $2$ in some $n$-...
Partha's user avatar
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Are weak solutions and mild solutions for linear parabolic equations equivalent in $L^{q}([0,T],L^p(\Omega))$ with $1<q<\infty$, $1<p \leq 6/5$?

I have looked through some MO and ME posts, and the common opinion is that weak and mild solutions are equivalent for "many" cases of linear parabolic equation. However, detailed proofs can ...
Isaac's user avatar
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Advection diffusion equation with position dependent advection

I am trying to solve a equation that looks like $$u_t=f(x)u_x+Du_{xx}$$ any insight to whether an solution might exist would be very much appreciated!
user520513's user avatar
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Number of spatial critical points of a solution to the heat equation in higher dimensions

I would like to know if the number of spatial critical points of a solution to the heat equation can increase. Given $u_0:\mathbb S^n\to\mathbb R$, let $u$ be the solution of the initial value problem:...
thachung's user avatar
6 votes
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Eikonal equation - Snell's law

I am interested in equations of the form $|\nabla d|= F(x)$, where $F(x)$ is piecewise constant and $d(x) = 0$ on $\Gamma_D$, a subset of the boundary. In particular, like in the figure, one can ...
Beni Bogosel's user avatar
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Finite dimensionality of a subspace

Let $c>0$ and let $Y$ be the space of all distributions of compact support in $(-1,1)$ with singular support at $\{0\}$. Let $X$ be subspace of $Y$ such that for any $\phi \in X$ there holds: $$ \...
Ali's user avatar
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Generalizing a formula with distributions — Distributional Radon transform

I will try to describe the problem, it will necessarily be incomplete, so please if you have questions or remarks to make it more clear do not hesitate to leave them in comments. The problem Let $a$ ...
metaUser's user avatar
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Are there $f,h$ such that $h$ is Lipschitz, $\int_0^t f(s)\,\mathrm d s<\infty$ and $|\partial_t g| (t, x) \le f(t)g(h(t), x)$?

We consider the heat kernel $$ g :\mathbb R_{>0} \times \mathbb R^d \to \mathbb R,\quad (t, x) \mapsto \frac{1}{(4\pi t)^{d/2}} \exp \bigg ( - \frac{|x|^2}{4t} \bigg ). $$ Then $$ \partial_t g(t, x)...
Analyst's user avatar
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On the spectrum of Fokker–Planck with linear drift

The paper by Liberzon and Brockett, "Spectral analysis of Fokker–Planck and related operators arising from linear stochastic differential equations." SIAM Journal on Control and ...
mathamphetamine's user avatar
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On a compact operator in the plane

Let $\Omega \subset \mathbb R^2$ be a bounded domain with a smooth boundary. Let $$\bar{\partial}= \frac{1}{2} ( \partial_{x^1} + i \,\partial_{x^2}),$$ and let $G: L^2(\Omega)\to H^2(\Omega)$ be the ...
Ali's user avatar
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Reference for Calderon-Zygmund $L^p$ inequalities on the sphere

The following question is motivated from Chapter 2 (Generalized Hodge Systems in 2D), particularly Section 2.3 ($L^p$ theory for Hodge systems in 2D) of Christodoulou and Klainerman's book, The global ...
Chris's user avatar
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Limit of minimizers of a class of functionals

Assume that $ \Omega $ is a smooth bounded domain in $ \mathbb{R}^n $. Consider a functional $$ \mathcal{F}(u)=\int_\Omega(|\nabla u|^2+h^{-1}|u-u_0|^2) \, dx $$ where $ h>0 $ is a parameter and $ ...
Luis Yanka Annalisc's user avatar
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$\|\hat{f}\|_{L^q}< \infty \implies \left\| \|\chi_{n+(-1/2, 1/2]} \widehat{f}\|_{L^p_{\xi}} \right\|_{\ell^q_n}<\infty $

Suppose that support of $f:\mathbb R \to \mathbb R$ is compact set $K\subset \mathbb R.$ Assume that $ \int_{\mathbb R} |\widehat{f}|^q d\xi <\infty.$ ($\widehat{\cdot}$ denote the Fourier ...
 Analyst 's user avatar
36 votes
12 answers

Open problems in PDEs, dynamical systems, mathematical physics

(This question might not be appropriate for this site. If so, I apologize in advance. I would have posted to mathstack, but I'm looking for advice from active researchers.) I am an undergrad in math ...
4 votes
1 answer

Gap to fill in the Aubin–Ekeland proof of the mountain-pass theorem

Working through the proof of the mountain-pass theorem given in Applied Nonlinear Analysis by Aubin & Ekeland, at what seems to be a critical point of the proof (the top of page 274) they refer to ...
Olius's user avatar
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16 votes
2 answers

How to generalize the various vector calculus theorems to distributions?

Here is a list of vector calculus identities; in the proof of these identities, we all assume that these functions are $𝐶^𝑘$ in an open set, and we usually use these identities to calculate ...
YuerWu's user avatar
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Existence of a domain with simple Dirichlet eigenvalues

Let $g$ be a smooth Riemannian metric on $\mathbb R^3$ that coincides with the Euclidean metric outside a compact set $K$. Does there exist some domain $\Omega$ with smooth boundary such that $K \...
Ali's user avatar
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Cycloid on manifolds

Inspired by differential equation $$y(1+y'^2)=c$$ which generates the cycloid we consider the following differential equation on a Riemannian manifold: $$f(1+|\nabla f|^2)=c$$ On the other hand ...
Ali Taghavi's user avatar
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Asking a reference about the $p$-Laplacian of $|\nabla u|^p$

It is well-known that for a harmonic function $u$, i.e. $$ \Delta u=0, $$ the quantity $|\nabla u|^2$ is subharmonic, i.e. $$\Delta (|\nabla u|^2) \geq 0. $$ Reason: $$\Delta (|\nabla u|^2)= 2 \nabla (...
Hheepp's user avatar
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Steklov eigenvalue for circle valued functions

Let $(M,g)$ be a compact Riemannian manifold with boundary. It is well known that the first positive Steklov eigenvalue $\sigma_1$ of $M$ has the following variational characterization: $$\sigma_1(M,g)...
Eduardo Longa's user avatar
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Making sense of constant scalar curvature metric horns

Suppose we have a compact oriented surface $S$ and we remove a point $p$ on it. We could consider a neighboorhood $U$ of the puncture $p$, so that the points in this neighboorhood are described by ...
Álvaro Sánchez Hernández's user avatar
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Reference for representation of heat equation with Neumann boundary condition on smooth domain using reflected Brownian motion

We know that the solution of the heat equation $\partial_tu=\frac 12\Delta u$ with Dirichlet boundary condition $u\rvert_{\partial\Omega}=g$ is $u(t,x)=\mathbb{E}[g(B_\tau)\mid B_t=x]$, with $\tau$ ...
MikeG's user avatar
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A question about semigroups in a Heisenberg group

I'm trying to understand if the regularity of solutions in Heisenberg groups works like in the Euclidean case. So far I haven't found any results, so I'm trying to check if the Regularity Theorems ...
Ilovemath's user avatar
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What functions are equal to their symmetric decreasing rearrangement?

I am trying to understand the set $$\mathcal{A}=\{f:f\text{ non-negative, measurable}, \text{vanishes at infinity and } f(x)=f^*(x)\}$$ where $f:\mathbb{R}^n\to \mathbb{R}$ is vanishing at infinity if ...
Student's user avatar
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If $\frac{\partial f}{\partial t}(x,t)$ exists a.e and $\frac{\partial^2 f}{\partial t \,\partial x }$ is continuous, can we improve a.e existence?

The question is as in the title. Let $f(t,x) : [0,1]^2 \to \mathbb{R}$ be a function which is $C^\infty$ w.r.t $x$ for each fixed $t$ and whose derivatives w.r.t $x$ are all absolutely continuous w.r....
Isaac's user avatar
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Can I characterize functions (in 2D), which will have compactly supported/support contained Poisson solution?

I have the problem of solving Poisson equation in 2D $$ \Delta u = f $$ Let's say for a moment I want to solve it on $\mathbb{R}^2$, for $f(x,y), x\in \mathbb{R}, y\in \mathbb{R}$. I know however that ...
VojtaK's user avatar
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Where do some "energy identities" in PDE theory come from?

There are a lot of very complicated expression that helps us obtain useful estimates for PDEs. To just give one example, the following is one of the Virial identities: $$ \frac12\frac{d}{dt} \Im \left(...
Ma Joad's user avatar
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Elliptic equations and Fredholms alternative in the non-compact case

Let $M$ be a smooth Riemannian manifold and $E$ be a finite-rank vector bundle over $M$ equipped with a bundle metric $\langle\cdot,\cdot\rangle\in\Gamma^{\infty}(E^{\ast}\otimes E^{\ast})$, i.e. $\...
G. Blaickner's user avatar
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11 votes
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Does the first Laplacian eigenfunction on a homogeneous space have a unique maximum?

For convex domains $\Omega \subset \mathbb{R}^n$ with Dirichlet boundary conditions, it's known that any first Laplacian eigenfunction is log-concave. In particular, it has a unique maximum. These are ...
user404153's user avatar
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All $L^pL^q$ estimates for the heat equation on $\mathbb R$ (with gain of derivatives)

I have asked this question on MSE, but this is a better place. The heat equation and the heat kernel. Consider the heat equation on $\mathbb R$: $$ \left\{\begin{aligned}u_t-\Delta u&=f\\u(0,x)&...
Lorenzo Pompili's user avatar
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Visualization of an oscillation lemma

How can one visualize Theorem 4.2 on page 31 of this paper by Seregin, Silvestre, Šverák and Zlatoš? On the other hand, I have a clear visualization of a related result about how oscillation decay ...
rick23's user avatar
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Why is this Hamiltonian flow of the Vlasov equation well defined?

Lions and Paul claim in their 1993 paper "Sur les mesures de Wigner" that the Hamiltonian flow $$\dot{x} = \xi, \quad \dot{\xi} = - \nabla V(x) $$ of the Vlasov equation $$\partial_t f + \xi ...
Jakob Möller's user avatar
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Does $P_xP_y+Q_xQ_y=0 \implies$ "non-existence of limit cycle" for $P\partial_x+Q\partial_y$"? (Complex dilatation and limit cycle theory)

Let $X=P\partial_x+Q\partial_y$ be a vector field on the plane $\mathbb{R}^2$. Assume that we have :$$P_xP_y+Q_xQ_y=0$$ Does this imply that the vector field $X$ is a divergence-free vector field ...
Ali Taghavi's user avatar
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Global Hölder regularity

I am reading the book "Regularity theory for elliptic PDE" by Xavier Fernández-Real and Xavier Ros-Oton, and I saw this result on page 69 about solutions of $\Delta u = f$ in $\Omega$ with $...
Sean's user avatar
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Solving a Catalan-like recursion of polynomials, related to the KdV energies

I am working on a PDE problem. The goal is to connect the higher order energies of the Gross-Pitaevskii equation to those of the Korteweg-de-Vries equation. As these higher order energies are ...
Robert Wegner's user avatar
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Notation for right hand side of local smoothing conjecture

In Tao's "Recent progress on the restriction conjecture" On page 53, Tao introduced the local smoothing conjecture: let $u(t,x)$ be the solution to the wave equation $u_{tt}=\Delta u$, $u(0,...
Simplyorange's user avatar
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Reference request: "stacked traveling waves" or "wave trains" in PDEs

I am looking for general reference on "stacked traveling waves" or "wave trains", or perhaps wave superpositions. They are a bit like multi-soliton solutions to the KdV equation, ...
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How far can one get by counting spaces of solutions this way?

I am quite used to "counting"/computing finite dimensions. For example, one would expect a hypersurface in $\mathbb{C}^3$ to have dimension $3 - 1 = 2$. But it is often the case that the ...
Malkoun's user avatar
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When is the reciprocal of an eigenfunction of the Laplacian on a domain $\Omega$ integrable?

Suppose that $\Omega \subseteq \mathbb{R}^n$ is a bounded domain and $u : \Omega \to \mathbb{C}$ solves $-\Delta u = \lambda u$ with Dirichet or Neumann boundary conditions. Can we say anything about ...
Dominic Shillingford's user avatar
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Strong maximum principle for weak solutions still holds?

By De Giorge, Nash and Moser solutions of \begin{equation} \operatorname{div} (A(x) Du) = 0 \end{equation} where $Du$ denotes the gradient of $u$ and $A$ is a $\lambda,\Lambda$ elliptic matrix. ...
user29999's user avatar
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Failure of Calderón–Zygmund inequality at the endpoints

$\newcommand\norm[1]{\lVert#1\rVert}\newcommand\abs[1]{\lvert#1\rvert}$I'd like to prove that the famous Calderón–Zygmund elliptic estimate $$ \norm{ \partial_{ij}u }_{L^p} \leq C \norm{\Delta u }_{L^...
Marc's user avatar
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Is there a harmonic function with just one singular point?

Let $D \subset \mathbf{R}^2$ be the unit disc, and $L > 0$. Let $u: D \times (-L,L) \to \mathbf{R}$ satisfy \begin{equation} \begin{cases} \Delta u = 0 \quad \text{ on $D \times (-L,L)$ } \\ \frac{...
Leo Moos's user avatar
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Properties of "potential vector field" in Helmholtz decomposition

It is a well known fact that given a vector field $F$ in $\mathbb{R}^3$, this can be decomposed as $$ F= \nabla V+ \nabla \times R$$ with $V$ a potential and $R$ another vector field. These components ...
tommy1996q's user avatar
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Maximum principle for hyperbolic PDEs

I know that the wave equation doesn't satisfy a maximum principle but I have also heard that hyperbolic equations do not satisfy any maximum principle. But I don't know any reference or proof ...
User1723's user avatar
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When is a stationary measure of a Markov chain "exponentially localized"?

Here exponentially localized can be thought in a non-rigorous manner as a measure that is mostly supported on a sparse number of nodes. Some intuition can gained by thinking about a diffusion process, ...
Piyush Grover's user avatar
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On the Fractional Laplace-Beltrami operator

I would appreciate it if a reference could be given for the following claim. Let $g$ be a Riemannian metric on $\mathbb R^n$, $n\geq 2$ that is equal to the Euclidean metric outside some compact set. ...
Ali's user avatar
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