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On the 2018 paper "On the discretization of Laine equations" by K. Zheltukhin, et al [closed]

I desperately need to read this paper, before meeting a would-be supervisor but with limited undergraduate knowledge that I have like Aluffi's Algebra and Churchill's Complex Analysis, Rudin's ...
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Sum of: k permutations of n $\times e^x$

Simplify the following: \begin{equation} \sum\limits_{\ell =1}^n P(n,\ell) (e^x -1)^\ell \end{equation} to something like $n!n^n$. I got curious about this expression after going through this ...
MathsPower's user avatar
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Decomposition of one Matrix into six matrices [closed]

He folks, here's my problem: Let $\mathbf{A}, \mathbf{B}, \mathbf{X}_1, \mathbf{X}_2, \mathbf{X}_3, \mathbf{Y}_1, \mathbf{Y}_2, \mathbf{Y}_3\in\mathbb{R}^{3\times 3}$ with determinante det()=+1. The ...
stevula's user avatar
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Using common samples to numerically estimate pairwise equality of three random variables

Let $X,Y,Z$ be three discrete random variables which I can numerically sample. I need to numerically estimate the probability that $X=Y$ and the probability that $X=Z$. I would like to know whether ...
Adrian Radillo's user avatar
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I need help with snake's position bounds based on center point(rounded) and the length of the snake problem [closed]

First of all, if it's an existing problem just tell me the name, please. To solve the problem a formula/algorythm which receivs a center point of a snake (snake game type (points on a grid connected ...
Todam's user avatar
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Strong estimates for the zeta function on natural numbers

Let $$\zeta(s) = \sum_{n = 1}^\infty \frac{1}{n^s}$$ be the Riemann zeta function (here we just consider real $s$). We do have a description given by $$\zeta(s) = \frac{s}{s-1}-s\int_{1}^\infty \frac{...
tobias's user avatar
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Find a columns of matrix $A$ which form a basis of columns space of matrix $A$ [closed]

We have a matrix $A$ whose rows are data records and whose columns are features. We would like to omit useless features such as zero or constant columns, duplicate columns, columns that are equal to ...
a4lBob's user avatar
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Six stacked circles, not quite symmetrical [closed]

There are six neatly-stacked circles of radius r. ➊ Circle with centre at {−1,0}. ➌ Circle with centre at {+1,0}. ➋ Circle between ➊ and ➌ with centre at {x,0}, x ∈ ℝ, r−1 ≤ x−r, x+r ≤ 1−r. ➍ A ...
jdaw1's user avatar
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An inequality between two real-valued concave functions

Can anyone help me prove the following inequality? Thanks!
Mohamed's user avatar
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Rotating a known vector over two axis-es to result to another known vector [closed]

Lets assume i have a known vector, for example x = [1,0,0] After 2 rotations, one over the y axis and one over the z axis, i result in a vector which in this example is x' = [0.5774, 0.5774, 0.5774] ...
Angelos Gkaraleas's user avatar
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When are/ if recursive identities used? [closed]

Due to the fact that $$\Gamma(x)\Gamma(1-x)\sin \pi x=\pi$$ is this necessarily true: $$\Gamma(x)\Gamma(1-x)\sin(\Gamma(1+x)\Gamma(1-x)\sin(\cdots))=\pi$$ Is this at all used as a tactic to create ...
JohnVine's user avatar
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behavior of multiplicity in exact sequences

Bruns-Herzog define multiplicity When the ring and module are not necessarily graded as $e(M)=e(gr_m(M))$, see B-H 4.6. I have two questions: Question1. Many concepts in commutative algebra have ...
user 1's user avatar
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If $(X_n+Y_n)$ has bounded variance, is the same true for $(X_n)$ and $(Y_n)$? [closed]

Let $(X_n)$ and $(Y_n)$ be two sequences of random variables defined on the same probability space such that the variance of all components $X_n$, $Y_n$ is finite and the sequence of variances of $X_n+...
herrsimon's user avatar
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Calculate GPS coordinates at x meters [closed]

I want to calculate a pair of GPS coordinates(lat,long) that is at x meters N/S/E/W from a known point (lat_old,long_old). I have found the Haversine formula http://upload.wikimedia.org/math/0/5/5/...
Arcadio Garcia's user avatar
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Inequality with four variables [closed]

Prove or find a counterexample. Let $a_1, a_2, b_1, b_2 \in \mathbb{R}$ satisfy $a_1+a_2=1$ and $b_1+b_2=1$. Then, $$ \frac{1}{a_1^2+a_2^2} + \frac{1}{b_1^2 + b_2^2} \geq (\frac{1}{(a_1 b_2)^2 + (a_1 ...
Seyong's user avatar
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Rank of a random matrix

Let $x$ a random Gaussian vector of size $n$ with i.i.d coefficients $N(0,1)$. Let $J$ a random matrix with i.i.d coefficients $N(0,\sigma^2/n)$ where $\sigma \in [0,1]$. For any integer T>n, define: $...
user16215's user avatar
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A Poincare inequality for the Laplace-Beltrami operator [closed]

Suppose $w \in C^2 (S^{n-1}), \Lambda$ is Laplace-Beltrami operator on the sphere $S^{n-1}$, How can I prove follow Poincare inequality : $\int_{S^{n-1}} w\Lambda w d\sigma \leq (1-n) \int_{S^{n-1}} |...
bigheadliao's user avatar
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Inverse Laplace transform in a signal that is a sum of exponentials - MATLAB [closed]

I want to analyze a discrete signal in time, that is sum of exponentials distributed around two distinct values (T1, T2). My goal is to calculate these two different distributions, T1, T2, weights and ...
yooyle's user avatar
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Holder class of analytic functions

Assume that $\lim_{(nt) |z|\to 1}|f(z)|(1-|z|)^p=0$, where $f$ is analytic in the unit disk and $p>0$,where $(nt)|z|\to 1$ nontangentially. Does this implies that $\lim_{|z|\to 1}|f(z)|(1-|z|)^p=0$...
user36162's user avatar
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A kind of economic objective function in assignment

I recently thought about a concept that seems like it should come up in economics, but I don't know if there's a name for it and where people would have encountered it elsewhere: Suppose we have a ...
Lili Wang's user avatar
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weak star convergence [closed]

if $F$ is a Banach space and $f_n \subset F^* $ weak star convergent to $f\in F^*$. If further $x\in F$ is the weak limit of $(x_n)_n \subset F$ does then $f_n(x_n) \longrightarrow f(x)$ hold? We ...
Bohem's user avatar
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derivative of a function of time using its inverse fourier transform

What would be the bounds on the derivative of a function using its inverse fourier transform representation. Furthermore what would be the bounds on the absolute value of the function itself?
Hafiz ul Asad's user avatar
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Mul + div using only add/sub ? [closed]

In an algorithm book once the first example was how to compute a multiplication in a loop (only that, so I just remembered, and wanted to do it programmatically but with all operations) ...
John D's user avatar
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3 answers

Convergence of a markov matrix

Consider a markov chain matrix P of size n x n (n states). P is known to be: 1- Not irreducible (i.e. there exist at least a pair of states i, j such that we cannot go from i to j) 2- Not all ...
Gerardo's user avatar
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Would this alteration safeguard the resulting theory from inconsistency?

If we replace "Emergence" axiom in the theory $T$ presented at posting "What is the set theory synonymous with this order-set theory?" with the following axiom, call the resulting ...
Zuhair Al-Johar's user avatar
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Follow-up question re: logarithms of matrix-valued functions known not to have any zero eigenvalues [closed]

Given two parametrised "well-behaved" real skew-symmetric matrix-valued functions (of real variable(s)) $K(x)$ and $L(x)$, is it true that there exists another matrix-valued function $M(x)$ ...
Kanghun Kim's user avatar
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Are there infinitely many karmic numbers, i.e numbers whose primality radii equal one or a prime power?

For $n$ a large enough positive composite integer, say $r$ is a primality radius of $n$ if both $n-r$ and $n+r$ are prime. Say $n$ is a karmic number if the following holds: $r$ is a primality radius ...
Sylvain JULIEN's user avatar
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What do you call continous transformations that preserve the finite group structure?

A number of years ago I studied a preon model (Journal of Mathematical Physics 38:3414-3426, 1997) in which the preons interacted like group elements. I thought it curious that you could sometimes ...
James Bellinger's user avatar
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class structure constants relation

Let $C_{j,k}^l$ ,usually called class structure constants, eg Jansen and Boon and/or JQ Chen, be the number of times the class $l$ is generated from the product of classes $j,k$ and $c_j=c_{-j}$ (a ...
Reza Vino Zmth's user avatar
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Expressing a value related to an infinitary relation through ultrafilters

Let $U$ be a set. I denote $\mathfrak{A}$ the lattice of filters on $U$ ordered reverse to set theoretic inclusion of filters. I denote $\bigvee$ and $\bigwedge$ correspondingly the supremum and ...
porton's user avatar
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calculate percentiles from a histogram [closed]

Hi, Could someone explain to me or point out some documentation on how to compute a given percentile from a histogram ?
rantravee's user avatar
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Quadratic extension and prime ideals

Let $B/A$ be a quadratic Galois extension between local domains. Define ${\mathrm{Gal}}(B/A) = \{e,\sigma\}$. Choose two prime ideals ${\frak P}_1, {\frak P}_2$ of $B$ such that ${\frak P}_2 = {\...
Pierre MATSUMI's user avatar
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4 answers

What is the situation with Hilbert's Fifth Problem?

The common knowledge in this regard seems to be that Hilbert's Fifth Problem was completely solved by Gleason, Montgomery, and Zippin. However, such wisdom was contested by Peter Olver: Olver, Peter ...
Elemer E Rosinger's user avatar
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Is there a "weak" fundamental theorem of algebra for matrices?

Let $R$ be the ring of complex $n\times n$ matrices, where $n>1$. Does every nonconstant polynomial in $R[X]$ have a root in $R$? Note: The "strong" fundamental theorem of algebra for ...
ResearchMath's user avatar
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Quantum dynamics on varieties and Salmon Prizes

Concluding Progressive Remarks A new finding is Bates and Oeding's preprint "Toward a salmon conjecture" (arXiv:1009.6181), with its reference to the Salmon Prize. The Salmon Prize (photo of the ...
-3 votes
3 answers

Closed form solution to x^(x+1)=(x+1)^x [closed]

From an elementary question in differential entropy for decision sequences... Numerical solutions is: x = 2.293166287408052... The equality is only well defined (with respect to its origination) in ...
Halfdan's user avatar
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Continuum hypothesis and cardinality of infinite tree paths [closed]

Suppose a tree with nodes located at levels $1,2,3...$. At each level the nodes branch into several nodes or do not branch. Does the cardinality of the set of all infinite paths in this tree depend on ...
Anixx's user avatar
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Is true arithmetic + $\lnot Con (TA)$ consistent?

Is the theory $TA+\lnot Con(TA)$ consistent? In particular, for every $TA \vdash \phi$, we take as an axiom $\phi$, and $TA \vdash \phi$. We also assert $TA \vdash 0 = 1$. We call this theory $TA + \...
Christopher King's user avatar
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Analysis I, simpler proof of Tao's construction of the integers [closed]

In chapter 4 of Analysis I by Terence Tao, we have the following note about the set theoretic construction of the integers: In the language of set theory, what we are doing here is starting with the ...
HJE's user avatar
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Digit sum of a prime number [closed]

Let 𝑝 be a positive integer and 𝑞 = 𝑆(𝑝) be the digit sum of 𝑝 such that 𝑞 + 1 ≡ 0 (mod 2). Is it that if 𝑝 is prime then 𝑞 is also prime? e.g. 𝑝=47(prime)-> 𝑞=4+7=11 (prime)
Kelvin's user avatar
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Can different extensions of ZF have contradictory consequences for first-order arithmetic?

My question is basically, does there exist a statement X independent of ZF such that ZF + X implies a statement P of first-order arithmetic, but ZF + not X implies not P? Now X cannot be the axiom ...
Keshav Srinivasan's user avatar
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Maximum element order in $S_n$ [closed]

Denote by $S_n$ the group of permutations of the set $\{1,\ldots,n\}$ with composition as binary operation. Let $m_n$ denote the maximum order that an element of $S_n$ can have. What is the smallest ...
Dominic van der Zypen's user avatar
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Why sheaves are important and why do we care about them? [closed]

Presheaves are contravariant functors from a category $C$ to the category $Set$, that is functors $P$: $$P:C^{op}\to Set.$$ For every topology $J$ on $C$ we can generate a reflexive subcategory $$Sh(...
Lolman's user avatar
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Why do we need to represent integers as the sum of three cubes? [closed]

It is conjectured that for any integer $k\not\equiv \pm 4\pmod 9$ there are infinitely many integer solutions to $$ a^3+b^3+c^3=k. $$ Some cases for integer $k$ becomes too hard like $42$ which it ...
zeraoulia rafik's user avatar
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Can mathematics help in defining free-will? [closed]

In the celebrated Free Will Theorem of Conway and Kochen it is made use of "free will" without giving a "mathematical definition" of it. The definition of the experimenter is the &...
mathoverflowUser's user avatar
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The inequality $\Pi (1-\frac{1}{a_i})^{x_i} \le \Pi (1-\frac{1}{b_j})^{y_j} $ hold? [closed]

Question: Are the properties as follows holds? Version 1: the answer by Bjørn Kjos-Hanssen Let $P$ be a positive integers. We written: $P=$ $a_1^{x_1}a_2^{x_2}...a_n^{x_n}$ $=b_1^{y_1}b_2^{y_2}......
Đào Thanh Oai's user avatar
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Are the injective functions dense in $C([0,1]^n,\mathbb R^n) $?

Let $n\geq 2$. Are injective functions dense in $C([0,1]^n,\mathbb R^n) $ with the uniform norm?
Dattier's user avatar
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Is the imaginary part of $\displaystyle\ \zeta(s)\zeta(1-s)=0$ for $\operatorname{Re}(s)=\frac{1}{2}$ [closed]

Some of my computations here showed to me that the imaginary part of $\displaystyle\ \zeta(s)\zeta(1-s)=0$ for $\operatorname{Re}(s)=\frac{1}{2}$, really i w'd like to know if there is any paper ...
zeraoulia rafik's user avatar
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Does differentiation widen, or narrow, the class of functions?

Let $\cal F^k$ be a set of functions, each of class $C^k$, i.e., both, for every function in $\cal F^k$: $k^{\textrm{th}}$ derivatives exist, and are continuous. Let $D(\cal F^k)$ be the set of all ...
Joseph O'Rourke's user avatar
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Are there infinitely many equivalence classes of similar matrices? [closed]

It is easy to show that similarity in matrices is an equivalence relation (two matrices A and B of same size being similar if there exists a matrix P such that B = PAP^(-1) ) Moreover, given a matrix, ...
Unknown's user avatar
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