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Restriction of cuspidal representations of GL(2) to the Borel subgroup

Let $\mathbb{F}_q$ be a finite field and let $B$ be the standard Borel subgroup of $GL(2, \mathbb{F}_q)$ consisting of upper triangular matrices. Is there an explicit description of the restriction ...
Linda's user avatar
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Why should we expect this odd behavior of negative binomial distributions?

In independent Bernoulli trials with probability $p$ of success on each trial, let $X$ be the number of failures before the $n$th success. Then $$ \Pr(X=x) = \binom{-n}{\phantom{+}x} (-q)^x p^n \text{ ...
Michael Hardy's user avatar
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Non-degenerate representation of a Banach algebra

Let $\mathcal{A}$ be a non-reflexive Banach algebra. For the definition of Arens product, please refer to this link. Here we let $\square$ denote the first Arens product and $\diamond$ denote the ...
Sanae Kochiya's user avatar
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The origin of a planar graph theorem of Steinitz and Rademacher

The subsequent statements are extracted from the article titled 'Generating r-regular graphs' ( A well-known classical theorem of Steinitz and ...
Licheng Zhang's user avatar
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Homotopy theory of differential objects

In Kashiwara and Schapira's wonderful book Categories and Sheaves, they define a category with translation to be a category $\mathsf{C}$ equipped with an auto-equivalence $S: \mathsf{C} \to \mathsf{C}$...
ಠ_ಠ's user avatar
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Question about the proof of Propp-Wilson algorithm in Olle Häggström's book

Update: Oops! This is a stupid question and should be closed. The definition of the probability space that contains events $A_i$ requires using a single random stream. I have difficulties ...
zemora's user avatar
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If $f$ is a derivative and $f=g$ a.e. for some Riemman integrable function $g$, then can we obtain the Riemann integrability of $f$?

Let $a,b\in\mathbb R$ with $a<b$ and $f:[a,b]\to\mathbb R$. Assume that there exists a Riemann integrable function $g:[a,b]\to\mathbb R$ such that $f=g$ almost everywhere. Then we can NOT conclude ...
Fergns Qian's user avatar
2 votes
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A proof of $\dim(R)+1 \leq \dim(R[T]) \leq 2 \dim(R)+1$ with the Coquand-Lombardi characterization of Krull dimension

Question. Can we use the Coquand-Lombardi characterization$^1$ of Krull dimension to prove the well-known inequalities$^2$ $$\dim(R)+1 \leq \dim(R[T]) \leq 2 \cdot \dim(R)+1,$$ where $R$ is any ...
Martin Brandenburg's user avatar
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Elliptic integral as quantity associated with Riemann surface?

There are many elliptic integrals, so to show my point let me just pick one of them (complete elliptic integral of the first kind [1]): $$K(k) = \int_{0}^{1} \frac {dx} {\sqrt{(1-x^{2})(1-k^{2}x^{2})}}...
Student's user avatar
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What is the Goldie dimension of the ring of stable stems?

Let $p$ be a prime, and let $\pi_\ast^{(p)}$ be the ring of stable homotopy groups of spheres localized at the prime $p$. This is a nonnegatively-graded-commutative ring with $\mathbb Z_{(p)}$ in ...
Tim Campion's user avatar
10 votes
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Does the interior of Pascal's triangle contain three consecutive integers?

This question defeated Math SE, so I am posting it here. Consider the interior of Pascal's triangle: the triangle without numbers of the form $\binom{n}{0},\binom{n}{1},\binom{n}{n-1},\binom{n}{n}$. ...
Dan's user avatar
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Collision among products of binomial coefficients

Let $k, \ell \geq 2$ be positive integers. Do there exist infinitely many positive integers $N$ such that the equation $$\displaystyle \binom{m}{k} \binom{n}{\ell} = N$$ have more than four solutions? ...
Stanley Yao Xiao's user avatar
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Question regarding the definition of linearization of line bundles

I'm reading Dolgachev's book 'Lectures on invariant theory'. In Chapter 7, the linearization of a group action is discussed. Let $G$ be a linear algebraic group acting on a quasi-projective variety $X$...
Hajime_Saito's user avatar
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Does any warped product metric admit a function with hessian proportional to the metric?

It is known that the existence of a function with hessian proportional to the metric implies that the metric is a warped product metric. Is the reciprocal true as well? I.e, if $(B \times N, g = g_B + ...
Matheus Andrade's user avatar
8 votes
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Is this set, defined in terms of an irreducible representation, closed under inverses?

$\DeclareMathOperator\GL{GL}$Let $ H $ be an irreducible finite subgroup of $ \GL(n,\mathbb{C}) $. Define $ N^r(H) $ inductively by $$ N^{r+1}(H)=\{ g \in \GL(n,\mathbb{C}): g H g^{-1} \subset N^r(H) \...
Ian Gershon Teixeira's user avatar
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Expansion of metric near boundary of 3 dimensional Poincaré-Einstein/hyperbolic manifolds

In Mazzeo-Alexakis, there is a brief discussion that if $(M^3,g) \sim \mathbb{H}^3/\Gamma$ (for $\Gamma$ convex cocompact), then the metric can be expanded near the topological boundary as $$g = \frac{...
JMK's user avatar
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Question on recursive formulas for $\eta(2 n+1)$ and $\beta(2 n)$ where $n\in\mathbb{N}$

This question is a refinement of my related MSE question which was asked over 2 years ago and no answers have yet been posted. Consider the following formulas for the Dirichlet eta function $\eta(s)$ ...
Steven Clark's user avatar
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$c_0(2^{\kappa})$ does not embed in $\ell_\infty(\kappa)$?

How to prove that $(c_0(2^\kappa),\|\cdot\|_\infty)$ does not embed into $(\ell_\infty(\kappa),\|\cdot\|_\infty)$? Recall that $(c_0(2^\kappa),\|\cdot\|_\infty)$ is the Banach space of all families $(...
Michael Rincon's user avatar
15 votes
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Is this a typo in Macdonald's paper "The Poincaré Series of a Coxeter Group"?

I have a question about the proof of lemma 2.14 in Macdonald's paper The Poincaré Series of a Coxeter Group [1], where he used induction on $l(w)$ to prove that if $|E|=|R(w)|$, then $E=R(w)$. The ...
zemora's user avatar
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Frobenius and regular scheme

Let $X$ be a noetherian regular scheme over $\mathbb{F}_{p}$. Then by Kunz's theorem, the absolute Frobenius $F: X\rightarrow X$ is flat and integral. Can it be written as a projective limit of finite ...
prochet's user avatar
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Thinning of (mixed) binomial point process

Let $N= \sum_{i=1}^M \delta_{X_i}$ be a mixed Binomial process over $(\mathbb X, \mathcal X)$. I.e., $M$ is a $\mathbb Z_+$ valued random variable with probability mass function $q_M(m)$, $m=0, 1, \...
mariob6's user avatar
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Is $\sup_{f\in \mathcal{F}}\left|\int _Xfg \, d\mu\right|<\infty$ true for all $g\in L^\infty _\mathbb{C}(\mu )$?

Suppose that $(X,\mathcal{A},\mu )$ is a finite measure space. Let $\mathcal{F}\subseteq L^1_\mathbb{C}(\mu )$. If $\sup_{f\in \mathcal{F}}\left|\int _Xf\varphi \, d\mu\right|<\infty$ for all ...
noob's user avatar
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Units of the group algebra of a free group

Let $K$ be a field of characteristic zero and $F_n$ be a free group of rank $n$. What is known about the group of units $K[F_n]^\times$? In the case of $n=1$, there are only trivial units: $K[F_1]^\...
Qwert Otto's user avatar
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Abel–Plana formula with fractional offset

The Abel–Plana formula compares the sum $\sum_{n=0}^\infty f(n)$ to the integral $\int_0^\infty f(x)\,dx$, \begin{equation} \sum_{n=0}^{\infty}f\left(n\right)-\int_{0}^{\infty}f\left(x\right)dx=\frac{...
Carlo Beenakker's user avatar
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Logarithm of a bounded operator

Let $\mathbb H$ be a Hilbert space and let $A\in \mathcal B(\mathbb H)$ such that the spectrum of $A$ does not meet a closed half-line issued from 0 in the complex plane. Then I guess that $ A=\exp L $...
Bazin's user avatar
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8 votes
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Con(PA) via non-well-foundedness?

Lumsdaine made the following interesting comment: if Con(PA) fails in a non-standard model, it means it contains a “proof of non-standard length” of a contradiction from PA. With a little work, one ...
Mikhail Katz's user avatar
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Extension of isotopies

In what follows $M$ will be a manifold (without boundary, for simplicity) and $C\subseteq M$ will denote a compact subset. In the paper Deformations of spaces of imbeddings Edwards and Kirby prove the ...
Tommaso Rossi's user avatar
10 votes
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Are “most” bounded derivatives not Riemann integrable?

Given $a,b\in\mathbb R$ with $a<b$. Let $$X=\{f\in C([a,b]): f \text{ is differentiable on } [a,b] \text{ with }f' \text{ bounded }\},$$ and $$A=\{f\in X: f' \text{ is Riemann integrable}\}. $$ It ...
Fergns Qian's user avatar
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Inequality for 2-associated Stirling numbers of the second kind

Let $S_2(n,k)$ denote the 2-associated Stirling number of the second kind for $n$ objects and $k$ blocks, with $n$ being at least two. That is, we partition $n$ labeled objects into $k$ unlabeled ...
Janos Englander's user avatar
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Kolmogorov inequality for Bernoulli random variables

This question is also asked on math stackexchange. The question is about one inequality which shows in Kolmogorov's paper (inequality (3.1)) but is not proved. The inequality says that, if we assume $...
Greenhand's user avatar
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Cohomology of Shimura varieties before and after completion at some prime

Let $(G,X)$ be a Shimura datum with reflex field $E\subset \mathbb C$. For any neat open compact subgroup $K \subset G(\mathbb A_f)$, let $\mathrm{Sh}_K$ denote the associated Shimura variety. It is a ...
Suzet's user avatar
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The $E$-(co)homology of $\mathrm{BGL}(R)^+$ and the algebraic $K$-theory of $R$

$\DeclareMathOperator\BGL{BGL}$In the paper, 'Two-primary Algebraic $K$-theory of rings of integers in number fields', Rognes and Weibel compute the $2$-torsion part in the algebraic $K$-theory of the ...
atinag's user avatar
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Groups acting non-properly cocompactly on hyperbolic spaces

A group $G$ is hyperbolic if it admits a geometric (the action is proper and co-bounded) action on a geodesic hyperbolic metric space. Also, the definition can be given as follows, a group $G$ ...
bishop1989's user avatar
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Amenability of $\textrm{w}_0(L^1(G))$

Let $G$ be an infinite compact group and $A=L^1(G)$. It is known that $c_0(A)$ is amenable [Runde2020, p.80] while $\ell^{\infty}(A)$ is not [Daws2009] . Let $\textrm{w}_0(A)$ denote the subspace of $\...
Onur Oktay's user avatar
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Hereditarily just-infinite pro-$2$ groups

An infinite profinite group $G$ is called just-infinite if all non-trivial closed normal subgroups of $G$ have finite index. A profinite group is called hereditarily just-infinite if every open ...
stupid boy's user avatar
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Series convergence if $\sum a_n^2 < \infty$

There are quite a few simple results about convergent/divergent series derived from similar ones. Here is a question in the same spirit that I saw posted on another forum. Unfortunately, I don't have ...
Ivan's user avatar
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Are there spectral Galerkin methods for PDE of the form $\partial_tu=\nabla\cdot f(\nabla u)\nabla u$?

Question is in the title. The nonlinearity due to the term $f(\nabla u)$ makes it difficult to directly apply the spectral Galerkin method as it can be done for PDE of the form $\partial_tu=\nabla\...
0xbadf00d's user avatar
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Infinitesimal criteria for unramified morphism on stacks

In an Artin stack, the tangent complex is fundamentally a derived object, often viewed as a 2-term complex via some quotient presentation, as discussed in Raskin's note here, for example. In ...
C.D.'s user avatar
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Chip firing on hypergraphs

A (finite) hypergraph is a pair $(V, \mathcal{E})$ where $V$ is a finite set of vertices and $\mathcal{E}\subseteq\mathcal{P}(V)$ with each $E\in\mathcal{E}$ having at least two elements; a ...
Noah Schweber's user avatar
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What do $\gamma$-radonifying operators radonify?

In the second volume of their Analysis in Banach Spaces, Hytönen et al. introduce the notion of $\gamma$-radonifying operator more or less as follow. Let $(\gamma_j)_{j\in\mathbf N}$ be a sequence of ...
P. P. Tuong's user avatar
2 votes
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Is a Hausdorff separable topological space that is uniform and complete necessarily a Polish space?

Is an Hausdorff separable topological space that is uniform and complete necessarily a Polish space ?
Gérard Lang's user avatar
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Dispersive equations at low frequencies and time oscillations

It seems to me that nearly all the common linear dispersive equations have dispersion relations which vanish at the zero spatial frequency. For example: The Schrodinger dispersion relation is $\omega(...
kieransquared's user avatar
30 votes
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Interpretation of "1089-number trick" in terms of symmetric group action on cohomology group?

I tried posting the following on math.stackexchange, but no answers. I can of course delete if inappropriate. The "1089 number trick" (see e.g. here) says that if you take a three-digit ...
mnmse475's user avatar
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An integral and a Jensen-type formula

For $f$ be analytic on the disc $\overline{D}(0,R)$ centred at $0$ with radius $R>0$ and such that $f(0)\neq 0$, then the following formula is well-known \begin{align} \frac{1}{2\pi}\int_{-\pi}^{\...
12321's user avatar
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Diophantine equations involving recurrence sequences

I am working on a Diophantine equation by using transcendental and reduction methods given by Baker and Davenport. However, when I read some papers i don't understand the reduction step, for example ...
Omega's user avatar
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Do regularity structures involve infinite "Taylor" series?

I have been learning about the theory of regularity structures, for which the common motivation is Taylor series. However, I keep seeing direct sums in the definition of a regularity structure, which ...
NZK's user avatar
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Why is this continuum circle-like?

A continuum is a compact connected metrizable space. A continuum $X$ is called arc-like if for every $\varepsilon>0$ there is an open cover $U_1,\ldots,U_n$ of $X$ such that the diameter of $U_i$ ...
Alessandro Codenotti's user avatar
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How to conclude the quasi-projective case of the derived McKay correspondence from the projective case?

I am currently trying to understand the paper "Mukai implies McKay" from Bridgeland, King and Reid (cf. here). Let me sum up the setting we find ourselves in: Let $M$ be a smooth quasi-...
OrdinaryAnon's user avatar
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Motivation behind a result of Munshi on nonvanishing of L-functions in families of elliptic curves

In this article in Compositio (2011), Munshi proves a mean value result for $$ \sum_{d} r(d) \Lambda^{(l)}(1/2,f,\chi_d) F(d/Y),$$ where here $f$ is a primitive holomorphic form of level $q$ with ...
Anurag Sahay's user avatar
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Trying to decode a module functor

This is section 5.1 from, ARITHMETIC DERIVATIVES THROUGH GEOMETRY OF NUMBERS by Hector Pasten. Let $A$ be a commutative unitary ring, let $R$ be a commutative monoid, and let $\alpha : R \to A$ be a ...
Ilk's user avatar
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