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15 votes
2 answers

Generalizations of the Tietze extension theorem (and Lusin's theorem)

I am reasking a year-old question asked by someone else. (For my needs every space $X$ and $Y$ will be Polish---that is a completely separably metrizable space.) The Tietze ...
Jason Rute's user avatar
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6 answers

What's a natural candidate for an analytic function that interpolates the tower function?

I know that there are analytic functions whose composition with itself is the exponential function, the so-called functional square root of the exponential function, with the additional property that ...
John Jiang's user avatar
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Are smooth functions tame?

I know the article of Hamilton on the inverse function theorem of Nash and Moser (with the same title) where he proves that $C^\infty(M)$ is a tame Fréchet space, when $M$ is closed or compact with ...
Matthias Ludewig's user avatar
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Are weak and strong convergence of sequences not equivalent?

For some infinite-dimensional Banach spaces $E$, it is easy to find sequences $\langle x_i:i\in\mathbb N_0\rangle$ which converge to zero weakly but not in the norm topology, i.e. we have $\lim_{i\to\...
TaQ's user avatar
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Error term for renewal function

Consider a sequence of independent uniform $[0,1]$ random variables, and for nonnegative real $t$, let $m(t)$ be the expected number of terms in the first partial sum that exceeds $t$. For instance it'...
Johan Wästlund's user avatar
14 votes
8 answers

Relevant mathematics to the recent coronavirus outbreak

I would like to ask about (old* and new) reliable mathematical literature relevant to various mathematical aspects of the recent coronavirus outbreak: In particular, standard statistical/mathematical ...
13 votes
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Does Hahn-Banach for $\ell^\infty$ imply the existence of a non-measurable set?

Working over ZF but without the Axiom of Choice (AC), assume that the Hahn–Banach Theorem holds for $\ell^\infty$. Does it follow that there exists a set of real numbers that is not Lebesgue ...
Timothy Chow's user avatar
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13 votes
3 answers

Is the set of separable quantum states closed?

Let $\mathcal H,\mathcal H'$ be Hilbert spaces (not necessarily separable). A "separable state" is a trace-class operator of the form $\sum_i \rho_i\otimes\rho_i'$ where $\rho_i,\rho_i'$ are positive ...
Dominique Unruh's user avatar
13 votes
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Covering number estimates for Hölder balls

Let $\alpha \in (0,1]$, $r>0$ and $L>0$, and positive intwgers $n$ and $m$. The Arzela-Ascoli Theorem guarantees that the set $X(\alpha,L,r)$ of $f:[-1,1]^n\rightarrow [-r,r]^m$ with $\alpha$-...
ABIM's user avatar
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3 answers

To what extent is convexity a local property?

A polyhedron is the intersection of a finite collection of halfspaces. These halfspaces are not assumed to be linear, i.e. their bounding hyperplanes are not assumed to contain the origin. The ...
Nathan Reading's user avatar
12 votes
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Square root of normal distribution

Let $X$ and $Y$ be independent random variates with the same probability distribution, $P(x)$. Assuming that the product $Z=XY$ is a random variate with normal distribution, say $$f_Z(x) = \frac{1}{\...
FreeQuark's user avatar
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3 answers

Reference request: Simple facts about vector-valued Sobolev space

Let $V,H$ be separable Hilbert spaces such that there are dense injections $V \hookrightarrow H \hookrightarrow V^*$. (For example, $H = L^2(\mathbb{R}^n)$, $V = H^1(\mathbb{R}^n)$, $V^* = H^{-1}(\...
Nate Eldredge's user avatar
12 votes
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The Borel $\sigma$-algebra of the set of probability measures

Let $X$ be a compact metric space and $M(X)$ the set of all Borel probability measures on $X$. It is know that $M(X)$ is a convex compact metric space endowed with the weak-* topology i.e. $(\mu_n)_n \...
TV2323's user avatar
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3 answers

Banach spaces $X$ with $\ell_2(X)$ not isomorphic to $L_2([0,1],X)$

Let $X$ be a Banach space. I think that some time ago I read somewhere that, in general, the space $\ell_2(X)$ of all sequences $(x_n)$ in $X$ with $\sum_{n=1}^\infty \|x_n\|^2<\infty$ is not ...
M.González's user avatar
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Is $\ell_p$ $(1<p<\infty)$ finitely isometrically distortable?

Let $Y$ be a Banach space isomorphic to $\ell_p$, $1<p<\infty$. Is it true that any finite subset of $\ell_p$ is isometric to some finite subset of $Y$? It seems to me that it is an interesting ...
Mikhail Ostrovskii's user avatar
12 votes
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Area Enclosed by the Convex Hull of a Set of Random Points

Consider $n$ points generated randomly and uniformly on a unit square. What is the expected value of the area (as a function of $n$) enclosed by the convex hull of the set of points?
user18011's user avatar
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11 votes
2 answers

Do Hausdorff locally convex inductive limits always exist?

The following is from Schaefer, "Topological Vector Spaces", 1999, p. 56/57: Let $(E_\alpha)_{\alpha \in A}$ be a family of locally convex spaces with $\alpha$ in a directed poset $A$ and $h_{\beta \...
yada's user avatar
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Tighter Caratheodory on the moment curve?

The moment curve is the set of points of the form $$(t,t^2,t^3,...,t^n) \in R^n$$ Let $M$ be the portion of the moment curve where $t\in [0,1]$, and let $\overline{M}$ be the convex hull of $M$. ...
Bill Bradley's user avatar
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4 answers

Spectral theorem for unbounded self-adjoint operators on REAL Hilbert spaces

This question was posed on MathStackExchange but did not get an answer (even with a bounty). In all books that I have checked the spectral theorem (every self-adjoint unbounded operator on a Hilbert ...
Jochen Wengenroth's user avatar
11 votes
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Find the area of the region enclosed by $\sin^p x+\sin^p y=\sin^p(x+y)$, the $x$-axis and the $y$-axis (comes from a probability question)

Consider the graph of $\sin^p x+\sin^p y=\sin^p(x+y)$, where $x$ and $y$ are acute, and $p>1$. Here are examples with, from left to right, $p=1.05,\space 1.25,\space 2,\space 4,\space 100$. Find ...
Dan's user avatar
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Another colored balls puzzle

This is a puzzle a colleague asked me recently. Imagine you have $n$ balls in a bag that are colored from $1$ to $n$. At each turn you take two balls at random out that have different colors and ...
navid's user avatar
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2 answers

Is there a relation between Gelfand duality and the spectrum of a ring (with its Zariski topology)?

Compare the following two results: Thm A) Let $A$ be a commutative $C^*$-algebra and let $X$ be its Gelfand spectrum. Gelfand duality says that there's a natural isometric $*$-isomorphism from $A$ to ...
Gabriel's user avatar
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4 answers

If the sum of two independent random variables is discrete uniform on $\{a, \dots,a + n\}$, what do we know about $X$ and $Y$?

Basically I want to know whether the sum being discrete uniform effectively forces the two component random variables to also be uniform on their respective domains. To be a bit more precise: ...
Aaron Pereira's user avatar
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Can every discrete martingale be embedded in a continuous martingale?

Let $(X_k)_{k=0,1,..., n}$ be a discrete martingale defined on some probability space $(\Omega,\mathcal{F},\mathbb{P})$. I would like to know whether there exists a (continuous) martingale $(\tilde{X}...
CodeGolf's user avatar
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Stone-Weierstrass analogue for $L^p$

Let $A$ be a complex algebra of bounded measurable functions on the measure space $(X,\mu)$ (case of $[0,1]$ with Lebesgue measure is enough for me) closed under conjugation. Assume that $A$ separates ...
Fedor Petrov's user avatar
11 votes
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Has anyone seen this series?

I come across the following infinite series. $$ \sum_{n=1}^{\infty} \frac{t^n}{n!\: n^{a}}, \quad\text{for $t>0$ and $a>0$}. $$ In particular, I am interested in the case where $a=1/4$. ...
Anand's user avatar
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A neat evaluation of an infinite matrix?

Let $M_n$ be an $n\times n$ matrix defined as $$M_n =\left[\frac{2i+1}{2(i+j+1)}\binom{i-1/2}i\binom{j-1/2}jx^{i+j+1}\right]_{i,j=0}^n.$$ With $I_n$ the identity matrix, consider $A_n:=I_n-M_n^2$. ...
T. Amdeberhan's user avatar
11 votes
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Example of noncomplete quotient of complete lcs mod closed subspace

The following statement is well-known: for a Fréchet space $V$ and a closed subspace $W \subseteq V$ the quotient $V / W$ is again complete and hence a Fréchet space. For the particular case of a ...
Stefan Waldmann's user avatar
11 votes
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Bilinear product of two summable families

Consider the following statement, which I suspect is false as written: Let $E,F,G$ be (Hausdorff) topological vector spaces (over $\mathbb{R}$), let $\varphi\colon E\times F\to G$ be continuous and ...
Gro-Tsen's user avatar
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Reference request : Grothendieck's topological space valued integral

As I am learning the different kind of Banach space valued integrals (Pettis, Bochner), I know that Grothendieck made a "mémoire" in his youth about this topic, but I don't know if it is available ...
Paul-Benjamin's user avatar
10 votes
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When do tensor products of C*-algebras commute with colimits?

Let $I$ be a filtered poset, which you should think of as being huge. Let $A_i$ be an $I$-diagram of $C^{\star}$-algebras and let $A$ be the colimit of this diagram; if necessary, we can also assume ...
Fabian Lenhardt's user avatar
10 votes
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Birkhoff Ergodic Theorem and Ergodic Decomposition Theorem for Continuous-Time Markov Processes

I have a couple of questions regarding ergodicity for Markov processes in continuous time. (In particular, the first question seems like it should be particularly basic, and yet I haven't managed to ...
Julian Newman's user avatar
10 votes
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Continuity of the product map

Let $A$ be a $C^*$-algebra. Is it possible to characterize $A$ for which the product map defined by $$\sum\limits_{i=1}^n a_i\otimes b_i \mapsto \sum\limits_{i=1}^n a_i b_i$$ is continuous with ...
Kate Juschenko's user avatar
10 votes
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Which W*-algebras are the duals of C*-coalgebras?

A Banach algebra (assumed associative and unital) is precisely a monoid object in the monoidal category of Banach spaces, short linear maps, and the projective tensor product. A Banach coalgebra is ...
Toby Bartels's user avatar
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Anti-concentration of Gaussian quadratic form

Let $X_1,\dots,X_n$ denote i.i.d. standard Gaussian random variables. My question is: Do there exist absolute constants $C,c>0$ such that for every $\epsilon>0$ and positive real numbers $a_1,\...
Mitch's user avatar
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Rate of convergence of smooth mollifiers

How does one figure out/prove the rate of convergence (in some norm) of mollifiers given a function bounded in some other norm (say Sobolev space, Besov space)? Also, is there a dimensional analysis ...
Phil Isett's user avatar
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Traces of Sobolev spaces

Is there a simple proof of the following fact? Theorem. Let $\Omega\subset\mathbb{R}^n$ be a bounded and smooth domain. If $n>2$, then $W^{1,n-1}(\partial\Omega)\subset W^{1-\frac{1}{n},n}(\...
Piotr Hajlasz's user avatar
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A problem in functional calculus

This is embarrassing, I think it must work, but I can't see how to prove it works. If anyone knows enough functional calculus of operators on a Hilbert space to tell me how to do it, I would be very ...
Edwin Beggs's user avatar
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5 answers

Convexity of distance-to-boundary function

Let $\Omega\subset\mathbb{R}^{n}$ be an open, bounded convex domain. Denote $d_{\Omega}:\Omega\rightarrow\mathbb{R}$ the distance-to-boundary function, that is, $$ d_{\Omega}\left(x\right):=\inf\left\...
Hadarmad's user avatar
9 votes
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Has the Lie group preserving a probability distribution been used in Bayesian statistics?

For a (possibly signed) nondegenerate probability measure $\pi$ on $\{1,\dots,n\}$ define $$\langle \pi \rangle := \{R \in \operatorname{STO}(n): \pi R = \pi \}.$$ Here $\operatorname{STO}(n)$ denotes ...
Steve Huntsman's user avatar
9 votes
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What are some characterizations of the strong and total variation convergence topologies on measures?

I asked this question on StackExchange a few days ago but didn't get any response, so I thought I would try here. The Wikipedia article on convergence of measures defines three kinds of convergence: ...
user39080's user avatar
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Compactness of the unit ball of a Banach space for topologies finer than the weak* topology

Let $(\mathcal{X} , \|\cdot \|_\mathcal{X})$ be a Banach space and $\mathcal{X}'$ its topological dual. We denote by $\| \cdot \|_{\mathcal{X}'}$ the dual norm and define also the topological dual $\...
Goulifet's user avatar
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Cubic almost-vertex-transitive graphs with given spanning tree

Consider the infinite 3-regular tree. Pick a vertex $C$, the "center". For any integer $L\ge 1$ consider the closed ball, in the graph distance, of radius $L$ around $C$. Let $T_L$ be the induced ...
Abdelmalek Abdesselam's user avatar
8 votes
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Covering number of Lipschitz functions

What do we know about the covering number of $L$-Lipschitz functions mapping say, $\mathbb{R}^n \rightarrow \mathbb{R}$ for some $L >0$? Only 2 results I have found so far are, That the $\infty$-...
gradstudent's user avatar
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Strictly singular operators and their adjoints

This is a question I thought about a while back and figured I'd throw it out there to see if anyone has some insight that I am missing. Let $X$ and $Y$ be infinite dimensional separable Banach ...
Kevin Beanland's user avatar
8 votes
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Which complete orthomodular lattices arise from von Neumann algebras?

Let $A$ be a von Neumann algebra. Then a classic observation is that the set of projections $\Pi(A)$ is naturally a complete orthomodular lattice. Question 1: Is the construction $A \mapsto \Pi(A)$ a ...
Tim Campion's user avatar
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Transitive closure of balanced mass transport in Z (move to close)

Given two atomic measures $\mu$ and $\nu$ on $\mathbb{Z}$, write $\mu \sim \nu$ iff there exist countable decompositions $\mu = \mu_1 + \mu_2 + \cdots$ and $\nu = \nu_1 + \nu_2 + \cdots$ along with ...
James Propp's user avatar
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Relating different topologies on $C^{\infty}_c(M)$

This is somehow connected to this question. I can think of at least four topologies to put on $C_c(M)$: Topologize $C^{\infty}_c(M)\subseteq C^{\infty}(M)$ as a subspace with the weak Whitney $C^\...
Kathrin L.'s user avatar
8 votes
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Division of Distributions by Polynomials

Let $P(z)$ be a non-null complex polynomial in $n$ variables $z=(z_1,\dots,z_n)$: \begin{equation} P(z)=\sum_{|\alpha| \leq N} c_{\alpha} z^{\alpha}, \end{equation} where as usual for every $\alpha=(\...
Maurizio Barbato's user avatar
8 votes
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How often a random walk with irrational increments is close to 0?

Let $\omega$ be an irrational number, and $X$ a random variable taking values $1,-1,\omega,-\omega$ each with probability $1/4$. Let then $X_i$ be iid variables with the same law as $X$ and $S_n=\sum_{...
kaleidoscop's user avatar
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