Consider a sequence of independent uniform $[0,1]$ random variables, and for nonnegative real $t$, let $m(t)$ be the expected number of terms in the first partial sum that exceeds $t$. For instance it's folklore that $m(1)=e$, meaning we need on average $e$ terms to get the sum above 1. It follows from renewal theory that for large $t$, $$m(t) = 2t + 2/3 + o(1),$$ but
How does the error $m(t) - (2t+2/3)$ behave?
In particular,
Can $m(t)$ be expressed as $$m(t) = 2t + \sum_{\gamma_i}C_ie^{\gamma_i t},$$ where $\gamma_i$ are the complex roots of the equation $1-\gamma = e^{-\gamma}$?
I started to think about this as I was trying to come up with a clever answer to the question Random walk with positive uniformly distributed steps.
An expression for $m(t)$ can be derived from the so-called renewal equation, which in this case becomes $$m(t) = 1 + \int_{t-1}^t m(x)\,dx$$ for $t\geq 1$, while $m(t) = e^t$ for $0\leq t\leq 1$. This leads (after differentiation) to $m(t) - m'(t) = m(t-1)$, and one can establish by induction that for nonnegative real $t$, $$m(t) = \sum_{k=0}^{\lfloor t \rfloor} \frac{(-1)^k(t-k)^k}{k!}e^{t-k}.$$ Some numerical computation reveals that $m(t)$ is extremely close to $2t+2/3$ even for moderately large $t$. For instance, $$m(5) = e^5 - 4e^4 + \frac92e^3 - \frac43e^2 + \frac1{24}e \approx 10.66666207.$$
The reason $m(t)$ is close to $2t+2/3$ is that the expected value of the first sum that exceeds $t$ is equal to the expectation of the terms (in this case $1/2$) times $m(t)$ (an instance of Wald's equation). And the first sum that exceeds $t$ will do so by an amount which is close to $1/3$ in expectation (see the "inspection paradox").
The difference $m(t) - (2t+2/3)$ seems to be exponentially small, but what is the easiest way to get a reasonable bound? Is there some clever coupling to a stationary process? Those of you who have Maple available can get a plot with the command
Here I have scaled up the error term by an arbitrary factor $e^{2t}$ just to see it more clearly.
It seems that the error term oscillates with a more or less constant frequency. For instance, it has 59 zeros in the interval $0\leq t \leq 25$, and another 59 in the interval $25\leq t \leq 50$.
We can try to explain this behavior by looking at the equation $m(t)-m'(t) = m(t-1)$ without boundary conditions. The ansatz $m(t) = e^{\gamma t}$ leads to the equation $$1-\gamma = e^{-\gamma},$$ and we can try to express $m(t)$ as $$m(t) = 2t + \sum_i C_ie^{\gamma_i t},$$ where $\gamma_i$ ranges over the complex roots of $1-\gamma = e^{-\gamma}$, or if we prefer real numbers, $$m(t) = 2t + \sum_i e^{\alpha_i t}\left(A_i \cos\beta_i t + B_i \sin\beta_i t\right),$$ where $\alpha\pm \beta i$ are the pairs of conjugate roots of $1-\gamma = e^{-\gamma}$.
There is a "trivial" zero at $\gamma = 0$, and the next (in order of decreasing real part and increasing imaginary part) pair of roots are at approximately $-2.09\pm 7.46i$. The plot of the error term is consistent with a term coming from these roots. The error is decaying a little faster than $e^{-2t}$, and the frequency of the oscillations is about $7.46$, so that we expect around $7.46/\pi \approx 2.37$ sign-changes per unit.
Can we establish that $m(t)$ is a sum of this type, and can we say something about the coefficients $A_i$ and $B_i$?