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Questions tagged [classical-mechanics]

Mathematics of classical mechanics, including Hamiltonian mechanics, Lagrangian mechanics, applications of symplectic geometry to mechanics, deterministic chaos, resonance etc.

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0 answers

Nature of separatrix in Fokker--Planck Hamiltonian with two degrees of freedom

Background The semiclassical (weak noise, small $D$) limit of the Fokker--Planck equation $$\frac{\partial P}{\partial t}=D\frac{\partial^2 P}{\partial x^2}-\frac{\partial}{\partial x}(v(x) P)$$ can ...
Austen's user avatar
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4 votes
1 answer

Weinstein's local classification of Lagrangian foliations

In the paper "Symplectic manifolds and their Lagrangian submanifolds", Weinstein showed that locally all the Lagrangian foliations are symplectomorhic to the fiber foliation of a cotangent bundle. I ...
Piojo's user avatar
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3 votes
0 answers

A taut string of equilateral triangles

Let $T$ be a unit edge-length equilateral triangle composed of three cylinders each of (small) radius $r>0$. (By "small" I mean approximately $< 0.1$.) Think of $T$ as a physical, rigid triangle,...
Joseph O'Rourke's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

Find a maximizing solution to an ODE which depends on a paramater function

(For the physical meaning of this problem see Given $g \in (0,\infty), k \in C^1( [0, \...
Brainstorming's user avatar
25 votes
1 answer

Bouncing a ball down the stairs

In a nutshell, the question is whether it can be faster to bounce a ball down an infinite flight of stairs than to bounce it down a ramp with the same slope. To be more specific: this is a $2$ ...
Jeff Strom's user avatar
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6 votes
1 answer

Is there a sideways-walking rolling convex body?

Let $K$ be a solid, homogenous convex body in $\mathbb{R}^3$. Place $K$ on an inclined plane, and let it roll down the plane, under some reasonable assumptions of friction between $K$ and the plane, ...
Joseph O'Rourke's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Planar linkage that traces a circle from its exterior?

Q. Is there a linkage in the plane that traces out a circle $C$ in such a manner that the interior of the disk bounded by $C$ is never intersected by any link througout the motion? What I mean ...
Joseph O'Rourke's user avatar
48 votes
2 answers

Geometric interpretation of the half-derivative?

For $f(x)=x$, the half-derivative of $f$ is $$\frac{d^{\frac{1}{2}}}{dx^{\frac{1}{2}}} x = 2 \sqrt{\frac{x}{\pi}} \;.$$ Is there some geometric interpretation of (Q1) this specific derivative, and, (...
Joseph O'Rourke's user avatar
7 votes
2 answers

Well-definedness of single-particle smooth billiards flow

Single-particle billiards systems in a domain with corners, or multi-particle billiards in a domain with smooth boundary, can exhibit singularities in finite time. (The former phenomenon is well known;...
James Propp's user avatar
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33 votes
5 answers

Differentiable functions with discontinuous derivatives

For years I've taught my honors calculus students about functions like (the continuous extension of) $x^2 \sin 1/x$, and for just as many years I've told them that they won't encounter functions like ...
James Propp's user avatar
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9 votes
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Periodic orbits of a spinning ball in a square

Periodic orbits of a billiard ball bouncing in a square have been well-studied. I am seeking similar analysis of what is sometimes called a rough ball, one whose high friction causes it to pick up ...
Joseph O'Rourke's user avatar
25 votes
5 answers

Can the equation of motion with friction be written as Euler-Lagrange equation, and does it have a quantum version?

My (non-expert) impression is that many physically important equations of motion can be obtained as Euler-Lagrange equations. For example in quantum fields theories and in quantum mechanics quantum ...
asv's user avatar
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9 votes
1 answer

Oloid and sphericon: rolling develops entire surface

Wikipedia says that, "The oloid is one of the only known objects, along with some members of the sphericon family, that while rolling, develops its entire surface." Below are illustrations of ...
Joseph O'Rourke's user avatar
-1 votes
2 answers

Regarding understanding differential geometry [closed]

I am essentially looking for a book that would hold my hand through basic concepts to more complicated ones. I am coming from physics. I am looking to make some connections with Classical mechanics ...
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22 votes
4 answers

Non-chaotic bouncing-ball curves

I was surprised to learn from two Mathematica Demos by Enrique Zeleny that an elastic ball bouncing in a V or in a sinusoidal channel exhibits chaotic behavior:     (The Poincaré map ...
Joseph O'Rourke's user avatar
3 votes
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How to find solutions of non-linear ODE with particular BCs

What are some methods, numerical or otherwise, of finding solutions to nonlinear ODEs that satisfy particular boundary conditions? In particular, I'm looking for curves y(s) constrained to a ...
ZachMcDargh's user avatar
6 votes
1 answer

Relation between Lee and Yang' s "circle theorem", zeta functions and Weil conjectures?

Ruelle mentions ( ) Lee and Yang' s "circle theorem", which comes from statistical mechanics and shall have not yet explored connections with zeta ...
Thomas Riepe's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

Derivation of Bessel functions

I am writing a summary on a work on Fluid Dynamics that develops irrotational flow states that appear to interact amongst each other according to the equations of Electromagnetism
user34091's user avatar
3 votes
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higher order Noether identities

Noether's second variational theorem gives a correspondence between symmetries of a Lagrangian and Noether identities, which are relations among the Euler–Lagrange equations. How about relations ...
Jim Stasheff's user avatar
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11 votes
5 answers

To what extent does trajectory determine gravity sources?

Suppose one has in-hand an accurate time-space trajectory in $\mathbb{R}^3$ of a (small) body, say an asteroid or satellite—effectively a point. To what extent does this trajectory determine the ...
Joseph O'Rourke's user avatar
14 votes
1 answer

Egg-ovoid rolling down an inclined plane

I am seeking a mathematical analysis of an egg-ovoid rolling down an inclined plane, for pedagogical reasons. It is well-known folk lore that the shape of an egg prevents it from rolling away from ...
Joseph O'Rourke's user avatar
3 votes
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Rigid-body in a central field: orbital and attitude motion

Question I would like to find a nice set of explicit coordinates for the family (parametrised by angular momentum) of reduced systems representing a rigid-body in a central field in which the orbital ...
Dayal C Strub's user avatar
5 votes
1 answer

1-jet bundle on vector bundle with metric connection

Background I'm working to simplify the Lagrangian formalism of classical field theory for the situation of a vector bundle with a bundle metric and a metric connection. Particularly, I want to specify ...
Tobias Ohrmann's user avatar
6 votes
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Generalization of the non-existence of a monostatic planar body

Domokos, Papadopulos, and Ruina showed that there does not exist a convex planar rigid body of uniform density which has only one orientation of stable equilibrium and one orientation of unstable ...
Yoav Kallus's user avatar
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9 votes
2 answers

Classical Limit of Feynman Path Integral

I understand that in the limit that $\hbar$ goes to zero, the Feynman path integral is dominated by the classical path, and then using the stationary phase approximation we can derive an approximation ...
dab's user avatar
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19 votes
3 answers

Classical limit of quantum mechanics

There is a well-known principle that one can recover classical mechanics from quantum mechanics in the limit as $\hbar$ goes to zero. I am looking for the strongest statement one can make concerning ...
dab's user avatar
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Minimizing action squared versus action

I have a very basic question in the calculus of variations: Suppose I want to minimize the functional $$A[r, r'] = \int_\Omega L(r, r') dx $$ When is it possible to say that extremals of $A$ agree ...
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1 vote
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Generating functions and Lagrangian submanifolds

I'm interested in showing the existence of a generating function. Explicitly: Suppose $\Lambda\subset T^*M\times T^*M$ is a Lagrangian submanifold. Consider the projection $\pi:(x_1,\xi_1,x_2,\xi_2)...
Rob's user avatar
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2 answers

How to deal with the singular reduction of the Hamiltonian n body problem?

I would like to consider the reduced Hamiltonian $n$ body problem, but am struggling with the angular momentum reduction seeing as the $SO(3)$ action is not free and the reduction is singular. ...
Dayal C Strub's user avatar
6 votes
2 answers

References for the Poincaré-Cartan forms

Hello, everybody. I'm looking for some reference about the Poincaré-Cartan form, I do not know how it is defined, I just know that it is used in Lagrangian mechanics but I have not found any ...
Richard Bonne's user avatar
9 votes
1 answer

Generalizing a square wheel to a body rolling on a surface

A square wheel rolling on a catenary road maintains the wheel center at a fixed height, a well-known construction previously discussed on MO (e.g., "Generalizing square wheels rolling on inverted ...
Joseph O'Rourke's user avatar
6 votes
1 answer

How the Jacobi metrics may be useful in mechanics with or without constraints?

A mechanical system $(Q,K,V)$ is specified by the configuration space $Q,$ the potential energy $V\in C^\infty(Q),$ and the kinetic energy $K=K_g$ given by a Riemannian metric $g$ on $Q.$ If $V{<}...
agt's user avatar
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Transformation of the dynamics of mechanical system under coordinate change

It is well known that the dynamics equation for a mechanical system (e.g. a robotics manipulator) is given be the Euler-Lagrange equation which takes the particular form (in the simplified version), $...
Jorge's user avatar
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In search for a more geometric proof of a result of van der Schaft and Maschke on nonholonomic mechanics

Edit: Now I have found something that appears to answer my own question. It is section 2 in the paper "On Submanifolds and Quotients of Poisson and Jacobi Manifolds" by Ch.-M. Marle. (There, he ...
agt's user avatar
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11 votes
3 answers

"Rolling Geodesics": Designing a $k$-putt green

I am interested in what might be called rolling geodesics, paths of physical particles confined to a surface in $\mathbb{R}^3$ under certain force conditions. Here I will pose a specific (but ...
Joseph O'Rourke's user avatar
171 votes
8 answers

The "Dzhanibekov effect" - an exercise in mechanics or fiction? Explain mathematically a video from a space station

The question briefly: Can one explain the "Dzhanibekov effect" (see youtube videos from space station or comments below) on the basis of the standard rigid body dynamics using Euler's equations? (Or ...
Alexander Chervov's user avatar
5 votes
3 answers

The Lagrangian formulation of mechanics without going through variational principles.

In some texts on classical mechanics and not only, the Euler--Lagrange equations of motion are directly obtained as solution of variational problems. On the other side, sometimes reading about ...
agt's user avatar
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Dissipative Hamiltonian System with a Periodic Force

Let $H:P \to \mathbb{R}$ be a Hamiltonian on a symplectic manifold $(\omega,P)$ and let $X_H: P \to TP$ be the Hamiltonian vector-field. Let $F:P \to T^*P$ be a dissipative force field such that for $...
hoj201's user avatar
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1 answer

Classical analogue of the Stone-von Neumann Theorem?

Let $U_s$, $V_t$ be a pair of continuous $n$-parameter groups ($n < \infty$) of unitary operators on a complex Hilbert space $\mathcal{H}$. The Stone-von Neumann Theorem establishes that any such ...
soulphysics's user avatar
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What happens when Appell-Chetaev's rule for constrained mechanical systems is not applicable?

Background: Let be given a mechanical system whose configuration space is a manifold $Q$, and the kinetic energy is a metric $K$ on $Q$, in presence of a potential function $V$. Let us identify the ...
agt's user avatar
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41 votes
2 answers

Topple height of randomly stacked bricks

What is the expected height of a stack of unit-length bricks, each one stacked on the previous with a uniformly random shift within $\pm \delta$? The stack topples if the center of gravity of the top $...
Joseph O'Rourke's user avatar
5 votes
2 answers

Elastostatics and homotopy type

In perfect elastostatics, the unknown is the displacement $x\mapsto y$, where $x\in\Omega\subset{\mathbb R}^3$ is the reference configuration, and $y\in{\mathbb R}^3$. It obeys to an 2nd-order PDEs. ...
Denis Serre's user avatar
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15 votes
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Functions approximated by rolling epicycle curves

Imagine a decreasing sequence of (positive) radii $r_1 > r_2 > r_3 > \cdots$ and a series of nested circles $C_1 \supset C_2 \supset C_3 \supset \cdots$ with these radii, initially each ...
Joseph O'Rourke's user avatar
20 votes
4 answers

What is the role of contact geometry in the hamiltonian mechanics?

Let us assume someone is interested in the study of Hamiltonian mechanics. What are good examples to illustrate him of the usefulness of contact geometry in this context? On one hand the Hamiltonian ...
agt's user avatar
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37 votes
6 answers

Billiard dynamics under gravity

Has the dynamics of billiards in a polygon subject to gravity been studied? What I have in mind is something like this:            Still Snell's Law ...
Joseph O'Rourke's user avatar
16 votes
5 answers

G-bundles in classical mechanics

The paper Geometry of the Prytz Planimeter described a mechanical instrument whose configuration space is an $S^1$-bundle with an $SU(1,1)$ action. That paper goes on to study the holonomies of ...
8 votes
1 answer

The rain hull and the rain ridge

Rain falls steadily on an island, a 2-manifold $M$, which you may assume, as you prefer, is: (a) smooth, or (b) a PL-manifold, or perhaps even (c) a triangulated irregular network (TIN). After a time,...
Joseph O'Rourke's user avatar
3 votes
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Find a second integral for Arnold's example

Consider Arnold's example for Arnold diffusion 1964. $$H=I_1^2/2+I_2^2/2+\epsilon(1-\cos\theta_2)(1+\mu(\sin\theta_1+\sin t)) $$ We can first make it a system of three degrees of freedom. Then we ...
John Galt's user avatar
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22 votes
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Surface equivalent of catenary curve

A catenary curve is the shape taken by an idealized hanging chain or rope under the influence of gravity. It has the equation $y= a \cosh (x/a)$. My question is: What is the shape taken by an ...
Joseph O'Rourke's user avatar
19 votes
6 answers

reference for Noether's theorem

What is a good reference for a geometric version of Noether's theorem about Lagrangians, symmetries and conserved currents?
user4's user avatar
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