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Bounded metric spaces with non-surjective self-isometry

A metric space $(X,d)$ is said to be bounded if there is $r\in\mathbb{R}$ such that for all $x,y\in X$ we have $d(x,y) \leq r$. A self-isometry is a map $\iota:X\to X$ such that for all $x,y\in X$ we ...
Dominic van der Zypen's user avatar
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Minimum number of people such that 2 can be expected to sit next to each other [closed]

We are given a large, round table with $n$ seats. It is easy to see that whenever $p\geq \text{int}(\frac{n}{2}) + 1$ people are seated, at least $2$ people will sit next to each other (here $\text{...
Dominic van der Zypen's user avatar
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Combinatorical meaning of such expression [closed]

Any combinatorical meaning or interpretation of $$1^{\alpha_1}2^{\alpha_2}3^{\alpha_3}...s^{\alpha_s}\alpha_1!\alpha_2!...\alpha_s!$$ for partition $(1^{\alpha_1},2^{\alpha_2},3^{\alpha_3},...,s^{\...
Radmir's user avatar
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Degree of a rational function [closed]

I would like to have a simple proof for the following result: Let $f=\frac{p}{q}:\mathbb{C}\longrightarrow\mathbb{C}$ be a quotient of polynomials (of course, at some points it may be undefined). ...
Jjm's user avatar
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finitely generated subgroups of SO(3) [closed]

Is it known whether there is any example of a pair of rotations in $SO(3)$ about orthogonal axes such that the group that they generate is not a free product of the two cyclic groups generated by each ...
Rupert's user avatar
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Systems of ODEs that fulfill a matrix relationship at steady state [closed]

It is well known that for a system of linear ODE $$x'(t) = A(t) \cdot x(t) + b(t)$$ with initial condition $x(t_0) = x_0$, that for a solution at any other time point $t_1$, $x(t_1) = (z_1, \ldots, ...
tobias's user avatar
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2 answers

Any duality between different real forms of a complex Lie group? [closed]

A complex Lie group may have several real forms. Are there any duality/trinity... between them? Maybe a trivial question to ask, is $SL(3,\mathbb{C})$ a real form of $SL(3,\mathbb{C})\times SL(3,\...
Piojo's user avatar
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1 answer

What are the formula of representation of quasicrystals and the law or mechanism of the formation [closed]

I vaguely recall that formula of representation of quasicrystals is relevant to tiling plane,and tiling plane without period is relevant to recursiveness, and do not know the mechanism or physics ...
XL _At_Here_There's user avatar
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($^{\omega}2$,<) is not well-order. [closed]

Let < be a lexicographic order on $^{\omega}2$ or in other words given distinct functions $f,g$ from $\omega$ to 2, let $f<g$ if and only if $f(n)=0$ and $g(n)=1$, where $n$ is the lease $m<\...
user49156's user avatar
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Action of automorphism group on Lie algebra [closed]

I want to know whether an automorphism group of a simple Lie algebra over $GF(2)$, acts transitively on non-zero elements of Lie algebra or not? How can I check this property?
user118746's user avatar
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Doubt in this proof of Horrocks theorem

I'm beginning to study some research papers and I need right now to understand the solution of Vaseršteĭn of Serre's theorem (simplest proof of this theorem), to do so, I'm beginning to understand ...
user26832's user avatar
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Solving a difficult equation for a variable?

I'm trying to obtain the maximum likelihood estimate of the parameters for a model I'm building. I have constants $\sigma$, $\mu$, and $q_0$; a boolean matrix $\alpha$; and vectors $A, \beta, r, d,$ ...
rhombidodecahedron's user avatar
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Can the isometry group of the set of zeros of an L-function $F$ be used to make $F$ automorphic?

I'm still trying to understand the notion of automorphic (L-)function. Due to my lack of knowledge of the subject, this question may appear pretty vague and therefore may not be suitable for MO. I ...
Sylvain JULIEN's user avatar
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How to obtain the determinant of the difference of two matrices? [closed]

I am trying to obtain the determinant of the difference between the identity matrix and an A matrix. The question is such: ...
sedef kaplan's user avatar
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A question on parallelizable manifolds [closed]

Let $M$ be a manifold with the property that $f^{*}(TM)$ is isomorphic to TM, for every diffeomorphism $f$ on $M$. Does this imply that $M$ is parallelizable?
Ali Taghavi's user avatar
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spanning tree of a graph of minimum degree three

Does each graph of minimum degree three admit a spanning tree whose vertices have degree three (exactly) except the leaves (degree one)?
Rick's user avatar
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Dixon's Theorem [closed]

I am going through a sketch of the proof of Dixon's Theorem (the probability that two randomly chosen elements of A_n generate A_n -> 1 as n -> infinity) due to M. Liebeck and its underlying idea is ...
user42751's user avatar
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a measure convolution equation

My question is: Given a function $f$ in the Schwartz class, we are looking for a measure $\mu$ which is a solution of the convolution equation: $f = e^{-|.|^2/2} \ast \mu$, where $e^{-|.|^2/2}$ is ...
mostafa's user avatar
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Forms of multivariate CLT [closed]

I am looking for a good reference for differnt kinds of multivariate central limit theorems. I was wondering how far the i.i.d. condition of the standard multivariate clt can be relaxed, as in can the ...
wanderflo's user avatar
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Howto plot a specific complex function [closed]

We need to plot the real and imaginary parts of a complex function $k(\omega)$, and cannot find a good way to do this without using "ad hoc tricks." Definitions $k$ is a complex-valued function ...
Petern's user avatar
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Upper bound of a series

Given $N$ and $a$ positive integers, with $a\ge 2$ is it possible to prove the inequality: $$\sum_{k=1}^N\frac{k^a}{(k+1)^a+(k+2)^a}\le\frac{N}{2}$$
Riccardo.Alestra's user avatar
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representation of teichmuller space Teichmuller space [closed]

I want to study representation of teichmuller space of surface of genus g in psl(2,R). can you suggest any good references.
Bidyut Sanki's user avatar
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2 answers

Is this divisor ample on the product of two curves [closed]

Let $X$ and $Y$ be complete curves over a field $k$ of characteristic zero. Let $S = X \times_k Y$. Assume that Y has a $k$-rational point and use this point to consider $X$ as a divisor (also denoted ...
Charles J's user avatar
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3 answers

Turing-Shannon connection

From Alan Turing we know what we can expect from a computer and from Claude Shannon what we can expect from a communication channel. Does anyone know any connection between these two theories (namely,...
mikitov's user avatar
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2 answers

Graphic representation of an antisymmetric relation on a set [closed]

Hi, I'm learning about relations on sets, and I'm trying to figure out what exactly antisymmetric means. The way we represent a relation is like a adjacency matrix. In my textbook I see that ...
synepis's user avatar
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Water jug puzzle [closed]

There are n red & n blue jugs of different sizes and shapes. All red jugs hold different amounts of water as the blue ones. For every red jug, there is a blue jug that holds the same amount of ...
Fauzil Mohammed's user avatar
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Generic coordinate system representations [closed]

Please excuse the verboseness which follows, as the question is rather basic, so I would like to state it carefully so that it will not be accidentally neglected as automatically trivial. If, after my ...
mordiman99's user avatar
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Determine noise distribution [closed]

I'm trying to solve the following least squares problem: $\underset{x}{\text{min}} ||Ax - \tilde{b}||_2$ where $Ax = b$ and $\tilde{b} = b + w$ Question: How do I determine which probability ...
Jacob's user avatar
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probability of subset sum after rolling dice 4 times [closed]

If we roll 4 dices (fair), what is the probability of "sum of subset" being 5. e.g. 1432,1121, 2344, 2354 have a subset sum of 5. Can you illustrate how to calculate this.
Binger's user avatar
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Sufficient Conditions for Graph "Non-Isomorphisms" [closed]

Suppose we have two graphs $G_1$ and $G_2$. To check whether these two graphs are not isomorphic, is it sufficient to find a $k$-cycle in $G_1$ but can't find a $k$-cycle in $G_2$ (or vice versa)?
Adam J's user avatar
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Similarity of Ellipsoids

Suppose I have two ellipsoids $A$ and $B$ respectively represented as $(x-C_A)^T M_A(x-C_A)$ and $(x-C_B)^T M_B(x-C_B)$ in the matrix representation. What's the best way to find a a function that ...
Jacob's user avatar
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What is the weakest condition on the matrices A_k that guarantees v_k->0 => A_kv_k->0 ? [closed]

What is the weakest condition on the sequence of real matrices A_k that guarantees that whenever a sequence of real vectores v_k converges to zero, the product A_kv_k also converges to zero? Edit: ...
Shake Baby's user avatar
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Can this theory interpret Peano arithmetic?

Logic: Bi-sorted first order logic with equality, first sort written in lower case range over natural numbers, the second sort written in upper case range over sets of naturals, "$=$" has no ...
Zuhair Al-Johar's user avatar
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What is the computational complexity to verify a P solution with a deterministic Turing machine? [closed]

As we know, NP (nondeterministic polynomial time) is a complexity class used to classify decision problems. NP is the set of decision problems for which the problem instances, where the answer is &...
XL _At_Here_There's user avatar
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Defining the set of natural numbers in the first order Peano arithmetic [closed]

The question seems simple, but I'm not sure: let's consider a first order Peano Arithmetic and its standard model $N = \{ 0,1,2,3,... \}$ of natural numbers. A question: how can we define the whole ...
Viipuri's user avatar
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Branching process with varying offspring distribution at each step

Consider a simple branching process $Z_0,Z_1,Z_2...$ such that at every discrete step, a particle splits into $k\geq1$ particles where $k$ follows a discrete distribution with probability mass $p(k)$. ...
stopro's user avatar
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attempt improve rational approximation against Pade aproximation

I try to improve the approximation of the exponential function, using orthogonal function as BesselI , it seems that it is better than Pade approximation with the same number of terms $$e^z-\frac{2 ...
Capeamate's user avatar
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Convergence and roots of alternating periodic infinite series

Let $0<\alpha <1$ and $\beta > 0$. Consider the mapping $$F(\alpha, \beta) = \sum_{n=1}^{\infty}{\dfrac{(-1)^{n-1}\biggl( \cos \left(\beta\ln(n)\right)\biggr)}{n^{\alpha}}}.$$ Can we prove $F(...
MrPie 's user avatar
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applying the watson lemma to an integral [closed]

So i thought about applying the Watson lemma to determine the asymptotic behavior of the integral $$ I(x)=\int_{0}^{\infty} \frac{e^{-x(t-\ln(t))}}{(1+t^2)} dt, $$ as $x \rightarrow \infty$. I think ...
hello's user avatar
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Finite normal extensions

Suppose that $K$ is a finite field extension of $F$. Is the following equivalent to the extension being normal? If $L$ is an extension of $K$ and $\sigma:K\to L$ fixes $F$, then $\sigma(K) = K$. I ...
Yoav Len's user avatar
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Is this extension of the projectively extended real line, consistent?

This posting has been Edited. The edited material shall be noted. The projectively extended real line $\hat {\mathbb R}= \mathbb R \cup \{\infty\}$ is one system which allows division by zero! Yet it ...
Zuhair Al-Johar's user avatar
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Conjecture about the equality : $f(y)=y\ln(y)+\sum_{n=2}^{\infty}\pm\frac{\left(y\ln y\right)^n}{2^{a_n}}$

I try here because I expect I cannot have any answer on MSE : Problem : Let : $$f\left(x\right)=\frac{\left(1+\ln27\right)x!\ln x!}{x+1},g\left(x\right)=x\ln x$$ Then it seems $\exists y\in(0,1)$ and $...
DesmosTutu's user avatar
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In Galois theory, why solvable groups must have their quotient groups be Abelian? [closed]

The definition of solvable groups can be regarded as two constraints, one is that there must be a sequence of normal subgroups, and the other is that the quotient groups between these sequences are ...
Ray's user avatar
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How many positive roots can $\sum_{i}\frac{a_i}{x+b_i}$ have where $b_i$'s are all positive? [closed]

What is the maximum number of positive roots $\sum_{i}^N\frac{a_i}{x+b_i}$ can have where $b_i$'s are all positive? (everything here is a real number. To provide context, I encountered this problem ...
CWC's user avatar
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The norm of the difference of two normal states

Let $M$ be a type III$_1$ factor and $\rho$ be a normal state on $M$. If $p$ is a projection in $M$, can we find another normal state $\rho'$ on $M$ such that $\rho'(p)=0$ and $\|\rho-\rho'\|=k\rho(...
mathbeginner's user avatar
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Can the same dataset be described as Chaotic & Pareto/ Power law distribution?

I'm trying to abstract the mathematical part of the problem as much as possible before the details follow, There's this dynamic data set that's $O(2^{32})$, a recent result described it as a power-law ...
ShAr's user avatar
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What does the Concordant constructible universe model?

Define a ranking function $\cal R$ as: $\mathcal{R}: V \to ON; \,\mathcal {R}(x)= \min \alpha \, \forall y \in x: \alpha > \mathcal {R}(y) $ Now the constructible rank $\mathcal R^c$ of a set $X$ ...
Zuhair Al-Johar's user avatar
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Relationship between intersections [closed]

Given $N$ sets $X_1, \dots, X_N$ and two definitions of intersection $\cap'$ and $\cap''$, is it possible to show that $$ \vert X_i \cap' X_j \vert \le \vert X_i \cap'' X_j \vert, \quad \forall i,j \...
Cesare's user avatar
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Stationary distribution of a weighted directed acyclic graph

Is there any way to calculate the equilibrium (stationary) distribution for a weighted directed acyclic graph? Some references emphasized adjacency matrix to be symmetric. https://arxiv.org/abs/1012....
Mehdi Nmz's user avatar
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If a sequence of measures is weakly convergent outside each compact ball, the sequence itself is weakly convergent

Let $E$ be a $\mathbb R$-Banach space and $\mathcal M_+(E)$ denote the space of finite nonnegative measures on $\mathcal B(E)$. If $\lambda\in\mathcal M_+(E)$, let $$\left.\lambda\right|_\delta(B):=\...
0xbadf00d's user avatar
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