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238 votes
10 answers

If $f$ is infinitely differentiable then $f$ coincides with a polynomial

Let $f$ be an infinitely differentiable function on $[0,1]$ and suppose that for each $x \in [0,1]$ there is an integer $n \in \mathbb{N}$ such that $f^{(n)}(x)=0$. Then does $f$ coincide on $[0,1]$ ...
C.S.'s user avatar
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46 votes
7 answers

Are some numbers more irrational than others?

Some irrational numbers are transcendental, which makes them in some sense "more irrational" than algebraic numbers. There are also numbers, such as the golden ratio $\varphi$, which are poorly ...
I. J. Kennedy's user avatar
17 votes
2 answers

Kolmogorov superposition for smooth functions

Kolmogorov superposition theorem states that a continuous function $f(x_1,\ldots,x_n)$ can be written as $$f(x_1,\ldots,x_n)=\sum_{q=0}^{2n}\Phi_q\left(\sum_{p=1}^{n}\phi_{q,p}(x_p)\right)$$ for ...
O.R.'s user avatar
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14 votes
2 answers

Are all maps $\mathbb{R}^2 \to \mathbb{R}^2$ with fixed singular values affine?

Let $f:\mathbb{R}^2 \to \mathbb{R}^2$ be a smooth map whose differential has fixed distinct singular values $0<\sigma_1<\sigma_2$ and an everywhere positive determinant (which is the product $\...
Asaf Shachar's user avatar
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5 votes
1 answer

Infinite dimensional involutions: infinitely large sets of multivariate polynomials self-inverse under self-substitution

Examples of infinite dimensional involutions Edit 2/25/23, as suggested by YCOR below: (Start) The first return on a Google search on involution--from late Latin 'a rolling up'--gives the Oxford ...
Tom Copeland's user avatar
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107 votes
9 answers

solving $f(f(x))=g(x)$

This question is of course inspired by the question How to solve f(f(x))=cosx and Joel David Hamkins' answer, which somehow gives a formal trick for solving equations of the form $f(f(x))=g(x)$ on a ...
Kevin Buzzard's user avatar
45 votes
5 answers

An "analytic continuation" of power series coefficients

Cauchy residue theorem tells us that for a function $$f(z) = \sum_{k \in \mathbb{Z}} a(k) z^k,$$ the coefficient $a(k)$ can be extracted by an integral formula $$a(k) = \frac{1}{2\pi i}\oint f(z) z^{-...
MCH's user avatar
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8 votes
3 answers

Ramanujan's Master Formula: A proof and relation to umbral calculus

The Ramanujan's master theorem states that: $$ \int_0^{\infty}x^{s-1}\sum_{n=0}^{\infty}\frac{(-1)^n}{n!}a_nx^ndx=\Gamma(s)a_{-s} $$ I found a really strange proof recently on a personal blog: Define $...
FFjet's user avatar
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40 votes
5 answers

Is there a natural measures on the space of measurable functions?

Given a set Ω and a σ-algebra F of subsets, is there some natural way to assign something like a "uniform" measure on the space of all measurable functions on this space? (I suppose first ...
Kenny Easwaran's user avatar
122 votes
5 answers

Is the series $\sum_n|\sin n|^n/n$ convergent?

Problem. Is the series $$\sum_{n=1}^\infty\frac{|\sin(n)|^n}n$$convergent? (The problem was posed on 22.06.2017 by Ph D students of H.Steinhaus Center of Wroclaw Polytechnica. The promised prize for ...
Lviv Scottish Book's user avatar
74 votes
15 answers

$f(f(x))=\exp(x)-1$ and other functions "just in the middle" between linear and exponential

The question is about the function $f(x)$ so that $f(f(x))=\exp (x)-1$. The question is open ended and it was discussed quite recently in the comment thread in Aaronson's blog here http://...
Gil Kalai's user avatar
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46 votes
4 answers

Why could Mertens not prove the prime number theorem?

We know that $$ \sum_{n \le x}\frac{1}{n\ln n} = \ln\ln x + c_1 + O(1/x) $$ where $c_1$ is a constant. Again Mertens' theorem says that the primes $p$ satisfy $$ \sum_{p \le x}\frac{1}{p} = \ln\ln ...
Nilotpal Kanti Sinha's user avatar
26 votes
2 answers

Maximal ideals in the ring of continuous real-valued functions on ℝ

For a compact space $K$, the maximal ideals in the ring $C(K)$ of continuous real-valued functions on $K$ are easily identified with the points of $K$ (a point defines the maximal ideal of functions ...
Alon Amit's user avatar
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25 votes
9 answers

Function with range equal to whole reals on every open set

There is an example of a function that is unbounded on every open set. Just take $f(n/m) = m$ for coprime $n$ and $m$ and $f(irrational) = 0$. I want to generalize this in a way to get a function ...
falagar's user avatar
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23 votes
3 answers

Density of smooth functions under "Hölder metric"

This question came up when I was doing some reading into convolution squares of singular measures. Recall a function $f$ on the torus $T = [-1/2,1/2]$ is said to be $\alpha$-Hölder (for $0 < \alpha ...
Vince's user avatar
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11 votes
1 answer

Extending an assignment property from Q to R (or C)

Property of any odd number of nonnegative integers: Given $x_1 \leq \cdots \leq x_{2n + 1}$ with each $x_i \in \mathbb{Z}_{\geq 0}$, suppose that for any $x_i$ we remove, the remaining numbers can be ...
Benjamin Dickman's user avatar
5 votes
1 answer

Hausdorff dimension of the graph of a BV function

Let $u: \Omega\subset \mathbb{R}^N \to \mathbb{R}^M$ be a $BV$ function. Is the Hausdorff dimension of the graph of $u$ equal to $N$? How can we prove it? Update. In an answer to this post, it ...
Riku's user avatar
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102 votes
21 answers

Proofs of the uncountability of the reals

Recently, I learnt in my analysis class the proof of the uncountability of the reals via the Nested Interval Theorem (Wayback Machine). At first, I was excited to see a variant proof (as it did not ...
Unknown's user avatar
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52 votes
7 answers

On an example of an eventually oscillating function

For $x\in(0,1)$, put $$f(x):=\sum_{n=0}^{\infty}(-1)^{n}x^{2^{n}}.$$ This function possesses interesting properties. It grows monotonically from $0$ up to certain point. Then it starts to oscillate ...
Twi's user avatar
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46 votes
2 answers

"Closed-form" functions with half-exponential growth

Let's call a function f:N→N half-exponential if there exist constants 1<c<d such that for all sufficiently large n, cn < f(f(n)) < dn. Then my question is this: can we prove that no ...
Scott Aaronson's user avatar
43 votes
2 answers

Square root of a positive $C^\infty$ function.

Suppose $f$ is a $C^\infty$ function from the reals to the reals that is never negative. Does it have a $C^\infty$ square root? Clearly the only problem points are those at which $f$ vanishes.
Michael  Barr's user avatar
39 votes
8 answers

Can Cantor set be the zero set of a continuous function?

More generally, can the zero set $V(f)$ of a continuous function $f : \mathbb{R} \to \mathbb{R}$ be nowhere dense and uncountable? What if $f$ is smooth? Some days ago I discovered that in this proof ...
pinaki's user avatar
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38 votes
13 answers

Continuous relations?

What might it mean for a relation $R\subset X\times Y$ to be continuous, where $X$ and $Y$ are topological spaces? In topology, category theory or in analysis? Is it possible, canonical, useful? I ...
Lehs's user avatar
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38 votes
4 answers

Binomial again, and again

Let $\lceil a\rceil=$ the smallest integer $\geq a$, otherwise known as the ceiling function. When the arguments are real, interpret $\binom{a}b$ using the Euler's gamma function, $\Gamma$. Recently, ...
T. Amdeberhan's user avatar
27 votes
3 answers

Kasteleyn's formula for domino tilings generalized?

It seems a marvel when a bunch of irrational numbers "conspire" to become rational, even better an integer. An elementary example is $\prod_{j=1}^n4\cos^2\left(\pi j/(2n+1)\right)=1$. Kasteleyn's ...
T. Amdeberhan's user avatar
26 votes
5 answers

Proof that no differentiable space-filling curve exists

Could someone provide a reference or a sketch of a proof that no differentiable space-filling curve exists? Or piecewise differentiable? Must every continuous space-filling curve be nowhere ...
Joseph O'Rourke's user avatar
19 votes
2 answers

Solutions-set first order ODE's without uniqueness

In short: What can we say about the set of all solutions of an ordinary differential equation (ODE) when we there is no uniqueness? Consider the ODE $f:D\to \mathbb{R}, \quad D\subseteq \mathbb{R}^2,$ ...
Amir Sagiv's user avatar
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18 votes
4 answers

Why is there no Borel function mapping every countable set of reals outside itself?

A choice function maps every set (in its domain) to an element of itself. This question concerns existence of an anti-choice function defined on the family of countable sets of reals. In an answer to ...
Aaron Meyerowitz's user avatar
10 votes
2 answers

Harmonic oscillator discrete spectrum

Let us act intentionally stupid and assume we do not know that we can solve for the spectrum of the harmonic oscillator $$-\frac{d^2}{dx^2}+x^2$$ explicitly. Is there an abstract argument why the ...
Zinkin's user avatar
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5 votes
2 answers

If the Hausforff dimension of the graph of a function $u$ is $N$ and $\tilde u = u$ a.e. then $\dim_H \mathrm{graph} \, \tilde u = N$ too

Let $\Omega$ be an open (non empty) set and $u:\Omega \subset \mathbb{R}^N \to \mathbb{R}^M$ be a function such that the Hausdorff dimension of its graph is $N$. Let $\tilde u = u$ a.e. Is it true ...
Riku's user avatar
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4 votes
1 answer

Meaning of Alberti rank-one theorem

Heuristically what does Alberti's rank-one theorem imply about the structure of a $\mathrm{BV}$ vector field $\boldsymbol{b}$? Is it rigorously fair to say that the level lines of $\boldsymbol{b}$ ...
user avatar
239 votes
14 answers

Have any long-suspected irrational numbers turned out to be rational?

The history of proving numbers irrational is full of interesting stories, from the ancient proofs for $\sqrt{2}$, to Lambert's irrationality proof for $\pi$, to Roger Apéry's surprise demonstration ...
106 votes
5 answers

integral of a "sin-omial" coefficients=binomial

I find the following averaged-integral amusing and intriguing, to say the least. Is there any proof? For any pair of integers $n\geq k\geq0$, we have $$\frac1{\pi}\int_0^{\pi}\frac{\sin^n(x)}{\...
T. Amdeberhan's user avatar
61 votes
1 answer

Every real function has a dense set on which its restriction is continuous

The title says it all: if $f\colon \mathbb{R} \to \mathbb{R}$ is any real function, there exists a dense subset $D$ of $\mathbb{R}$ such that $f|_D$ is continuous. Or so I'm told, but this leaves me ...
Gro-Tsen's user avatar
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54 votes
3 answers

On which regions can Green's theorem not be applied?

In elementary calculus texts, Green's theorem is proved for regions enclosed by piecewise smooth, simple closed curves (and by extension, finite unions of such regions), including regions that are not ...
GermanJablo's user avatar
51 votes
5 answers

Integrability of derivatives

Is there a (preferably simple) example of a function $f:(a,b)\to \mathbb{R}$ which is everywhere differentiable, such that $f'$ is not Riemann integrable? I ask for pedagogical reasons. Results in ...
Mark Meckes's user avatar
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44 votes
10 answers

Is square of Delta function defined somewhere?

I am wondering whether anyone knows if the square of Dirac Delta function is defined somewhere. In the beginning, this question might look strange. But by restricting the space of the test functions, ...
44 votes
3 answers

Smooth functions for which $f(x)$ is rational if and only if $x$ is rational

A friend of mine introduced me to the following question: Does there exist a smooth function $f: \mathbb{R} \to \mathbb{R}$, ($f \in C^\infty$), such that $f$ maps rationals to rationals and ...
J. J.'s user avatar
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38 votes
26 answers

Text for an introductory Real Analysis course.

Any suggestions on a good text to use for teaching an introductory Real Analysis course? Specifically what have you found to be useful about the approach taken in specific texts?
33 votes
2 answers

What is the smallest set of real continuous functions generating all rational numbers by iteration?

I recently came across this problem from USAMO 2005: "A calculator is broken so that the only keys that still work are the $\sin$, $\cos$, $\tan$, $\arcsin$, $\arccos$ and $\arctan$ buttons. The ...
Ivan Meir's user avatar
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30 votes
4 answers

is f a polynomial provided that it is "partially" smooth?

Let $f$ be a $C^\infty$ function on $(c,d)$ ,and let $O=\cup_{n\in \mathbb{Z}^+} (a_n,b_n)$ where $(a_n,b_n)$ are disjoint open interval in $(c,d)$ and $O$ is dense in $(c,d)$. Suppose for each $n\in ...
Ben's user avatar
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29 votes
1 answer

About the function $\prod_{k \in \mathbb{N}}(1-\frac{x^3}{k^3})$

I'm wondering if the function $$f(x)=\prod_{k \in \mathbb{N}}\left(1-\frac{x^3}{k^3}\right)$$ has a name, or if there are any properties (especially about derivatives of $f$) have studied so far. I ...
droptable's user avatar
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28 votes
4 answers

"Converse" of Taylor's theorem

Let $f:(a,b)\to\mathbb{R}$. We are given $(k+1)$ continuous functions $a_0,a_1,\ldots,a_k:(a,b)\to\mathbb{R}$ such that for every $c\in(a,b)$ we can write $f(c+t)=\sum_{i=0}^k a_i(c)t^i+o(t^k)$ (for ...
Mizar's user avatar
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20 votes
3 answers

mixing convex and concave for convexity

Let $n\in\mathbb{N}$ and $0<x<1$ be a real number. Is the following a convex function of $x$? $$G_n(x)=\log\left(\frac{(1+x^{4n+1})(1+x^{4n-1})(1+x^{2n})(1-x^{2n+1})}{(1+x^{2n+1})(1-x^{2n+2})}\...
T. Amdeberhan's user avatar
18 votes
1 answer

Function of two sets intersection

Let $U$ be the set of all nonempty subsets of $[0,1]$ that are a union of finitely many closed intervals (where an "interval" that is a single point does not count as an interval). Does ...
pi66's user avatar
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13 votes
5 answers

Reference request: Oldest calculus, real analysis books with exercises?

Per the title, what are some of the oldest calculus, real analysis books out there with exercises? Maybe there are some hidden gems from before the 20th century out there. Edit. Unsolved exercises ...
12 votes
2 answers

Function and Fourier transform vanish on an interval

I'm no expert on these things (and this may not be cutting edge research level; it's really motivated by this MSE question), but it seems that there are non-zero measures (and also functions (?), I ...
Christian Remling's user avatar
10 votes
2 answers

Is there a measure on $[0,1]$ that is 0 on meagre sets and 1 on co-meagre sets

I'm curious if there is a finite measure on the $\sigma$-algebra of subsets of $[0,1]$ with the Property of Baire, whose null sets are exactly the meagre sets. I'd also be interested how "nice" such ...
Tom Bouley's user avatar
10 votes
2 answers

Proof in constructive mathematics that the principal square root function exists in any Cauchy complete Archimedean ordered field

In classical mathematics, there exists only one Cauchy complete Archimedean ordered field, the Dedekind complete Archimedean ordered field. However, in constructive mathematics, there are multiple ...
Madeleine Birchfield's user avatar
8 votes
4 answers

Non-zero smooth functions vanishing on a Cantor set

It is easy to give examples of continuous functions $f:[0,1]\to \mathbb R_+\cup\{0\}$ non-zero but vanishing on a Cantor set (ex: Can Cantor set be the zero set of a continuous function?). It is ...
user39115's user avatar
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