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maximum principle on compact manifolds with boundary

Let us consider the equation $Lu + f(u) = 0$ on a compact manifold $\overline{M} = M \cup \partial M$ with boundary, with Dirichlet boundary conditions. $L$ is a linear elliptic operator, and $f$ ...
noname's user avatar
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$\Gamma$ cohomology of principal series

Let $G$ be a noncompact connected real semisimple Lie group with finited center. Let $\Gamma$ be a cocompact discrete subgroup of $G$, and let $P$ be a parabolique subgroup with Langlands ...
shu's user avatar
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Convergence proof for fictitious play!

In "Fictitious play property for games with identical interests" by D. Monderer and L.S. Shapley, the convergence of fictitious play to a Nash equilibrium is proved for a potential game with players ...
Mohammad Khosravi's user avatar
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Laumon's "Sur les modules de Krichever"

I'm looking for a copy of the preprint mentioned in the title. Thank you very much in advance for any help!
user5831's user avatar
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Integral Cohomology of Symmetric Groups

Does anybody know a reference for the explicit description of the integral cohomology ring of $S_5$ and $S_6$. I can not find them anywhere in the internet. For $S_4$, I found C. B. Thomas's nice ...
Bob Dobbs's user avatar
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Sum-epimorphisms and prod-monomorphisms

        Sum-epimorphisms A longer time ago I have introduced the bi-onto maps for the topological category. Let me formulate here its general categorical definition: DEFINITION 1 ...
Włodzimierz Holsztyński's user avatar
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The fundamental group of the complement of codimension 2 submanifold

Suppose that $M^n$, $V^{n+2}$ are connected, compact smooth manifolds. Let $f\colon M^n\to V^{n+2}$ is a smooth embedding. Let $K_f$ be the kernel of the inclusion induced homomorphism $\pi_1(V-f(...
user283635's user avatar
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Fractional Poincare inequality on closed manifold

Let $u \in H^{\frac 12}(M)$ on a compact closed Riemannian manifold. Can someone refer me to a source where the inequality $$\lVert u - \bar u \rVert_{L^{2^*}} \leq C|u|_{H^{\frac 12}}$$ is proved, or ...
Recreate's user avatar
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Summing a function at integer points

For a real function $f$ defined on the reals, and real $y$, define the 2-way infinite sum $$ F_f(y) = \sum_{i\in\mathbb Z} f(y+i). $$ If $F_f(y)$ is defined for all $y$, it is periodic of period 1. ...
Brendan McKay's user avatar
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Reference Request: Category of explicit maps between primitive recursive sets?

[Edited] Let $\mathsf{PR}$ be the category defined as follows: Choose a specific presentation of Primitive Recursive Arithmetic, that is, with a specific set of terms for primitive recursive ...
Rex Butler's user avatar
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Property theories

Property theory is, as I have understood it, first of all characterized by an attempt to approach naive comprehension type-freely and without committing to extensionality. There is e.g. the work of ...
Frode Alfson Bjørdal's user avatar
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Quotient groups of "Abelian-times-compact", what are they called?

In what I am doing now this class of groups appears all the way: (Hausdorff) quotient groups of $A\times K$, where $A$ are locally compact abelian groups, and $K$ compact groups. I wonder, if this ...
Sergei Akbarov's user avatar
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Equivalent of Lauricella $F_D$ on an elliptic curve?

Lauricella's hypergeometric function $F_D$ is related to (weighted) configurations of points on $\mathbb{P}^1$. I am looking for generalizations to weighted point configurations on an elliptic curve. ...
WimC's user avatar
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Are the Standard Quantum Groups Coordinate Rings Noetherian?

Are the standard quantum groups $C_q[G]$ Noetherian and if so what is a standard reference?
Falertu Vatilski's user avatar
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Estimation of the number of local extrema

I have a question about a simple proposition, I suppose that this is something well-known or a special case of something well-known: Let $D\subset\mathbb{R}^{2}$ be the closed unit disk in the plane ...
Lev Balkanski's user avatar
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Help in understanding "Local well-posedness for the Maxwell-Schrodinger system"

Is there someone who knows the following paper "Local well-posedness for the Maxwell-Schrodinger system" by M.Nakamura and T.Wada. I'm trying to study it but I've some doubts. In particular I'm not ...
Sal's user avatar
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What is the state of the art of visualizing bifurcations for "difficult" dynamical systems?

This question is related to my other recent question on MO (although I am not confident that the dynamical system described in that other question is actually "difficult," in the sense that I will ...
Aaron Golden's user avatar
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Covering number of the range of a function

I have come across the need to know a bound on a certain curious quantity: the covering number of the range of a continuous function $f: D \rightarrow \mathbb{R}^n$, where $D \subseteq \mathbb{R}^m$. ...
Ankur's user avatar
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Reference : Special case of Banach-valued function integration by parts

Let $u \in L^p (0,T; L^1(\Omega))$ with $\partial_t u \in L^p(0,T; L^1(\Omega))$ and $v \in L^q (0,T; L^\infty(\Omega))$ with $\partial_t u \in L^q(0,T; L^\infty(\Omega))$ (with $1/p+1/q=1$ and $p \in ...
user37238's user avatar
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Reason for the Choice of Line Parameters in the Radon Transform

Why are the lines, over which the integrals in a Radon Transform are calculated, apparently always parameterized as $L(t,\phi,\alpha) := (t*\sin(\alpha)+s*\cos(\alpha),-t*\cos(\alpha)+s*\sin(\alpha))$,...
Manfred Weis's user avatar
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Regularity of solutions to $u' + Au = f$ for nonlinear monotone operator $A$

Consider the equation $$u' + Au = f$$ $$u|_{\partial \Omega} = 0$$ $$u(0) = u_0$$ where $A:L^p(0,T;W^{1,p}_0) \to L^q(0,T;W^{-1,q})$ is some monotone nonlinear operator (with additional assumptions). ...
DeleMax's user avatar
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Defining density of a random function using Radon-Nikodym Theorem

Let $(\Omega,\mathbb{F},P)$ be a probability space and $E$ be an infinite dimensional Banach space and $\mathbb{B}$ be the $\sigma$-algebra of Borel subset of $E$. Let $X$ be random function defined ...
Janak's user avatar
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Proper monomorphisms in complex analytic spaces

In the algebraic geometry of schemes, we know that monomorphisms which are universally closed (= every pullback is a closed map) and of finite type are closed immersions. See Gortz, Wedhorn "Algebraic ...
Onion Dip Carlip's user avatar
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Reference for a special case of the Hanson-Wright inequality

I would like find tail bounds for the expression $$ \begin{align*} \left|\left\langle a,\phi\right\rangle \left\langle \phi,b\right\rangle -\left\langle a,b\right\rangle\right|, \end{align*} $$ where $...
S.B.'s user avatar
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Kontsevich integral for 2-bridge knots

Are there any articles that explain a formula for Kontsevich integral of 2-bridge knots?
user50025's user avatar
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Name for generalization of bivariate weighted-homogeneous polynomials

A polynomial $f = \sum_j c_j X^{\alpha_j}Y^{\beta_j}\in\mathbb K[X,Y]$ is said weighted-homogeneous if there exist $p$, $q$ and $d$ (where $p$ and $q$ are not both $0$) such that $p\alpha_j+q\beta_j=d$...
Bruno's user avatar
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Noncommutativization of fixed point theory

What papers or references have been devoted for a noncommutativization of "Fixed point theory". Here the terminology Noncommutativiztion, as usual, indicates to that famous table with 2 columns: ...
Ali Taghavi's user avatar
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Reference for a proof of a projective representation of $A_6$

This question is copied from math.stackexchange, in hope that it might get some attension. I want to understand the proof of There is a projective representation of $A_6 \hookrightarrow PSU(3).$ ...
algeom's user avatar
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A (different) foliation arising from Hopf fibration

In this question, first we fix an isomorphism between $TS^{3}$ and $S^{3}\times \mathbb{R}^{3}$.(To be more precise we consider the global trivialization of $TS^{3}$ with help of $3$ global ...
Ali Taghavi's user avatar
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Gauss's Cirlce Problem #lattice points in circle

Can someone link me the proof that $E(r)/r^{1/2}$ -> infinity when $r$->infinity? Where #lattice points in circle = $Pi*r^2+E(r)$
user60490's user avatar
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Pull-back of the tautological vector bundle and the number of trivializations

I've heard about the following result: for each two natural numbers $d,n\in\mathbb{N}$ one can find a number $k\in\mathbb{N}$ with the following property: for each CW-complex $X$ with $\dim X\leq d$ ...
truebaran's user avatar
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Non-Convex Polygons with "Antipodal Visibility"

by "antipodal visibility" of planar, simple polygons I mean the following property: if two points $p$ and $q$ on the polygon's boundary divide the polygon's boundary into two polylines of equal length,...
Manfred Weis's user avatar
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Lyapunov stability, nonlinear system

Please, is there any reference for proposition below or does it perhaps follow from a standard fact? I've got it for some other problem but I actually do not know how to comment it in my article. ...
freddy's user avatar
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Thickness of the category of perfect complexes with finite length homology

Let $R$ be a commutative Noetherian local ring and let $D(R)$ be the derived category of $R$-modules. Recall that a chain complex $C_\bullet$ of modules over $R$ is called perfect if it is isomorphic ...
Mahdi Majidi-Zolbanin's user avatar
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Which "concrete" morphisms of varieties and motives induce bijections of their lower Chow groups?

This question is a continuation of Varieties with Chow groups supported in positive codimension: examples and properties? What examples are known of morphisms of varieties and Chow motives (say, over ...
Mikhail Bondarko's user avatar
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Reference needed for Hilbert-Schmidt result regarding basis of $V \subset H$

I am seeking a reference that says: If $V \subset H \subset V^*$ is a Gelfand triple with all spaces Hilbert spaces and if $V \subset H$ is a compact embedding, then there is a basis of $V$ which ...
MMML's user avatar
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Why $D^b(S)\cong D^b_{\text{Car}}(\text{cosq}(X\rightarrow S))$?

Let $p: X\rightarrow S$ be a map between topological spaces and we can construct the simplicial space $\text{cosq}(X\rightarrow S)$ where $X_0=X$, $X_1=X\times_S X$ and $$ X_n=\underbrace{ X\times_S \...
Zhaoting Wei's user avatar
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Strong Dependence

I don't know if this definition has been already given. Suppose $X$ and $Y$ are two random variables over finite alphabets $\mathcal{X}$ and $\mathcal{Y}$. We say $Y$ is strongly dependent on $X$ if ...
math-Student's user avatar
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Asymptotic decay for the inhomogeneous Schrödinger equation

Let $H$ be an Schrödinger operator $(-\Delta+V(x))$ with a radially symmetric and smooth potential and $H$ is e.s.a. on $C^\infty_0(\mathbb{R}^n)$, furthermore let $\lambda$ be an element of the ...
Daniel's user avatar
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Davenport's proof that almost all integers are the sum of 4 cubes

Where can I find a pdf that describes Davenport's proof that almost all integers are the sum of $4$ cubes?
Mayank Pandey's user avatar
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Exactness of the relative de Rham complex restricted to subschemes

I think that the statement below about relative de Rham complex is true (am I wrong?) If it is the case, a reference would be very helpful. (I admit that the statement sounds somewhat technical and ...
asv's user avatar
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Reference on calculation of 2nd cohomology group

Let $G$ be a finitely generated, infinite, countable discrete nonamenable group with zero first Betti number, I.e., $H^1(G, \ell^2(G))=0$, e.g., $G=F_2\times F_2$, the product of free groups of two ...
Jiang's user avatar
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First Description of how to Remove Radicals from Equations

Who first described the technique of removing radicals as indicated in the answers to questions Tools for Removing Radicals from Equations and Rewrite sum of radicals equation as polynomial equation ? ...
Manfred Weis's user avatar
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adjoint representation of 2-Lie groups

Baez and Crans in their paper on Lie 2-algebras refer to adjoint representations of Lie 2-groups but don't say much, as far as I can tell, except to say that such a representation acts on a 2-Lie ...
Eugene Lerman's user avatar
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Non-Abelian Fourier Analysis

I'm currently thinking to generalize a known result on abelian groups to non-abelian groups. This is the problem. Fix an abelian group $G$. We know that: $\mathbb{E}_{\chi\in \hat{G}}\chi(g)=\left\{\...
Omid Hatami's user avatar
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Jumps of jump diffusions

Let $W$ be a Brownian motion and $N$ a Poisson random measure defined on $\mathbb R_+ \times \mathbb R_0^n$ ($\mathbb R_0^n:=\mathbb R^n-\{0\}$) with compensator $\tilde N(dt,dz):= N(dt,dz) - dt \,\nu(...
epsilon's user avatar
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$L^{p}(\mathbb R)\subset L^{1}(\mathbb R) \ast L^{p}(\mathbb R), (1< p< \infty)$?

Let $\mathbb T$ be a circle group. In 1939, Salem, has shown that, every member of $L^{1}(\mathbb T)$ can written as a product(convolution) some other two members of $L^{1}(\mathbb T),$ that is, $L^...
Inquisitive's user avatar
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A question related to the Grauert semi-continuity theorem

Let $f\colon X\to Y$ be a proper holomorphic map of complex analytic manifolds. Assume $f$ to be submersive for simplicity, but probably it is not important. Let $\mathcal{F}$ be a coherent sheaf on $...
asv's user avatar
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Generalizing Concepts of Planar Euclidean Geometry to Symmetric TSP-Instances

To me it seems possible, to successfully look at symmetric TSP instances from a geometry-point of view. Examples are: the diagonals of the convex hull of a set of points in the euclidean plane; ...
Manfred Weis's user avatar
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Is this function space a "classical" Sobolev space?

I apologise if this is indeed classical but my functional analysis is quite rusty... My work recently led me to the norm: $(\|u\|_p)^p=\int_D (|u|^p+|\Delta u|^p)d\lambda$ where $D$ is the unit disk ...
Thomas Richard's user avatar

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