I apologise if this is indeed classical but my functional analysis is quite rusty...
My work recently led me to the norm: $(\|u\|_p)^p=\int_D (|u|^p+|\Delta u|^p)d\lambda$ where $D$ is the unit disk in the plane. Is the completion of the space of smooth functions on $D$ with respect to this norm a known Sobolev space ? If not is there a reference where this function space is studied ? I'm particularly interested into embeddings into other function spaces.
(Remark: I'm asking this because it works for $p=2$, using integration by parts and Cauchy-Schwarz inequality $\|\ \|_2$ is equivalent to the usual norm on $W^{2,2}(D)$.)
As pointed in the comments, my remark is not quite right. It however remains almost true: if one takes the completion of compactly supported functions on $D$, then one gets the Sobolev space $W^{2,2}_0(D)$. I should add that I am mostly interested in the case $p=1$.