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Cohomology in families of normal varieties

Let $f : X \to Y$ be a flat proper morphism of complex varieties whose fibers are normal varieties. Is it true that $\mathrm{dim}_{\mathbb{Q}} H^i(X_t, \mathbb{Q})$ is constant? For non-normal fibers, ...
Ben C's user avatar
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When is $W^{1,p}(\Omega)$ a Banach algebra?

Let $\Omega \subseteq \mathbb{R}^d$ be bounded and open with $\partial\Omega$ Lipschitz, $1<p<\infty$. My question: knowing that $f,g\in W^{1,p}(\Omega)$ for what $p$ can we conclude that $f\...
Bogdan's user avatar
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Generalization of the concept of a measure

Consider the following generalization of the concept of a measure: Let $L = (X, \lor, \land, \bot)$ be a semi-bounded lattice. Let $M = (Y, \bullet, e)$ be a commutative monoid. An $(L, M)$-measure is ...
user76284's user avatar
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Is the projective limit $\mathcal{D}(\mathbb{R})$ separable?

Let $\mathscr{D}(\mathbb{R})$ be the set $C_0^\infty(\mathbb{R})$ of smooth functions with compact support endowed with the following topology: The initial topology with respect to the family maps $(\...
CoffeeArabica's user avatar
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Higher categories using just simplicial sets

Is there a definition of $(\infty, n)$-category using just simplicial sets? This is the case for $n \leq 2$. Is the forgetful functor from saturated $n$-trivial complicial sets to simplicial sets an ...
Daniel Bruegmann's user avatar
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Deligne finitude and finiteness of etale cohomology

This probably is a very straightforward question. Does Deligne finitude imply etale cohomology with $\mu_l^{\otimes n}$ ($l$ is invertible) for finite type schemes over a finite field is finite? This ...
user127776's user avatar
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When can the eigenvalues be constrained to the right half plane as a result of column permutations?

Suppose we have a real square matrix. Under what conditions is it possible to permute the columns of the matrix such that all eigenvalues of the resulting matrix have nonnegative real part?
Max Aifer's user avatar
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LICQ vs MFCQ who is stronger [closed]

I want to ask you which constraint is stronger: MFCQ or LICQ.
zak.Ryd's user avatar
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Illumination from visible lattice points with inverse square intensity

It is well known that the number of $\mathbb{Z}^2$ lattice points visible from the origin is $6/\pi^2$, about $61$%. See, e.g., What fraction of the integer lattice can be seen from the origin?. I am ...
Joseph O'Rourke's user avatar
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Classification of homotopy types of topological spaces

Do higher groups classify the homotopy types of topological spaces? We may assume $\pi_n$ of the topological spaces are all finite and $\pi_n =0$ for large enough $n$. For example, if only $\pi_1 \neq ...
Xiao-Gang Wen's user avatar
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Another generalisation of euclidean division on integers

Let $n \in\mathbb N^*$. What are all the surjective functions $f: \mathbb N \rightarrow \{0,...,n-1\}=E $ such that there exist functions $g,h$ from $E^2$ to $E$ with: $\forall (m,k) \in\mathbb N^2,f(...
Dattier's user avatar
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Compatibility of Beck Chevalley condition: sheaves

Given a (not necessarily Cartesian) square of spaces $$\require{AMScd}\begin{CD} X @>g>> \overline{X} \\ @VVfV @VV\overline{f}V \\ Y @>\overline{g}>> \overline{Y} \end{CD}$$ does the ...
Pulcinella's user avatar
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Has this category of relational structures been studied?

Imagine we define a relational structure as an ordered pair, $(D,R)$, such that the set/class, $D$, is the domain, and the set/class, $R$, consists of relations of various arities over $D$. Now, let's ...
Âloh's user avatar
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How do these definitions of factorization algebra compare?

Question Several sources define (homotopy) factorization algebras in a seemingly different manner (I am looking at [CG], [Gi], and [CFM].) I wish to know how they compare with each other. I apologize ...
Ken's user avatar
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A question about a series of solutions to an elliptic PDE in $B_R$ which is compactly convergent as $R \rightarrow +\infty$

My question arises from Here. I have a series of eigenvalue equations in $B_R$. $$ -\Delta \phi_R+H(x) \phi_R=\lambda_R \phi_R, $$ where $\lambda_R \geq 0$ is the first nonzero eigenvalue, with $\...
Elio Li's user avatar
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Reparameterizing a function to be linearly bounded

Trying to find a reparameterization of a function from $f(y, z, \ldots)(x)$ to $f(y(a_1), z(a_2), \ldots)(x)$ so that for all $x \in [r, t]$ we have $$ |f(y(a_1), z(a_2), \dots)(x) - f(y(b_1), z(b_2), ...
ruler501's user avatar
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Properties of the stress energy tensor in Wightman formulation of CFT

In various papers that I have been reading about applying the Wightman axioms to conformal field theory, the authors write things like the following about the stress-energy tensor: $$\int \mathrm{d}x^...
Connor Mooney's user avatar
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Comparison of IC sheaves on Schubert varieties on two settings (l-adic vs. complex)

This question is basically about comparison of IC sheaves (or their sheaf cohomologies) for the settings: 1. variety is over $\mathbb{C}$ and sheaf is $\mathbb{C}$-linear, 2. variety is over a finite ...
Ji Woong Park's user avatar
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Does $\tilde{\mathrm E}_{6,3}^{(2)6}$ exist over a p-adic field?

Does a form of $\tilde{\mathrm E}_6^{(2)}$ with this Satake-Tits diagram exist over a p-adic field?
Daniel Sebald's user avatar
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Subgroups of a finite group whose conjugates intersect to conjugates of a specified subgroup

I have encountered a mysterious condition on finite groups in my research, and would like help understanding it better. Let $G$ be a finite group, and let $H\leq K\leq G$ be a chain of subgroup ...
Chase's user avatar
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Local dimension of stationary measures for iterated function systems with an expanding map

Consider the iterated function system (IFS) $X_n$ on $I = [0,1] $generated by the functions $\Phi = \{f_1,f_2,f_3\}$ and the probability vector $P = (p/2,p/2,1-p),$ where: $f_1,f_2: I\to I$, where $...
Matheus Manzatto's user avatar
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Embedding noetherian domains in a PID with finite index

The starting point of this post is the following question: Embedding number fields in fields with class number 1 It is shown that in the answers that , given an number field $K$, we cannot necessarily ...
GreginGre's user avatar
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Subgroups of the symmetric group and binary relations

Motivation The following came up in my work recently. (NB this is the motivation, not the question I'm asking. You can skip to the actual question below, which is self-contained, but not self-...
Z. A. K.'s user avatar
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Trivial homomorphism from a non-abelian group to an abelian group

I am stuck on this problem and cannot seem to find a good reasoning for drawing the required conclusion. The problem is as follows: Let $m\in \mathbb{N}$ and $n>3$. I want to show that there can be ...
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Collapse of spectral sequence computing Equivariant cohomology

I have already posted this question on math.stackexchanges but I got no answer and I decided to post it here. Let us consider the fibration $$ M\hookrightarrow EG\times_{\varphi}M\twoheadrightarrow BG ...
RiemannGauss's user avatar
15 votes
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Does $\Bbb Z[X]$ determine $X$?

For a Hausdorff space $X$, consider the free abelian group $\mathbb{Z}[X]$ generated by $X$. Equip it with the finest topology which makes the map $X\to\mathbb{Z}[X]$, $x\mapsto [x]$ continuous and ...
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Kaplansky inverse element theorem on group C-star algebra

In a class talking about $C^*$ algebra and (higher) index theory, I heard a theorem (related to Kaplansky, proved?), that is Suppose $\Gamma$ is a group (admitting Haar measure if necessary) while $\...
YOTAL's user avatar
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Turing degrees of sets separating two computably inseparable sets (theorems and antitheorems)

Let $A\subseteq\mathbb{N}$ be the set of Gödel codes of theorems of Peano arithmetic, and $B\subseteq\mathbb{N}$ be the set of codes of antitheorems (i.e, refutable statements, statements whose ...
Gro-Tsen's user avatar
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Green's function in terms of logarithmic potential and energy of a measure

Let $\mu$ be a finite (Borel) measure on $\mathbb{C}$ with compact support $K := \mbox{supp } \mu$. The logarithmic potential associated to the measure $\mu$ is \begin{equation} \Phi_{\mu}(z) = - \...
jcb2535's user avatar
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Given a rational matrix $Q$, can we generate $\langle Q^{i}(v)\mid i\in\mathbb Z,v\in\mathbb Z^{2}\rangle$ using only non-negative powers of a matrix?

I have copied this question from StackExchange, thank you to those who helped me to improve the question. (apology if you have seen this question already) Let $Q $ be a matrix in $ \operatorname{GL}(...
ghc1997's user avatar
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Enumerating all inequivalent planar embeddings of a planar graph

Graph $G$ can be embedded (or has an embedding) in the space if $G$ can be drawn in the space if $G$ can be drawn in such a way that no two edges cross except at an end-vertex in common. A Graph $G$ ...
Licheng Zhang's user avatar
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How did Szmielew prove that Pasch's axiom is a consequence of the circle axiom?

It is alleged that Szmielew proved that Pasch's axiom is a consequence of the circle axiom. The source is said to be The Pasch axiom as a consequence of the circle axiom, Bull.Acad.Polon.Sci.Sér.Sci....
parallelogram's user avatar
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Is there a reference on the space of Lipschitz continuous functions?

I have hard a time finding the specific properties I'm looking for, I'm wondering if there is literature which proves (or disproves) that the space of all Lipschitz continuous functions of some ...
CheeseBlues's user avatar
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Estimate for the gradient of solutions in an elliptic differential equation in a Sobolev space

Let $\Omega$ be a bounded or unbounded domain in $\mathbf R^{3}$ with a smooth boundary $S$ and a normal vector given by $n$. Now, we consider the following second-order elliptic problem with Neumann ...
Javier Gargiulo's user avatar
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Is the continued fraction of a constructible number special in some way?

Rationals have finite CF and quadratic have periodic CF. CF in turn can be represented in terms of the modular group SL2(Z), e.g. using the standard generators S(z)=-1/z and T(z)=z+1. On the other ...
Lucian Ionescu's user avatar
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Why is the logistic regression model good? (and its relation with maximizing entropy)

Suppose we're trying to train a classifier $\pi$ for $k$ classes that takes as input a feature vector $x\in\mathbb{R}^n$ and outputs a probability vector $\pi(x)\in\mathbb{R}^k$ such that $\sum_{v=1}^...
stupid_question_bot's user avatar
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Given a set of time-series data, how would I determine another time-series is a linear combination of the set?

In other words, determine if sum linear combination of existing time-series could result in the desired time-series. I'm unsure if assumptions about the time-series may clarify the problem better, so ...
Kevin Jiang's user avatar
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Algebraic de Rham cohomology with torus coefficients

Let $X$ be a smooth projective variety over $\mathbb{C}.$ On page 3 in this preprint of Simpson, it is stated that Notice first of all that the algebraic de Rham theory is not going to work well in ...
lzww's user avatar
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Tate isogeny theorem over varieties?

Let $X$ be a nice scheme, $\pi:E\to X$ an elliptic curve, and $\ell$ a prime invertible on $K$. Then we can consider the "Tate module" $(R^1\pi_*\mathbb{Z}_{\ell})^\vee=\hbox{''}\varprojlim\...
Curious's user avatar
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If the pointwise ergodic theorem holds along all subsequences with nonzero natural density, is the system strong mixing?

Let $\mathbf X := (X, \mathcal S, \mu, T)$ be an ergodic measure preserving system with finite measure such that for every increasing sequence $\{n_k\}$ of natural numbers whose natural density exists ...
Nate River's user avatar
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Mixed integer program and continuous Diophantine approximation

Let $n\in\mathbb{N}$ such that $n\geq 2$ and let $0<r<1$ be a real number. We wish to solve the following problem. $$\min_{(t,(z_j)_{j=2}^n) \in \mathbb{R}\times \mathbb{Z}^{n-1}} t$$ subject to ...
Pathikrit Basu's user avatar
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Subfields of division rings of degree $2$ which are not invariant

Let $A$ be a noncommutative division ring, and let $B$ be a sub division ring (here, $B$ is allowed to be commutative) of degree $2$. Are there easy examples known for which $B$ is not globally fixed ...
THC's user avatar
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An integral similar to the Delta function [closed]

I have an integral on the form $\int_{-\infty}^{\infty} e^{-k \omega' |\tau|} e^{i \tau(\omega'-\omega)} d\tau$ that I would like to simplify (or basically solve). This indeed comes from a problem ...
owp's user avatar
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15 votes
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(Very) Large numbers, Chaitin's incompletness theorem and a specific upper bound

Chaitin's incompleteness theorem roughly saying states that for any theory $S$ there exists universal constant $L$ that for any string $\sigma$ one cannot prove (within this theory) that $K(\sigma)>...
truebaran's user avatar
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41 votes
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Is number of different sums monotone?

Suppose you have a set $S$ consisting of $n$ different integers. Let $$W_k = \#\biggl\{x\in\Bbb Z\colon \text{there exists } T \subseteq S,\, \#T=k,\, \sum_{a \in T} a = x\biggr\}.$$ My question is: ...
ivmihajlin's user avatar
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Subgroups of top cohomological dimension

Let $G$ be a geometrically finite group, i.e. there exists a finite CW complex of type $K(G,1)$. By Serre's Theorem, every finite-index subgroup $H$ of $G$ satisfies $cd(H)=cd(G)$, but what about the ...
Stephan Mescher's user avatar
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Is a finite flat groupoid of affine schemes equivalent to an action groupoid of a finite flat group scheme?

Let $\mathscr X$ be an algebraic stack with a finite locally free presentation $\pi:X\to\mathscr X$ where $X$ is an affine scheme. Is it possible to find a presentation $\mathscr X=[Y/H]$ where $Y$ is ...
user's user avatar
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Optimization over permutation

The Problem This is the problem I am working on: Given a set $X = \{x_1, x_2, \cdots , x_n\}$ in a metric space, find an optimal ordering $\pi : X \rightarrow X$ that maximizes the following objective ...
Honglian's user avatar
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Number of partitions of set restricted by sum of square of part size

Let $p_1^{a_1}p_2^{a_2}\cdots$ denotes the integer partition of $n$, i.e. $a_1p_1+a_2p_2+\cdots=n$. Or equivalently $m_1+m_2+\cdots=n$. It is known that the number of partitions of set $\{x_1,x_2,\...
tony's user avatar
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Connected geometric thickness two

A graph $G = (V,E)$ has geometric thickness two if there exists an embedding $\varphi: V \rightarrow \mathbb{R}^2$ and a decomposition $E = E_1\cup E_2$ such that $G_1 = (V,E_1)$ and $G_2 = (V,E_2)$ ...
Till's user avatar
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