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Derivative norm estimates

Assume $\Phi$ is some diffeomorphism of a certain manifold. Let $\Phi^{-1}$ denote the inverse map and let $(D\Phi)^{-1}$ denote the matrix inverse of $D\Phi$. QUESTION. Does this norm estimate hold? ...
T. Amdeberhan's user avatar
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Proving one one condition for the Gaussian mixture model

$\textbf{Question:}$ Consider the following matrix representation for a two-component bivariate Gaussian Mixture Model (GMM): $S = \begin{bmatrix} A & X \\ X' & B \end{bmatrix}$ where $A = \...
Andyale's user avatar
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Condition under a function is uniquely identifiable by the supremum values

Let $f(x),g(x)$ be two real-valued functions on $\mathbb{R}$ and $h(x,y)$ be a real-valued function on the plane. We can assume continuity (maybe piecewise differentiability also) of these functions. ...
mukhujje's user avatar
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Reference request: "Higher order eigentuples" as generalized eigenvectors?

I stumbled upon a cute generalization of the eigenvalue problem and would like to know if anybody has seen something like this and can provide references. The eigenvalue problem for a square matrix $M$...
Dirk's user avatar
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Poisson binomial conjecture

Let $X_i\in\{0,1\}$ be mutually independent and distributed according to $\mathrm{Bernoulli}(p_i)$ and similarly, $Y_i\sim\mathrm{Bernoulli}(q_i)$, for some parameters $p,q\in[0,1]^n$. Put $X:=\sum_{i=...
Aryeh Kontorovich's user avatar
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Question on approximation of norms

Suppose that $E\in Int[L_{p},L_{q}]$ for some $1<p<q<\infty$ and $E$ is $w$-concave with $1<w<\infty$. It is well-known that for each $r\geq w$, we have $E=L_{r}\odot F_{r}$ for some ...
Sijie Luo's user avatar
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Constructing an $n$-simplex at the border of a $n$-ball by orthogonal hyperplanes

I want to construct an $n$-simplex the following way: Choose $n$ vectors in the boundary of an $n$ dimensional ball, which are forming an $(n-1)$-simplex together. Place the orthogonal affine $n-1$-...
weierstrass181's user avatar
8 votes
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What do smooth signatures give you?

My background is in rough paths theory. In short, if you have an irregular function $f:[0,T]\to\mathbb R^d$ and you want to make sense of integrals $\int_s^t \cdot \ df(r)$, the right objects that are ...
user479223's user avatar
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15 votes
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Natural examples of Borel surjections without right inverse

As discussed in this question, in general a Borel surjection $f:\mathbb{R}\rightarrow\mathbb{R}$ may not have a Borel right inverse, namely a $g$ such that $f\circ g=id$, although there is always a ...
183orbco3's user avatar
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Existence of solutions to a series of integral equations

I am trying to solve the following integral equation analytically: $$ \sum_{n \geq 1} \left( \int_0^te^{-n^2(t-s)} f_n(s) \, ds \right) = g(t), \quad t \in [0, T], $$ where $(f_n(t))_n$ is the unknown ...
Gustave's user avatar
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How can discrete Fourier transform approximation prove the completeness of complex exponentials in $L^2(T)$?

I have a question about the completeness of complex exponentials in function spaces. For the discrete set $ S = \{1, 2, \ldots, n\} $, it is clear and intuitive that $ e^{2\pi ikx/n} $ for $ k = 0, 1, ...
Zhang Yuhan's user avatar
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Prove uniqueness of Radon transform without using Fourier transform

The uniqueness of Radon transform can be expressed by the following claim (I assumed that the function has compact support for simplicity): If a continuous function with compact support has zero ...
Zhang Yuhan's user avatar
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When a null uncountable set can be image of some increasing function with discontinuities on a dense countable set

Consider the following result: A: Let $f:D \to \mathbb R$ be an increasing function with discontinuities on a dense countable subset of $D$ such that the jump values sum to $\mu(D)$, where $D$ is a ...
Amir's user avatar
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Derivate involving Bessel function of second type

Let. $$f := (x, y) \mapsto \text{BesselK}(1, c \cdot (a - b \cdot (x + y))) \cdot \exp(c \cdot b \cdot (y - x))$$ Is there a close formula for this $$\frac{\partial^{m+n}}{\partial y^m \partial x^n} f(...
Ryo Ken's user avatar
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Verify $ \limsup_{\epsilon \rightarrow 0^+} \int_{D}\frac{1}{\sqrt{(x-(1-\epsilon))^2 +y^2}}\frac{1}{\sqrt{1-\sqrt{x^2+y^2}}} \, dx \, dy <+\infty$

I want to know whether or not $$ \limsup_{\epsilon \rightarrow 0^+} \int_{D}\dfrac{1}{\sqrt{(x-(1-\epsilon))^2 +y^2}} \frac{1}{\sqrt{1-\sqrt{x^2+y^2}}} \, dx \, dy <+\infty.$$ Here $D $ denotes the ...
Jessi's user avatar
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13 votes
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Probability vector $p$ majorizes its normalized entropy vector $\small \frac{-p\log p}{H(p)}$

I guess the following inequality $$ \sum_{i=1}^n g \left (\frac{-p_i \log p_i}{H(\boldsymbol{p})} \right ) \le \sum_{i=1}^n g (p_i)$$ holds for any continuous convex function $g$ and any probability ...
Amir's user avatar
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A problem about matrix inverse and regularization methods

I'm researching the problem of solving the equation $A\mathbf{x}=\mathbf{b}$ with ill-conditioned matrices. We know that if we solve it directly, like $\mathbf{x}=\mathrm{inv}(A)\ast\mathbf{b}$, then ...
bing's user avatar
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Mappings that preserve local or global minimum

In the most general form, I'm interested in any non-trivial results of the following question. Consider metric space $X$ and $Y$, denote all real valued functions on $X$ and $Y$ as $\mathbb{R}^{X}$ ...
patchouli's user avatar
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Graceful labeling of the complete bipartite graph and its laplacian quadratic form diagonalized

A graceful labeling of a connected simple undirected graph $G=(V,E)$ is a map $f:V\to\lbrace 1,...,|E|+1\rbrace$ such that for all $t\in\lbrace 1,...,|E|\rbrace$ there is a (trivially unique) $\langle ...
Jens Fischer's user avatar
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Minimizing total variation under constraint

For $p\in[0,1]$, we write $\mathrm{Ber}(p)$ to denote the Bernoulli measure on $\{0,1\}$; that is, $\mathrm{Ber}(p)(0)=1-p$, $\mathrm{Ber}(p)(1)=p$. For $n\in\mathbb{N}$ and $p=(p_1,\ldots,p_n)\in[0,1]...
Aryeh Kontorovich's user avatar
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Non-degeneracy in hyperplane intersections of canonical curves

Let $C$ be a smooth projective non-hyperelliptic curve over $\mathbb{C}$ of genus $g = 4$. The canonical bundle $\omega_C$ induces a canonical embedding $C \longrightarrow \mathbb{CP}^3 $ such that $C$...
zxx's user avatar
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Maximizing a quadratic form involving a trace-bounded positive definite matrix?

$\newcommand{\tr}{\mathrm{tr}}$Suppose $P, Q$ are two real, symmetric positive definite matrices and $v$ a nonzero unit vector. Consider $$ f(X) = v^T(P + X^{-1})^{-1} v + v^T(Q + X^{-1})^{-1} v. $$ ...
Drew Brady's user avatar
6 votes
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Decimal expansion definition of real numbers, constructively

The two most common definitions of $\mathbb{R}$ are as Dedekind cuts or Cauchy sequences of rational numbers. A real analysis student of mine is working out of the book Real Analysis and Applications ...
Alec Rhea's user avatar
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Question about Lebesgue Bochner spaces

Let $T>0$ and $\Omega\subset\mathbb{R}^N$ be a bounded domain. Also $p\in (1,\infty)$ is any number. I know that $u\in L^{p}((0,T);L^p(\Omega))$ and $\nabla u\in L^{p}((0,T);L^p(\Omega))^N$. How ...
Bogdan's user avatar
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learning about split cut (Integer Programming)

Here is a part of Integer Programming (Graduate Texts in Mathematics, 271) 2014th Edition. In lemma 5.9, aiming at showing that a finite number of splits ${(\pi, \pi_0)}$ are sufficient to generate ...
Sai He's user avatar
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How to solve for bounds restricting ${\Sigma}$ to symmetric-positive-semi-definiteness?

Scenario I have a equation for a covariance matrix ${\Sigma}$ where everything but a vector of correlations is known aka $x=(x_{1}, \dots, x_{D})$ for $x_{i}\in [-1, 1]$. Problem I know that ${x}$ ...
maxamillianos's user avatar
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Special density on $L^2$

Let $\Omega\subset\mathbb{R}^N$ be a bounded domain, and $u\in L^2(\Omega)$ with $0\leq u(x)\leq 1$ a.e. on $\Omega$. It is well known that $C^{\infty}_c(\Omega)$ is dense in $L^2(\Omega)$. Because $C^...
Bogdan's user avatar
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About $CW(512,16^2)$

Definitions: A weighing matrix $W = W(n,k)$ with weight $k$ is a square matrix of order $n$ and entries $w_{ij}$ in $\{0, \pm 1\}$ such that $WW^T=kI$, where $I$ is the identity matrix. A circulant ...
user369335's user avatar
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Seeking Help with Classifying Polygons: Waterholes and Airpockets in 2D Space

I am currently in the process of writing software and have encountered a mathematical problem. Perhaps there are some experts here who are familiar with this. It involves the classification of ...
J. Mann's user avatar
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A surprisingly simple and difficult problem on sums of upper bounds

Let $T$ be a large integer, and $C$ be a positive real constant. Consider a sequence $\{p_t\}_{T\geq t\geq 1}$ of real numbers in $[0,1]$. The sequence $\{b_t\}_{T\geq t\geq 1}$ can be defined as ...
Alex Appel's user avatar
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A matrix-valued analogue of a classical inequality

Let $p \geq 4$ be an even integer. In the study of variational problems in $W^{1, p}$, it is handy to know that for $a, b \in \mathbb R^d$, $$|a - b|^p \leq 2^{p - 1} (|a|^{p - 2} + |b|^{p - 2}) |a - ...
Aidan Backus's user avatar
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Can I find $n$ points on the boundary of an $n$-dimensional ball with certain properties?

My problem is the following: I want to construct $n$ rays all starting at a point $v$ that is not in the $n$-dimensional ball around $0$ such that the following is true: The $n$-dimensional ball is a ...
limes_inferior's user avatar
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Low rank matrix completion with additional constraints

I have an $n \times n$ matrix $M$ of the form $$ \sum_{i=1}^r \pi_i \frac 1 {1 - s_i} (1 - s_i)^\top,$$ where the $s_i$'s are $n \times 1$ vectors with positive entries that sum to 1, $1 - s_i$ is the ...
Aurelien's user avatar
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Correct conditions for the image of a matrix to intersect a cone?

Given an $m \times n$ real (or rational) matrix $A = (a_{ij})$, what are necessary and sufficient conditions for the image of this matrix to intersect a cone? I am specifically interested in the cone $...
LGe's user avatar
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Is there an explicit, everywhere surjective $f:\mathbb{R}\to\mathbb{R}$ whose graph has zero Hausdorff measure in its dimension?

Suppose $f:\mathbb{R}\to\mathbb{R}$ is Borel. Let $\text{dim}_{\text{H}}(\cdot)$ be the Hausdorff dimension, and $\mathcal{H}^{\text{dim}_{\text{H}}(\cdot)}(\cdot)$ be the Hausdorff measure in its ...
Arbuja's user avatar
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'Sublinear' and 'superlinear' moduli of continuity

Recall, given a metric space $X$, a function $f:X \rightarrow \mathbb{R}$ has (uniform) modulus of continuity $w:[0,\infty) \rightarrow [0,\infty]$ if $|f(x) - f(y)| < w(|x-y|)$ for all $x,y \in X$....
algebroo's user avatar
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Bisymmetric Hadamard matrices

Definitions: An $n\times n$ Hadamard matrix is a matrix whose entries are either $1$ or $−1$ and whose rows are mutually orthogonal. A symmetric matrix is a square matrix that is equal to its own ...
user369335's user avatar
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Convolution of a bounded function and measures

Given a function $f\in L^\infty(\mathbb{R}^n)$ and a family of Radon measure $\mu_\alpha$, under what condition do we have $f*\mu_\alpha$ equi-continuous? One condition I know is if $\mu_\alpha$ has a ...
Sean's user avatar
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Summation of binomial coefficients with alternating signs

For a fixed $\alpha > 1$ and integer $n$, I want to provide some bounds or scaling results for the following summations $$S_1(n,\alpha) = \sum_{k = 1}^{n} {n \choose k} (-1)^{k + 1} k / (\alpha k + ...
yfful's user avatar
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Bound of entries of inverse of a unimodular matrix whose row sum is bounded

Many questions have been asked about the bound of the entries of the inverse of a matrix subject to certain conditions. Here my condition is slightly different: let $A=(a_{ij})$ be an $n \times n$ ...
oleout's user avatar
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Boundedness of sum of sin(sin(n))

Playing with desmos I have accidentally noticed that the sequence of partial sums $$\left\{ \sum_{n=1}^{N}\sin(\sin(n)) : N\geq 1 \right\}$$ is bounded. However, I did not succeed in proving this ...
Oleksandr Liubimov's user avatar
10 votes
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When does $\det(\frac{A+A^T}{2})=\det(A)$ for positive-definite $\frac{A+A^T}{2}$?

Setup: Let $A$ be a real square matrix and assume its symmetric part $\frac{A+A^T}{2}$ is positive-definite. The inequality $$ \det\left(\frac{A+A^T}{2}\right) \leq \lvert\det(A)\rvert $$ is known as ...
Aditya Bandekar's user avatar
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Generalized Rademacher theorem for fractional derivatives

It is known that if $f$ is $\alpha$ Holder and $\gamma<\alpha$ then $f$ is $\gamma$ fractional differentiable. See Theorem 14 in the paper by G. H. Hardy and J. E. Littlewood, "Some properties ...
user479223's user avatar
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Techniques for bounding the operator norm of the expectation of random matrix?

Let $\mu$ be a distribution on the unit sphere in $\mathbb{R}^n$. Let $u \sim \mu$ and consider the random matrix $$ A = I_n - uu^T. $$ Question: What techniques are available to provide (reasonably ...
Drew Brady's user avatar
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Vanishing of principal minors implies upper triangular up to permutation

Let $A$ be a square matrix. If $A$ satisfies the following two conditions (1) $A$ is upper triangular (2) all diagonal entries of $A$ are zero then it is easy to see that all principal minors of $A$...
LichenSDU's user avatar
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Tight tail bounds for sums of random variables

Let $X_1, X_2, \dots$ be iid uniformly on $[0,1]$. Define $Z_i^{(a)} = (X_i - a)^2$. Let $Y_n = \sum_{k=1}^n Z_k^{(1/k)}$. I am interested in matching tail bounds for $Y_n$ as $n \to \infty$. In ...
user14097523067's user avatar
4 votes
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Asymptotic decay rate of an oscillator integral

Question: I want to evaluate the decay estimate of the integral $I^d(t; v) = \int_0^{\sqrt{d}\pi} dr \, r^{d-2} \int_0^\pi \sin(tr) e^{i\sqrt{d}vtr\cos\theta} \sin^{d-2}\theta \, d\theta $ for ...
Ko Hey's user avatar
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Bounding elementary symmetric polynomials away from zero

Let $2 \leq m \leq n$ be integers and let $\mathbf{x} \in \mathbb{R}^n$ (importantly, I am not assuming that the entries of $\mathbf{x}$ are non-negative). The elementary symmetric polynomials are ...
Nathaniel Johnston's user avatar
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On elliptic operators on non-compact manifolds

Let $(M,g)$ be a (connected, oriented) Riemannian manifold and $E$ some finite-rank $\mathbb{R}$- or $\mathbb{C}$-vector bundle equipped with some (positive-definite) inner product on the level of (...
G. Blaickner's user avatar
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Minimizer of forward and reverse Kullback-Leibler divergence with sum constraints on marginals

Consider minimization of the Kullback Leibler divergence between two discrete distributions $p$ and $q$: \begin{align*} D_{KL} \left( p \parallel q \right) = \sum_i p_i \log \left( \frac{p_i}{q_i} \...
TalTal The Eighth's user avatar

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