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Uniqueness of solution of Volterra Integral Equation with deviating argument

In the context of a physics problem, I am looking at a linear integral equation 2nd kind Volterra equation with deviating (centrosymmetric) argument in the unknown $u(t) \in L^2[a,b]$: \begin{equation}...
Nebojša Đurić's user avatar
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Interpolation theory: equivalence of norms

Consider the interpolation space $Z=(X,Y)_{\theta,p}$. In the case $Y\subseteq X$ do we have that, for all $a>0$ the following norm: $$N_a:x\mapsto\left(\int_{0}^{a} \vert t^{-\theta}k(t,x)\vert^p \...
Samir Boujijane's user avatar
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Extension of a result about measurable, additive functionals

Let $W$ be a set, and let $v$ be a finitely additive probability measure on $2^W$. Equip $2^W$ with the Borel sigma-algebra $\mathcal{B}$ generated by the sub-basic sets of the form $\{a: w \in a\}$ ...
aduh's user avatar
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On functions obtained from Gaussian Quadrature integration

Fix an integer $n \ge 2$. Let $x_1,...,x_n$ s and $w_1,...,w_n$ s be the Gauss Quadrature nodes and weights respectively in the interval $[0,1]$ ( . ...
user521337's user avatar
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Mackey topology characterising property

Let $V$ be a topological $k$-vector space. Let $V^{\star}$ denote the space of all linear functionals $V \rightarrow k$ and $V' \subset V^{\star}$ the subspace of all continuous linear functionals. ...
user120487's user avatar
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The perturbation of a convex function can also be convex?

$ W^{1,\infty}(D)\ni f:D\to\mathbb R, (x,y)\mapsto f(x,y)$, is a strictly increasing on both dimensions (i.e. if $x_1>x_2$ then $f(x_1,y)>f(x_2,y)$), lipschitz continuous function defined on a ...
High GPA's user avatar
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Elliptic pde L^p theory via adjoint theory

Let $ T:X \rightarrow Y$ denote some linear operator and suppose we know its one to one (here $X$ and $Y$ are Banach spaces). I believe their is results that say $Ker(T^*)= (R(T))^\perp$ (where ...
Math604's user avatar
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Property of Fixed Point Function

Given an operator $\mathcal{T}$ that maps from a function $f: \mathbb{R}^d\rightarrow \mathbb{R}$ to another function $f': \mathbb{R}^d\rightarrow \mathbb{R}$, we are interested in the fixed point $f^*...
Minkov's user avatar
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Using semigroup theory for nonautonomous semilinear equations

We have the abstract evolution equation $$U^{\prime}=A(t)U+F(U), \quad U(0) = U_0.$$ If the operator $A$ is independent of time, we can get local existence of solutions by proving that $A$ is the ...
Houria Chell's user avatar
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A variation on Sylvester equation

Let $X$ be a finite measure space and $D,M$ be bounded linear operators on a $(L^1(X;\mathbb C))^2$. $D$ is a diagonal operator matrix whose entries are multiplication operators by the invertible ...
Delio Mugnolo's user avatar
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Extension of a derivation

Let I be a closed left ideal of a Banach algebra A and let D:I\to I* be a derivation. Does D extend to a derivation from A to A*?
B.Gillan's user avatar
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Kernel of Radon transform in $\mathbb{R}^3$

Consider the Radon transform from the space of functions on the manifold of affine lines in $\mathbb{R}^3$ to functions on the manifold of affine 2-planes in $\mathbb{R}^3$: $$(Rf)(H):=\int_{l\subset ...
asv's user avatar
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relative compact on nonlinear term

On the paper: Decay of Solutions to Nonlinear Schrodinger Equations. Let $u$ be a solution of the equation $$Hu+|u|^2u=0,$$ where $H$ is a Schrodinger operator, i.e. $-\Delta+V$ and $V$ is a (...
DLIN's user avatar
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Representability of smooth invertible Lipschitz functions by a finite composition of near-identity functions

Theorem 1 of this paper shows that For every positve integer $K$ and for every nonempty bounded domain $\mathcal X \subseteq \mathbb R^d$, the restriction on $\mathcal X$ of any function $h: \...
dohmatob's user avatar
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Completed Tensorproduct

I am trying to understand the completed tensorproduct. This can be defined as follows: Given a topological ring $R$ and two linearly topologized rings $A$ and $B$ with fundamental systems of open ...
slinshady's user avatar
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On different norms of the interpolating operator

Let $[a,b]$ be an interval in real line . Given any function $f:[a,b]\to \mathbb R$ and set $A \subseteq [a,b]$ of size $n+1$, there exists a unique polynomial $p_{f,A,n}(x)$ of degree $n$ such that $...
user521337's user avatar
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Limit contration rates and expansion rate solenoid map

Let M:=$S^{1}\times \mathcal{D}^1$ where $\mathcal{D}=\{v\in \mathcal{R}^2 | |v|<1\}$ carries the product distance and suppose $f:M\rightarrow M$,$(x,y,z)\rightarrow (\gamma x, \lambda y+v(x), \mu ...
Adam's user avatar
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Compact embedding result

Let $\tau$ and $\ell$ be positive numbers. We know that the space $H^2(0,\ell)\cap H^1_0(0,\ell)$ is compactly embedded into $L^6(0,\ell)$. Now, is the space $L^2(0,\tau;H^2(0,\ell)\cap H^1_0(0,\ell))$...
Saj_Eda's user avatar
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Why is $H^{1/2}$ a Hilbert space?

Let $n\in\mathbb{N}$ and $\Omega \subseteq \mathbb{R}^n$ sufficiently smooth. Then we have the Hilbert space $H^1(\Omega)$ and the trace operator $\operatorname{tr}: H^1(\Omega) \to L^2(\partial \...
Nathanael Skrepek's user avatar
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Is there a precise relationship between ``Geometric Functional Analysis" and high-dimensional probability/information theory?

The 2009 course on GFA by Roman Vershynin ( introduced the subject with this line on the course page, "...
gradstudent's user avatar
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Necessary conditions for a function to be represented as symmetric tensor product

Let $f(\cdot,\cdot)$ be any function of 2 arguments. Suppose also that the following equation holds $$f(y,x)+f(x,y)=g(x) h(y) +g(y)h(x) \quad \forall x, y$$ for arbitrary $h(\cdot)$ and $g(\cdot)$. ...
Aleksandr Samarin's user avatar
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Conditional Expectation for von Neumann algebra

Let $M$ be a von Neumann algebra and $T: M\rightarrow \mathbb{C}$ be a finite normal faithful tracial map, s.t., if $\phi : M \rightarrow A \cap A^{*}$ is a conditional expectation, (A being a weak ...
VSP's user avatar
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An example of a sequence of finite projections

Let $A$ be a vn-algebra. Suppose that $x$ is an isometry with $\inf_{n\geq1} x^nx^{*n}=0$ (Note that $x^nx^{*n}$ are all projections). Let $e$ be a (non-zero) finite projection and put $q_n$ to be ...
ABB's user avatar
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A Question on certain Hilbert space of continuous functions, and a characteristic of convergence in it

Define $T^k(\Omega)$, $\Omega$ an open subset of $\mathbb{R}^m$ (with a smooth boundary), as a space of function equivalance classes, with the norm defined as $$ \|f\|_{T^k(\Omega)}^2 = \|f\|_{L^2(...
Rajesh D's user avatar
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Unclear inequality of L2 norms (Poisson equation for modeling flow)

I encountered a problem working through a paper about modeling flow with the use of the Poisson equation (source given below). There appears an inequality of L2 norms I don't understand so far. Your ...
mueller_seb's user avatar
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Show that the norm's bound is an exponent

Let $f$ be a continuous function on $S^2$. Consider $g\in C^{\infty}(R)$, such that $g(x)=1$ for $|x|\leq 1$ and for $|x|\geq 2$. Let $h(x)=g(x)-g(2x)$. The notation $proj_k$ denotes the orthogonal ...
user124297's user avatar
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Nonlinear maps in Riesz Thorin theorem

The Riesz Thorin theorem allows us to interpolate between $L^p$ spaces and the usual assumption is that the map $T$ is linear. What I was wondering about is whether this is because otherwise you do ...
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Proof of Lemma 7.1 Bonsall and Duncan

In the proof of Lemma 1 in section 7 (A functional calculus for single Banach algebra element) of the book Complete normed algebras by Bonsall and Duncan, the last line says $$\phi\left(\frac{1}{2\pi ...
user580433's user avatar
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How can I obtain this inequality (from Evan's PDEs)

I am self studying PDEs from Evans' "Partial Differential Equations" textbook. Currently, I am going through Theorem 1 from Section 5.7 (Rellich-Kondrachov compactness theorem) and am having ...
Quoka's user avatar
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Relative boundedness of the adjoint

Let $X$ be a separable Banach space and $T_1:D(T_1) \subset X \rightarrow X$ and $T_2:D(T_2) \subset X \rightarrow X$ two closed operators with $D(T_2)\subset D(T_1)$ and $D(T_2^*) \subset D(T_1^*).$ ...
Hörmander123's user avatar
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Propagation of singularities and the Schrodinger equation

I always thought that the propagation of singularities theorem by Hörmander says (on $\mathbb R^n$ for a classical symbol $p(x,\xi)=\xi^2+V(x)$) that for a Schrödinger equation $$(i \partial_t-p(x,D))...
Thomas Young's user avatar
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Fast growing unbounded functions in the Sobolev space $H^1(\Omega)$

I am looking for unbounded functions that grow rapidly fast near the origin, but are in the Sobolev space $H^1{(\Omega)}$, where $\Omega$ is a unit square centered at the origin. I already know about ...
approximation's user avatar
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Is $Iso(V)$ a deformation retract of $GL(V)$ when $V$ is a finite dimensional linear normed space

Assume that $V$ is a finite dimensional real or complex normed linear space. Let $Iso(V)\subset GL(V)\subset L(V)$ be the space of linear isometric endomorphisms, invertible endomorphism and ...
Ali Taghavi's user avatar
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Are the sets whose convex hull surface admits multiple representations a shy set of sets?

Consider a compact subset $A$ of $R^n$. Let me call $A$ special if any point $x$ that is on the boundary of $\textsf{conv.hull}(A)$ admits a unique representation as a convex combination of points in $...
mimuller's user avatar
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Conditions for Poisson summation (for discontinuous functions)

Let $G$ be an locally compact abelian group with $\Gamma$ a discrete cocompact subgroup. I'm looking for precise conditions by which Poisson summation formula holds. That is, for some function $f$ on $...
Tian An's user avatar
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Dual of $C(X)$ with the compact open topology

Let $X$ be a completely regular space and let $C_k(X)$ be the space of all continuous functions with the compact-open topology. If $X$ is completely metrizable, is the strong dual $C(X)^*$ the strong ...
user125821's user avatar
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Fourier Lapalacian over periodic end

This is a technical question on Taubes' paper: Gauge theory over periodic end. on Page 378. Recall that: Let $Y$ be a closed manifold, with $b_1=1$, and $\tilde Y$ be the $\mathbb Z$-covering of $...
DLIN's user avatar
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trace inequality for Dirichlet Neumann operator

Does there exists a Sobolev trace inequality of the form $$ \|U(x, 0)\|_{L^{q}((a, b))} \leq C\sqrt{q}\| \nabla U \|_{L^{2} (\mathcal C)} ; \forall U\in H^{1}_{0, L} (\mathcal C)$$ and for any $q>...
sadiaz's user avatar
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Embedding standard function spaces into superstructure

I have a question concerning the precise handling the usual function spaces like $L^2$ in the context of the superstructure. In their paper Benci, Vieri; Luperi Baglini, Lorenzo. Generalized ...
Mikhail Katz's user avatar
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A nested sequence of closed subspaces of $\ell^2$

Let $\{v_n\}_{n \in \mathbb{N}} \subset \ell^2$ be a sequence in $\ell^2$ over $\mathbb{C}$ such that $\{v_n\}_{n \in \mathbb{N}}$ is linearly independent and $v_n \to u$. Is it possible extract a ...
Matey Math's user avatar
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Shifting Sobolev norms in a hyperbolic estimate

Suppose $\Omega$ is a bounded domain and $\omega \subset \Omega$. Suppose we have the following estimate: $$ \|u\|_{H^1((0,T) \times\Omega)} \leq C (\|u\|_{H^1((0,T) \times \omega)} + \|\Box u\|_{L^2((...
Ali's user avatar
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Status of an open problem in isometric aspect of Banach space theory

The following open problem is taken from the book Open Problems in the Geometry and Analysis of Banach Spaces, page $40.$ Problem $84:$ Assume that $X$ is an infinite-dimensional separable Banach ...
Idonknow's user avatar
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Discrete Wavelet Transform and Gaussian decay

I have a question regarding the possibility of constructing a Discrete Wavelet Transform based on a scaling function having Gaussian decay (and no more decay than that). More specifically, I am ...
S. Montaner's user avatar
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An equality of inner products of holomorphic curves

The following is the main result in the paper by Vinnikov, Putinar, Alpay: A Hilbert space approach to bounded analytic extension in the ball, 2003, Communications on Pure and Applied Analysis. The ...
Dj kahle's user avatar
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Realizing $N$-body Hamiltonian operator from $2$-body operator

Let $N\in\mathbb{N}$, and consider the formal $N$-body Schrodinger operator $$\sum_{j=1}^{N}-\partial_{x_{j}}^{2}+2c\sum_{1\leq j_{1}<j_{2}\leq N}\delta(X_{j_{1}}-X_{j_{2}}), \tag{1}$$ where $c\in\...
Matt Rosenzweig's user avatar
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Exponential decay of a convolution

Let $z=(x,y) \in \mathbb{R}^N \times (0,+\infty)$, and let $$ P_m(z)=y^{2s} |z|^{-\frac{N+2s}{2}} K_{\frac{N+2s}{2}}(m|z|), $$ where $N \geq 3$ is an integer, $0<s<1$ and $K_{\frac{N+2s}{2}}$ ...
Siminore's user avatar
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identity involving spectral functions

Let $A$ be any compact operator and let $A^*$ denote its adjoint. Let $f$ be a spectral function. Then is the following true : $$ A^* f(AA^*) = f(A^* A) A^*$$
Kcafe's user avatar
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If $H$ is a Hilbert space, is the projective tensor product $E\:\hat\otimes_\pi\:H$ isometrically isomorphic to $E\:\hat\otimes_\pi\:H'$?

Let $E$ be a $\mathbb R$-Banach space $H$ be a $\mathbb R$-Hilbert space $E\:\hat\otimes_\pi\:H$ denote the completion of the tensor product of $E$ and $H$ with respect to the projective norm By ...
0xbadf00d's user avatar
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On the bound of the Stein-Wainger oscillatory integral

Let $\lambda\in \mathbb{R}$, $\phi\in C^\infty(\mathbb{R})$. We define the Stein-Wainger oscillatory integral by $$I=p.v.\int_\mathbb{R} e^{i\lambda\phi(t)}\frac{dt}{t}.$$ Stein-Wainger [1] showed ...
orange's user avatar
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Functional equation with Fourier transform

What are the continuous functions $f$ such that on $\mathbb{R}^{+*}$: $$f(x) - \frac{C}{x} \hat{f}(\frac{1}{x}) =x^{\alpha}$$ Where $\hat{f}$ is the Fourier transform of $f(|x|)$ and $C$ a constant....
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