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Limit of minimizers of a class of functionals

Assume that $ \Omega $ is a smooth bounded domain in $ \mathbb{R}^n $. Consider a functional $$ \mathcal{F}(u)=\int_\Omega(|\nabla u|^2+h^{-1}|u-u_0|^2) \, dx $$ where $ h>0 $ is a parameter and $ ...
Luis Yanka Annalisc's user avatar
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A question about filterbasis

K. Hardy and R. G. Wood assert that the family in line 4 is a filterbase. I couldn't show it.
Mehmet Onat's user avatar
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When integrating by part produces a singularity

I'm currently interesting in the following operator: $$O[f](x):=f(x)-2xe^{x^2}\int_x^{+\infty}dt \, e^{-t^2} f(t)$$ for all $x\in\mathbb{R}$ and $f$ smooth and decaying at infinity fast enough with ...
BlueCharlie's user avatar
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Finite dimensionality of a subspace

Let $c>0$ and let $Y$ be the space of all distributions of compact support in $(-1,1)$ with singular support at $\{0\}$. Let $X$ be subspace of $Y$ such that for any $\phi \in X$ there holds: $$ \...
Ali's user avatar
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Riemann-Liouville integral of $f$ is zero implies $f =0$ a.e

The Riemann-Liouville integral is defined by $$ I^\alpha f(x)=\frac{1}{\Gamma(\alpha)} \int_a^x f(t)(x-t)^{\alpha-1} d t $$ where $\Gamma$ is the gamma function and $a$ is an arbitrary but fixed base ...
Grandes Jorasses's user avatar
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A property of the canonical dual frame in a Hilbert space

Let $\{ g_n \} $ be a frame in a separable Hilbert space $H$. Then the frame operator $S:H\to H$ defined as \begin{equation} S f := \sum_{n=1}^\infty (f,g_n)g_n \end{equation} is a Hilbert space ...
an_ordinary_mathematician's user avatar
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Roots of linear combination of $x \sin x$

Let $\theta=(\theta_1,\theta_2,\cdots \theta_n)$, and $a_{ij}$ are constants. There is no condition on the positiveness of $a_{ij}$. Under which condition on $\theta$, such that the following function ...
tony's user avatar
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Differential form of the multidimensional "orthogonal dilation" operator

For a one-dimensional $f(x)$, the dilation operator $f(ax)$ can be expressed as $\exp(g(D))f(x)$, where $g$ is a closed-form function. This is easily checked by e.g. formal Taylor series expansion. ...
Kanghun Kim's user avatar
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A question about uniformities generated by pseudometrics

Suppose that for all $n$ natural numbers, $d_{n}$ is a pseudometric on set $X $. Define $d=\sum_{n=1}^{\infty }a_{n}\frac{d_{n}}{1+d_{n}}$, where $\left( a_{n}\right) $ is a sequence of positive ...
Mehmet Onat's user avatar
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Property stronger than $T_1$ and weaker than regularity

Recently I got interested in the following property of topological spaces: $(X,\mathcal{T})$ satisfies (P) if the following holds: For any nonempty closed subsets $F$ and $G$ with $F\ne G$, there are ...
Ig.topolg's user avatar
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Minimal set of functions to characterize a distribution

In probability theory, there are a number of equivalent ways to characterize a distribution on $\mathbb R^n$. For example, the distribution of a random vector $X\in\mathbb R^n$ may be characterized by:...
stats_model's user avatar
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The spectrum of the product $JA$ where $J=I_n\oplus (-I_n)$

Let $A$ be a real symmetric matrix in $M_{2n}(\mathbb{R})$with $A^2=I_{2n}$. Suppose that the Schur decomposition of $A$ is given by $A=\Lambda^t D \Lambda$. Let us consider the following matrix. $$...
ABB's user avatar
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When some Fourier coefficients are fixed, can we control the extremals of the function?

Let $n$ be a odd number. Does there exist any $2\pi$-periodic continuous function $f :\mathbb{R}\to \mathbb{R}$ such that the following points simultaneously hold? 1- $-n\lneqq f_{\min}$ (where $f_{\...
ABB's user avatar
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Does $L_{p}(\mu, X)^*=L_{q} (\mu, X^*)$ hold for $\sigma$-finite measure spaces?

I'm reading Theorem 1 at page 98 of Vector Measures by Joseph Diestel, John Jerry Uhl. THEOREM 1. Let $(\Omega, \Sigma, \mu)$ be a finite measure space, $1 \leq p<\infty$, and $X$ be a Banach ...
Akira's user avatar
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Deduce that a function is zero on interval $[0,M]$

I have been thinking about this for the last few days but I was not able to produce a definitive answer. Take an integrable function $g$ that maps in $\mathbb{R}$ and with domain contained in $[0,M]$ (...
Grandes Jorasses's user avatar
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Tensor product is complete?

Let $(V,\|\cdot\|_V)$ and $(W,\|\cdot\|_W)$ be Banach spaces and let the norm $\|\cdot\|_{V\otimes W}$ on the tensor product space $V\otimes W$ be admissible in the following sense: for $v\in V, w\in ...
Martin Geller's user avatar
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Condition for set of the type $\{(a,b)|a \in A, \ b = f(a)\}$ to have empty interior if $A$ has empty interior [closed]

Let us consider $$\mathcal X = \{(a,b)|a \in A, \ b = f(a)\}, $$ where $A \subset L^1(\mathbb R)$ has empty interior and $f:L^1 \to L^1$ is a bijective map. Does $\mathcal X$ also have empty interior? ...
Riku's user avatar
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Riesz transform after linear transformation

I am encountering the term $\partial_x \mathcal{R}_x(f(x,y))$. I needed to do the following linear transformation $$x' = a x+ by,\,\,\,\,\, y'=ax-by,\,\,\, and \,\,f(x,y)=g(x',y') $$ I ended up with ...
Mr. Proof's user avatar
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Relationship between elliptic and parabolic problems and their discretizations

Let us consider the fully nonlinear problem $$ \begin{cases} F(x,u,Du,D^2 u) = 0 & \text{ in } \Omega \\ u=0 & \text{ in } \partial \Omega \end{cases} $$ Suppose that we know that the ...
user485442's user avatar
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Bounding integral expression with Sobolev norm of integrand

Consider the following integral expression: $$\mathcal I :=\iint_{\epsilon \leq|x-y| \leq 1/2} f(x) f(y) \frac{\langle g(x)-g(y), x-y\rangle}{|x-y|^{n+2}} d x d y $$ for $\epsilon>0$, $f \in L^\...
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"Project" an operator outside of a von Neumann Algebra into it

Suppose $W$ is a proper von Neumann Algebra contained in $B(H)$ and the identity in $W$ is the identity mapping of $H$ (namely, $W$ does not have non-trivial null space). Given a self-adjoint $T\in W$...
Sanae Kochiya's user avatar
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Do the weakly null sequences in a Banach module factor?

Let $A$ be a Banach algebra with a bounded approximate identity, and let $E$ be a Banach left $A$-module. Suppose neither $A$ nor $E$ has the Schur property. Question: Given a weakly null sequence $(...
Onur Oktay's user avatar
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References and updates on a $L^p$ Factorization theorem by Maurey

In the "Exposé XV" of the 1972-1973 of the Maurey-Schwartz Seminar of functional analysis ("Théorèmes de factorisation pour les opérateurs linéaires à valeurs dans un espace $L^p(\Omega,...
Gamabunto's user avatar
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Partial orders on downward closed sets [closed]

Let $P = (V, \sqsubseteq)$ be a partial order and $\mathfrak{D}(P)$ denote the class of downward-closed subsets of the partial order $P$ (i.e, the class of $A \subseteq V$ such that $y\in A \;\&\; ...
user65526's user avatar
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Exhaustions of product subsets by smaller product subsets

Let $X$ be a compact metric space, $A,B\subset X$ be subsets and $f\colon X\times X\to \mathbb{R}$ a continuous function that is strictly positive on $A\times B$. Do there exist increasing sequences ...
Federico Vigolo's user avatar
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Borel sigma algebra coming from the weak topology on TVS

Let $(X,\tau)$ be a topological vector space. Suppose that, there is a sequence of subsets $X_n\subseteq X$ with, For every $n\in \mathbb{N}$, the topology $\tau$ on $X_n$ is second countable and ...
ABB's user avatar
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Is this a contraction mapping for small $T$?

Let $G$ be the heat kernal, i.e. for $0\le t<s$ and $x,y\in\mathbb R$ $$G(t,x;s,y):=\frac{1}{\sqrt{4\pi(s-t)}}\exp\left(-\frac{(y-x)^2}{4(s-t)}\right).$$ For $T>0$, let $\mathcal H_T:=\{h:[0,T]\...
GJC20's user avatar
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The operator of exponential derivative applied in quotients

I have an other question for a function different to the example given before in the link below: Exponential derivative operator and continuous functions We define for instance a function as: $$H(y)=\...
Adam Hammam's user avatar
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Continuity of Kakutani fixed points

Let $X$ be a compact and convex space and let $T=[0,1]$ be some parameter space. Let $F:X\times T\rightrightarrows X$ be a correspondence that is compact-valued, convex, and upper-hemicontinous. By ...
tsm's user avatar
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Abelian twisted reduced group C*-algebra

Let $G$ be an abelian discrete group. Then is $C_r^*(G, \sigma)$ abelian?
Peg Leg Jonathan's user avatar
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Application of Green function for non linear PDE [closed]

In the case of linear PDE, say $$Lu=0$$ if we have its green function say $G(x,y)$ then using that one can give solution of non homogenous PDE i.e. $Lu_f=f$ where $u_f=G*f$. Is the same thing hold for ...
Curious student's user avatar
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Regarding socle of a C* algebra

I wanted to know if the socle of a complex C*-algebra is essential? Can anyone suggest a text where the socle is studied in detail. I tried reading it from the book by Bernard Aupetit, A Primer in ...
user531706's user avatar
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Regularity properties of conditional distributions

Let $(X,Y)\in\mathbb{R}^n\times\mathbb{R}^m$ be a pair of random variables with joint density $p(x,y)$. I am interested in the regularity properties of the conditional densities $p(y|x)$ and $p(x|y)$ (...
user19200's user avatar
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Approximating arbitrary probability measures by discrete ones

Let $H$ be a separable Hilbert space and let $\mu$ be an arbitrary probability measure on $H$. I would like to approximate this distribution by by a finitely supported discrete distribution is the ...
TOM's user avatar
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Reference request: Is if possible to estimate the local behaviour of the solution of $\nabla \cdot a(x) \nabla f=g$ via constant coefficients?

Consider the divergence form uniformly elliptic operator $\nabla \cdot a(x) \nabla$ where the coefficient $a$ are smooth and bounded and $D$ is a bounded and smooth domain of $\mathbb R^d$ $$ \begin{...
Kernel's user avatar
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The relationship between the first eigenfuntions and the second eigenfuntions on sphere [closed]

Recently I considered the following question: If we give a second eigenfuntions $g$ on sphere, then can we construct a first eigenfuntions $f$ by $g$? Is there any relationship between the first ...
管山林's user avatar
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Fractional Laplacian and support

Let $u:\mathbb [-1,1] \to \mathbb R$ such that $\mathrm{supp}(u) \subset B_{1/2}(0)$. Under what assumptions on $u$ does it hold $$\mathrm{supp}\Big((-\Delta)^s u\Big) \subset B_{1/2}(0),$$ where $(-\...
Lao's user avatar
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Reverse Hölder type inequality for the Laplacian raised to a power

I am studying integrals of the form $\int (\Delta \rho)^{\alpha} f^{\beta}$ where $0<\alpha < 1, \beta \geq 0$ and $\rho, f \in C_c^{\infty}(\mathbb{R}^n).$ My goal is to obtain lower bound on ...
Student's user avatar
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Is the pointwise supremum of a continuous function continuous?

Suppose $f(x , y)$ is continuous in both variables. For any $\epsilon > 0$ and some $y_0$, let $h_{\epsilon}(x) = \max_{y^{'}: \| y^{'} - y_0 \| \leq \epsilon} f(x , y^{'})$. It seems to me that $...
Saeed's user avatar
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Fractional Laplacian of $(a-x)_+^\alpha$ in $(0,1)$

How can I compute the spectral fractional Laplacian of $(a-x)_+^\alpha$ on $\Omega = (0,1)$? Here the operator is defined as $$(-\Delta)^s u = c_{N,s} \int_0^\infty (e^{t\Delta_N}u(x) - u(x)) t^{-1 - ...
Jay's user avatar
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Convergence in compact-open topology on the Sierpiński space

Question: Equip $\{0,1\}$ with the Sierpiński topology $\{\{1\},\{0,1\},\emptyset\}$, let $X$ be a compact metric space, and equip $C(X,\{0,1\})$ with the compact-open topology. Let $\{B_n\}_{n=1}^{\...
ABIM's user avatar
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Density property fractional heat kernel

Let us consider $$p_t^{(n+2)}(\tilde x) , $$ where $x = (x_1, \ldots, x_n) \in \mathbb R^n$, $\tilde x = (x_1, \ldots, x_n, 0, 0) \in \mathbb R^{n+2}$, and $p_t^{(n)}(x)$ is the heat kernel for $(-\...
Jay's user avatar
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Estimate on total variation of composition of functions

Let $f \in BV(\mathbb R)$ and $g: \mathbb R \to \mathbb R$ be Lipschitz. How can I estimate the total variation of $f\circ g$, that is $$ \int_{\mathbb R} \left|\frac{d}{dx}f(g(x))\right| dx \ ? $$ ...
Jun's user avatar
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Lattice of functions and their minimal separating set upto topological equivalence

There is a very wide series of questions I have been thinking about and I am wondering if there is any literature on this type of structures. Let's start with the set of all functions $F: \mathbb{R} \...
Heraiwa's user avatar
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what is the geometry interpretation of fractional differintegral?

By some analogy, the integral and differential can be extend to factorial differintegral, see My question is, what is the he geometry interpretation of ...
XL _At_Here_There's user avatar
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What is the source to find cardinal invariants for a function space C(X, Y), equipped with uniform or fine topology?

I would like to know about the technique to check the cardinality properties for the function space C(X, Y), where X is a tychonoff space and Y a metric space, equipped with uniform or fine topology.
Mir Aaliya's user avatar
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Proof of the analytic Fredholm theorem in Borthwick

I've stumbled across a proof of the analytic Fredholm theorem given in Theorem 6.1 in Spectral Theory of Infinite-Area Hyperbolic Surfaces by David Borthwick (see below). Given the notion of being &...
0xbadf00d's user avatar
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Does $\int_0^t \Vert u_x(s,\cdot) \Vert_{L^2} ds \le C$ imply $\Vert u_x (t,\cdot) \Vert_{L^2(\mathbb R)} \le C$ in the heat equation?

For the parabolic equation $$u_t + f(u)_x - u_{xx} = 0$$ one has $$\Vert u(t,\cdot) \Vert_{L^2(\mathbb R)} + 2\int_0^t \Vert u_x(s,\cdot) \Vert_{L^2} ds \le \Vert u(0,\cdot) \Vert_{L^2(\mathbb R)}.$$...
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Some multivariate Taylor series and corresponding smoothness balls

Suppose I have a multivariate function $f$ from $\mathbb{C}^d$ to $\mathbb{C}$ that accepts a Taylor expension of the form $$f(\mathbf x) = \sum\limits_{\mathbf k \in \mathbb N^d} a_{\mathbf k} \...
lrnv's user avatar
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Existence of uniform approximator that also approximates derivative

Let $S$ be a subset of $C^1([0, 1], \mathbb{R})$. It is a well-known fact that given a function $f\in C^1([0, 1], \mathbb{R})$ and a sequence $\{f_n\}\subset C^1([0,1], \mathbb{R})$ such that $f_n\to ...
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