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A generalization of a theorem of Grothendieck

In this question the norm of $L^{P}[0,1]$ is denoted by $\parallel . \parallel _{p}$. Let $p$ and $q$ be two arbitrary real numbers with $2<p<q$. Assume that $S$ is a subvector space of ...
Ali Taghavi's user avatar
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Partition of the unit interval into uncountably many sets of full outer measure

Is it possible to construct an uncountable partition $(A_\delta)_{\delta\in[0,1]}$ of the unit interval $[0,1]$ such that $\mu (A_\delta)=1$ for each $\delta\in[0,1]$? ($\mu$ stands for the outer ...
Oleg's user avatar
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Approximation of a $C^{\infty}_c$ function with tensor products of a constant tensor rank

I asked the following question a few days ago: Approximation of a $C^{\infty}_c$ function by tensor products However, I then realised that I actually need a stronger result in my proof. As in the ...
Richard's user avatar
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Results that are easier in a metric space

Are there any significant results in the theory of metric spaces that (are considerably more difficult to reproduce/have not been reproduced) in the theory of uniform spaces? In particular, I'm ...
Alec Rhea's user avatar
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A possible norm on a subspace of $C^\infty([0,1])$?

I have posted the following question (with minimal differences) on MSE some days ago, without receiving a satisfactory answer, so let me try here again. Take the vector space of infinitely ...
Delio Mugnolo's user avatar
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A question involving e, floor, and all x > 0

Is $\lfloor(x+1/2)e\rfloor = \lfloor(x+1)(1+1/x)^x\rfloor$ for all $x > 0$? The question occurred in connection with (nonhomogeneous) Beatty sequences, $\lfloor nr+h\rfloor$, where irrational $r&...
Clark Kimberling's user avatar
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Inequality of the norm of the convolution in $L^p(\mathbb{R}^n)$ with symmetric decreasing rearrangement?

Is it true that $$ ||f*g||_p \le ||\,|f|^* * |g|^*||_p\quad ? $$ where $|f|^*$ and $|g|^*$ are the symmetric decreasing rearrangements of the functions $|f|$ and $|g|$. Under what conditions on $f$ ...
rrr's user avatar
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Question regarding the image of a polynomial map containing a small box

I have the following question, which intuitively seems it should be true but I wasn't sure how to prove it rigorously. Let $\delta, \varepsilon > 0$. Let $\Psi_i(w_1, w_2, \mathbf{v})$ be a ...
Johnny T.'s user avatar
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Eigenvalues of the double layer potential

Consider the double layer potential $K: L^2(S^2)\to L^2(S^2)$ $$(Kf)(x)=\int_{S^2}f(y)\frac{\partial}{\partial v_y}E(x,y)dS_y,$$ where $E(x,y)=||x-y||^{-1}$ and $\frac{\partial}{\partial v_y}$ means ...
Mr.right's user avatar
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Is there a simple relation between the entropy of a matrix and its characteristic polynomial?

Assume $M$ is an invertible positive matrix of rank $N$. The Von Neumann entropy $H$ of a matrix $M$ with eigenvalues $\{ \lambda_n \}$ is $H[M] = -\sum_{n=1}^N \lambda_n \ln \lambda_n$. In ...
Jess Riedel's user avatar
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Seeking a property about Lebesgue-Stieltjes outer measure

I am a graduate student and this is not something related to my work but I was just wondering and did not find an answer on the Internet. I asked this on the other math site two weeks ago and no one ...
Topological cat's user avatar
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Equivalent measures on algebra also equivalent on $\sigma$-algebra?

Suppose $\mu$ and $\nu$ are finite positive measures on a measurable space $(X,\mathcal A)$. Let $\mathcal G$ be an algebra of $\mathcal A$. If $\mu$ and $\nu$ are equivalent on $\mathcal G$ in the ...
epsilon's user avatar
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Regularity of the reparametrization map between curves [closed]

I am looking for a reference for the following kind of results. Let $\Gamma$ be the space of Lipschitz curves $\text{Lip}([0,1]; \mathbb R^d)$ equipped with the sup norm. Let $B$ be a Borel subset of ...
Romeo's user avatar
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completeness axiom for the real numbers

Do any treatises on real analysis take the following as the basic completeness axiom for the reals? "Let $A$ and $B$ be set of real numbers such that (a) every real number is either in $A$ or in $B$; ...
James Propp's user avatar
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Measure of chords from a cantor set

The following problem is inspired by a problem in Pugh's Mathematical Analysis book. (Chapter 2 Problem 42). In the problem he asks one to consider the standard Cantor set on the unit interval, and ...
Nick R's user avatar
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Monotone injection of an ordinal into $[0,1]$

This is related to my recent question and would provide a natural positive answer to Question 2. I am sure this must be known to experts. Question: Is there a monotone injection $(\omega_1,<) \...
Andreas Thom's user avatar
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Do semi-continuous functions generate bounded Borel measurable functions as a $C^*$-algebra?

This question is related to Question 2 of my previous posting. Question. Let $\mu$ be a Radon measure on a compact Hausdorff space $\Omega$ and $L^{\infty}(\Omega,\mu)$ the set of essentially bounded ...
Masayoshi Kaneda's user avatar
-1 votes
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Real and imaginary part of an holomorphic function

I guess this could be a very elementary question. Anyway I can not find an answer in literature. Let $f:U\rightarrow\mathbb{C}$ be an holomorphic function on an upen subset $U\subseteq\mathbb{C}$. ...
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What is the value of the infinite product: $(1+ \frac{1}{1^1}) (1+ \frac{1}{2^2}) (1+ \frac{1}{3^3}) \cdots $? [closed]

What is the value of the following infinite product? $$\left(1+ \frac{1}{1^1}\right) \left(1+ \frac{1}{2^2}\right) \left(1+ \frac{1}{3^3}\right) \cdots $$ Is the value known?
Basics's user avatar
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Convergence to the probability generating function of a Poisson process

I'm working currently with a Poisson process trying to proove Renyi's Theorem, so far I want to show that $\prod_{i=1}^{k_n}[z + (1-z)e^{-\mu(A_{n_i})}] \to e^{-(1-z)\mu(A)}$ as $\mu(A_{n_i}) \to 0$, ...
Adrián's user avatar
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First mean value theorem for integration and Lebesgue measureability

According to first mean value theorem for integration, if $G \ : \ [a,b] \to \mathbb{R}$ is a continuous function, there exists $x \in (a,b)$ such that $$\int_a^b G(t) dt = G(x)(b-a)$$ Assume $G$ is ...'s user avatar
3 votes
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Recovering residue using local real information

Let $f(z)$ be defined by a Laurent series at z = 0 with real coefficients. In particular, $f(x) \in \mathbb{R}$ for $x \in \mathbb R$. Compute the residue of $f(z)$ at z = 0 using just the ...
David Meyer's user avatar
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Understand the properties of this function

We define a function $f(t):=\sum_{n=0}^{\infty}e^{-nt}= \frac{1}{1-e^{-t}}= \frac{e^{\frac{t}{2}}}{e^{\frac{t}{2}}-e^{-\frac{t}{2}}}=\frac{2e^{\frac{t}{2}}}{\sinh\left(\frac{t}{2} \right)}$ observe ...
Kreimer's user avatar
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A lower estimate of the derivative of a distance function

I have a question about the derivative of a distance function. Let $D \subset \mathbb{R}^{d}$ be a connected and unbounded open subset with smooth boundary. $B(z,r)$ denotes the closed (not open) ...
sharpe's user avatar
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Interpolation between $L^1$ and $L^2$ spaces

I was wondering whether the following interpolation between $L^1$ and $L^2$ spaces is true: Let $f \in \mathbb{R}^n$ be such that $$ \alpha_1:= \int_{\mathbb{R}} \left\lVert f(x_1,\cdot,....\cdot) \...
Jacob Augstine's user avatar
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Given reals $p_1,p_2$ and a function $f_1$ with minimal period $p_1$.Existence a function $f_2$ with minimal period $p_2$,$f_1-f_2$ periodic?

Given any two positive real numbers $p_1,p_2$ and a function $f_1 : \mathbb{R} \to \mathbb{R}$ such that $f_1$ has a minimal positive period of $p_1$ . Then is it true that whatever be the choice of $...
Aditya Guha Roy's user avatar
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Asymptotic behaviour of fixed points in permutations

For any $n\in\mathbb{N}$ let $S_n$ denote the set of all permutations (bijective maps) $\pi:\{1,\ldots, n\} \to \{1,\ldots,n\}$. For $\pi \in S_n$ we set $$\text{fix}(\pi) = \{x\in \{1,\ldots, n\}: \...
Dominic van der Zypen's user avatar
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Contour integration and application of residue theorem [closed]

I found the following contour integration done in an article, but I do not fully comprehend what has actually been calculated here? Contour integration The argument of the function $s$ is supposed to ...
Tzafro's user avatar
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Proper Group action on a metric space

Let $(X,d)$ be a metric space and $C\subset X$ be a compact subset. Let furthermore $G$ be a group that acts on $X$ proper and by isometries. Does there exist an $\epsilon >0 $ such that: Let $U=$ {...
Helge's user avatar
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A consequence of convexity

Let $f:\mathbb{R}\to\mathbb{R}$ a convex decreasing function. Let $x_0 < x_1 < x_2$. Studying the behaviour of the difference quotient, it is clear that $$f(x_0)-f(x_2) \leq M (f(x_0)-f(x_1))$$ ...
user22980's user avatar
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Finiteness as a motivation for compactness

Another history question, and I am not sure if I will get any answers. (If anyone knows of a good history of math list to use for this question I would be happy for any tips. The one I used to post to ...
Manya's user avatar
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A question on the Lebesgue differentiation theorem

In the paper [Jessen, B., Marcinkiewicz, J., and Zygmund, A. Note on the differentiability of multiple integrals. Fundamenta Mathematicae 25.1 (1935): 217-234] it is considered the limit $$ \lim_{\...
Andrew's user avatar
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Exotic Lebesgue Measurable Function

Measurable functions whose graphs are dense in the plane are well known. Examples include, the Conway 13 function, as given in the answer in this link: When is the graph of a function a dense set? ...
topsyturvy's user avatar
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Helmholtz-Hodge decomposition

I have a question regarding a decomposition of a vector field. So fix $ 1<p<\infty$ and let $ \Omega$ denote a smooth bounded domain in $ R^N$. Now let $ F $ denote a smooth vector field $F:\...
Math604's user avatar
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Ratio sum comparison on operators

It is known by the Lidskii inequality, that $\sum_{i=1}^n \left|s_i(S)-s_i(T)\right|\le\sum_{i=1}^n s_i(S+T)$, where $s_i(S)$ is the $i$-th singular value of $S$. How would one prove that $$\sum_{i=1}^...
Ktb's user avatar
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Two similar integrals

Let $n$ be a given even positive integer. We have the following integral \begin{align} \int_0^{\infty}\cdots\int_0^{\infty}e^{-(x_1+\cdots+x_n+y_1+\cdots+y_n)}\prod\limits_{i=1}^n\prod\limits_{j=1}^n(...
user173856's user avatar
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Exceptional values of real-valued functions on [0,1]

Given a continuous real-valued function $f$ from $[0,1]$ to itself with $f(0)=0$ and $f(1)=1$ such that $f^{-1}(c)$ is finite for all $c$ in $[0,1]$, let $E(f)$ be the set of $c$ in $[0,1]$ such that $...
James Propp's user avatar
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System of Poisson equations

Let $(M,g)$ be a closed (compact and without boundary) and oriented Riemannian manifold and let us consider the Poisson equation for a smooth function $\varphi$: $\Delta \phi = f$, where $f$ is a ...
Bilateral's user avatar
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Density of convolution

Let $\{X_i\}$ be i.i.d random variables uniform on a measurable, symmetric set $A$ contained in $[-1,1]$. Let $g_{n}$ be density of $X_1+\ldots + X_n$. Question (general): Is there any non-trivial ...
Piotr Miłoś's user avatar
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Inequality for the tail of normal distribution function

Let $ Ф(x) = \frac{1}{\sqrt{2\pi}} \int_{-\infty}^{x} e^{-t^2/2} \, dt $ be the cumulative distribution function of the standard normal distribution. Numerical calculations suggest the following ...
user47855's user avatar
-3 votes
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Exponential decay of kernel

Let $A: \ell^2 \rightarrow \ell^2$ be a bounded operator given by \begin{equation} (Au)(\alpha) = \sum_{\beta}A(\alpha,\beta)u(\beta) \end{equation} where $\left|A(\alpha,\beta) \right|\le Ce^{-|\...
Marcel's user avatar
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What are the spaces for which the Fourier transform is an automorphism? [closed]

this is well-known that the Fourier transform is an automorphism of $L^2(\mathbb R)$ and also of $\mathcal S(\mathbb R)$ (Schwartz space). Is there any other spaces of functions of one real variable ...
Héhéhé's user avatar
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A two-parameter inequality on product of linear terms

I would like to ask about a certain inequality that I need and which came out of some work in here. Question. For integers $n\geq1$ and $k\geq3$, is this true? If so, any proof? $$6\prod_{j=1}^k(...
T. Amdeberhan's user avatar
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mean value theorem for operators

This might be a trivial question but I am not very familiar with the subject matter. I was wondering if some sort of mean value theorem works for operators on function spaces. Say $F: \mathcal{S_1} \...
Nima's user avatar
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Specifying $L^p$ norms of derivatives

Given a sequence of positive numbers $\{a_n\}$ and $1 < p < \infty$, $p\neq 2$, is it possible to build a function $f\in C^\infty(\mathbb R)$ so that $\|f^{(n)}\|_{L^p(\mathbb R)} = a_n$? For ...
Andy Raich's user avatar
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Approximations of Polylogarithm and Lerch transcendent?

For the Gamma function $\Gamma(x+1)$, we have beautiful approximations of the function in terms of elementary function, such as the Stirling approximation and its refinements, that give sharp ...
MCH's user avatar
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The sheaf of generalized functions on compact subsets

For $K\subseteq \mathbb{R}^d$ compact, let $C_{\mathrm{c}}^{\infty}(K)$ denote the space of smooth functions on (an open neighborhood of) $K$ with compact support contained in $K$ with the usual ...
Jonathan Gleason's user avatar
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Construct smooth functions with prescribed derivatives

To be specific, suppose we are given a sequence of smooth functions $\{f_k\}_{k\geq 0}$ on flat torus $\mathbf{T}^2$(you may think of it as doubly periodic functions on $\mathbf{R}^2$ and smooth). ...
Jingrui Cheng's user avatar
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Differentiability of Nemytskii operator on Sobolev space

I am trying to consider hypothesis on $g$ such that the operator $$ H_0^1 (\Omega) \to L^2(\Omega), \qquad v \mapsto g(v) $$ is $\mathcal C^1$. As additional hypothesis $\Omega$ is bounded and $g(0) = ...
D G's user avatar
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What does the Riemann–Stieltjes integral measure? [closed]

The Riemann–Stieltjes integral is a generalization of the Riemann integral, and has a definition based on a sum analogous to the Riemann sum: $$ S(P,f,g) =\sum_{k=1}^{n} f(x_k)\Delta g(x_k) $$ where $...
Juan Sebastian Lozano's user avatar

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