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Questions tagged [hilbert-spaces]

A Hilbert space $H$ is a real or complex vector space endowed with an inner product such that $H$ is a complete metric space when endowed with the norm induced by this inner product.

258 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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21 votes
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Closed connected additive subgroups of the Hilbert space

It is a classical result that a closed and connected additive subgroup of $\mathbb{R}^n$ is necessarily a linear subspace. However, this is no longer true in infinite dimension: a very easy example is ...
Pietro Majer's user avatar
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20 votes
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Existence of orthonormal basis for $L^2(G)$ in $C_c(G)$

Remark: I cross-posted this question on MSE and added a bounty to it. Suppose that $G$ is a locally compact (Hausdorff) group endowed with the Haar measure. It is well-known that the compactly ...
Calculix's user avatar
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Can the similarity between the Riesz representation theorem and the Yoneda embedding lemma be given a formal undergirding?

For example, by viewing Hilbert spaces as enriched categories in some fashion? (I suppose the same idea of considering the inner product of a Hilbert space as a generalized Hom-set has also been ...
Sridhar Ramesh's user avatar
19 votes
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Is there some way to see a Hilbert space as a C-enriched category?

The inner product of vectors in a Hilbert space has many properties in common with a hom functor. I know that one can make a projectivized Hilbert space into a metric space with the Fubini-Study ...
Mike Stay's user avatar
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18 votes
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Can Rep(G) tell us whether G is discrete?

Given a locally compact group $G$, let $$\mathrm{Rep}(G)$$ be its category of unitary representations. The objects of that category are strongly continuous unitary representations of $G$ on Hilbert ...
André Henriques's user avatar
15 votes
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Reference for equivariant Atiyah-Jänich theorem

The equivariant Atiyah-Jänich theorem is an isomorphism $$ [X,F]_G \cong K_G^0(X), $$ where $G$ is a compact Lie group, $X$ is a compact $G$-manifold, $F$ is the space of Fredholm operators on a ...
Konrad Waldorf's user avatar
11 votes
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Von Neumann Inequality in Banach spaces

It is known that the only Banach space that satisfies the von-Neumann inequality is the Hilbert space: Theorem (see e.g. Pisier, "Similarity Problems and Completely Bounded Maps", p 27) For a Banach ...
erz's user avatar
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Contraction semigroup on Hilbert space

I'd like to know whether a certain unbounded operator on a Hilbert space is the generator of a strongly continuous contraction semigroup. (Such operators are known as maximally dissipative operators.) ...
André Henriques's user avatar
10 votes
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Can the trace be computed in any Schauder basis?

I'm cross-posting this question from Math.SE, as it didn't get much attention there. Let $H$ be a separable Hilbert space and $T \in L(H)$ a trace-class operator. It is well known that the trace of $T$...
WillG's user avatar
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Models for Eilenberg-MacLane space K(Z,3)

Denote by $U(H)$ and $PU(H)$ the unitary and projective unitary groups on an infinite-dimensional Hilbert space $H$. Recall that $U(H)$ is contractible by Kuiper's theorem and that $PU(H)$ is a $K(Z,2)...
user46652's user avatar
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8 votes
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Is $L^2(I,\mathbb Z)$ homeomorphic to the Hilbert space?

I am somehow puzzled by the subset $G:=L^2(I,\mathbb Z)$ of $H:=L^2(I,\mathbb R)$ of all integer valued functions on $I=[0,1]$ (in fact I mentioned as an example in this old MO question). Some simple ...
Pietro Majer's user avatar
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8 votes
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Is there any physics theory which is similar to these analogies?

Since I am doing this little "research" project on my spare time and in my physical neighborhood there are not many people to discuss these ideas, I wanted to share with you a small point of ...
mathoverflowUser's user avatar
8 votes
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Struggling with a proof in the preprint 'Hermitian geometry on resolvent set'

I have been struggling for awhile with a particular argument in the paper below. I posted the question first on MathSE, but I got no answers. I understand however that MO might be an overreach for ...
WeakMath's user avatar
8 votes
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Hilbert spaces over the semi-field $\mathbb R_+$

Let $\mathbb R_+$ be the semi-field of non-negative real numbers. Definition (preliminary): A Hilbert space over $\mathbb R_+$ is a pair $(H,P)$, where $H$ is a complex Hilbert space, and $P\subset H$...
André Henriques's user avatar
8 votes
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Convex hulls of compact sets

Let $A$ be a compact set in a separable Hilbert space $H$, and let $\bar A$ denote its convex hull. Is $\bar A$ compact?
Tom LaGatta's user avatar
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Freys elliptic curves and Hilbert spaces?

Consider the Frey-Hellegouarch curve given $a,b$ positive rational numbers: $$y^2= x\left(x-\frac{a}{\gcd(a,b)}\right)\left(x+\frac{b}{\gcd(a,b)}\right)$$ The j-invariant is given by: $$j(a,b) = \frac{...
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7 votes
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Gleason’s Theorem for non-separable Hilbert spaces: On a theorem of Solovay

Gleason’s theorem plays an important role in the foundations of quantum mechanics. On the positive side it demonstrates how the probabilistic structure of quantum theory follows from its logical ...
Mohammad Golshani's user avatar
7 votes
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orthogonal projector onto the set of convex functions

Let $\Omega\subset \mathbb R^d$ be an open, convex domain, and consider the Hilbert space $L^2(\Omega)$. Each sum of convex functions is convex, hence the subset $Conv(\Omega)$ of all convex functions ...
Delio Mugnolo's user avatar
7 votes
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Hilbert space from the Tate pairing

Fix an elliptic curve $E$ over ${\Bbb Q}$ (or if you prefer, something more general over something more general). For each extension $F$ of ${\Bbb Q}$, the Néron-Tate height pairing gives an inner ...
David Feldman's user avatar
6 votes
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Identification of Fock space and the $L^2$ space of tempered distributions

Let $\mathcal{S}'(\mathbb{R}^d)$ be the set of tempered distributions over $\mathbb{R}^d$ and $d\phi_C$ a Gaussian measure over $\mathcal{S}'(\mathbb{R}^d)$ with covariance operator $C$. Consider the ...
CBBAM's user avatar
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Measurability of eigenvalues-eigenvectors of a positive compact operator

Let $H$ be a separable Hilbert space over $\mathbb{R}$. Let ${A} = \{a\colon H\to H\,|\,a\text{ is a positive, compact linear operator}\}$. By the spectral theorem, given $a \in A$, there are scalars $...
user127022's user avatar
6 votes
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Infinite-dimensional "algebraic varieties"

This question was also formerly posted on MSE but has not received any answer or comment. Let $H$ be the infinite-dimensional seperable complex Hilbert space, and $P(H)$ denote its projectivization. ...
Zerox's user avatar
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1 answer

Why is this nonlinear transformation of an RKHS also an RKHS?

I came across this paper (beginning of page 6) where they stated that if $f,h\in \mathcal{H}$, where $\mathcal{H}$ is an RKHS, then $l_{h,f}=\left|f(x)-h(x)\right|^q$ where $q\geq 1$ also belongs to ...
Kashif's user avatar
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Interpolation of some Sobolev spaces

Let $X_0=L^2(0,1)$, $X_1=H^4(0,1)$, $X_2=H^4(0,1)\cap H^2_0(0,1)$. We know the interpolation space $$(X_0,X_1)_{1/2,2}=H^2(0,1).$$ I am wondering what is $$(X_0,X_2)_{1/2,2}=?$$ Would it be $H^2_0(0,...
Saj_Eda's user avatar
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Functional calculus for the Dolbeault operator over Hilbert C*-modules

$\newcommand{\odd}{\mathrm{odd}}\newcommand{\even}{\mathrm{even}}$Let $X$ be a complex manifold, you can assume it's compact, if necessary. We have the Dolbeault complex $$0 \rightarrow \mathcal{A}^{0,...
Kashayar's user avatar
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Unitary representations of finite dimensional Lie groups on infinite-dimensional Hilbert spaces

I am interested in the proofs of continuity of some standard unitary representations appearing in Physics. Additionally, I am interested in the integration of finite-dimensional Lie algebras of skew-...
Javier's user avatar
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5 votes
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Is such a Banach space $X$ isometrically isomorphic to a Hilbert space or not?

Let $X$ be a real or complex Banach space. $X$ satisfies:There exists real or complex series $\{a_k\}_{k=1}^n,\{b_k\}_{k=1}^n$ (which satisfies that:$\begin{cases} a_k,b_k\in \mathbb{R}\ \forall k=1,\...
anyon's user avatar
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Multiplier algebra of Fock space

For any vector space, one may form the tensor algebra with multiplication being the tensor product. For a Hilbert space $\mathcal{H}$, the analogous construction is the Fock space $$ \mathcal{F}(\...
J_P's user avatar
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1 answer

Boolean ring of unitary divisors / Structure of unitary divisors?

I hope this question is appropriate for MO: Let $n$ be a natural number, $U_n := \{ d | d \text{ divides } n, \gcd(d,n/d)=1\}$ be the set of unitary divisors. We can make $U_n$ to a boolean ring: $$a \...
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A stronger Cauchy-Schwarz in infinite dimensional Hilbert spaces?

In this MSE and question and this MO question, stronger variants of the classical Cauchy-Schwarz inequality have been suggested in finite dimensional spaces. Can we find similar results for infinite ...
UserA's user avatar
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Solutions to holonomic $D$-modules: when are they square-integrable?

I want to apply the theory of $D$-modules to solve operator equations of several variables in the Bargmann space $$\mathcal H :=\bigg\{\psi \in \mathcal O^\text{an}_{\mathbb{C}^n}\,\,\bigg|\,\,\,\...
David Roberts's user avatar
5 votes
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Is unitary group paracompact?

In this paper Martin Schottenloher notices that the unitary group $U(H)$ of a separable Hilbert space $H$ is metrizable in the strong operator topology. As a corollary (see R.Engelking, 5.1.3), it is ...
Sergei Akbarov's user avatar
5 votes
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Sufficient criteria for $X \subset \mathcal{H}$ to be a Lipschitz (or unif. cont.) retract of $\mathcal{H}$

I am interested in sufficient criteria which ensure that a subset $X$ of a Hilbert space $\mathcal{H}$ is a Lipschitz (or at least uniformly continuous) retract of $\mathcal{H}$. Under which ...
PhoemueX's user avatar
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A question on products of linear combinations of complex matrices

Suppose that $A_1, \dots , A_n, B_1, \dots , B_n \in \Bbb C^{d \times d}$ and that, for every $x \in \mathbb{C}^n$, the following holds $$\left( \sum_i x_i A_i \right) \left( \sum_i x_i A_i \right)^{...
user493645's user avatar
4 votes
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Maximally fine topologies on $B(H)$ making the unit ball compact

Let $H$ be a Hilbert space, and $B(H)$ its algebra of bounded operators. One of the reasons the Ultraweak topology is (in a way) more useful than the weak operator topology is that the Ultraweak ...
Aareyan Manzoor's user avatar
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Infinite dimensional topological quantum field theories?

A topological quantum field theory is a functor $Z:Cob(n) \to Hilb$ mapping from the $n$-dimensional cobordisms to $Hilb$, the category of Hilbert spaces with morphisms being bounded linear operators. ...
Juan Sebastian Lozano's user avatar
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Drinfeld center of a tensor category

Firstly, apologies for the imprecise language, I'm a physicist trying to understand anyonic excitations from the lens of category theory. If I have a category (say $\operatorname{Rep}(\mathbb{Z}_2)$) ...
pyroscepter's user avatar
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What is the native Hilbert space associated with the kernel $\frac{\sum \min{(x_i,y_i)}}{\sum \max{(x_i,y_i)}}$?

In this answer on MSE it is shown that the function $$ K:(\mathbb{R}^{>0})^n\times (\mathbb{R}^{>0})^n\rightarrow\mathbb{R}\,\quad K(x,y)=\frac{\sum_{i=1}^n\min{(x_i,y_i)}}{\sum_{i=1}^n\max{(x_i,...
g g's user avatar
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Solution without using any k-theory tools

Let $A$ be the UHF-algebra of type $2^{\infty}$. Suppose that $p$ and $q$ are two projections in $A$ and $\tau(p) = \tau(q)$, where $\tau$ is the unique normalized trace. Then there is a partail ...
Peg Leg Jonathan's user avatar
4 votes
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Is this subspace of $B(\mathcal{H})$ known?

Let $\mathcal{H}$ be a Hilbert space. Suppose that I take a fixed ONB of $\mathcal{H}$ let us call it $\{ e_i \}_{i\in \mathbb{N}}$ and then I define \begin{align*} \|T \|_{D} = \sup_{l_i, m_i} \sum_{...
Frederik Ravn Klausen's user avatar
4 votes
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Eigenvalues and spectrum of the adjoint

In a finite-dimensional Hilbert space, the eigenvalues of the adjoint $A^*$ of an operator $A$ are the complex conjugates of the eigenvalues of $A$. But in infinite dimensions this need no longer be ...
Arnold Neumaier's user avatar
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Metric projection on CAT(0) tangent cone

Let $(Y,d)$ be a complete and separable CAT(0) space, fix $y \in Y$. Then, consider the tanget cone $(T_yY,d_y)$ at $y$, i.e. the metric cone over the space of directions, and denote by $0_y$ the 'tip'...
Francesco Nobili's user avatar
4 votes
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Orthonormal Basis of Multi-Dimensional Sobolev Space of Different Orders without Reproducing Kernel

Let $\Omega$ be an open subset of $\mathbb{R}^d$. Under regularity conditions, we know that the $s$-th order Sobolev space $H^s(\Omega)$ with $s \geq d/2$ is a reproducing kernel Hilbert space. In ...
Minkov's user avatar
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Constant in trace theorem for balls

Consider the standard open ball $B_r:=\left\{x ; \left\lvert x \right\rvert \le R \right\}.$ The trace theorem tells us any function in $W^{k,p}(B_r)$ can be restricted to a function $W^{k-1,p}(\...
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4 votes
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Reference Request: De Rham isomorphism with Hilbert space coefficients

Let $M$ be a smooth, closed manifold, equipped with a smooth (finite) triangulation $K$. Further, let $H$ be a Hilbert space, $G := \pi_1(M)$ and let $\rho: G \to GL(H)$ be a representation (with $GL(...
H1ghfiv3's user avatar
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A modern reference for the "Intermediate Derivatives Theorem"

In the book Non-Homogeneous Boundary Value Problems and Applications I by Lions and Magenes, the Intermediate Derivative Theorem is stated as follows: Intermediate Derivative Theorem: Let $X\subset ...
Dominic Wynter's user avatar
4 votes
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How can a sequence of functions be dense in L^2

Assume $\Omega$ is a bounded domain in $\mathbb R^d$ with sufficiently smooth boundary. Let $\{\lambda_n,\varphi_n\}_{n=1}^\infty$ be an orthonormal eigensystem of the Laplacian opertor $-\Delta$, ...
CooLee's user avatar
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A strongly open set which is not measurable in the weak operator topology

Let $H$ be a non-separable Hilbert space and $\{e_i\}_{i\in I}$ be an orthonormal basis for $H$. Let $J$ be a uncountable proper subset in $I$. Let us put $$E=\{x\in B(H): \lVert xe_j\rVert <1: \...
ABB's user avatar
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Hilbert Schmidt Operators and the Conditional Expectation Operator

Consider the function $\text{E}_W: L_2(\mathbb{R},P_X) \mapsto L_2(\mathbb{R},P_W)$ where $P_X$ and $P_W$ are two different probability measures. They are related in such a way that if $f_X$, $f_W$ ...
user61038's user avatar
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Exterior powers and singular values on Hilbert spaces

I am currently writing an article relating to multiplicative ergodic theorems for cocycles of bounded operators acting on a Hilbert space, and in parts of the argument it is necessary for me to refer ...
Ian Morris's user avatar
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