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Distribution of zeros for arbitrary Bessel functions

Consider the ODE $x^2 y''+x y' + (x^2-\alpha^2)y = 0$, where $\alpha$ is an arbitrary positive irrational number that is less than $ 2 \pi$. Let $J_{\alpha}(x)$ be a solution to the equation and ...
Literally an Orange's user avatar
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Extension of a tangent vector field

Let $\Omega$ be an open subset of $S^2$ with $\overline{\Omega} \neq S^2$. Suppose a continuous tangent vector field $G$ is defined on $\partial \Omega$ such that $|G(y)| = 1$ for all $y \in \partial \...
MathLearner's user avatar
9 votes
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Is there a path-connected, "anti-convex" subset of $\mathbb R^2$ containing $(\mathbb R\smallsetminus \mathbb Q)^2$?

This question was firstly asked in mathematics stack exchange. Getting no answer, I copied it to here. For a vector space $V$ over $\mathbb R$, I say a subset $S$ of $V$ is "anti-convex" if $...
yummy's user avatar
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How to show such result for generalized $ O(|x|^{-1/2}) $ function?

Assuming that $ \chi\in C_c^{\infty}([-2,2]) $ is a cutoff function such that $\text{supp }\chi\subset[-2,2]$, $\chi\equiv 1 $ in $ [-1,1] $, and $ 0\leq\chi\leq 1 $, suppose that $ f\in C^{\infty}(\...
Luis Yanka Annalisc's user avatar
10 votes
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On Pareto functions

The Pareto principle says that the top 20% of wealthy people people hold over 80% of the wealth. Suppose we had a non-negative function on $\mathbb R^n$ that satisfied this principle on every open ...
Nate River's user avatar
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Seeking alternative elementary proof instead of applying Lojaseiwicz's inequality for $f(x,y) \geq c (x^2+y^2)^{\frac{M}{2}}$

Let $B\subseteq \Bbb{R}^2$ be a closed ball centered on $(0,0)$ of radius $0<\delta<1$. Let $f:B\to \Bbb{R}_{\geq 0}$ be real analytic and contain only one zero in $A$, namely $(0,0)$. In other ...
Doofenshmert's user avatar
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Lower bound of $\frac{f(x)}{x^{n+1}}$

Let $f:[0,a]\to \Bbb{R}_{\geq 0}$ be real analytic, $a<1$. Furthermore, $f(0) = 0$ and $f$ is strictly increasing on $[0,a]$. Let $n\in \Bbb{N}$ be the smallest positive integer such that $f^{(n)}(...
Doofenshmert's user avatar
7 votes
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Question on ODE involving mollifiers from Taylor's book on PDEs

In Taylor's third book on PDEs chapter 16, the author discusses quasilinear symmetric hyperbolic systems of the form $$\partial_{t}u=A^{k}(t,x,u)\partial_{k}u+g(t,x,u)$$ with some initial condition $u(...
B.Hueber's user avatar
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Is the largest root of a random polynomial more likely to be real than complex?

This question might be hard because it got $35$ upvotes in MSE and also had a $200$ points bounty by Jyrki Lahtonen but it was unanswered. So I am posting it in MO. The number of real roots of a ...
Nilotpal Kanti Sinha's user avatar
31 votes
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Topology on space of hyperfunctions

This is a reference request, coming from someone with little knowledge of hyperfunctions: Which methods have been used to endow the space of hyperfunctions $\mathcal B(\mathbb R)$ with something like ...
Peter Scholze's user avatar
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Subset in $[0,1]^k$ with positive density

Given a positive constant $0<\gamma<1$, does there exists integer $k_0>0$ such that for any integer $k\geq k_0$ the following holds?: For any $A\subseteq\left[0,1\right]^k$ with the measure ...
tom jerry's user avatar
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Counterexample wanted: Banach space but not BK-space

What is an example of a Banach space that is not a BK-space? A normed sequence space $X$ (with projections $p_n$) is a BK Space if $X$ is Banach space and for all natural numbers $n$, $p_n(\bar{x}) = ...
Maulana's user avatar
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Show that functional $J$ satisfies Palais-Smale condition iff every $P-S$ sequence is bounded

Let $H$ be a Hilbert space and let $K: H \rightarrow \mathbb{R}$ be $C^1$ and such that $\nabla K: H \rightarrow H$ sends bounded sets into precompact sets. Consider the functional $J: H \rightarrow \...
YuerWu's user avatar
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Is there a scalar product which makes orthonormal the family of complex functions $ (f_n)_{ n \geq 1 } $?

Let $ (f_n)_{ n \geq 1 } $ be a family of complex functions defined as follow, $ \forall n \geq 1 $, $$ f_n (z) = \dfrac{1}{n^{z}} $$ I would like to ask you if it is possible to construct a ( non-...
Angel65's user avatar
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Estimating an integral of the Green function in the plane

Suppose $\Omega$ is a bounded, simply connected domain, $z_{0}\in{\Omega}$ and for any $z\in{\Omega}$, $d_{z}:=\text{dist}(z,\partial{\Omega})$. I am interested in understanding the behavior of ...
David Pechersky's user avatar
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Sufficient condition for interpolation

If we have a couple of two compatible banach spaces (in this sense) $(X,Y)$ and a sequence of Banach spaces $\{Z\}_{\theta\in[0,1]}$ which are intermediate between $X$ and $Y$ satisfying: $Z_0=X$, $...
mejopa's user avatar
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Poisson kernel for the orthogonal groups

For the complex ball $|z|^2\le 1$ in $\mathbb{C}^n$, there is a Poisson kernel proportional to $|x-z|^{-2n}$. This is generalized to the unitary group $U(N)$ so that in the complex matrix ball $Z^\...
thedude's user avatar
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What is the "natural" or "physical" norm on the Hessian matrix (and other higher derivatives)?

Let $u : \mathbb R^n \rightarrow \mathbb R$ and let $H : \mathbb R^n \rightarrow \mathbb R^{n \times n}$ be its Hessian matrix. What is the "natural" choice of pointwise norm on the Hessian ...
AlpinistKitten's user avatar
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Tempered distributions at non-coinciding points and density of Schwartz functions

In the previous question, I find that situation is much less favorable than expected…. So I add more details to focus on the specific case I have in mind. Let us consider the Schwartz space $\mathcal{...
Isaac's user avatar
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Orthogonal space of polynomials

Let $f \colon [0,+\infty) \to \mathbb R$ be a continuous function. Assume that for any non-negative integer $n$, the function $f(t) t^n$ in integrable in $(0,+\infty)$ and $$ \int_0^{+\infty} f(t) t^n ...
henrysupercool's user avatar
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References for a class of Banach space-valued Gaussian processes

Let $E$ be a separable Banach space, consider a centered $E$-valued Gaussian process $\{x_t,t\ge 0\}$ that satisfies \begin{equation} \mathbb{E}\phi(x_s)\psi(x_t)=R(s,t)K(\phi,\psi),\quad \phi,\psi\in ...
Jorkug's user avatar
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Maximal function on mixed $L^{p}$

Consider $ f_{j,k}$ to be a function in $L^{p}(l^{q}(l^{2}))$, that is $$ \Vert f_{j,k} \Vert^{p}_{L^{p}(l^{q}(l^{2}))} = \int_{\mathbb{R}^{n}} \left( \sum_{k} \big[ \sum_{j} \vert f_{j,k}(x) \vert^{2}...
User091099's user avatar
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Clarification on the Interpretation of Fourier Coefficients in the Context of Fourier Projections

I am currently studying a paper (Section 3.4.3 of Lanthaler, Mishra, and Karniadakis - Error estimates for DeepONets: a deep learning framework in infinite dimensions) where the authors define an ...
Mohammad A's user avatar
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embedding spaces of probability measures to function spaces

Let $X, Y$ be Banach spaces. I'm considering a bounded linear functional $g:X\to Y$ and its lift $g_\sharp: \mathcal{P}(X)\to \mathcal{P}(Y)$. I want to consider the inverse of $g_\sharp$ in some ...
optimal_transport_fan's user avatar
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Is every closed subspace of the Schwartz space densely embedded into its dual space?

My original question is from this ME post but I think I need a broader understanding for this. The Schwartz space $\mathcal{S}$ and its subspaces are examples of nuclear spaces. In fact, any closed ...
Isaac's user avatar
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For any $p, q \in [1,\infty]$ and $s \in (0,\infty)$, can we find some $f \in L^q - W^{s,p}$?

Sobolev inequalities show us when we can embed a Sobolev space into another. However, I wonder if these inclusions are always proper. More specifically, let $\Omega \subset \mathbb{R}^n$ be a bounded ...
Isaac's user avatar
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Multivariate polynomial approximation of functions in Sobolev space

I found a result of the estimation error of polynomial approximation in page 6 of The statement is for $f \in W^{k, p}\left([-1,...
Iris's user avatar
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Rate of convergence of mollified distributions in Besov spaces with negative regularity

Given a standard mollifier $\rho_\delta$ and a distribution $ u \in B^\alpha_{ p, p}$ with $\alpha<0$, $p \in [1, \infty]$ and $B^\alpha_{p,p}$ is a not-homogeneous Besov space, I'm trying to prove ...
Marco's user avatar
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How much can you improve a Hölder function by composing it with another?

Let $f: [0, 1] \to \mathbb R$ be a continuous function. Define the local Hölder exponent $H(f, x)$ of $f$ at $x \in [0, 1]$ by $$H(f, x) := \sup\left\{0 \leq \alpha \leq 1\mid\lim_{\delta \to 0_+} \...
Nate River's user avatar
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Larger possible chain of closed subspaces in the dual of a Banach space

In this question, is demonstrated that a separable space can have a chain (ordered by inclusion) of closed subspaces with uncountable many subspaces. My question is the following. If $X$ is an ...
Emerick's user avatar
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History of bump functions

When were the standard bump function examples such as $e^{-1/(1-x^2)}$ first understood, and what was the context or motivation at the time? As an upper bound I would guess that they must have been ...
Quarto Bendir's user avatar
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Form of a hereditary subalgebra of $C^*$-algebra $C_0(X)$

I would like to show that: "every hereditary subalgebra $U$ of a $C^*$-algebra $C_0(X)$ for a locally compact Hausdorff Space $X$ has the form $J_E := \{f \in C_0(X) : f|_E=0 \}$ for a closed ...
VvvV's user avatar
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A sharp version of a Tauberian theorem

The following Tauberian theorem is true (see Theorem I.11.1 of ''Tauberian theory: A century of developments''). Let $ a_n $ a sequence of real numbers. If $f(x) = \sum_{n=1}^\infty a_n x^n $ ...
an_ordinary_mathematician's user avatar
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Excising the trace of a $II_1$-factor

Recall that a state $\varphi$ on a $C^*$-algebra $A$ is said to be excised by projections if there exists a net of projections $e_i \in A$ such that $\| e_i a e_i - \varphi(a) e_i\| \to_{i} 0$ for all ...
pitariver's user avatar
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Extracting a subsequence Cesàro converging to the limsup of the Cesàro sums

Let $X_n$ be a sequence of uniformly bounded random variables — that is, there exists some $K > 0$ such that $|X_n| \leq K$ almost surely for all $n \in \mathbb N$. Write $\bar X_N := \frac{1}{N} \...
Nate River's user avatar
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Characterizing germs of smooth functions

There's a sheaf of smooth real-valued functions on $\mathbb{R}$, and its germ at $0$ is some vector space $V$. I would like to understand this space. There is a surjective linear map $$ \phi \colon ...
John Baez's user avatar
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Representing $\Gamma(a-x)$ in terms of $\Gamma(kx)$ and $\Gamma(a)$ and elementary functions

I asked this question on MSE here. I wonder if it is possible to represent $\Gamma(a-x)$ in terms of powers of $\Gamma(a)$, powers of $\Gamma(kx)$, and elementary functions. I am not looking for any ...
pie's user avatar
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De la Vallée Poussin criterion on uniform integrability for infinite measures

The de la Vallée Poussin criterion (which is often used in combination with the Dunford-Pettis theorem) is usually formulated for probability measures/finite measures, for example in [Bogachev: ...
kumquat's user avatar
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Dual of closure

Currently I'm studying about abstract interpolation theory for my research. One of the basic ways to construct new interpolation spaces, given an interpolation space $E$ with respect to a compatible ...
Guillermo García Sáez's user avatar
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PDF of the difference of two Beta Prime distribution

I am struggling to find the PDF of the difference of two Beta Prime distribution. Definition A random variable is said to have a Beta Prime distribution $\text{B}'(\alpha, \beta)$ with $\alpha, \beta&...
NancyBoy's user avatar
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When is this operator positive semi-definite?

I have the following operator $$\Phi(\chi_A)=\int \text{d}\eta\, \text{d}\zeta\,\chi_A(\eta,\zeta)\,e^{i(\eta \hat{P}+\zeta\hat{Q})}.$$ With $\chi_A$ the indicator function associated to a set $A\...
Nicolas Medina Sanchez's user avatar
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A variation of the Riesz Lemma

Given a normed space $X$, a closed proper subspace $Y$ and $\alpha\in (0,1)$, the Riesz Lemma states that there is $x\in X$ such that $\|x\|=1$ and $d(x,Y)>\alpha$. Observe that also $d(-x,Y)=d(x,Y)...
Emerick's user avatar
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The size of super level sets and the symmetry on a sphere

Let $u$ be a smooth function defined on the sphere $\mathbb{S}^2$, and let $R \in \mathrm{SO}(3)$ be a three-dimensional rotation. Define $$ S_R = \{x \in \mathbb{S}^2 : u(x) \neq u(Rx)\}. $$ Suppose ...
MathLearner's user avatar
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Dual spaces of Banach-valued $L^{p}$-spaces

Let $(\Omega,\mathcal{F},\mu)$ be a measure space (say complete and $\sigma$-finite, for simplicity). Furthermore, let $(X,\Vert\cdot\Vert_{X})$ be an arbitrary Banach space. I denote by $(L^{p}(\...
G. Blaickner's user avatar
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Estimating a solution to Euler-type ODE #2

This is a similar question to this but with a different ODE. Let $f$ be a continuous function in $L^2([1,\infty)$ satisfying $\sup_{r\geq 1} r|f(r)| <\infty$. Let $\ell$ be a positive integer, $R&...
Laithy's user avatar
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Domain of the infinitesimal generator of a composition $C_0$-semigroup

In the paper [1] the following $C_0$-group is presented, $$ T(t)f(x) = f(e^{-t} x) , \quad x \in (0,\infty) \quad f \in E $$ where $E$ is an ($L^1,L^\infty$)-interpolation space. In mi case, I'm just ...
Scottish Questions's user avatar
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Isoperimetric Inequalities in Annular Regions

Let $\Omega$ be an open set in $\mathbb{R}^2$ whose boundary is a rectifiable Jordan curve. Then an old result by Alfred Huber states that $$ \left(\int_{\partial \Omega} e^u ds\right)^2 \geq 2 \left(...
MathLearner's user avatar
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Dual of homogeneous Triebel-Lizorkin

Let $ p, q \in (1,\infty)$ and consider the homogeneous Triebel- Lizorkin space $\dot{F}^{s}_{p,q}$ to be the space of all tempered distributions (modulo polynomials) with $$ [f]^{p}_{\dot{F}^{s}_{p,q}...
User091099's user avatar
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Measurable Extension

Let $(\Omega, \mathcal{F})$ be a measurable space and $X$ some metric space (probably Polish) with the Borel $\sigma$-algebra and a function $f: \Omega \times X \to \mathbb{R}$. Usually, functions ...
Mrcrg's user avatar
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Support of a function acting on an algebra?

Quick: for a measurable function $f$ its support on Euclidean space is clearly just the subset where $f$ does not vanish. Now, let’s have $f$ acting on an finite Lie algebra, f.e. $\mathfrak{gl}$ as $...
relativeentropy's user avatar

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