I found a result of the estimation error of polynomial approximation in page 6 of https://scg.ece.ucsb.edu/publications/theses/ARajagopal_2019_Thesis.pdf
The statement is for $f \in W^{k, p}\left([-1,1]^q\right)$ and $n \geq 1$, there exists a constant $C=$ $C(k, p)$ and a polynomial $p_n$ of degree not exceeding $n$ such that $$ \left\|f-p_n\right\|_{L^p} \leq C\|f\|_{W^{k, p}} n^{-k} . $$ I think it is a simplifed version of multivariate Jackson's inequality, but I failed to find a reference of this result. Does anyone know the reference? Thanks.