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dependence of eigenvalues on parameters

Let $f$ be a positive real-analytic function on the closed unit disk. Consider the eigenvalue problem $\Delta \phi = \lambda f \phi$, with $\phi = 0$ on the boundary. There exists a sequence of ...
Michael Beeson's user avatar
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If *Y* is weakly dense in *X*, is the unit ball in *Y* necessarily dense in the unit ball in *X*?

Let X be a normed space and denote by X* the space of all bounded linear functionals on X. Take a linear subspace G ≤ X* which separates the elements of X, i.e., for each x ∈ X, there is an f &...
Martin Raic's user avatar
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Noninteger iterates of functions: How to get ODE from flow at a given time?

Suppose you have the autonomous ordinary differential equation $dx(t)/dt = f(x(t))$ with $x: \mathbb{R} \to \mathbb{R}$ and the initial condition $x(0)=x_0$. Then, assuming some regularity conditions, ...
Andreas Rüdinger's user avatar
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Can Stein's maximal principle be strengthened?

Let $T$ be an operator on $S(G)$ where $G$ is the line $R$ or the circle $T$, and $S(G)$ denotes the Schwartz space of functions on $G$. We can ask if the operator T is bounded (as an operator from $...
Mark Lewko's user avatar
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High dimensional Lusin conjecture

Lusin, in 1913, while considering the properties of Hilbert's transform, conjectured that every function in $L^2[-\pi, \pi]$ has an a.e. convergent Fourier series. Kolmogorov, in 1923, gave an example ...
Tomas's user avatar
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Duality of $H^1$ and BMO

While proving that the dual of $H^1$ is $BMO$ in Harmonic Analysis: Real-Variable Methods, Orthogonality, and Oscillatory Integrals, page 143, Stein says that we have $\left\Vert g \right\Vert_{H^1} \...
abbyJeffers's user avatar
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A characterization of Hilbert spaces by norm one projections

Suppose a (separable) Banach space $X$ has the following property: If $P:X\to X$ is a bounded projection different from $I$ such that $\|P\|=1$, then $\|I-P\|=1$. Does this imply that $X$ is a Hilbert ...
Markus's user avatar
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Subspaces of $\ell_\infty^3$

Let $a,b\in\mathbb C$ be suc that $\max\{|a+b|,|a-b|\}\leq 1$ but $|a|+|b|>1.$ According to this paper by Arias, Figiel, Johnson and Schechtman
A beginner mathmatician's user avatar
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A little problem in PDE or function analysis

Let $E$ be the usual sobolev space $H^{1}_{0}(\Omega)$ on a smoothly bounded domain $\Omega$, $E_{k}$ be its subspace spanned by the first $k$ eigenfunctions of the Laplace operator, i.e. $$E_{k}:=\...
sorrymaker's user avatar
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Self-dual Orlicz sequence spaces

Suppose that $\ell_\phi$ is a reflexive Orlicz sequence space such that its dual space $\ell_\phi^*$ is isomorphic to $\ell_\phi$. Is $\ell_\phi$ isomorphic to $\ell_2$?
M.González's user avatar
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Can the intersection of a unitary and an irreducibly represented injective $C^*$-algebra be $\{0\}$?

Let $\mathcal{A}$ be an injective $C^*$-algebra irreducibly acting on a Hilbert space $\mathcal{H}$, and let $\phi$ be a completely positive idempotent from $\mathbb{B}(\mathcal{H})$ onto $\mathcal{A}$...
Masayoshi Kaneda's user avatar
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Taylor expansion with remainder on locally convex spaces

It is usual to introduce Fréchet and Gâteaux derivatives in Banach spaces. In this context, the familiar Taylor expansion with remainder is also at hand, as you can see on the picture below taken from ...
JustWannaKnow's user avatar
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Comparison of several topologies for probability measures

Let $X$ be a compact metric space and denote $\mathcal M(X)$ the set of probability measures on $X$. For $\mu\in\mathcal M(X)$ we write $\operatorname{supp} \mu$ for the support of $\mu$. As is well ...
Kass's user avatar
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Are separable F-spaces (completely metrizable topological vector space) homeomorphic to $l_2$?

An F-space is a completely metrizable topological vector space, i.e. the vector topology is induced by a complete metric. A Fréchet space is, by definition, a locally convex F-space. It is known that ...
Thibaut Dumont's user avatar
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Gaussian Surface Area of Positive Semidefinite Cone

Let $\mathbb{R}^n$ be the Euclidean space and $A \subseteq \mathbb{R}^n$ be a sufficiently regular set, e.g., one that has smooth boundary or is convex. We define the $\epsilon$-neighbor of $A$ in the ...
Minkov's user avatar
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Is the equicontinuous weak-star topology locally convex on the dual of an LF-space?

The Banach-Dieudonné theorem states that if $X$ is a metrizable locally convex Hausdorff space then the equicontinuous weak-* topology $ew^*$ on $X'$ coincides with the topology of precompact ...
yada's user avatar
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When does a $C^*$-algebra have no nonzero projection?

Let $A$ be a $C^*$-algebra and $\hat{A}$ its spectrum of $A$,the set of classes of non-zero irreducible representation of $A$ endowed with hull-kernel topology. suppose $\hat{A}$ is a non-compact ...
M.fouladi's user avatar
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On what kind of condition of a compact set $K$ in the plane, $C(K)$ has a generator?

Let $K\subset \Bbb{C}$ be a compact subset of the complex plane, and let $C(K)$ be the space of all complex continuous functions on $K$. We say that $f\in C(K)$ is a generator of $C(K)$ when the set $...
Li Jingyang's user avatar
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Topology in space of test functions $\mathcal{D}(\Omega)$ and space of distributions $\mathcal{D}'(\Omega)$

We can concluded that $\mathcal{D}(\Omega):=\bigcup_{K \in \mathcal{K}(\Omega)} \mathcal{D}_K(\Omega)$ (where $\mathcal{K}(\Omega)$ denotes the union of all compacts set content in a open subset $\...
Andrew's user avatar
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Invertibility of group Laplacian in $\ell^1$

Let $G$ be a discrete group and let $S$ be a generating set for $G$; assume that $S$ is symmetric (i.e., $g\in S$ iff $g^{-1}\in S$). Let $L=L_S=\frac{1}{|S|}(\sum_{g\in S} g-1)$ be an element of the ...
user75274's user avatar
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James' theorem—going from the separable case to the general case

Consider the following famous theorem by Robert C. James (1964): Let $X$ be a Banach space over $\mathbb R$ and $C$ a non-empty, bounded, weakly closed subset. Then, $C$ is weakly compact if and ...
triple_sec's user avatar
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Fréchet-Kolmogorov compactness Theorem for Lp spaces on manifolds

Suppose I have a family of functions $\mathcal{F} \subseteq L^2(\mathcal{M}, P)$ where $\mathcal{M}$ is a compact manifold, and $P$ is a probability distribution on $\mathcal{M}$. Is there an ...
Barrett's user avatar
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Why aren't operator semigroups studied from a dynamical perspective?

Often times one talks about iterating a continuous map to get discrete topological dynamics, or having a 1-parameter family of continuous maps to get continuous topological dynamics. When studying ...
Jeff's user avatar
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series representation in injective tensor products

All books on tensor products of Banach spaces contain the well-known theorem of Grothendieck that every element of the completed projective tensor product $X \tilde{\otimes}_ \pi Y$ has a ...
Jochen Wengenroth's user avatar
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Banach Algebra Counterexample

Can someone give me an example of a Banach Algebra which does not have an isometric representation in a Hilbert Space ? (if possible, can you add a proof or a reference ? ) Thank you very much ! ...
jpp's user avatar
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Can one understand the Kelvin transform conceptually?

Let $U = \mathbf{R}^n - \{ 0 \}$, $n > 2$ and consider for a function $f \in C^2(U)$ the Kelvin transform $$f^\star(x) = r^{2-n} f\left(\frac{x}{r^2}\right),$$ where $r = \lvert x \rvert$. One ...
orbifold's user avatar
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Extension of weakly compact operators from $\ell_1$ into $c_0$

Is every weakly compact operator from $\ell_1$ into $c_0$ extendible to any larger space? Equivalently, is every weakly compact operator from $\ell_1$ into $c_0$ extendible to $\ell_\infty$?
Joaquin M. Gutierrez's user avatar
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A book on Banach Manifold for a Dynamicist

Hi all, Could you give me a suggestion of suitable book about Banach Manifolds for someone that have background in functional analysis at the level of Conway's book and Do Carmo's book on Riemannian ...
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Multiplicity of eigenvalues of the Laplacian on quaternionic projective space

Using the classic spherical harmonics theory, one obtains the $k$-th eigenvalue of the $n$-dimensional round sphere $S^n$ to be $k(k+n-1)$, and its multiplicity is $\binom{n+k}{k}-\binom{n+k-1}{k-1}$, ...
Renato G. Bettiol's user avatar
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Decomposing an arbitrary unitary representation of a connected nilpotent Lie group in terms of its irreps

For a locally compact (Hausdorff) abelian group $G$ we have following theorem (see e.g. Folland): "For every (strongly continuous) unitary representation $(\pi,\mathcal{H_{\pi}})$ of $G$, there ...
Mark's user avatar
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Gelfand theory Problem

I have 2 problems in Gelfand theory. I shall be thankful for any answers. 1)What is the gelfand spectrum of l^1(N)? A few of the elements are evaluations of functions(defined below) on closed unit ...
Madhuresh's user avatar
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Isoperimetric inequality, but $L_p$ norm

I would like to consider the isoperimetric problem of $L_p$ norm: Given a region in $\mathbb R^2$ such that the boundary is a curve $C(x,y)$, where $\int_{C}(|\mathrm dx|^p+|\mathrm dy|^p)^{1/p}$ is a ...
JetfiRex's user avatar
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Projective tensor product of injective operators

I've seen claims that it is known that for a pair of bounded injective linear operators $T\colon X\to Y, S\colon W\to V$, their tensor product $T\otimes S\colon X \otimes_\pi W\to Y \otimes_\pi V$ ...
Tomasz Kania's user avatar
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Bounding the decrease after applying a contraction operator $n$ vs $n+1$ times

Can we upper bound the convergence rate of $$\max_{\textbf{v}: \left\Vert \textbf{v}\right\Vert_2=1} \left\{ \left\Vert \textbf{T}^n \textbf{v}\right\Vert^2_2 - \left\Vert \textbf{T}^{n+1} \textbf{v}\...
Itay's user avatar
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Explicit isomorphism between $L^2(\mathbb{R}^2)$ and $L^2(\mathbb{R})$?

As Hilbert spaces, $L^2(\mathbb{R}^2)$ and $L^2(\mathbb{R})$ are isomorphic. Of course the isomoprhism is vastly not unique. I wonder if there are any particularly nice explicit isomorphisms. E.g. I ...
Slava Rychkov's user avatar
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Visualizing the wave operator in two dimensions

For $n\geq 1$, let $D_n$ be the Dirac operator on the spinor bundle on the $n$-dimensional sphere $S^n$. For example, $D_1$ acts on the trivial bundle $S^1\times\mathbb{C}\to S^1$, and can be ...
geometricK's user avatar
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Unitary representation is strictly continuous

Let $G$ be a compact group and $u: G \to B(H)$ be a strongly continuous unitary representation on the Hilbert space $H$. Then is $u: G \to B(H)$ strictly continuous? That is, give $B(H)$ the topology ...
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Gelfand pair, weakly symmetric pair, and spherical pair

I am a bit confused with the relations among Gelfand pairs, weakly symmetric pairs, and spherical pairs defined in the book "Harmonic analysis on commutative spaces" written by professor ...
Hebe's user avatar
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A hyperplane separation question

I have a subset $K\subset X^\ast$ of the dual of a Banach space $X$. (In fact $X$ is $C^1(M)$ for some smooth compact manifold $M$.) I hope that there exists $x\in X$ such that every $k\in K$ ...
Tom Goodwillie's user avatar
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Do the operators in $B(E,F)$ separate points on the projective tensor product $F' \mathop{\tilde\otimes_\pi} E$?

Let $E$ and $F$ be Banach spaces, and let $\mathfrak L_{co}(E,F)$ denote the space of bounded linear operators $E \to F$ equipped with the topology of uniform convergence on the absolutely convex ...
J. van Dobben de Bruyn's user avatar
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Is a sign-preserving operator on $L^2$ a multiplication?

Let $T:L^2(\mu)\to L^2(\mu)$ be a linear and continuous operator, where $L^2(\mu)$ is the (real) $L^2$-space to some $\sigma$-finite measure space $(\Omega,\Sigma,\mu)$. $T$ is assumed to be sign-...
daw's user avatar
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Regularity of Fourier transforms of $L^p$ functions for $2<p\le\infty$

I was recently reading about the Mikhlin and Hörmander Multiplier Theorems, which give conditions for a measurable function $m:\mathbb R^d\to\mathbb C$ to be an $L^p$ multiplier, i.e. for there to ...
Dominic Wynter's user avatar
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Collections of examples and counterexamples in (real, complex, functional) analysis, ODEs and PDEs

What books collect examples and counterexamples (or also "solved exercises", for some suitable definition of "exercise") in real analysis, complex analysis, functional analysis, ODEs, PDEs? The ...
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Property between trace class and Hilbert-Schmidt

Consider the following condition on a bounded operator $T$ on a Hilbert space: $\ \ \ \ \ $(A) there exists an orthonormal basis $(e_j)$ with $\sum_j\parallel Te_j\parallel<\infty$. We have the ...
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Davis, Figiel, Johnson and Pełczyński factorization through spaces with a bases

Davis, Figiel, Johnson and Pełczyński's Factorization Theorem states that each weakly compact operator $T:X \to Y$ between Banach spaces $X$ and $Y$ factors through a reflexive Banach space $Z$. In ...
Kevin Beanland's user avatar
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Tightness and Functional Analysis

Let $(\Omega , \mathbb{P})$ be a probability space and $X$ be a real-valued random variable. Then we immediately have the push-forward measure $\mu$ on $\mathbb{R}$ and one can think of $\mu$ as an ...
George Shakan's user avatar
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Is every $C_0$ semigroup on a Hilbert space automatically a $C_0$ group on a larger space?

Let $\{T(t),t\ge 0\}$ be a $C_0$ semigroup on a Hilbert space $X$, does that exist a larger Hilbert space $Y$ such that $X\subset Y$, and $T(t)$ extend to a $C_0$ group $T'(t)$ (so $t<0$ make ...
Tomas's user avatar
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Questions on topologies on space of Radon measures

Consider the space $C_c(\mathbb{R})$ of continuous real-valued functions on $\mathbb{R}$ equipped with the inductive limit topology by $C_c(\mathbb{R}) = \bigcup_{n \in \mathbb{N}} C_c(\mathbb{R}, K_n)...
yada's user avatar
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Derivatives of radial functions can be bounded by derivatives in terms of radial distance?

Suppose $f$ is a radial function, i.e., $f(x)=f(|x|)$, and $f \in C^\infty(\bar{B})$, where $\bar{B}$ is the closure of the unit ball in $\mathbb{R}^n$. Prove or disprove the following. Given any ...
booksee's user avatar
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Decay of solutions to Schrodinger equation with local minimum in potential

Consider the one-dimensional Schrodinger operator on the real line $\mathbb{R}$ given by $$ L = - \partial_x^2 + V $$ where $V$ is a potential with the following properties: $V$ is non-negative, and ...
Willie Wong's user avatar
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