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What does analytic uniformly in $s$ mean?

Suppose I have a complex vector space $V$ with finite basis $\{e_{1},...,e_{s}\}$. Then, I can consider the algebra $\mathcal{U}$ of formal polynomials on the variables $e_{1},...,e_{s}$. Suppose ...
InMathweTrust's user avatar
4 votes
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Explicit bounds on gaps between zeros of $\zeta^\prime(s)$

In $\S$9.1 of "Theory of the Riemann Zeta Function", Titchmarsh uses Borel-Carathéodory and Hadamard Three Circles to show that every circle of radius 6 and center $3+iT$ contains a zeros of ...
Stopple's user avatar
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3 votes
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What are necessary and/or sufficient conditions for a Dirichlet series to admit analytic continuation?

Let $A = \{a(n)\}_{n \geq 1}$ be a sequence of complex numbers. By normalizing, we may as well assume that $|a(n)| \leq 1$ for all $n \geq 1$. Under this assumption, the Dirichlet series $\...
Stanley Yao Xiao's user avatar
5 votes
1 answer

Properties of Poisson Integral and Traces of functions in Sobolev space $W^{1,2} (\mathbb D)$

Let $W^{1,2}(\mathbb D)$ be the complex valued Sobolev space on $\mathbb D$ where $\mathbb D $ is the open unit disk of the complex plane. By definition, $W^{1,2} (\mathbb D)$ is the set of all ...
ash's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

Reference for Mellin inversion; Meijer G-function

We have $$\frac {\Gamma (a)}{2^a}=\int _{(c)}\Gamma (s)\Gamma (a-s)\,ds,$$ see e.g. Exercise C.23 of Montgomery and Vaughan's "Multiplicative Number Theory". I would like a similar formula ...
tomos's user avatar
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SOT and WOT convergence of Toeplitz operators

For the Hardy space $H^2$, every $\phi \in L^\infty (\mathbb T)$ induces a bounded Toeplitz operator $T_\phi$ on the Hardy space and $\lVert T_\phi \rVert = \lVert \phi \rVert _{\infty}$. Consequently,...
ash's user avatar
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23 votes
4 answers

Lower bounding $|1+z+\cdots + z^{n-1}|$ when $z\approx 1$

I am trying to lower bound $|1+z+\cdots + z^{n-1}|$ when $z$ is a complex number close to $1$ (and $n$ is sufficiently large). My main concern occurs in the case $z = 1 + it$, where $t$ is small. In ...
David Altizio's user avatar
2 votes
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Representation of a meromorphic function on a once-punctured complex plane in terms of its zeros and poles

Consider a meromorphic function $f:\mathbb{C}\setminus\{0\}$ such that both $0$ and $\infty$ are its essential singularities with finite order in the sense of value distribution theory (see for ...
Bin Xu's user avatar
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Conformally mapping between the upper half complex plane, and the plane with a tree on spatial points removed

A stochastic process such as SLE$_{\kappa}$ can be defined by taking the scaling limit of a curve in the upper half complex plane: put simply, one removes a line segment, then another, $n$ times, each ...
apg's user avatar
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93 votes
20 answers

Short papers for undergraduate course on reading scholarly math

(I know this is perhaps only tangentially related to mathematics research, but I'm hoping it is worthy of consideration as a community wiki question.) Today, I was reminded of the existence of this ...
2 votes
0 answers

Inclusion in Hardy-Smirnov spaces for the analytic continuation of a Cauchy-Type integral with a continuous boundary function

Let $D$ be a bounded simply connected domain in the complex plane $\mathbb{C}=\{z=x+iy\}$ with a Jordan rectifiable boundary $C=\partial D$. Let $P_1$ and $P_2$ be two distinct points on $C$, and let ...
Mathitis's user avatar
28 votes
2 answers

Proofs of the valence formula that avoid tricky contours?

$\DeclareMathOperator\ord{ord}\DeclareMathOperator\Im{Im}$The valence formula for a modular form asserts that if $f: \mathbf{H} \to \mathbf{C}$ is a modular form of weight $k$ on the upper half-plane $...
Terry Tao's user avatar
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Bounds for Dirichlet L-functions

Let $L$ denote a Dirichlet L-function attached to the primitive character $\chi$. What are the best known bounds for $L(\sigma+it, \chi)$? PS: For $L=\zeta$ and $0\leq\sigma\leq 1$, i'm aware of a ...
Q_p's user avatar
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Prescribe the type of an entire function which inverse zeros are summable

According to Lindelöf's theorem, given points $z_i\in \mathbb C\setminus \{0\}$ ordered by increasing modulus with possible repetitions, we can define a function $$ f(z)=\prod_{n=1}^\infty (1-z/z_n)e^{...
kaleidoscop's user avatar
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On a functional equation of Mahler?

Recently, I was trying to introduce the concept of natural boundaries to a fellow math student, and what greater way to do this than using an example? In particular, I tried to use as an illustration, ...
Prelude's user avatar
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21 votes
6 answers

What is the relationship between $\sum_{n=0}^\infty f(n) x^n$ and $-\sum_{n=1}^\infty f(-n) x^{-n}$?

Background Taking a relatively arbitrary combination of exponential and polynomial terms, for instance $$\sum_{n=0}^\infty \left(n^{2}\sin\left(n\right)+n\cos\left(3n-2\right)\right)\cos\left(5n+1\...
Caleb Briggs's user avatar
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150 votes
31 answers

What are the most misleading alternate definitions in taught mathematics?

I suppose this question can be interpreted in two ways. It is often the case that two or more equivalent (but not necessarily semantically equivalent) definitions of the same idea/object are used in ...
74 votes
51 answers

An example of a beautiful proof that would be accessible at the high school level?

The background of my question comes from an observation that what we teach in schools does not always reflect what we practice. Beauty is part of what drives mathematicians, but we rarely talk about ...
7 votes
2 answers

On the asymptotic behaviour of the series $\sum_{n=1}^{\infty} \left ( \frac{\zeta(ns)}{n}+\frac{s}{1-ns}\right )$ near $s=0$

I am interested in determining the behaviour of the the series/function $$f(s)=\sum_{n=1}^{\infty} \left ( \frac{\zeta(ns)}{n}+\frac{s}{1-ns}\right )$$ near $s=0$. It is clear that $f(0)$ is undefined....
Tian Vlašić's user avatar
1 vote
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Recognizing when a $2\pi$-periodic function is a shifted sine

Consider a real analytic function $f(x)$ with a period of $2\pi.$ Let $t\in \operatorname{Range}(f(x))$, $$I(t)=\int_{0}^{2\pi}\log |t-f(x)|dx.$$ Prove that $I(t)$ is equal to a constant if and only ...
kris001's user avatar
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An integral containing modified Bessel functions

During my studies I am facing the following problem. Let $I_\nu(x)$ be the modified Bessel function for $\nu\in(0,1/2]$. I want to compute the following integral (it is are resolvent) $$ R(z) = \frac{...
gdvdv's user avatar
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On analytic functions on the complement of a curve without jump across the curve almost everywhere

Question. Suppose $f$ is an analytic function on $\mathbb C\setminus\mathbb R$ and assume that the boundary values of $f$ from above and below the real axis (denoted $f_\pm$ respectively) exist almost ...
RandomWalk123's user avatar
109 votes
28 answers

Why should one still teach Riemann integration?

In the introduction to chapter VIII of Dieudonné's Foundations of Modern Analysis (Volume 1 of his 13-volume Treatise on Analysis), he makes the following argument: Finally, the reader will ...
25 votes
6 answers

What is the standard 2-generating set of the symmetric group good for?

I apologize for this question which is obviously not research-level. I've been teaching to master students the standard generating sets of the symmetric and alternating groups and I wasn't able to ...
Matthieu Romagny's user avatar
7 votes
2 answers

Perturbation of zeros of an entire function of exponential type

Suppose that $(z_n) \subset \mathbb C$ is a sequence (repetitions allowed) such that $$ F(z) = \prod_n \left ( 1-\frac{z}{z_n} \right ) $$ defines an entire function of exponential type, that is, $|F(...
J. Swail's user avatar
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86 votes
44 answers

Demystifying complex numbers

At the end of this month I start teaching complex analysis to 2nd year undergraduates, mostly from engineering but some from science and maths. The main applications for them in future studies are ...
6 votes
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Partial fraction expansions of meromorphic functions

Sorry if this question (inspired by the recent flurry of activity around a "new" formula for $\pi$) is too naive. Imitating what one does with Hadamard products, one can try to do the same ...
Henri Cohen's user avatar
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Does the Poincaré lemma (Dolbeault–Grothendieck lemma) still hold on singular complex space?

Let $X$ be a complex manifold, then we have the Poincaré lemma (or say, Dolbeault-Grothendieck lemma) (locally) on $X$, whose formulation is as follows: ( $\bar{\partial}$-Poincaré lemma) If $\...
Lelong  Wang's user avatar
1 vote
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Deriving a specific bound for functions in Hardy Space

Reading some article a while ago I read the following: (here $H^2$ represents the Hardy space) Let $f\in H^2$ be such that $f(0)=1$, and let $0<\lvert\lambda\rvert<1$, then $$\lVert f(\lambda z)\...
Tomas smith Smith's user avatar
-6 votes
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Is the real part of the Eta function bounded by $2 \sum_{n=1}^{\infty}{\dfrac{(-1)^{n-1}}{n^{\alpha}}} $ [closed]

Consider the series defined by \begin{equation} f(\alpha,\beta) := \sum_{n=1}^{\infty}{\dfrac{(-1)^{n-1}}{n^{\alpha}}\cos(\beta\ln(n))} \end{equation} is it true that $$f(\alpha,\beta) \le 2\sum_{n=1}...
The potato eater's user avatar
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Analytic maps on Banach spaces: analyticity upgrade

Consider the following problem. Let $E,F,G$ be real or complex Banach spaces, such that $F\subset G$ with continuous embedding. Let $U\subset E$ an open set and $$ f:U\to G $$ an analytic map, such ...
Lorenzo Pompili's user avatar
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Motivation for defining polar derivative

The polar derivative of a polynomial $p(z)$ is defined as $$ D_\alpha p(z):=np(z)+(\alpha -z)p^{\prime}(z) \qquad \alpha\in\mathbb{C}. $$ It is a polynomial of degree $n-1.$ I am new to complex ...
AgnostMystic's user avatar
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Sign of $\Re\frac{\xi'(s)}{\xi(s)}$ locally around a zeta zero

In the article ”On a positivity property of the real part of logarithmic derivative of the Riemann $\xi$–function” the authors check the positivity of $\Re \frac{\xi'}{\xi}(s)$ for $\frac{1}{2}<\...
12321's user avatar
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123 votes
25 answers

"Mathematics talk" for five year olds

I am trying to prepare a "mathematics talk" for five year olds from my daughter's elementary school. I have given many mathematics talks in my life but this one feels very tough to prepare. Could the ...
-1 votes
1 answer

Reference Request: Continuous extension of conformal maps

currently I am trying to find some references on the continuous extension of conformal maps between two simply connected domains of the Riemann sphere $\hat{\mathbb C}$. Let $\gamma_1,\gamma_2$ be two ...
A.s. graduate student's user avatar
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Branched covering maps between Riemann surfaces

What is an example of a branched covering map between Riemann surfaces of infinite degree? i.e. something like a branched version of the exponential map $exp: \mathbb{C} \to \mathbb{C}^*$. Thanks!
cata's user avatar
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On an oscillatory property of the Riemann Xi-function

In their paper "The Integral of the Riemann Xi-Function", Lagarias and Montague mention Wintner's 1947 proof that $$ \Xi^{(-1)}(t) > 0 \quad \text{when} \quad t > 0. $$ This result ...
Tokita Ohma's user avatar
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Reality of connection or meromorphic function

Let's considering a family of connections: $\nabla^{\lambda}:\mathbb{C}^{*}\rightarrow \Omega^{1}(sl(2,C))$ of trivial rank2 bundle on $\mathbb{P}^{1}-\{ 0,1,\infty \}$ with simple pole. In this case, ...
Moumou Ye's user avatar
3 votes
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Complex analytic function $f$ on $\mathbb{C}^n$ vanish on real sphere must vanish on complex sphere

I'm considering a complex entire function $f$: $\mathbb{C}^n\to \mathbb{C}$. Suppose $f=0$ on $\{(x_1,\cdots,x_n)\in\mathbb{R}^n:\sum_{k=1}^n x_k^2=1\}$. I want to prove $$f=0\textit{ on } M_1=\{(z_1,\...
Holden Lyu's user avatar
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Estimates for the first coefficient of the Taylor expansion of $\zeta$ around a zero

Let's suppose that $s_0=\frac{1}{2}-\Delta+it$ with $0<\Delta<\frac{1}{2}$ is a simple zeta zero (i.e a zero not on the critical line). Then $1-\overline{s_0}$ is also a zero. If we take the ...
12321's user avatar
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Generating functions in countable commutative monoids

Let $f: \mathbb{N}_0 \rightarrow \mathbb{C}$ be a function. The power series of $f$ can be viewed as the function $\mathscr{P}_f : q \mapsto \sum_{n \in \mathbb{N}_0}^{} f(n)q^n$ where $q \in \mathbb{...
Tian Vlašić's user avatar
4 votes
3 answers

Approximation for complex variables

Approximation theory, which aims to provide the optimal polynomial function approximating the target function in a given domain such as $x\in[-1,1]$, has been well-developed for real variables. In ...
ironmanaudi's user avatar
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Characterization of bi-Hermitian structures with equal Lee forms

Let $(M,g,I_+,I_-)$ be a compact bi-Hermitian manifold, where $g$ is a Riemannian metric and $I_+$, $I_-$ are two complex structures that are both compatible with $g$. We assume that $I_+$ and $I_-$ ...
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114 votes
34 answers

Why do we teach calculus students the derivative as a limit?

I'm not teaching calculus right now, but I talk to someone who does, and the question that came up is why emphasize the $h \to 0$ definition of a derivative to calculus students? Something a teacher ...
3 votes
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Schwartz's theorem without English language reference

I'm reading the paper "Spectral Synthesis And The Pompeiu Problem" by Leon Brown, Bertram M. Schreiber and B. Alan Taylor, Annales de l’Institut Fourier 23, No. 3, 125-154 (1973), MR352492, ...
Holden Lyu's user avatar
4 votes
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Teaching suggestions for Kleene fixed point theorem

I will take over two lectures from a colleague in which we discuss fixed point theory in the context of complete partial orders, and culminates in showing the Kleene fixed point theorem (see f.e. ...
JustVisiting's user avatar
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Conformal mapping which is $\alpha$-holder continuous for each $\alpha<1$

Recall that the Jordan curve $J\subset \mathbb{C}$ is called asymptotically conformal if $$\text{$\max_{z\in J(a,b)}\frac{|a-z|+|z-b|}{|a-b|}\to 1$ as $a,b\in J, |a-b|\to 0$}$$ where $J(a,b)$ is the ...
ljjpfx's user avatar
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Function of several complex variables with prescribed zeros

I accidentally stumbled upon a problem of complex analysis in several variables, and I have a hard time understanding what I read, it might be related to the Cousin II problem but I cannot say for ...
kaleidoscop's user avatar
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Lindelöf hypotheses for derivatives of zeta

The Lindelöf hypothesis says that if we have: $$\zeta(\sigma+iT)=\mathcal O(T^a)$$ Then if one considers $\sigma=1/2$ then $\inf a=0$. Further, from convexity and the functional equation this implies ...
psubodiosa's user avatar
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Behavior of subtree of $\mathbb{Z}^2$ embedded in $\mathbb{C}$ under compactification of the latter to the riemann sphere

I consider a countable subtree $T$ of the integer lattice isomorphic to $\mathbb{Z}^2$ with directed edges. It shall be embedded in $\mathbb{C}$ where the edge $(u,v)$ points from $u$ to $v$ if and ...
Jens Fischer's user avatar

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