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fixed points of quadratic iteration

Consider the well-known iteration $f:z\to z^2 + c,$ and consider the values of $c$ for which $0$ is a periodic point. Experiment shows that most such values of $c$ (about $480$ out of $512$ for period ...
Igor Rivin's user avatar
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Relationship between volume and area

Let $\mu(z) dV_n$ be a measure in $\mathbb{C} ^n$. Let $B_n(r) := \{z \mid \|z\| < r\}$ be the ball of radius $r$ in $\mathbb C^n$, and $\partial B_n(r) $ be the corresponding sphere. In $\mathbb{C}...
Marouani's user avatar
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All complex surfaces embed into a common complex manifold

Is there a closed complex manifold into which every closed complex surface embeds?
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2 votes
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Existence of a distinguished continuous version of the logarithm of a continuous function

Let $E$ be a $\mathbb R$-Banach space and $\varphi\in C^0(E,\mathbb C\setminus\{0\})$ with $\varphi(0)=1$. I want to show that there is an unique $\psi\in C^0(E,\mathbb C)$ with $\psi(0)=0$ and $$\...
0xbadf00d's user avatar
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Order of vanishing of an analytic function along its vanishing locus

Suppose $F: {\mathbb C}^n \to {\mathbb C}^k$ is a holomorphic/analytic function with vanishing locus $V_F = F^{-1}(0)$. Can one prove that there are positive real numbers $C>0$ and $\delta>0$ ...
UVIR's user avatar
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Analogue of Carlson's theorem for poles in the upperhalf plane?

Let $f:\mathbb{H}\to \mathbb{C}$ be a holomorphic function on the upper half plane. Even it is not defined on the real line, we will define $\mathrm{ord}_{z=z_0}f(z)$ to be the unique value $\xi\in\...
Milo Moses's user avatar
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17 votes
3 answers

Can all $L^2$ holomorphic functions on a domain vanish at a particular point?

Let $\Omega \subset \mathbb{C}^n$. Is it possible that there is a point $p \in \Omega$ such that every $f \in A^2(\Omega) = L^2(\Omega) \cap \mathcal{O}(\Omega)$ has a zero at $p$? The space $A^2(\...
Steven Gubkin's user avatar
1 vote
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injective holomorphic mapping between unit disk and unit polydisk

In $\mathbb{C}^n,\ n\geq 2$, there is no bijection between unit disk $B^n(0,1)$ and unit polydisk $P^n(0,1)$. But if we wish to find injective holomorphic mapping from unit disk to polydisk(whose ...
Jean's user avatar
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8 votes
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Reference for flatness in complex-analytic geometry

What is a good reference for flat morphisms of complex-analytic spaces? (The book by Grauert and Remmert doesn't treat them). Topics I'm interested in: openness of flat maps, descent for coherent ...
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Map from local systems to holomorphic line bundles on a curve

Let $X$ be a Riemann surface of genus $g > 0$. Let $S$ denote the set of local systems (locally constant sheaves) on $X$ with fiber $\mathbb{C}$. $S$ is in natural bijection with $H^1(X, \underline{...
Matt Larson's user avatar
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4 votes
2 answers

Residue for the generating function of the Euler totient function

Let $\varphi$ be the Euler totient function, and let us define the function $f(z)$ by the series $$ f(z) := \sum_{n=1}^{\infty} \varphi(n) z^n $$ Since $0\le \varphi(n)\le n$, I believe this gives a ...
Masahito Yamazaki's user avatar
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Reference request: The transform of a bounded random variable has a zero in the complex plane

Together with coauthors I'm working on a paper where we use the following Proposition: If a real-valued random variable $X$ has bounded support, then except in the trivial case that $X$ has all ...
Johan Wästlund's user avatar
8 votes
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Holomorphic function with a.e. vanishing radial boundary limits

Hello everybody. I'm looking for an "easy" example of a (non-zero) holomorphic function $f$ with almost everywhere vanishing radial boundary limits: $\lim\limits_{r \rightarrow 1-} f(re^{i\phi})=0$. ...
CPJ's user avatar
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A continuous function on the disk without non-tangential limits

By Fatou's theorem every bounded holomorphic function on the unit disk has non-tangential limits almost everywhere on the unit circle $\mathbb T$. Is there an explicit example of a bounded continuous ...
ray's user avatar
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Bounded holomorphic functions on a Riemann surface separating points

Let $R$ be a Riemann surface that admits a non-constant bounded holomorphic function. Then is it true that any two points of $R$ can be separated by a bounded holomorphic function? This is easy to see ...
Jaikrishnan's user avatar
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Cauchy's Integral with quadratic exponential term

As I was studying the Cauchy's integral formula, I tried to do the integral: \begin{equation} I = \int\limits_{-\infty}^{\infty} \frac{1}{x - a} e^{(i A x^2 + i B x)} dx \end{equation} with $A>0, ...
physics_rocks's user avatar
8 votes
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Equivalence of definitions of quasiconformal surfaces?

I have been reading John H. Hubbard's book Teichmüller Theory vol. 1 and I am a little bit concerned with his definition of quasiconformal surface. Definition: A quasiconformal surface $S$ is a ...
Maxime Scott's user avatar
32 votes
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How is the Julia set of $fg$ related to the Julia set of $gf$?

Let $f$ and $g$ be complex rational functions (of degree $\geq 2$ if that helps). What can be said about the relationship between $J(fg)$ and $J(gf)$, the Julia sets of the composite functions $f \...
Tom Leinster's user avatar
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Are anti-linear maps/semi-linear, such as conjugations, linear in other almost complex structures?

I have asked this on mse, but I did not get any responses even after a bounty. I started studying the book of Daniel Huybrechts, Complex Geometry An Introduction. I tried studying backwards as much ...
BCLC's user avatar
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When are two complex Tori biholomorphic

Let $g \ge 1$ be a natural number and $\mathbb{C}^g$ complex vector space which is isomorphic to $\mathbb{R}^{2g}$ is real vector space. An additive subgroup $\Gamma \subset \mathbb{C}^g$ is called a ...
user267839's user avatar
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Dimension of highest discriminants of a morphism

Let $f: X\to Y$ be a flat morphism between smooth complex affine varieties. Let $Z$ be the closed set of most singular points of $f$ (in the sense: $p$ is a most singular point of $f$ if the tangent ...
Feng Hao's user avatar
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Overconcentration of Poles on the Circle of Convergence of a Power Series with Bounded Coefficients

Let $V$ be an arbitrary set of infinitely many positive integers, and let: $$\varsigma_{V}\left(z\right)\overset{\textrm{def}}{=}\sum_{v\in V}z^{v}$$ Let $T_{V}$ denote the set of all $t\in\left[0,1\...
MCS's user avatar
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Are there enough meromorphic functions on a compact analytic manifold?

Let $X$ be a compact complex analytic manifold, $D\subset X$ an irreducible smooth divisor, given as zeroes of a global meromorphic function $f\in {\mathfrak M} (X)$. Are there enough other ...
Bugs Bunny's user avatar
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Solving an equation containing Laplace transform

Consider the equation \begin{equation} \frac{f(p)}{f(s_{1})}\mathcal{L}(y)(s_{1})+\frac{g(p)}{g(s_{2})}\mathcal{L}% (y)(s_{2})=\mathcal{L(}y)\mathbf{(}p), \end{equation} where $\mathcal{L}$ is the ...
Goga's user avatar
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The loss of double periodicity (ellipticity)

Consider a meromorphic function $f(\mathfrak{a}_1, \mathfrak{a}_2)$, such that $$ \begin{align} f(\mathfrak{a}_1, \mathfrak{a}_2) = f (\mathfrak{a}_1 + 1, \mathfrak{a}_2) = f(\mathfrak{a}_1 + \tau, \...
Lelouch's user avatar
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Convergence of Hahn series

Enumerate $\Bbb{Q}^+$ with $\Bbb{Z}^+$ by a bijiective map $f:\Bbb{Z}^+ \rightarrow \Bbb{Q}^+$. Consider the Hahn series: $$P_f(x)=\sum_{n=1}^{+\infty}c_nx^{f(n)}$$ where $c_n \in \Bbb{C}$, $x \in \...
Zerox's user avatar
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Examples of analytic functions to motivate a first course in complex variables

[Changed title as a plea to re-open the question.] If one is to motivate a course in complex variables, what specific analytic (holomorphic/meromorphic) function of one variable would you cite as an ...
1 vote
1 answer

Gravitational instantons metric (change variables)

I'm trying to understand the paper by Hitchin called: ''Polygons and gravitons". I'm stuck at page 471. At this point, he does some computations and obtains a metric: $$ \gamma dz d\bar{z}+\gamma^{-...
Spink's user avatar
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Entire even functions of order 1 have infinitely many zeros?

Let $f$ be an entire even function of order 1 such that $f(0)\neq 0$. Does $f$ have infinitely many zeros?
EmannuelChern's user avatar
11 votes
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How many isolated roots can a polynomial in $z$ and $\overline{z}$ have?

This is probably well-known by I can't find it now online. My guess is that if the degree is $n$ then it's $2n$ but it's just a hunch. EDIT: This is an edited version. Before I asked about roots ...
Felix Goldberg's user avatar
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Context for this discrete Cauchy integral formula

Notation: I will use the following conventions for discrete Fourier transforms (DFT) and discrete time Fourier transforms (DTFT): $$\mathcal{D}_N[x_j](k) := \sum_{j=0}^{N-1} e^{-2\pi i j k} x_j$$ $$\...
Yly's user avatar
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A variant of Cauchy-type functional equation conjecture

Let $f:\mathbb{C}\to \mathbb{C}$ be a complex function such that $$|f(x-y)|=|f(x)-f(y)|,\qquad x,y\in\mathbb{C}.$$ Is it true that $$f(x+y)=f(x)+f(y),\qquad x,y\in\mathbb{C}?$$ The answer is ...
math110's user avatar
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11 answers

Giving a math talk with no blackboard or projector

I need to give a math talk to a group of undergraduates. I am asking for advice because this talk will take place at a department picnic and there will be no blackboard or projector. I would like to ...
-3 votes
2 answers

Zeroes of linear combination of sines [closed]

Let us consider $$f(z):=\sum\limits_{j=1}^{j=n}a_j\sin(\lambda_jz) $$ where all $a_j$ and $\lambda_j$ (of course, $\lambda_j$ are distinct) are real numbers and $n \in \mathbb{Z},\, n \ge 3$. The ...
user64494's user avatar
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Construction of weight function to satisfy condition on given functional

Consider the following function : $$F(z) = \omega(z){\sin^2\left(\frac{c\Gamma(z)}{z}\right)}$$ Here, $\omega(z)$ is a weight we are going to consider The following two conditions should meet for $\...
bambi's user avatar
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27 votes
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Kasteleyn's formula for domino tilings generalized?

It seems a marvel when a bunch of irrational numbers "conspire" to become rational, even better an integer. An elementary example is $\prod_{j=1}^n4\cos^2\left(\pi j/(2n+1)\right)=1$. Kasteleyn's ...
T. Amdeberhan's user avatar
6 votes
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Examples of separable ordinary differential equations in economics

I'm currently teaching an integral calculus course for business students, and we're just about to discuss differential equations. They've worked hard, and I'd like to reward them with some economic ...
Gordon Craig's user avatar
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An analytic function, asymptotically expandable in a Dirichlet series, is the sum of this series

Let there be a function $F(s)$ that is analytic in some half-plane $\sigma>\sigma_0$ (where $s=\sigma + it $). Let the function $F(s)$ have an asymptotic expansion of the form $F(s)\sim\sum\limits_{...
Anton Devyatkov's user avatar
33 votes
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Stone-Weierstrass theorem for holomorphic functions?

The Stone-Weierstrass theorem has an analog for the algebras of smooth functions, called Naсhbin's theorem: An involutive subalgebra $A$ in the algebra ${\mathcal C}^\infty(M)$ of smooth ...
Sergei Akbarov's user avatar
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Image of transcendental meromorphic functions

Let $f$ be a trancendental meromorphic function such that $f'(z) \ne 0$ for all $z \in \mathbb{C}$. Let $\Pi$ be the stereoprojection map from the north pole on the unit sphere. My question is the ...
student's user avatar
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Does Riemann map depend continuously on the domain?

I've always taken this for granted until recently: In the simplest case, given Jordan curve $C \subseteq \mathbb{C}$ containing a neighborhood of $\bar{0}$ in its interior. Given parametrizations $\...
Conan Wu's user avatar
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A question on preimage of a locally injective meromorphic function

Let $f: \mathbb{C} \rightarrow \mathbb{C}$ be a meromorphic function such that $f'(z) \ne 0$ for all $z \in \mathbb{C}$. Let $\Gamma \subset \mathbb{C}$ be a curve which has no self intersections. If ...
student's user avatar
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$C^j$-topology considered by Greene and Krantz

My question is about the $C^j$ topology used by Greene and Krantz in their paper "Deformations of Complex Structures, Estimates for the $\bar{\partial}$-equation, and stability of the Bergman ...
Pita's user avatar
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Adjoint operator

Assume that $$\left<f,g\right>_R=\Re \int_U f(z) \overline{g(z)} \, dx \, dy, f,g \in L^2(U),$$ where $U$ is the unit disk and assume that $A: L^2(U)\to L^2(U)$ is a real-linear operator. Assume ...
Lira's user avatar
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Continuous extensions of Riemann mappings

Let $K$ be a compact set in $\mathbb C$ without interior. Suppose, additionally, that $K$ is a retract (or equivalently $K$ connected, $K$ locally connected and $\mathbb C\setminus K$ connected). ...
ray's user avatar
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A generalization of polynomial algebra on a Riemann surface

Let $M$ be a $1$-dimensional complex manifold. Let $A$ be the space of all holomorphic functions $f:M\to \mathbb{C}$ such that either $f$ is a constant function or every level set $f^{-1}(c)$ is a ...
Ali Taghavi's user avatar
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Conformal mapping between two right-angled triangles

I want to derive a conformal mapping $f\!:\!A\!\to\! B$ where $A=\{ (x,y)\ |\ x\!\in\![0,1]\ \text{ and }\ 0 \leq y \leq x \}$ and $B=\{ (x,y)\ |\ x\!\in\![0,1]\ \text{ and }\ 0 \leq y \leq \frac{...
niran90's user avatar
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10 votes
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Power series with funny behavior at the boundary

Consider a power series $$ \sum_{n=0}^{\infty}a_nz^n $$ where $a_n$ and $z$ are complex numbers. There is radius $R$ of convergence. Let us assume that is a positive real number. It is well known that ...
Giulio's user avatar
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Dual of the space of all bounded holomorphic functions

Let $\mathbb{B}$ be the open unit ball in $\mathbb{C}^n, n\geq 1$ and let $H^\infty (\mathbb{B})$ be the space of all bounded holomorphic functions on $\mathbb{B}$. It is well known that $H^\infty (\...
Anindya Biswas's user avatar
9 votes
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Notational question about quadratic differentials in Strebel's book "Quadratic differentials"

In Kurt Strebel's book "Quadratic Differentials", in Chapter 2, $\S4$, he begins by saying: "Every analytic function $\varphi$ is a domain $G$ of the $z$-plane defines, in a natural way, a field of ...
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