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summability and analytic continuation

Let $d_n=LCM(1,\cdots,n)$. It is well-known that $d_n=e^{\Psi(n)}$ where $\Psi$ est the second Chebyshev function. One knows that $\Psi(x)=\sum_{k\le x}\Lambda(k)$ where $\Lambda$ is the Von Mangold ...
joaopa's user avatar
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Concluding that the Poisson kernel is indeed the Cauchy distribution?

See here. Let $d = 2$, and consider the domain $D = \mathbb{H}$, the upper half-plane. Let $W_t = (X_t, Y_t)$. We see that for any $\theta \in \mathbb{R}$ and any $t \ge 0$, we have$$E^{(x, y)}\...
Edward Hoenn's user avatar
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Dimension of the set of the polynomial growth harmonic function on the hyperbolic plane

We consider the hyperbolic plane and the harmonic function there. Pick any point $p$. Let $H_n, n \in\mathbb N$ be the set of the harmonic functions $f$ such that $|f(x)|\leq c(1+ d(x,p))^n$. What is ...
Nikita Kalinin's user avatar
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solutions of elliptic linear pde depending analytically on a parameter

Fix $ \Omega$ a bounded smooth domain in $ R^N$ and suppose $0<w(x)$ is a smooth solution of $ -\Delta w(x)=w(x)^2$ in $ \Omega$ with $ w=0$ on $ \partial \Omega$ (were are assuming $2< \frac{N+...
Math604's user avatar
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Non interacting complex unit

How to work with two non interacting complex units say i and j. These two imaginary complex unit represent different quantities. For example i is for periodicity in theta and j is for frequency or ...
Chad's user avatar
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Derivative of a conjugation of matrices

Let $\mathcal{M}_n$ be the space of complex $n\times n$ matrices. Let $\Phi\colon \mathbb{D}\to \mathcal{M}_n$ and $\psi \colon \mathbb{D}\to \mathcal{M}_n$ be holomorphic functions. Consider the ...
Đức Anh's user avatar
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Explicit formula for Bergman kernel on the unit ball

On page 173 in Krantz's book "Explorations in Harmonic analysis" in the proof of Lemma 7.1.21 there is a part that I really don't understand. What I don't understand is why is $$\sum_{\alpha}\frac{z^{\...
Alem's user avatar
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what is the first non-constant term in the Kronecker Limit formula?

The Kronecker Limit formula gives the constant term in the Laurent expansion about s=1 of the Eisenstein series E(s,\tau). What is the next term? I.e., the coefficient of the first power of (s-1)? I ...
mark's user avatar
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Asymptotic analysis of a sum of complex summands using integral

I'm trying to find the exact asymptotics of a sum: $$A = \sum^n_{i=0} \begin{pmatrix} 2n \\ i \end{pmatrix} x^{i} y^{2n-i} $$ as $n\rightarrow\infty$. Here $x,y$ are complex numbers, $|x|\leq1, |y|\...
teagut's user avatar
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Holder continuous analytic function

Assume that $0<\alpha<1/2$ and $f$ is analytic in the unit disk $D$ with $|f(z)-f(w)|\le M|z-w|^\alpha$. Can we state that in general $$\int_D |f'(z)|^2 dx dy <\infty?$$
user57714's user avatar
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Examples of functions with natural boundary that do not satisfy Fabry or Hadamard gap theorem condition

there are examples of lacunary functions with natural boundary that do not satisfy Fabry or Hadamard gap theorem condition.I want to know more examples of those functions,the more the better,...
XL _At_Here_There's user avatar
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Mittag-Leffler function and Laplace Integral

Let $E_{\alpha}(z)\triangleq \sum_{n=0}^{\infty} \frac{z^n}{\Gamma(\alpha n + 1)}$ be the Mittag-Leffler function. I am looking for a full proof of the following fact (a reference to a proof in the ...
Xorwell's user avatar
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Arakelian's approximation theorem

I have a difficulty in understanding how one gets relation (2) in the proof of the Theorem, in the nice paper [Jean-Pierre Rosay and Walter Rudin, Arakelian's Approximation Theorem, The American ...
george's user avatar
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Derivative of a function related to Dedekind zeta function

Lef $K$ be an algebraic number field of degree $[K:\mathbb{Q}]=n$. For simplicity suppose $K$ is totally real. Define $f(s) = \zeta_K(s) \zeta(1-s)^{n-1}$ where $\zeta = \zeta_{\mathbb{Q}}$. From the ...
colge's user avatar
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Boundary behavior of Harmonic functions

Assume that $f$ is harmonic in the unit disk $|z|<1$, with boundary function of bounded variation, such that $$\lim_{r\to 1}f(re^{it})= 0$$ for $t\in[0,\pi]\setminus \mathbf{Q}$, where $\mathbf{Q}$ ...
djoke's user avatar
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Help with an irregular integral

I am looking for help with doing the following integral : $$\frac{1}{2\pi i}\int_{1}^{\infty}\ln\left(\frac{1-e^{-2\pi i x}}{1-e^{2\pi i x}} \right )\frac{dx}{x\left(\ln x+z\right)}\;\;\;\;z\in \...
mohammad-83's user avatar
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Differentiability of minimax objective function with respect to a decision variable

I have the following optimization problem: $$\text{find } x= \min_{a} \max_{\lambda\in\Lambda} |R(h\lambda)|$$ where $\Lambda$ is some finite, fixed set of complex numbers and $R(z)$ is a ...
David Ketcheson's user avatar
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Is this set of curves discrete?

Let $\alpha_1, \dots, \alpha_n$ be complex numbers whose sum is zero and $u_1, \dots, u_{2g-2+n}$ be pariwise distinct nonzero complex numbers. Consider the the set of smooth genus g curves with n+1 ...
user24647's user avatar
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Asymtotic Complexity Analysis using logarithms and binomial coefficients

On page 11 of "Smaller decoding exponents: ball-collision decoding" by Berstein they have the formula \begin{equation}\lim_{n \rightarrow \infty} \frac{1}{n}\log_{2}\left(\dbinom{k_{1}}{p_{1}}\...
Nick Peterson's user avatar
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Implications of complex solutions of Matiyasevich / Chaitin diophantine polynomials.

This is a shot in the dark: In twf:202, an isomorphism $T\cong T^{7}$ between binary trees $T$ and seven tuples of binary trees T^{7} is mentioned. The argument for this isomorphism starts with the ...
graveolensa's user avatar
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Is degree a "strict -transform" birational invariant for surfaces in the complex projective 3-space?

(Edit) My question is as follows: My previous question was about a kind of "strict-transform birational" invariant not birational invariants as usual. So I just delete the question since it ...
ask1question's user avatar
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unbounded plurisubharmonic function

Reading Demailly's Algebraic and Complex geometry in particular chapter 3 about positive currents, tha author defines the unbounded locus $L(u)$ of a plurisubharmonic function $u$ to be the set of ...
alike's user avatar
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zeros of a holomorphic function in several variable

Let $f$ be a holomorphic function in $n$ complex variables on a domain $D\subset \mathbb C^n$. Let $S$ be a subset of $D$ such that for a polynomial $P$ in $n$ variable, $P(S)=(a,b)$ for an interval $...
spr's user avatar
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Is the absolute value of the j-invariant bounded from below on an annulus

Let $j:\mathbf{H}\to \mathbf{C}$ be the $j$-invariant. It's a modular function for $\Gamma(1) = \textrm{PSL}_2(\mathbf{Z})$. For $\epsilon>0$ small, let $B(\epsilon)$ be the image of the strip $$\{...
Taicho's user avatar
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Possible application of Rouche's theorem to aproblem of complex roots of polynomials

The following holds: Let $P(x)$ be a polynomial in one variable $x$ of degree $3$ with complex coefficients such that a) $$ P(-1)=P(1)=0 $$ Then b) the formal derivative $P^{'}(x)$ has a root in ...
Luis H Gallardo's user avatar
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covariant derivative complex manifold

Assume we have $X$ a complex manifold and $Y = Y^{\alpha} \frac{\partial}{\partial z^{\alpha}}$ and $Z = Z^{\alpha} \frac{\partial}{\partial z^{\alpha}}$ two vector fields on $X$. Let $\nabla$ be the ...
gregor's user avatar
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Motivation of proof of Riemann-Roch for elliptic curve and generalizations

Given a lattice $L \subseteq \mathbb{C}$, Alain Robert defines a theta function as a meromorphic function such that $\theta(z+\omega)=a(\omega) e^{\pi h(\omega)(z+\frac{\omega}{2})} \theta(z)$ for all ...
David Corwin's user avatar
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Existence of an eigenpair for d-bar operator in the unit disck

Let $\overline{\partial}=\frac{1}{2}(\partial_{x}+\textrm{i} \,\partial_y)$ and let $D$ be the unit disc in the complex plane. For each $\lambda \in \mathbb C$, consider the problem: $$ \overline{\...
Ali's user avatar
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Subspaces of $H^{\infty}(\mathbb{D})$ which contains a nontrivial weak* closed subalgebra

Let $H^{\infty}(\mathbb{D})$ denotes the Banach space of bounded holomorphic functions in the unit disc. Consider the weak* topology on $L^{\infty}(\mathbb{T})$ that it inherits as the dual of $L^{1}(\...
vikram's user avatar
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Best approximation of the modulus function

While there is extensive study regarding the best approximation of function with polynomial functions in the real domain, the study of approximation of complex variables becomes much sparse. See this ...
ironmanaudi's user avatar
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Limits of integral series

Suppose we have the series of functions: \begin{equation} F(x)=\sum_{n=1}^{\infty} f_n(x) \end{equation} where convergence is uniform. Additionally, consider the partial functions of the series: \...
george andrade's user avatar
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Borel summation

If $f(z)=\sum_{n=0}^\infty a_n z^n$ is a formal power series with complex coefficients, then its Borel transform is defined by $$B(f)(z)=\sum_{n=0}^\infty a_n \tfrac{z^n}{n!}.$$ Suppose that $f$ and ...
Todor's user avatar
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Topological properties of complex valued Riemann sum limit curve and a particular integral inequality

I am studying under what conditions the following integral inequality would hold ($a$ real, $a>0$): $$ \int_{-\infty} ^{\infty} \frac{f(ix)}{a\pm ix}dx\ = 0 \ \ \ \ \Rightarrow \ \ \ \int_{-\...
Luca's user avatar
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