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Pedro Lauridsen Ribeiro's user avatar
Pedro Lauridsen Ribeiro's user avatar
Pedro Lauridsen Ribeiro's user avatar
Pedro Lauridsen Ribeiro
  • Member for 14 years
  • Last seen this week
3 votes

Decomposition of linear partial differential operators

3 votes

Usable Change-of-Variables Formula for Hausdorff Measure

3 votes

Linear Algebra Texts?

3 votes

Measure theory in nuclear spaces

3 votes

$C^*$ algebras and states

3 votes

Euclidean type Sobolev inequality on Riemannian manifolds

3 votes

Original references for Cordes-Nirenberg estimates

3 votes

Multi-variate Picard-Lindelöf? Convergence of analytic PDEs (w/ commutative partial derivatives & value at a base point)

2 votes

Proof that every commutative locally compact quantum group arises from a locally compact group

2 votes

Tannaka-Krein duality in Chari-Pressley's book

2 votes

"Completeness" for weak convergence of unbounded closed operators on a separable Hilbert space $H$

2 votes

Extracting each field operator as Wightman fields from a set of time-ordered products satisfying Eckmann-Epstein axioms

2 votes

Clarification on the Interpretation of Fourier Coefficients in the Context of Fourier Projections

2 votes

Non-semisimple Lie groups and Higgs bundles

2 votes

Lie groupoids in practice

2 votes

Motivation for construction of associated fiber bundle from a principal bundle

2 votes

Reference request: $\mathcal{C}^\infty_c(M)$ is a topological vector space with the Whitney topology

2 votes

Second-order term of the Fedosov quantised product

2 votes

Spectral decomposition of compact operators

2 votes

Fourier transform of function on compact set and Sobolev norm equivalence

2 votes

Confusion with the Laplacian comparision theorem

2 votes

What are the invariant Pseudo-differential operators on a Lie group?

1 vote

Reference for the Gelfand duality theorem for commutative von Neumann algebras

1 vote

Braided Hopf algebras and Quantum Field Theories

1 vote

A question on light cones in Lorentzian manifolds with timelike boundary

1 vote

An example of a beautiful proof that would be accessible at the high school level?

1 vote

I want to find a smooth section of the map from the Stiefel manifold to the Grassmanian manifold

1 vote

Distinguishable under manifold topology but indistinguishable under the Alexandrov topology

0 votes

General questions on stochastic calculus on manifolds

0 votes

Characterization of inverse differential operators

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