Let T be a compact operator on an infinite dimensional hilbert space H. I am proving the theorem which says that $Tx=\sum_{n=1}^{\infty}{\lambda}_{n}\langle x,x_{n}\rangle y_{n}$ where ($x_{n}$) is an orthonormal sequence consisting of the eigenvectors of $|T|=(T^*T)^{0.5}$, (${\lambda}_{n}$) is the corresponding sequence of eigenvalues, and ($y_{n}$) is an orthonormal sequence of, each $y_{n}$ is an eigenvector of $TT^*$.
I have two questions. Is ($y_{n}$) the full sequence of eigenvectors of $TT^*$? I would have thought the answer was yes because the square root of an operator has the same eigenvectors as the operator and an operator has the same 'number' of eigenvectors as it's adjoint.
Secondly, what makes this decomposition so unsatisfying compared to the decomposition of compact normal operators?
This question wasn't answered on stack exchange so I thought it might be more appropriate here. Thanks