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integral basis of orthogonal complement

Suppose there are $r$ linearly independent vectors $v_1,\dots,v_r\in \mathbb{R}^n$, all of them have integer-valued entries and $\|v_i\|_\infty\leq m$ for some integer $m$. My goal is to find an ...
user14432's user avatar
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Correlation between the first and a random position of an ergodic bit sequence

Edit: Since the geometric approach did not work, I try now another approach: phrasing the problem as a quadratic programme. Probabilistic version. Let $x=(x_1,x_2, \ldots) $ be an ergodic random ...
Ron P's user avatar
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Hessian of function of covariance matrices

Suppose we have a typical logdet function $\mathcal{L}$ with respect to a covariance matrix $\mathbf{A}$, $$ \mathcal{L}(\mathbf{A}) = \log\vert \mathbf{I} + \mathbf{A}\mathbf{S} \vert - \mathbf{q}^T(\...
liubenyuan's user avatar
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Lower bound for the sum of cosines between singular vectors of diagonally dominant matrices

Let $A \in \mathbb{R}^{n \times n}$ be a nonsymmetric diagonally dominant matrix with $a_{ij} < 0$ $\forall i \ne j$ and $a_{ii}>0$. Let the singular value decomposition of $A$ be $A=U \Sigma V^...
Astor's user avatar
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on the determination of a quadratic form from its isotropy group in char. 2

So this question is a continuation of the following one [1] On the determination of a quadratic form from its isotropy group For some motivations and relevant backgrounds related to this question ...
Hugo Chapdelaine's user avatar
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Diagonalizability of Gaussian random matrices

Let $X$ be an $n\times n$ matrix whose elements are i.i.d. sampled from a normal distribution of zero mean and unit variance. Is $X$ diagonalizable over $\mathbb{C}$ with probability 1? Is there a ...
user50394's user avatar
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Can we pass to the limit in Poincaré-Jaynes-Bretthorst interpolation and deconvolution?

In Science and Hypothesis, chapter XI, The calculus of probabilities, Henri Poincaré deals informally with the fundamental problem of interpolation. He concludes (see
Pascal Orosco's user avatar
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$C=A \cdot B$ matrices and exact sequence of $DVR$-modules

I'm looking for a proof or a reference for the following statement: Let $R$ be a DVR (Discrete Valuation Ring) and $p$ a prime element, and let $\mathfrak a$, $\mathfrak b$ and $\mathfrak c$ be ...
Maffred's user avatar
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matrices with all maximal minors non-singular

I encountered a sequence of matrices whose maximal minors seem to be all non-singular. In other words, suppose that we have an $m\times n$ matrix with $m \leq n$, then any choice of $m$ columns is ...
Martin Rubey's user avatar
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Properties of eigenvalues of general nonnegative matrices

I am aware, that an answer to this question can be found via Perron-Frobenius theory or something very similar, but unfortunately I am far from being an expert in the field and I am unable to find the ...
042's user avatar
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Is a simple graph matrix the sum of a "shiftordered" matrix and its transposed matrix

This is the generalization of a question Is a simple graph the "sum" of a partial order and its dual? Nik Weaver found a counterexample in a very nice, complete (and instantaneous!) answer,...
jcdornano's user avatar
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Expected mean square error of an estimation problem

Let R be an $(N+1)\times (N+1)$ Toeplitz matrix. I would be mostly interested in the case of $N\to \infty$. Let $x$ be a complex Gaussian random $N\times 1$ vector with mean zero and covariance matrix ...
john stark's user avatar
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Constant row-column sum matrices?

Given an integer $T$ how many $n\times n$ matrices in $\mathbb Z_{\geq0}^{n\times n}$ we have such that every row and column sum to same $T$? Do the set of constant row and column sum matrices form ...
Turbo's user avatar
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On an angle distribution of a random linear subspace of a given dimension

$\newcommand\R{\mathbb R}$ Let $u$ be a fixed unit vector in $\R^n$, and let $\Pi_u$ be the hyperplane in $\R^n$ with normal vector $u$. Let $B$ be the (say open) unit ball in $\R^n$ centered at the ...
Iosif Pinelis's user avatar
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How quickly can irreducible aperiodic convex combinations of permutation matrices converge to the stationary distribution?

Recall that a doubly stochastic matrix is a square matrix with non-negative entries where the sum of each row and the sum of each column is 1. The Birkhoff-von Neumann theorem states that every doubly ...
Joseph Van Name's user avatar
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Hadamard Product and Eigendecomposition

I just found this related question in here Q1. Given a positive definite matrix $\mathbf{A}$, consider its eigendecomposition $(\mathbf{A}\mathbf{V} = \mathbf{V}\mathbf{D})$. Consider an arbitrary ...
mikitov's user avatar
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Need help with paper written in Russian... Yorgov's paper on self-dual codes with automorphisms of odd order

I came across this paper by V.I.Yorgov named "Binary self-dual codes with automorphisms of odd order". (Actually I was first reading another paper by Borello that cited this paper. It later become ...
initial_D's user avatar
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Maximum number of vectors with bounds on inner products

Suppose there are 2n vectors $\{m_1,m_2,...,m_n\}$ and $\{\mu_1,\mu_2,...,\mu_n\}$. All vectors are in k-dimensional Euclid space $R^k$. The vectors satisfy: $$m_i \mu_j \leq 0, \quad \forall i\neq j $...
TanG's user avatar
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Zeroes of elementary polynomials without involving closed-form solutions

Consider the following two polynomials, where $n$ is an integer: $$ p_n(x) = x^3-\frac1nx-\frac2n, \\ q_n(x) = x^2-\frac2n. $$ For any $n$, let $x_p=x_p(n)$ and $x_q=x_q(n)$ be the unique positive ...
chrisv's user avatar
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Asymptotic property of the left singular vectors of i.i.d. data matrix

Let $\mathbf{X}$ be $(n \times p)$-dimensional data matrix ($n > p$) whose rows $\mathbf{x}_i$ are i.i.d. with some finite moments: $$ \mathbf{X}^\top = [\mathbf{x}_1, \ldots \mathbf{x}_n]^\top. ...
Seung Hyeon Yu's user avatar
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product of Gaussian random matrix and a deterministic diagonal matrix

Suppose that $G$ is an $n\times n$ Gaussian random matrix of i.i.d. entries $N(0,1/n)$ and $D$ is an $n\times n$ deterministic diagonal elements. I'd like to know if there have been results on the ...
user58955's user avatar
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References request: reflections in coxeter groups

Let $V$ be a vector space. A reflection is a linear map $f: V \to V$ which has an eigenvalue $1$ with multiplicity $n-1$. Let $S_n$ be the symmetric group on $\{1,\ldots,n\}$. Then the reflections in ...
Jianrong Li's user avatar
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Tensor Products and Intersections

Given two algebras $A$ and $B$, and two ideals $I, J \subseteq B$ with non-empty intersection, is it true that $$ (A \otimes I) \cap (A \otimes J) = A \otimes (I \cap J)? $$ (Where both sides of the ...
Mihail Matrix's user avatar
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maximal number of mutually orthogonal vectors

Let $F$ be a field, $n$ be a positive integer. Denote by $h_{F}(n)$ the maximal dimension of a subspace $X\subset F^n$ such that $(x,y)=0$ for any two (not necessary distinct) vectors $x,y\in F^n$, ...
Fedor Petrov's user avatar
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Conjecture that relates matrix systems with some polynomials of integer coefficients as solution sets

Assume $x$ is a variable belongs to $\mathbb R \setminus \{ 0,-1,+1 \}$ and consider for all $i, j \in \mathbb N$, $$a(i,j) = \frac{(x^{i+1} + 1)^{j-1} + (x-1)}{x}$$ then for all $n \in \mathbb N$ the ...
Ahmad Jamil Ahmad Masad's user avatar
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Null Space of Parity Check Matrix

We know that if $\alpha$ be s a primitive element of $F_q$ where $q$ is a prime power then the null space of the following matrix generates a cyclic code of designed distance $\mu$[1]. $$ G_{\alpha}^{...
Amin235's user avatar
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transposing "unrimmed" permutations

Denote the set of $n\times n$ permutation matrices by $\mathfrak{S}_n$. The ordinary transpose preserves this group. Given $P\in\mathfrak{S}_n$, construct the $n\times n$ matrix ${}^tP$ according to ...
T. Amdeberhan's user avatar
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Schur complement and depermuting an algorithm for $\mathsf{determinant}\bmod2$

Let $$M=\begin{bmatrix}A&B\\C&D\end{bmatrix}$$ be a matrix in $\mathbb F_2^{n\times n}$ where $A\in\mathbb F_2$ and $D\in\mathbb F_2^{(n-1)\times(n-1)}$ are square. Through the determinant ...
Turbo's user avatar
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On the real and finite field rank of a $0/1$ matrix - II

Let $M\in\{-\ell,\dots,-1,0,+1,\dots,+\ell\}^{n\times n}$ be a matrix of rank $r$ where $\ell\geq1$ such that there is a permutation matrix in $\{0,1\}^{m\times m}$ of order $2\ell$. Fix a permutation ...
Turbo's user avatar
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Largest eigenvalue of the sum of Hermitian matrices [closed]

Is there an expression for the largest eigenvalue of the sum of two Hermitian matrices in terms of the spectrum of the same matrices?
Benjamin's user avatar
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Is a $1_A \otimes U$ invariant subspace of $\mathcal{H}_A \otimes \mathcal{H}_B$ a product $V_A \otimes \mathcal{H}_B$?

Consider a subspace $V$ of $\mathcal{H}_A \otimes \mathcal{H}_B$, with $\mathcal{H}_A$ and $\mathcal{H}_B$ finite-dimensional Hilbert spaces, that is $1_A \otimes U$ invariant for all unitary ...
Matias Heikkilä's user avatar
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How does the Schmidt decomposition generalize to tensor products of several finite-dimensional systems?

Let $n,d_1,\ldots,d_n > 1$ be integers, and $V_1, \ldots, V_n$ be inner product spaces over $\mathbb C$, having dimensions $d_1, \ldots, d_n$ respectively. We consider the ways in which we may ...
Niel de Beaudrap's user avatar
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Linear independence of +/- 1 strings/vectors

Let $V=\left\{-1,1\right\}^{n}$. Consider three vectors $v_1,v_2,v_3\in V$. I would like to know whether these vectors are linearly independent over $\mathbb{Z}$. To be more precise - I need a ...
TOM's user avatar
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A linear algebraic q-difference equation [SOLVED]

I would like to solve the following algebraic linear q-difference equation: \begin{equation} a\left(x\right)f\left(x\right)=f\left(qx\right) \end{equation} The parameter $q$ is real, positive and ...
user2983638's user avatar
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Solve linear system with bordered positive definite matrix

I want to solve the usual $A x = b$ system. In block form: $$ \begin{bmatrix} B & c \\ c^{T} & 0 \end{bmatrix} \begin{bmatrix} x' \\ x_{n+1} \end{bmatrix} = \begin{bmatrix} b' \\ b_{n+1} \end{...
fusiled's user avatar
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Möbius transformation by 3 points in the Minkowski model

Goal I'm interested in describing Möbius transformations in the plane, and I'd like to define them in terms of three points and their images. What I have tried I know that a projective ...
MvG's user avatar
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Irreducibility of a resultant of real and imaginary parts of a characteristic polynomial

The following question is motivated by the study of a stability border for a robust linear time-invariant control system. Let us we have an affine family of $n\times n$ matrices with indeterminate ($\...
probably's user avatar
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Construct special "joint SVD" from separate SVDs

Given two matrices, $A,B\in\mathbb{C}^{n\times n}$ which can be written as $$ A = XD_AY^T \\ B = XD_BY^T $$ where $X$ and $Y\in\mathbb{C}^{n\times n}$ are unitary and with diagonal $D_A$ and $D_B\in\...
sqrt6's user avatar
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A particular commutator of the discrete Fourier matrix

For $N$ be a fixed natural number, define $w=e^{\frac{2\pi i}{N}}$ and $z=e^{\frac{\pi i}{N}}$, so that $z^2=w$. Let $D$ be the diagonal matrix $D=\operatorname{diag}(1,z,z^2,\ldots,z^{N-1})$ and $F$ ...
ABB's user avatar
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Connection between weights in the last eigenvector (corresponding to least eigenvalue) and the corresponding column of a correlation matrix

This problem is motivated from one of my pattern mining research projects. Any helpful suggestions will be highly appreciated. Consider an $n \times n$ correlation matrix A such that all the off-...
Saurabh Agrawal's user avatar
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Redistribute diagonal entries of a matrix

Let $d = (d_1,...,d_k)^t$ with positive entries. Denote $D:=diag(d)$ and let $m > k$. What are sufficient conditions on $d$ and $m$ so that there exists $V \in \mathbb{R}^{m \times k}$ with: $V$ ...
Yair Daon's user avatar
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Singular matrices with integer entries

I am motivated by the following paper by Greg Martin and Erick B. Wong: Here the authors prove that assuming that the entries of an $n \...
Stanley Yao Xiao's user avatar
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Does there exist a canonical form for normal matrices which extends the following embedding?

Given an unordered pair of complex numbers $\{w,z\}$, we can associate to it the complex matrix $$\frac 1 2\left[\begin{matrix}w + z + \frac{\left(w - z\right)^{2} + \left|{w - z}\right|^{2}}{2 \left|{...
wlad's user avatar
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Intuitive explanation of concentration of the measure for spheres [duplicate]

What is the concentration of the measure(c.o.m.)? I am struggling with the following sentence; "The phenomenon of the concentration of the measure for spheres in dimensions larger than 2." I tried ...
Yongseen Kim's user avatar
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Dimension of a similarity class

Let $K$ be an algebraically closed field with characteristic $0$. I consider the Jordan decomposition of a NILPOTENT matrix: $A=diag(J_{r_1},\cdots,J_{r_s})\in M_n(K)$ where $J_k$ is the nilpotent ...
loup blanc's user avatar
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Conjugacy in the quaternion group

Let $G$ be a non-commutative group, and suppose we are given two elements $x, y \in G$ which are conjugate, i.e. we know there exists some $z \in G$ such that $zxz^{-1} = y$. Can we find $z$ given $x$ ...
Gautam's user avatar
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Relation between the subordinate norm and the spectral radius of a matrix

Let's define the following subordinate norm of a $(NM \times NM)$ matrix A norm as follows \begin{eqnarray*} ||A||_{2,b} = \mathrm{max}_{x \in \mathbb{C}^{NM}} \left \{ \frac{||A x||_b}{||x||_2} \...
user56711's user avatar
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A conjugation matrix $X\in \mathbb{C}^{ n\times p}$ where $p< n$

Given a Hermitian positive definite matrix $A\in \mathbb{C}^{n \times n}$ and a Hermitian matrix $B\in\mathbb{C}^{ p\times p},$ find the matrix $X$ so that $X^HAX=B$ holds where $X^H$ denotes ...
Saheb's user avatar
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Maximum number of vectors with bounds on inner products (follow up question)

This is a follow-up question from my previous question. Suppose there are (2n+1) vectors $\{m_1,m_2,...,m_n\}$, $\{p_1,p_2,...,p_n\}$ and $p^*$ in $R^{k+1}$. $m_i$ are weakly positive vectors. $p_i$ ...
TanG's user avatar
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root of identity matrix and lexicographic order

I asked a question here order of a permutation and lexicographic order but it seems*** that a very powerful and rich generalization can be made! Let $A$ be a finite ring together with an arbitrary ...
jcdornano's user avatar
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