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Questions tagged [lie-groups]

Lie Groups are Groups that are additionally smooth manifolds such that the multiplication and the inverse maps are smooth.

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Split real form of $SL(2,\mathbb{C})$ description of the two sphere?

If we denote the parabolic subgroup of $SL(2,\mathbb{C})$ by $P$, then we have the well known isomorphism $SL(2,\mathbb{C})/P \simeq S^2$, where $S^2$ is the two sphere. Now the compact real form of $...
Janos Erdmann's user avatar
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Complex symplectic reduction

Oddly I find about zero resources talking about "complex symplectic reduction" upon a web search. Is there anything wrong with it? I guess maybe there are two competing settings a priori: a complex ...
seub's user avatar
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Multiplicity of eigenvalues in 2-dim families of symmetric matrices

Say you have 2 symmetric matrices, $A$ and $B$, and you know that every linear combination $xA+yB$ ($x,\\,y\in \mathbb{R}$) has an eigenvalue of multiplicity at least $m>1$. Such a situation can of ...
CuriousUser's user avatar
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The compact Lie group contains a finite subgroup $\mathbb{Z}_{n_1} \times \mathbb{Z}_{n_2} \times \mathbb{Z}_{n_3}$

Given a finite Abelian group: $G=\mathbb{Z}_{n_1} \times \mathbb{Z}_{n_2} \times \mathbb{Z}_{n_3}$, where ${n_1},{n_2},{n_3}$ are arbitrary positive integers. ${n_1},{n_2},{n_3}$ may have or may not ...
wonderich's user avatar
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subgroups with the same number of roots that the group.

When thinking in terms of Dynkin diagrams, I am naively used to see that the diagram for a subgroup can be extracted from the diagram of the group by removing some roots. Now, I noticed that for SO(10)...
arivero's user avatar
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Unitary representation of finite-dimensional unitary group

the question is the following. Let n,m be integers, $U(n)$ be the unitary group of $M_n(\mathbb C)$, and $\phi\colon U(n)\to U(m)$ be a continuous group homomorphism, that is moreover irreducible as a ...
Alessandro Vignati's user avatar
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Complexification or 'real'ization of Mapping Class group.

So is there a complexification or 'real'ization of the mapping class group or can it be realised as a lattice in some lie group. like $PSL(2, \mathbb Z)$ in $PSL(2, \mathbb R)$. for g=1 this certainly ...
Anant Atyam's user avatar
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Bi invariant Riemannian metric on a Lie Group

I'm trying to find an example of a Lie group $G$ which admits a bi-invariant Riemannian metric, and which has a closed subgroup $H$ such that the manifold $G/H$ does not admit a $G$-invariant ...
user42999's user avatar
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Left invariant connection on Lie groups

Let $M^n$ be a Riemannian manifold, $G^{n + k}, \: k\geq 1 $ be a connected Lie group equipped with a left invariant metric and $f:M^n \to G^{n + k}$ one isometric immersion. Let $X, Y$ left invariant ...
Jao's user avatar
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compute the automorphism of Iwasawa manifold

An Iwasawa manifold is a compact quotient of a 3-dimensional complex Heisenberg group by a cocompact, discrete subgroup. We can also refer to Griffiths and Harris's Principles of Algebraic Geometry p....
user108005's user avatar
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Gradient on $SU(n)$

I'm trying to calculate the gradient (wrt to the bi-invariant metric) of the following functions $F_1, F_2 : SU(n) \rightarrow \mathbb{R}$ defined by $F_1(U) = | Tr (G^{\dagger} U) |^2$, $F_2(U) = \Re ...
Benjamin's user avatar
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Existence of a Lie algebra element orthogonal to the adjoint orbit of another element

Consider a compact, semi-simple, connected Lie group $G$ and its Lie algebra $\mathfrak{g}$. Denote the Killing form by $K$. Given a single $A \in \mathfrak{g}$ when (i.e. which groups and which $A$) ...
Benjamin's user avatar
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Coadjoint orbits and homogeneous symplectic $G$-manifolds

We know this important fact from A.A.Kirillov that : Every homogeneous symplectic $G$-manifold is locally isomorphic to an orbit in the coadjoint representation of the group $G$ or a central ...
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Subgroups of $Sp_{2g}$ giving rise to Shimura data

Consider the Shimura datum $(GSp_{2g},\mathcal{H}_g)$. Let $G$ be a reductive $\mathbb{Q}$-subgroup of $Sp_{2g}$. I want to know under what condition there exists a point $x\in\mathcal{H}_g$ such that ...
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What are the general zonal spherical functions for ${\rm SO}(n)/{\rm SO}(n-1)$?

The zonal spherical functions [1] on the sphere $(G={\rm SO}(n)$, $K={\rm SO}(n-1))$ are the Gegenbauer or ultraspherical polynomials if one considers the irreducible representations of ${\rm SO}(n)$ ...
Grobi Grobsen's user avatar
6 votes
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Representations of Lorentz group

Questions: What is the connection between representation theory of complex semisimple Lie groups and representations of (maybe "proper") Lorentz groups? Why should one read Bargmann's paper on irred. ...
Alex's user avatar
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What do we know about isospectral Cayley graphs?

Let $\Gamma_1=\Gamma_1(G_1,S_1)$ (respectively $\Gamma_2=\Gamma_2(G_2,S_2)$) be a Cayley graph for the group $G_1$ and the finite generating set $S_1$ (respectively $G_2$ and the finite generating set ...
user6818's user avatar
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Equivariance of vector bundles over G/B

Let $G$ be a complex semisimple group, $B$ a Borel subgroup of $G$ and $X=G/B$ the flag variety of $G$. If $G$ is simply connected, then every line bundle $L$ on $X$ can be made $G$-equivariant (see ...
Faisal's user avatar
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Kirillov orbit Method for Complex nilpotent groups

Let $G$ be a nilpotent simply connected real Lie group. From the classical work of Kirillov, it is well-known that the irreducible unitary representations of $G$ are in a canonical bijective ...
M.B's user avatar
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Subgroups with trivial Centralizers

Let $G$ be a compact, simply-connected, and simple Lie group. Let $H$ be a closed subgroup of $G$ that has the same centralizer as the center of $G$. Is there a nice classification of such subgroups? ...
user46897's user avatar
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$\text{mod} \, p^2$ trace identity

Let $p$ be a prime, and let $\text{GL}_n \big( \Bbb{Z} / p^2 \Bbb{Z} \big)$ be the group of $n \times n$ invertible matrices over the ring $\Bbb{Z} / p^2 \Bbb{Z}$. Does there exist a positive integer $...
Jeanne Scott's user avatar
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Non Hamiltonian vector field

Let $\Phi: G \times M \rightarrow M$ be a group action on a symplectic manifold $M$ and $G$ be a Lie group. Furthermore, $x$ is a solution of the Hamilton equation $\dot{x}(t) = X_H(x(t))$ and for a ...
Zlatan12's user avatar
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How does the right regular of GL(n, R) and GL(n,Qp) decompose?

The question is contained in the title. I would guess that this question is already answered in the literature. Given the reductive group $GL(n)$ over a complete local field, how does the right ...
Marc Palm's user avatar
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Each coadjoint orbit of a compact connected Lie group $G$ admits a $G$-invariant generalized complex structure

I am looking for a proof or counterexample for following assertion Each coadjoint orbit of a compact connected Lie group $G$ admits a $G$-invariant generalized complex structure (In sense of ...
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9 votes
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Local trivializations of the non-trivial $SU(2)$-bundle over $S^5$

It is well known that $SU(3)$ is the unique, non-trivial, principal $SU(2)$- bundle over $S^5$. To my knowledge the way this is proven is by using the following fact: If $G$ is a Lie group and ...
Tyler Holden's user avatar
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Relationship between Verma modules and delta functions

Reposting my question from math.stackexchange: What is the relationship between Verma modules and delta functions? Here's the quote from Woit's notes on Lie theory (
user6419's user avatar
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Lie group action with no slice

Let $x\in M$, $M$ - finite dimensional smooth manifold. Is there an example of a finite dimensional Lie group action on $M$ with no slice at $x$?
Yar's user avatar
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rational representation of semisimple algebraic group

Let $G$ be a connected semisimple algebraic group defined over $\mathbb Q$. Could some expert give me a complete classification of finite dimensional $\mathbb Q$-irreducible representations of $G$? ...
ronggang's user avatar
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Bi-invariant one forms on compact Lie groups

I'm hoping to learn of a criterion for the existence of a bi-invariant one form on a Lie group $G$. I'm looking for a reference that there are no such one forms son $SU(n)$ (as long as this is in fact ...
Benjamin's user avatar
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The existence of a finite dimensional Lie algebra with a given symmetric invariant metric

The question is motivated by a more broad perspective in another MO post and here, but here we would like to understand a specific case (our question potentially connects to / is motivated b Quantum ...
miss-tery's user avatar
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Lie Semigroups?

Why is a Lie group wanted instead of a semigroup, what does the group structure give? References on this would be much appreciated. I'm currently pondering manifolds and lie groups and their ...
Michael Hoffman's user avatar
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Criterion for convergence of sums for non-continuous functions

The following question came up when thinking about equidistribution of Satake parameters of elliptic curves. Let $G$ be a compact Lie group with Haar measure $\mathrm{d} x$. Recall that a sequence $\{...
Daniel Miller's user avatar
8 votes
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number of irreducible representations over general fields

For a finite group, there are finitely many irreducible representations of complex numbers. What if the field is changed to some other fields? Like real numbers, p-adic field, finite field? In ...
natura's user avatar
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Symmetric tensor product of bosonic/fermionic Hilbert space

Consider two representation of the group $SU(n)$: $Sym^k(\mathbb{C}^n)$ and $\wedge^k\mathbb{C}^n$ ($k\leq n$) and take their symmetric tensor products: $Sym^2(Sym^k(\mathbb{C}^n))$, $Sym^2(\wedge^k\...
Michał Oszmaniec's user avatar
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Non-graded representations over Lie superalgebra $\mathfrak{gl}(m,n)$

I have the following questions: Let $m,n$ be positive integers. Consider representations over the general linear Lie super-algebra $\mathfrak{gl}(m,n)$. Namely, modules over the associative algebra $U(...
GuNa's user avatar
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Existence of a fixed-point free map in a manifold [closed]

I'm having some to proof a question. I have to show that a compact manifold that admits a nowhere vanishing smooth vector field has a smooth map fixed-point free homotopic to the identity map. I know ...
victor's user avatar
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classification of homogenous complex manifolds

Suppose $X$ is a complex manifold (doesn't assume it's Kahler), and it's holomorhpic automorphism group is transitive. My question is that is there any classification of those manifolds ?
user42804's user avatar
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surjective homomorphism with compact kernel (Milne's note on Shimura varieties)

I'm reading Milne's Introduction to Shimura varieties ( and there is something I don't get. Let $G$ be a connected semisimple algebraic group $G$ over $\...
user65490's user avatar
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Character determines the representation?

Consider a semisimple Lie group or a $p$ adic reductive group $G$. To what extent can the character of a representation as a distribution on $C_c^\infty(G)$ determine the representation?
Marc Palm's user avatar
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Semiflows and continuous symmetries

Given a differential equation on a Banach space $\mathcal{X}$ of the form $\frac{d u}{d t} = F(u)$, it is often the case that $F$ is equivariant under translations, i.e. that $T_\alpha F(u) = F(T_\...
Frits Veerman's user avatar
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Are certain simple Lie groups linear algebraic groups?

Assume you have an almost connected simple Lie group G with trivial center. (In particular excluding non-algebraic examples such as the universal cover of SL_2(R).) Such a group should automatically ...
Petra Schwer's user avatar
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Uniform lattices in semisimple Lie groups

Let $\Gamma$ be a uniform lattice in a semisimple Lie group $G$. Must $\Gamma$ be virtually torsion-free? If (1) is true, then does this work more generally if $G$ is reductive? I am motivated by a ...
Qayum Khan's user avatar
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Maximizing a function on $SU(4)$ similar to Von Neumann Trace Inequality

Given arbitrary $X,Y \in \mathfrak{su}(4)$, I want to maximize either of the following functions: $\max_{U,V \in SU(2)} \Re(\text{Tr}(X^\dagger (U^{\dagger} \otimes V^{\dagger})Y (U \otimes V)))$ ...
Benjamin's user avatar
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Hyperplane sections of principal homogeneous spaces

Let $P_i$ denote the $i$-th vertex in the Dynkin diagramm of an algebraic group. It symbolizes a parabolic subgroup of $G$ corresponding to the other vertices, meaning $G/P_i$ is a smooth, projective, ...
nxir's user avatar
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Is there a version of supersymmetry for homogeneous spaces?

The notion of "supersymmetry" that I am aware of proceeds as follows. One fixes a spacetime $\mathbb R^n$ and signature; I will write $\mathrm{SO}(n)$ for the corresponding group of orthogonal ...
Theo Johnson-Freyd's user avatar
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A request for suggestions of advanced topics in representation theory

Please Note: The main points of the question below are in bold in order to minimize the time required to read the question. Let me begin by stating that I understand representation theory is a vast ...
5 votes
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A subgroup of the Weyl group

Let $D$ be a connected Dynkin diagram with an automorphism $\nu$ of order 2. Let $Q=Q(D)$ denote the root lattice of $D$. Let $W=W(D)$ denote the Weyl group, it acts effectively on $Q$ and it is ...
Mikhail Borovoi's user avatar
6 votes
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Cohomology Ring of the Flag Manifolds, Cartan Subalgebras, and Weyl Groups

I've recently read the following line in an interesting paper: It is well-known that the cohomology ring of a flag variety $G/B$ is isomorphic to the quotient ring of the ring of polynomial ...
Jean Delinez's user avatar
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Indefinite orthogonal groups over p-adics

Let $q$ be a rational quadratic form. How can we think of a Cartan decomposition of $O_q(Q_p)$? Is there a notion of Cartan involution for p-adic field, so that we can execute same process as we do ...
Subhajit Jana's user avatar
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A class of Lie groups with $f^{abc} \neq -f^{acb}$ (not fully anti-symmetrized) or $f^{abc} \neq f^{bca}$ (not-cyclic)

With the motivation to understand the Lie group structure constraint on a non-Abelian Chern-Simons theory, could some experts give a class of Lie groups with structure constants cannot fully anti-...
cycles's user avatar
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