the question is the following. Let n,m be integers, $U(n)$ be the unitary group of $M_n(\mathbb C)$, and $\phi\colon U(n)\to U(m)$ be a continuous group homomorphism, that is moreover irreducible as a representation.
It is known that, if $n=3$, then $\phi$ is unitarily equivalent to one of the following:
$(det)^p\otimes \Phi_N$
$(det)^p\otimes \Phi_N^c$
for some $p\in\mathbb Z$ and $N$ natural number, where $\Phi_N$ is the representation on the space of homogeneous complex polynomials of degree $N$ in $3$ many variables given by $(\Phi_N(u)P)\vec z=P(u^{-1}\vec z)$ and $\Phi_N^c$ is the contragradient i.e., $\Phi_N^c(u)=\Phi_N(u^{-1})^t$, $t$ be the transpose operation.
see Lecture 4 Exercise 2
Is such a characterization true for $n>3$? Is there a reference for the proof of this? Or, otherwise, the only known characterization is via highest-weight?