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Multiplication in Peter-Weyl theorem

$\DeclareMathOperator\SL{SL}$It is known that the coordinate algebra $\mathcal O(\SL_n(\mathbb C))$ decomposes as direct sum of $V \otimes V^*$ for $V$ finite-dimensional irreducible representations ...
Yellow Pig's user avatar
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Algebraic groups and formal group laws in characteristic p

In characteristic zero, there is a well-known equivalence between Lie groups, formal group laws and Lie algebras. Let $p$ be a prime. The equivalence between Lie groups and Lie algebras has an ...
Moinsdeuxcat's user avatar
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Embedding of a nilpotent algebraic group in upper triangular matrices

Suppose we have a polynomial group law on $G=\mathbb{R}^n$ which gives it a structure of a nilpotent algebraic group. Is it true that there exists an embedding of $G$ into the group of upper-...
Dmitri Scheglov's user avatar
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Centre of centralisers in connected reductive groups

Let $G$ be a connected reductive group over an algebraically closed field. Let $T$ be a maximal torus and $x\in T$. Let $G_x$ denote the centraliser of $x$ in $G$. Question: What is an explicit ...
Dr. Evil's user avatar
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Restriction of scalar commutes with taking maximal subtorus for semisimple group G

I was wondering such a question: for a semisimple complex Lie group $G$, whether it is true that the maximal subtorus of $\mathrm{Res}_{\mathbb{C}/\mathbb{R}}(G)$ is $\mathrm{Res}_{\mathbb{C}/\mathbb{...
mhahthhh's user avatar
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A property of an irreducible root system

Let $\Phi$ be an irreducible root system. Let $\alpha_k$ be a simple root. I recently observed that the number of positive roots which are bigger than $\alpha_k$ and of height $m$ is same as the ...
jack's user avatar
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Theorem of highest weight of semisimple Lie algebras: what fails precisely for reductive case

Let $\mathfrak{g}$ a complex semisimple Lie algebra. It is well known that by the theorem of the highest weight, all finite-dimensional complex irreps of $\mathfrak{g}$ are (up to iso) classified by ...
user267839's user avatar
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Is every complex linear algebraic group a differential Galois group?

Let $ G $ be a complex linear algebraic group. In other words, $ G $ is a subvariety of the space of $ n \times n $ complex matrices and $ G $ is a group under matrix multiplication. Does there always ...
Ian Gershon Teixeira's user avatar
7 votes
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Nilpotent orbits of a parabolic subgroup

Suppose $G$ is a reductive group over an algebraically closed field of characteristic $0$ with parabolic $P$, Levi quotient $M$, and unipotent radical $U$. We denote the nilpotent elements of $\mathrm{...
Alexander's user avatar
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Injection of $G(k)/Z(k)$ into $(G/Z)(k)$

In the first answer to the linked question it is mentioned that "the isogeny $G\to G^{ad}$ induces an injection of groups $G(k)/Z(k)\to G^{ad}(k)$". Is there a reference for this result? ...
Μάρκος Καραμέρης's user avatar
4 votes
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Which Lie groups admit finite generation by a set of Lie algebra elements? And what are some known choices of generators which realize this?

Consider a (finite-dimensional) real connected Lie group $G$ with Lie algebra $\frak{g}$. Take a generating set $\mathcal{G} = \{ X_1, \cdots X_n \} $ of $\frak{g}$, i.e. such that any element of $\...
Another User's user avatar
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One parameter subgroups of reductive algebraic groups

If I have a reductive algebraic group $G$ defined over a non-archimedean local field $F$. We can define a one-parameter subgroup to be a group homomorphism from $G_{m}$ to $G$. I was wondering, if I ...
Ekta's user avatar
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All surjections onto trivial irrep split equivalent to being reductive

$\DeclareMathOperator\Hom{Hom}$Let $ G $ be linear algebraic group over a field $ k $. Is it true that every short exact sequence of algebraic $ G $-representations $$ 0 \to W \to V \to k \to 0 $$ ...
Ian Gershon Teixeira's user avatar
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N(H)/H and the Weyl group

Let $ H $ be a connected subgroup of $ G=\mathrm{SU}(n) $ such that $ N_G(H)/H $ is finite. Is $ N_G(H)/H $ always a subgroup of the symmetric group $ \mathrm{S}_n $? I just noticed this from the ...
Ian Gershon Teixeira's user avatar
2 votes
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The double quotient of SU(N) by its diagonal maximal torus

$\DeclareMathOperator\SU{SU}$The special unitary group $\SU(N)$ contains $T^{N-1}$ as a maximal torus, which we take to be the diagonal subgroup of $\SU(N)$. Can we describe the double quotient space $...
Yilmaz Caddesi's user avatar
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Symmetric tensor of highest weight modules for $\mathrm{SU}(2)$

Let $V_i$ be the $(i+1)$-dimensional representation of the special unitary group $\mathrm{SU}(2)$ with the highest weight $i$. Is there any uniform way to compute the irreducible decomposition for the ...
Hebe's user avatar
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Representation theory of $\mathrm{GL}_n(\mathbb{Z})$

I want to understand the (complex) representation theory of $\mathrm{GL}_n(\mathbb{Z})$, the general linear group of the integers. I have gone through several representation theory texts but all of ...
Kenji's user avatar
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On the existence of non-arithmetic lattices in algebraic groups over $\mathbb{Q}$

$\newcommand{\Q}{\mathbb{Q}}\newcommand{\R}{\mathbb{R}}\DeclareMathOperator\PU{PU}$Let $G$ be a simple algebraic group over $\Q$ such that $G(\R) \simeq \prod_i G_i$, with each $G_i$ being the Lie ...
naf's user avatar
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The adjoint representation of a Lie group

Let $G$ be a Lie group and $\text{Ad}(G)$ denote its adjoint representation i.e. the adjoint action of the group $G$ on its Lie algebra $\mathfrak{g}$. The adjoint representation is a real $G$-...
rr314's user avatar
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$\mathbb{Q}$-forms of $\operatorname{SL}_4(\mathbb{R})$ inside $\operatorname{SL}_8(\mathbb{R})$

Let $\mathbf{G}$ be the image of the natural embedding of $\operatorname{SL}_4(\mathbb{R})$ inside $\operatorname{SL}_4(\mathbb{C})\subset \operatorname{SL}_8(\mathbb{R})$. Then $\mathbf{G}$ is an ...
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Embeddings of symplectic group into the orthogonal group

Let $\mathfrak{sp}$ denote the complex symplectic Lie algebra and $\mathfrak{so}$ the complex orthogonal one. Do we have an embedding $$ \mathfrak{sp}_{2n-2} \hookrightarrow \mathfrak{so}_{2n}? $$ In ...
Dr. Evil's user avatar
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Are the integer points of a simple linear algebraic group 2-generated?

Set Up: Let $ K $ be a totally real number field. Let $ \mathcal{O}_K $ be the ring of integers of $ K $. Let $ G $ be a simple linear algebraic group. Suppose that $ G(\mathbb{R}) $ is a compact Lie ...
Ian Gershon Teixeira's user avatar
15 votes
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Existence of a regular semisimple element over $\mathbb{F}_{q}$

This is probably old, a Chevalley level of old, but I'm not at all an expert in this field so I need help. Let $G$ be a simply connected (almost) simple linear algebraic group defined over $K=\mathbb{...
D. Dona's user avatar
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When is a unitary group over a ring of integers dense?

Let $ SU_n(O_d) $ denote an integral unitary group of $ n \times n $ matrices over a totally real number field $ K_d:=\mathbb{Q}(\cos(\frac{2\pi }{d})) $ where $ O_d $ is the ring of integers of $ K_d ...
Ian Gershon Teixeira's user avatar
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Classical groups generated by tensor products of subgroups

Let $ G $ denote a classical group. Question: Is it the case that $$ \langle G_n \otimes G_m,G_m \otimes G_n\rangle=G_{nm} $$ as long as $ n \neq m $? For example, if $ G $ is the classical group $ GL(...
Ian Gershon Teixeira's user avatar
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Question on Artin's Gamma function on $\operatorname{SO}(2,0)(\mathbb R)$

$\DeclareMathOperator\SO{SO}$Let $G=\SO(2,0)(\mathbb{R})$, a quasi-split group with signature $(2,0)$. Let $e$ be an element in $O(2,0)(\mathbb{R}) \setminus \SO(2,0)(\mathbb{R})$. Let $\pi$ be an ...
Andrew's user avatar
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The orbits of an algebraic action of a semidirect product of a unipotent group and a compact group are closed?

We consider real algebraic groups and real algebraic varieties. It is known that the orbits of an algebraic action of a unipotent algebraic group $U$ on an affine variety are closed. The orbits of an ...
Vladimir47 's user avatar
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Integrating homomorphisms of Borel subalgebras

Let $G$ be a connected simple complex Lie group and $\mathfrak{g}$ be its Lie algebra. Let us fix a root decomposition, let $\mathfrak{b}_\pm$, $\mathfrak{n}_+$ and $\mathfrak{h}$ be the corresponding ...
Grabovsky's user avatar
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Centralizers and algebraic groups

Suppose $G$ is a linear algebraic group - I am also happy to assume $G$ is a simple algebraic group over an algebraically closed field of characteristic zero, but the question won't require this. The ...
James Freitag's user avatar
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Geometric induction of modules for algebraic groups

Let $\Bbbk$ be an algebraically closed field (of any characteristic). Let $G$ be an algebraic group over $\Bbbk$, and $H$ a closed (hence algebraic) subgroup of $G$. Let $V$ be a finite-dimensional $...
freeRmodule's user avatar
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Representation ring of the general linear group

The ring of representations of the symmetric group is isomorphic to the ring of symmetric functions. The Schur-Weyl duality relates the irreducible representations of the symmetric group and that of ...
jack's user avatar
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Describing the outer automorphism of a special unitary group in terms of the Hermitian form

$\DeclareMathOperator\U{U}\DeclareMathOperator\SU{SU}\DeclareMathOperator\GL{GL}$Let $h$ be a non-degenerate Hermitian form on $\mathbb{C}^n$ with signature $(p,q)$. Let $\U_h$ denote the associated ...
stupid_question_bot's user avatar
6 votes
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Tits construction of algebraic groups of type D₆ and E₇ via C₃

As shown in the Freudenthal magic square, the Tits construction of $D_6$ takes as input an quaternion algebra and the Jordan algebra of a quaternion algebra (see The Book of Involutions § 41). In ...
nxir's user avatar
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A duality of finite groups coming from a surjective homomorphism with finite kernel of algebraic tori

$\newcommand{\Hom}{{\rm Hom}} \newcommand{\Gm}{{{\mathbb G}_{m,{\Bbb C}}}} \newcommand{\X}{{\sf X}} $ I am looking for a reference for the following lemma (for which I know a proof): Lemma. Let $\...
Mikhail Borovoi's user avatar
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Centralizer of a reductive subgroup

Let $G$ be a reductive group over $\mathbb{C}$ and $H\subseteq G$ a reductive subgroup. Let $\rho$ be a faithful irreducible finite dimensional representation of $G$ over $\mathbb{C}$. Assume that $\...
Windi's user avatar
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Choice of generators to make the centralisers connected

In $G=\operatorname{PGL}_{2n}(\textbf{C})$, WLG, we assume all the toral elementary abelian 2-subgroups in discussion are in $T$, the image in $G$ of the group of diagonal matrices in $\operatorname{...
user488802's user avatar
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Product decomposition for intersection of a parabolic with a mirabolic of a closed subgroup

Let $G$ be a reductive group defined over $\mathbb{Z}_{p}$ and let $H$ be a closed reductive subgroup of $G$. Let $Q_{G}$ be a parabolic subgroup of $G$ with Levi decomposition $Q_{G} = L_{G} \ltimes ...
RobR's user avatar
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Particular reduced expression of the longest element of Weyl group

Let $I$ be the Dynkin diagram vertex set and $K$ be a proper nonempty subset of it. Let $w_0^K$ be the longest word of the Dynkin subdiagram $K$, which might be a disjoint union of connected Dynkin ...
F.H.A's user avatar
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Why should Serre's conjecture on congruence subgroup property hold?

There seem to be several related properties of an algebraic group, exhibiting the dichotomy between rank 1 and rank $\ge2$. Whether a lattice in the group satisfies the congruence subgroup property, ...
GTA's user avatar
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Bounded generation of group by unipotent radicals of opposite parabolic subgroups

Let $G$ be an almost $k$-simple group that is also simply connected (so that $G(k)^{+}=G(k)$). For opposite parabolic subgroups $P$ and $P^{-}$, it is known that $G(k)^{+}$ is generated by the ...
BharatRam's user avatar
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Universal character ring for classical groups

The universal character ring for the general linear group is well understood but I want to ask about the universal character ring for the symplectic and orthogonal groups. For the general linear group,...
Dibyendu's user avatar
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Functions of polynomial growth on linear algebraic groups

$\DeclareMathOperator\GL{GL}$Let $G$ be a complex linear algebraic group, i.e. a subgroup in $\GL_n({\mathbb C})$, defined by a system of polynomial equations $$ p_i(x)=0 $$ (here $p_i$ are ...
Sergei Akbarov's user avatar
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Orthosymplectic superalgebra

Let $V=V_0 \oplus V_1$ be a $\mathbb Z_2$-graded vector space over $\mathbb C$. Suppose $V$ has an even non-degenerate bilinear form $(-, -)$ which is symmetric on $V_0$, skew symmetric on $V_1$, and ...
jack's user avatar
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Is the homogeneous coordinate ring of a flag variety a UFD?

I was wondering if $G$ is a semisimple complex algebraic group, then is the homogeneous coordinate ring of a flag variety a UFD or not?
F.H.A's user avatar
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Does the "building of parabolics" of a semisimple group have a simplex corresponding to the entire group?

Let $G$ be a semisimple (not just reductive) group over a field $k$. I believe that the question I am asking is what was meant in the second paragraph of Tits building of a linear algebraic group. I ...
LSpice's user avatar
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Which Lie groups are a central extension of an algebraic group?

Suppose $G$ is a connected real Lie group. The quotient $G/Z(G)$ is the image of the adjoint representation, so a linear group. Is it known for which groups this quotient is Lie isomorphic to an ...
Luis's user avatar
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Is every finite subgroup the integer points of a linear algebraic group?

Cross Posting this from MSE since it's been there for almost a month and it got a couple upvotes but no answers. MSE link Is every finite subgroup the integer points of a linear algebraic group? Let $ ...
Ian Gershon Teixeira's user avatar
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$ S_4 $ subgroups and $ \operatorname{SO}_3(\mathbb{R}) $

$\DeclareMathOperator\SO{SO}$I posted this on MSE 10 days ago and it got 3 upvotes but no answers or comments, so I'm cross-posting to MO. Background: The group of rotations $ \SO_3(\mathbb{R}) $ has ...
Ian Gershon Teixeira's user avatar
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Question regarding semistability of a point of GIT quotient

$\DeclareMathOperator\SL{SL}$I am currently looking at the paper titled "$\SL(2,\mathbb{C})$ quotients de $(\mathbb{P^1})^n$" by Marzia Polito. The author has considered diagonal action of $\...
tota's user avatar
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Abelian category for $(\mathfrak{g},T)$ modules with nontrival Grothendieck group

Let $G$ be a reductive Lie group over $\mathbb{C}$, and write $\mathfrak{g}$ for its Lie algebra. Let $T\subseteq B\subseteq G$ be a maximal torus and Borel subgroup, where $\operatorname{Lie}B=\...
freeRmodule's user avatar
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