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3 answers

How does the parity of $n$ affect the properties of $\mathbb{R}^n$? [closed]

Does the parity of the dimension of $\mathbb{R}^n$ affect its structure/properties? As in, does it make a difference if $n$ is even or odd?
8 votes
1 answer

An inequality related to Riesz–Thorin theorem, determinants and $L_p$ norm

Let $a, b, c \in \mathbb{R}^n$ , $p \in [1, +\infty)$, prove that $$\left( \sum_{1\leq i < j <k \leq n} \left| \det\left(\begin{matrix} a_i & b_i & c_i \\ a_j & b_j & c_j \\ ...
Chen Dan's user avatar
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Topological fraction rings and fields

Linked to this question and as a sequel to my answer of it. Let $R$ be a topological (commutative, unital) ring and set $S$ be a submonoid of $(R,\times,1_R)$. Let $$ s_{frac}\ :\ R\times S\to S^{-...
Duchamp Gérard H. E.'s user avatar
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2 answers

If the cardinality of $B(X)$, the space of operators on $X$, is continuum, must $X$ be separable?

Does there exits any non-separable Banach space $X$ such that the size (cardinal number) of $B(X)$, bdd linear operators on $X$, is just of the continuum?
ABB's user avatar
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Lower bound for $\frac{\sum_{i,j}\min((f_i-f_j)^2,(g_i-g_j)^2)}{\sum_{i,j}\max((f_i-f_j)^2,(g_i-g_j)^2)}$

Let $f\in\mathbb{R}^n$ and $g\in\mathbb{R}^n$ be two orthogonal unit vectors such that $\sum_{i}{f_i}=\sum_{i}{g_i}=0$. Question. Can we prove this? $$\frac{\sum_{\{i,j\}}\min((f_i-f_j)^2,(g_i-...
j.s.'s user avatar
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Distribution domination for sums of independent random variables in Banach spaces

Let $X$ be a Banach space and let $(\xi_n)$ and $(\eta_n)$ be independent mean-zero random variables with values in $X$ satisfying $$ \sum_n \mathbb P(\xi_n \in A) \leq \sum_n \mathbb P(\eta_n \in A), ...
Iv Yar's user avatar
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2 answers

Trivial fiber bundle

Suppose $(E,p,B;F)$ is a fiber bundle such that $E$ is homeomorphic to $B\times F$, is it true that the fiber bundle is trivial? A non connected counter example has been provided, so I'll ask for E,B ...
Olivier Bégassat's user avatar
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integration by parts for the fractional Laplacian

Is there an integration by parts formula for fractional laplacians in $L^p(\mathbb{R}^N)$, something like $$ s\in(0,1),\qquad\int\limits_{\mathbb{R}^N}f[(-\Delta)^sg] =\int\limits_{\mathbb{R}^...
leo monsaingeon's user avatar
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End point compactification for metric spaces

Freundenthal introduced ends of topological spaces and the end point compactification of locally compact topological spaces adding one point for each end of the topological space (see here). For ...
Guillaume Brunerie's user avatar
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characterization of commutative Banach algebras

Let $A$ be a Banach algebra with the following property: For every two nets $ x_{\alpha}$ and $y_{\alpha}$ in $A$, $x_{\alpha}y_{\alpha}$ converges if and only if $y_{\alpha}x_{\alpha}$ converges. ...
Ali Taghavi's user avatar
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Fourier dimension of the sum of sets

This question came up when my supervisors, my colleague, and I were considering arithmetic progressions in sets of fractional dimension. In particular, we were interested in "extracting" Salem sets ...
Vince's user avatar
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2 answers

Is taking the product of signed measures weakly continuous?

For a Polish space $X$, let $C_b(X)$ denote the real Banach space of bounded continuous real-valued functions on $X$. Let $M(X)$ denote the space of all finite signed Borel measures on $X$, equipped ...
Nate Eldredge's user avatar
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A question about local connectedness

Let C be a connected and completely metrizable subset of the Euclidean plane. Can C fail to be locally connected at each of its points?
Garabed Gulbenkian's user avatar
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Space $X$ such that $X^\lambda\cong X$ for some $\lambda$

Which cardinals $\lambda > 2$ have the following property? There is a space $(X,\tau)$ such that for all cardinals $\kappa$ with $1<\kappa<\lambda$ we have $X\not\cong X^\kappa$, and $X\...
Dominic van der Zypen's user avatar
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3 answers

The mean of points on a unit n-sphere $S^n$

A unit n-sphere is defined as $$\mathcal{S}^n = \{\mathbf{p} \in \mathbb{R}^{n+1}: \|\mathbf{p}\| = 1\}$$ The distance between two points $\mathbf{p}$, $\mathbf{q}$ on $\mathcal{S}^n$ is the great-...
nino's user avatar
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2 answers

What does the unique mean on weakly almost periodic functions look like?

There is a unique invariant mean $m$ on WAP functions on any discrete group (see definitions below, theorem of ?). However, the proofs I found are fairly non-explicit on how to obtain this invariant ...
ARG's user avatar
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Schwartz space of functions with values in a Frechet space

While reading some papers about $\psi$DOs I found some spaces of vector valued functions which I am not familiar with. I am looking for references about the Schwartz space of functions with values in ...
Coffee's user avatar
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$L^p$-norm of Fourier series in terms of coefficients, $p \neq 2$

It is known that the $L^2$-norm of a Fourier series equals the $l^2$-norm of the coefficients. Are there similar results in the case of $L^p$-norm for $p\neq 2$? Can it be expressed explicitly in ...
Housen's user avatar
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Dual Banach space of $B(X,Y)$ when $X$ is finite dimensional

Denote $B(X,Y)$ the Banach space of bounded operators between Banach spaces $X$ and $Y$. When $X$ and $Y$ are both finite dimensional, it follows from the formula $$\|u\|_{B(X,Y)} = \sup_{\|x\|_X <...
Mikael de la Salle's user avatar
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Does the metric space of compact metric spaces satisfy the binary intersection property?

A metric space $Y$ has the binary intersection property provided that whenever a collection of closed balls in $Y$ intersects pairwise, then there is a common intersection point. Does the metric ...
Vidit Nanda's user avatar
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Refining open covers in locally path connected spaces

Suppose $X$ is a locally path connected topological space and $\mathcal{U}$ is an open cover of $X$ (consisting of path connected sets if we want). One often wants the intersection $A\cap B$ of ...
Jeremy Brazas's user avatar
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Measures on general topological groups

I am interested in the group algebras of non-locally compact groups. What references can you advise? This is a wide question, so I list more concretely what I would like to see: Here X can be even ...
Yulia Kuznetsova's user avatar
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Fastest decay of Fourier Transform for Generalized Functions of compact support

What is the fastest decay possible for the Fourier transform of a generalized function with compact support and finite value at the origin? I know that regular functions cannot attain exponential ...
Spiros M.'s user avatar
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Bialynicki-Birula decomposition of a non-singular quasi-projective scheme.

Fix an algebraically closed field $k$, an algebraic one-dimensional torus $G_m$ and a non-singular scheme $X$ of finite type over $k.$ Let us define the following: Condition 1: $X$ can be covered by ...
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$C^k$ one-parameter family of metrics

Consider a smooth Riemannian manifold $M$ and a $C^k$ one-parameter family of Riemannian metrics $g_t$ on $M$. Here $k$ could be any integer, $k$ could be infinity, when the one-parameter family $g_t$ ...
SMS's user avatar
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4 answers

Manifold-Valued Sobolev Spaces

I have the following basic question about Sobolev-spaces which take their values in a Riemannian manifold $(M,g)$, i.e. functions $u:\Omega \to M$, $\Omega \subset \mathbb{R}^n$ bounded, such that ...
pil's user avatar
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2 answers

Does every operator from a Hilbert space to $L^0$ factor through a canonical one?

Let $A:H\to L^0(S, \mu)$ be a continuous operator from a Hilbert space to the space of (equivalence classes of) measurable functions on a probability measure space $S$ with convergence in measure. Let'...
Alexander Shamov's user avatar
8 votes
2 answers

when a pseudo-differential operators to be compact?

In the theory of Pseudo-differential operators,when a symbol $a(x,\xi)\in S^{0}$,then the operator $a(x,D)$ defined by$$a(x,D)u=\int{e^{ix\xi}a(x,\xi)\widehat{u}}d \xi$$ is $L^2$ bounded.$ $ My ...
user23078's user avatar
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When is the boundary of an open planar set a Jordan curve?

Is the boundary of an open, regular, bounded, path-connected, and simply connected set a Jordan curve? Trying to find weakest condition on an open bounded set to apply Carathéodory's theorem. My ...
user2059893's user avatar
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Spectra of a Symmetric Toeplitz Operator

For a physics application, I would like to be able to compute the eigenvalues of the linear operator (acting on the Hilbert space $\ell^2$) given by an infinite matrix of the form $\begin{bmatrix} ...
jschn's user avatar
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Link between the hairy ball theorem and the fundamental theorem of algebra

I read in the book "Concepts of modern mathematics" by Ian Stewart that it was possible to proof the fundamental theorem of algebra using the hairy ball theorem (complete reference to the page is in ...
RandomTopics's user avatar
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When is the adjoint of a hypoelliptic operator also hypoelliptic?

Suppose that $M$ is a smooth manifold with a measure $\mu$ and let $L^2(M, \mu)$ be a space of all square-integrable functions on $M$. Recall that $L$ is a hypoelliptic differential operator if for ...
vkrouglov's user avatar
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Beautiful examples of arc-like continua

A continuum is a nonempty compact, connected metric space. A continuum $X$ is called arc-like if, for every $\varepsilon>0$, there is a continuous and surjective function $f:X\to [0,1]$ such that $...
8 votes
1 answer

Self-dual finite-dimensional complex normed spaces

Suppose $X$ is a complex normed space of dimension 2 or 3 and $X$ is isometrically isomorphic to its dual. Is $X$ a Hilbert space? Remarks: There are easy counterexamples in the real case, and in ...
Mark Meckes's user avatar
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Homotopy equivalence from contractibility of fiber

Suppose $X$ and $Y$ are two $CW$ complexes and $f:X\rightarrow Y$ is a continuous surjection such that fiber of each point (i.e. $f^{-1}(y)$ for each $y\in Y$) is contractible. Does it implies that $...
Cusp's user avatar
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Connectedness and the real line

It is fundamental to topology that $\mathbb{R}$ is a connected topological space. However, all the topology books that I have ever looked in give the same proof. (the proof I am thinking of can be ...
Daniel Barter's user avatar
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Proving a certain $ C^{*} $-algebraic inequality

Let $ A $ be a non-unital $ C^{*} $-algebra. Is there an ‘elementary’ way to prove, for all $ (a,\lambda) \in A \times \mathbb{C} $, the inequality $$ |\lambda| \leq \sup_{b \in A, ~ \| b \| \leq 1} \|...
Transcendental's user avatar
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Closure of $L(\ell^2,\ell^2)$ in $L(\ell^2,\ell^\infty)$

Let $\ell^2$, $\ell^\infty$ denote the usual sequence spaces and let $L(\ell^2,\ell^2)$ the Banach space of bounded linear operators from $\ell^2$ to $\ell^2$ as well as $L(\ell^2,\ell^\infty)$ the ...
Winfried's user avatar
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Convex hulls of compact sets

Let $A$ be a compact set in a separable Hilbert space $H$, and let $\bar A$ denote its convex hull. Is $\bar A$ compact?
Tom LaGatta's user avatar
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What is the smallest $C^*$-algebra containing the "standard" pseudodifferential operators?

Is $\Psi^0(\mathbb{R})$ (pseudodifferential operators with symbols obeying $ |\partial^\alpha_x \partial^\beta_\xi a(x,\xi)| \leq C_{\alpha,\beta} (1+|\xi|)^{-|\beta|} $ ) a $C^*$-algebra? In other ...
Otis Chodosh's user avatar
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Intersections of open sets and $\alpha$-favorable spaces

I would like to ask about some classes of topological spaces whether they have been studied, what are they called (if they have a name) and whether they have some interesting properties. For the ...
Martin Sleziak's user avatar
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Ultracoproducts and Cartesian products

Let $X$ be a metrizable compact topological space, let $\mathcal U$ be an ultrafilter, and denote by $X^{\mathcal U}$ the ultracopower of $X$ with respect to $\mathcal U$. As a C$^*$-algebraist, I ...
Aaron Tikuisis's user avatar
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Compact Hausdorff and C^*-algebra "objects" in a category.

This is yet more on "algebraic objects in functional analysis". Since Compact Hausdorff spaces are algebraic over Set, it seems to follow that one can find "Compact Hausdorff objects" in any suitable ...
Andrew Stacey's user avatar
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Immersion of $S^1$ in $\mathbb{R}^2$ that can be extended to $\mathbb{D}$

I was wondering about $\mathcal{C}^{\infty}$ immersions $S^1 \longrightarrow \mathbb{R}^2$ which are the restriction to $\partial \mathbb{D}$ of an immersion $\overline{\mathbb{D}} \longrightarrow \...
Selim G's user avatar
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Totally disconnected subspaces

This question is motivated by this one, where no simple solution within ZFC seems to exist. Let me ask a weaker question then. Suppose that $K$ is a compact, Hausdorff, non-metrizable space. Does it ...
spooky's user avatar
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Is the p-norm of a matrix strictly log-convex?

Let $A$ be a $n\times n$-matrix. We let $\|A\|_p$ denote the norm of $A$ when considered as a linear operator on $\ell^p(\{1,2,\ldots,n\})$, that is, $$ \|A\|_p = \sup_{x\neq 0}\frac{\|Ax\|_p}{\|x\|_p}...
Hannes Thiel's user avatar
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Base change for category objects in topological spaces

I was prompted by this question, but the motivation is different. Suppose we have an internal category object in topological spaces, i.e. an object space X and a morphism space Y, together with ...
Tyler Lawson's user avatar
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"All retracts are closed" as separation axiom

The starting point of this question is the fact that any retract of a $T_2$-space is closed. Let's say a topological space $(X,\tau)$ is $T_{\textrm{rc}}$ if all retracts of $X$ are closed. All $T_{\...
Dominic van der Zypen's user avatar
7 votes
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On the cardinality of ccc spaces with a $G_\delta$-diagonal

In a recent MO post it was noted that Uspenskij's old example of a Tychonoff ccc space with a $G_\delta$ diagonal and arbitrarily large cardinality is not normal. See: How could I see quickly that ...
Santi Spadaro's user avatar
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Questions on topologies on space of Radon measures

Consider the space $C_c(\mathbb{R})$ of continuous real-valued functions on $\mathbb{R}$ equipped with the inductive limit topology by $C_c(\mathbb{R}) = \bigcup_{n \in \mathbb{N}} C_c(\mathbb{R}, K_n)...
yada's user avatar
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